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Search: "manga"+"isn't"+"reading "

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>> No.41892092 [View]
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Some years ago when I did exchange studies in a Japanese university I took part in the manga circle and was reading through a self-introduction booklet they had done. A lot of girls were naturally into BL and otome etc. and out of curiosity I googled some of their favorite characters. Upon seeing them I realized that I only understand things like the appeal of ikemen, bara, shota etc. (I guess you could say genres rather than character archetypes) but if I'm shown say 5 different characters that in my head are ''ikemen'' I often fail to recognize any of their appeal points. Besides easily identifiable points like age, clothing etc. almost any and all subtle details go over my head. No matter how hard I try to analyze the appeal characters in BL I often just don't get it. What small things make a big impact for you anons?

Pic related, a male character with some unusual appeal even for me.

t. anon who isn't attracted to males

>> No.41884854 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Yeah, I'm focused on R07's story, while you keep harping on an Engrish title.

Okay so you're just giving up now and baiting? All you had to say faggot, this is a separate story from sotsu completely disconnected and not canon to it but has bits of it in it. This will taken as absolute truth since there's nothing else you can say that hasn't already been debunked.

>My point is that the word used in Japanese for looper directly indicates the power to loop. Reiwa Rika doesn't have that when her jewels are gone. It's less vague than the actual English we use where you could arguably use it for someone who used to loop but can't anymore.

Don't care Rika looped in that world and in multiple with the beads making her a looper. You can't change that fact.

>It's not Mion's hairstyle. It's this brown haired girl with long hair + short twintails.

Except that's not the one I'm talking about you disingenuous retard, look at the panel above and you'll see a girl that has the exact same hair style as Mion. Nice try to escape my point you little cockroach.

>She barely moved
Moved like 4 feet away from her original spot you moron.

>Also, if you look back at the start of the scene Tomato really wasn't that consistent with the positioning on the stage.

>Also, don't forget the stage was in flames, which is specially highlighted when Satoko walks in

Actually mindlessly garbage fluff to make it look like you have a point

>Satoko shouting out orders from outside that don't appear in Rena's flashback makes no sense.

Oh wow really anon? It's not like there was a gap from Renas perspective from the moment the keiichi passes out to where she screams for Satoko. Also you keep on ignoring the point that this is goi you stupid faggot they aren't going to show us Satoko talking to Ooishi until meguri you baiting nigger

>ALSO, Keiichi is shown to be unconscious by the time Satoko walks in, so he obviously WAS hit. I don't get how you think Oishi left Keiichi unconscious and moved him without hitting him.

Never said that, you're actually coping now. I said Ooishi didn't hit him when he raised the bat up high and it ended on a cliffhanger. We SAW him get hit and we saw him screaming and bleeding. That has always been a point I made try reading dumbass.

>Your argument is that he actually didn't strike down, and rather than that.... stopped... and Keiichi fell unconscious by himself?

Yes, he was already hit hard in the head and he was gushing blood and before we can even see the bat "swing down" everything was dark and his words were fading that's why he didn't finish saying Satoko because he was already passing out. If Ooishi hit him with that bat when he was gonna he would've died.

>You think Satoko somehow instantly stopped Oishi's attack with words, cleaned up all suspicious Oishi had about Keiichi, got him to move Keiichi aside without hurting him, but still leaving him unconscious somehow. THEN he starts beating up Rika, who was still completely conscious by the time Keiichi was getting hit and Oishi went for the final blow, which apparently didn't happen according to you. And after shouting a bunch of stuff, THEN Satoko walks in and Rena hears three shots.

I can taste your soi filled tears hitting the keyboard as you seethe uncontrollablely as you attempt to be as passive aggressive as possible lmao. I don't know what the FUCK you think you're reading but Satoko was always able to communicate with Ooishi just fine even when he was L5, don't like it then blame the anime for doing it first faggot. Satoko could have easily have told Ooishi not to kill Keiichi for a large variety of reasons that he needs to be interrogated, that he was an accomplice of her, that he needs to interrogate Rika first before she dies. It's that fucking simple retard this isn't high literature this is a fucking manga based off a shitty anime. Once Satoko sees Rika is fully dead she knows there's no reason for Ooishi to be left alive where he could harm Keiichi so he kills him and herself it's that fucking simple.

>Even though Satoko shouting this stuff before Rika was dead makes no sense at all

Except it does and you're just a biased little yuritranny, I mean this from the bottom of my heart, kill yourself.

>> No.41883584 [View]
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>The story outright references Satoko's and Rika's conversation about Satoko hating St.Lucia with Rika praising her for returning there. They also both know they're both loopers. It's a story that doesn't WORK without Gou/Sotsu.

I don't know know why you're even still trying to argue for this, it's another end as an another ending. A separate ending. An ending not connected to the ending we had in sotsu. Another. Ending. You've failed.

>She isn't "one who loops/kurikaesumono" if she can't loop.
Except she did loop

>The point is that Keiichi wasn't randomly attacking fallen bodies, just the people who moved. We do see Satoko there playing dead in both anime and manga

OBJECTION! you claimed you see satoko playing dead in the angel Mort scene in the manga however THATS A LIE we don't see her at all and I know this because I LOOKED for her body anywhere in those panels and she appeared no where. So not only does this prove you a liar who makes shit up to stay right, but it also has nothing to do with the continued cope of ->

>Oishi did hit Keiichi, Keiichi fell unconscious, Oishi lost interest in Keiichi

Ooishi didn't lose interest you're stupid beating monkey faggot, because THE LAST THING WE SEE THAT CHAPTER IS OOISHI GETTING READU TO KILL A *SCREAMING AND STILL CONSCIOUSNESS* KEIICHI.

Please make sure to livestream your suicide when you finish reading this post, I cannot wait to see your obese yuritranny body swinging from a rope, don't ever fuck with true love again punk.

>> No.41785852 [View]


>New family member
Who’s this cat? Is this Temari? Wait, her fur wasn’t quite this white, was it? This is Kojirou-kun! He’s the new member of Okayu’s cat family! He’s a rather energetic cat, compared to the ladylike Temari. They both seem to get along really well though. Maybe because they’re both American Shorthairs? Okayu took this picture of them getting along when she happened upon it in the other room. Koji is about 7 months old, while Nya-chan is almost 3 years old now. Okayu was worried that they might fight, like when Koji tries to take a toy Temari is playing with, but she just kindly lets him have them, and then maybe she’ll play with it when he’s not looking. She’s become a real older sister!

>Fighter Temari
Temari doesn’t lose in fights though, ever. When they tussle on equal standards, Kojirou might be able to hold his own due to being a rascally boy, but Temari never loses her high spot on the cat tower. Kojirou will try to knock her down, lose, whine, and then go sulk under the sofa. Such is the routine of Okayu’s household. This must be Temari using her brains to win. But she’s gentle with him otherwise. He gets lonelier than Temari, so she sticks by his side when Okayu can’t be there for him. Everybody in the Nekomata household is enjoying each other’s company.

>Presentation end
Oh, here’s Koji-butt. He looks kind of like fried horse-mackerel from behind. His tail is rather thick, isn’t it? It actually gets even thicker when he enters combat mode. Cute, isn’t it?

>More to say
That’s a brief outline of how her time off was, but there’s definitely more to talk about. She’ll probably just tell stories gradually from stream to stream.

She’s reading Baki at Subaru’s request, right? Yeah, she is. She’s also been reading Blue Lock and Iyagatteru Kimi ga Suki, and watching Chainsaw Man.

>Comments too fast
Okayu’s eyes are spinning from the speed of the comments. She really is out of practice. She doesn’t know how she was able to keep up with them before. Please, slow down!

>Baa-chan’s altar
Look at this picture Okayu took of her Grandma’s Okayu shrine! It’s a shelf filled with all kinds of goods of Okayu and her friends, including some dolls she made herself. Okayu was amazed when she first saw it.

>Streaming is incredible
Okayu really feels more intimidated by streaming again than expected. She’s playing One Shot tomorrow, and plans for it to be a long stream, but she’s already feeling nervous. She’s also playing Aquarium this week, so that’s there to look forward too as well. She even has a schedule made for next week! She’s going to try and take it at her pace to get back into it properly.

>Normal Lady
Okayu spent a lot of time alone during this vacation. She hung out with some of the other girls at the start, and got to see her family too, but she also had a lot of time by herself, and didn’t talk much during it. As a result, she seems to have changed a bit. She just met with Subaru the other day, and Subaru told her “How do I put this? You feel like a normal woman now.” In the span of one month, Okayu went from Akaza glamping, to a normal lady.

>Hurts to laugh
Okayu’s not sick, but she starts coughing whenever she laughs lately, so she has to be careful. Reading Baki causes her great pain at the moment, with how much it makes her laugh. Kaiou Retsu running on water was just too much for him. He is her favorite character though, because of how kind he is too. He gets reincarnated into another world? What’s that about? Oh, a spinoff?

Tomorrow is One Shot at 7, so we’ll meet again there! How does she end the stream again? Oh! Right. Kanshoku~ Okayu~! Now what button does she press again?


>> No.41665398 [View]

So, after working my way through Genki 1+2, Shin Kazen Master N4, Tae Kim's guide and 5 chapters of Tobira, I was pretty burned out from doing textbooks. My way of practising reading comprehension up until now was reading whatever is included in the reading sections of the books and NHK Easy.

So I got myself some raw manga. I got SoL manga and harem manga as I heard those are easier to read. Naturally, I kept my expectations low as I knew I won't be able to understand all of it. I thought my biggest hurdle would have been constantly looking vocab and I was correct to some extent in that regard.

Yes, I do have to look up words every sentence but I don't mind that. However, my comprehension utterly sucks. Which is weird because 80% of the grammar I come across isn't foreign to me and I'm able to recognize the patterns and yet I can only understand about 50% of what I read.

So far I only finished one volume and I'm getting into the second one. The first one I understood about 70% of it but that's because I watched the anime so I had some idea of what was going on. I'm into my second one and not even done with the first chapter and I'm completely lost. And it's just your typical harem stuff.

At this point, I don't know what to do. Do I just give up and hit the books and then try again? Or do I continue to bang my head against the wall?

>> No.41177579 [View]

>if the decks have the same words and different formats you are doing redundant work and wasting your time
But that's exactly the goal here, being redudant to really internalize the different words in their forms and meanings, getting familiar with it. And as I said, its only something to do if you really have the time to throw in studying japanese.

>That is not completely wrong, you can, but its more time consuming, harder, and less useful/practical than just immersing in stuff your level and getting the same from there PLUS myriad other words which you end up absorbing naturally
Again this supposed to be at the very beginner stage (which can be from 6 to 12 months), where reading anything at all would be too much of a hassle because you had to look up literally every single word. In this case, your suggested method is a huge waste of time, because you're easily spending 10~15 minutes per page in reasonably easy manga, its the same as mashing your head with a book till the blood smeared pages start making sense.
The exception of this is Tadoku, which is very much recommended as well, but one method does not exclude the other. As long the student isn't burning himself out, which is very unlikely to happen because it will be a lot easier to go through, as opposed to for example core6k or punching through raw manga, its up to the student if he has the time to devote.

>> No.41110653 [View]

manga isn't reading

>> No.41040807 [View]

This is manga isn't reading tier retardation.

>> No.40917121 [View]

Is this the new "manga isn't reading" from a couple of years ago?

>> No.40881659 [View]

>try to learn japanese a while ago
>hiragana/katakana, basic grammar are all pretty straightforward
>know no better and start learning kanji
>get to 1200 kanji "learned" in my anki deck: meaning, readings, stroke order and even write them out in a notebook by hand to practice
>gets to a point where my anki reviews each morning are taking upwards of 2 hours and making me hate everything
>all that "knowledge" and I can't even read the the most basic and simple childrens manga
>eventually burn out and become ngmi

>be now, 2 years later
>so bored that I unironically pick learning japanese up again because I want something to do
>90% of my hiragana/katakana/grammar is still intact so that's cool
>remember less than 1% of the kanji, basically just numbers and the easy stuff like nani and watashi
>not going down that trash kanji route again, and find alternatives on here about sentence cards and reading and anti-kanji sentiments
>based lets do it
>pick up sentence card deck and start working through it
>its night and day compared to kanji study
>I'm literally reading the sentence and comprehending them, when they have kanji in the words
>even though I'm only a couple weeks deep in it, take up reading actual manga because I don't want to wait a day for anki to let me continue learning/immersing
>I can actually kind of read manga, have to look up most of it but the sentences make more sense now that I've seen real sentences instead of isolated kanji so reading and looking stuff up isn't so annoying and frustrating
>actually recognize some words too
>worked through 3 chapters already and its actually fun and not making me hate myself
>despite having "learned" over 1000 less kanji, I feel like I know 1000 times more than I did 2 years ago

Fuck RTK. Fuck Radicals. Fuck singular kanji study. Fuck on and kun yomi. And with the spikiest and rustiest phallic object, fuck any influencer that tries to put people on a path that involves them.
"Just read more" is actually and unironically the best advice I've ever seen for this.

>> No.40732330 [View]

Isn't it weird how someone will watch a show or read a manga, say they really like it, then refuse tooth and nail to read the source material?.
Why does this happen so often? The most common excuse I see is it takes too much effort but given it's just reading I don't see how.

>> No.40600773 [View]

Yeah, all the waiting involved in reading ongoing manga sucks. Waiting for new episodes of an anime isn't so bad, but having to wait for one month or more for a manga chapter that will take you five minutes to finish can make one lose interest.

>> No.40476508 [View]

An /a/non described it this way.
>Depends on the anime/manga. It isn't strange in Japan to watch/read Doraemon or Conan, but watching/reading something like Negima is.
Only problem with the assessment is that it was the author of Negima who won.

>> No.40416340 [View]

manga isn’t reading, but memes aside it greatly depends on what you’re reading. start out with some romcoms or something and you’ll be fine

>> No.40414174 [View]
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This part (after Maria stops Rosa from reading the letter) isn't in the Manga

>> No.40306419 [View]

>Gatekeeping is inherently abnormal behavior
Its not, it has been everywhere through history.
And this is not an appeal to tradition fallacy, "normal" implies norm and what society accepts is normal. Even modern human societies gatekeep.
Social experiments for example show that being well dressed will usually earn you better attention, isn't this a form of gatekeeping? You might think of those who don't take care of themselves as having undesirable characteristics and as a result it's better to avoid or ignore them.
>Most people spend their weekends relaxing or out with their friends.
Yes, I spend my weekends relaxing and learning, I check the jay while I have a cup of tea at night or before sleeping, so what? I enjoy my image dump threads.
>it's about you and your fear of change
Some people don't change and stick to what they believe in, others change from one day to another. This is normal, humans don't like change or actually they do but just the right amount of it. /jp/ at this point is a sanctuary that filters modern imageboard or "4chan" culture, I'll do what I can to help it remain that way, the good old days are gone but I will do what I can do to maintain the new standard.
>You would be better off learning a new skill like programming.
I already know programming, I am okayish at C, Ruby and I frequently do shellscripting, all my computers run GNU/Linux as well. Currently learning SDL for a personal project, been thinking about running a couple of services for my closest friends too. It's good to pickup a new skill I agree with you, but once again I think you have serious issues anon, you know NOTHING about me, yet you jump to talk about me (and the other anon) being addicts and and as if we were unhappy/lost in life. I find it funny that you replied just an hour later, watching over the thread, huh? Quite the thing for someone who hates wasting time.
On the gym thing, I don't like "gyms" mostly because I am introverted but I do own a treadmill that I use everytime I simply have a desire to walk, a bycicle and two weights from years ago.
>I learned that what happend to old /a/ was irrelevant to me because /a/ and /jp/ was not (and should not be) important to my life.
Listen dude, it's cool that you grew out of 4chan or that you don't care about it as more as you once did, people change others move on that's fine but I don't see why you go to attempt to play armchair psychologist and "warn" others without knowing them. You said you were here since 2005, long enough to know that **/jp/ isn't one person**, same goes for /a/, /bant/, /pol/ and whatever other board. It's a stupid and gross generalization regardless of board culture.
>4chan is a highly unproductive way to spend your day.
Anything that is "consumption", and not "production" is unproductive, watching TV is unproductive. Watching YouTube is unproductive. Reading manga is unproductive. Reading fiction is unproductive. Reading the news is unproductive. Playing videogames with friends is unproductive.
However doing unproductive stuff here and there is good, under my philosophy it's all about keeping balance, to be clear balance is not necessarily a 50-50, but rather the "right" spot.
Under this model, I'm sorry I love Touhou and I will continue smiling while looking at fanarts and posting here.
>You are going to die someday, you'll regeret all the time you've wasted here.
No I won't. Once again, I've met my best friends here. I wouldn't be who I am today without them. Although I don't use the website that often as I once did (1 hour per day at worst, usually just 30 minutes or less, these days I only check the jay due to the website's state). I've got to witness some shenanigans that made me laugh and distract myself for a while, spending time here on April's fools is usually also fun.

Once again, I think you are projecting yourself onto us, after all "you see yourself in these gatekeepers" well man, wake up, we are not you. Read your own posts and realize you are the one who needs help. First thing you do is fucking jump to politics as well as blogpost (and made me talk about my own life too to prove you wrong), no one cares about your life and how enlightened you are, we are anonymous. To top that off isn't it weird for a ""liberal"" to force his beliefs onto others simply because he finds it "childish"? Let us be in peace.
Please listen to your own advice and finally leave forever. I would suggest quitting social media in general too, it's truly cancerous.
I expect you to read me because you replied to me after one hour. I don't think I will post again because it will likely devolve into talking about myself which I don't wanna do. Wish you the best, faggot.

>> No.40202179 [View]

That's why I said borderline. Most girls, even if they're not going for the kawaii pitch, don't go down that low of an octave when speaking.

>even though she isn't actually isn't into anime/manga/other otaku stuff at all
Yeah, I got that vibe when I watched her Kizuna AI and Tokisaki Kurumi cosplay. Feels like she's reading off of a script during the non sex scenes.

>> No.39967358 [View]

dame, yeah i didn't ask for more details cause im reading it
i hope the obligatory ntr arc isn't too bad
still reading lust geass but the ntr arc there burned me off romance manga for a bit
dude had is coming tho
well that and it got really boring, the scenes are always the same

>> No.39375574 [View]

never understood the manga isn't reading meme (just thought it meant "doesn't count as input)
but yesterday I talked to a japanese person who told me she was 見るing manga. now I understand

>> No.39335601 [View]

the correct question is "which holos enjoy reading books" and for that there are only 2 I can think off: Polka and Mr. Koro. Besides these, I don't remember any other talking about any book that isn't a manga or visual novel.

>> No.39176231 [View]

Why isn't manga reading again?

>> No.39066672 [View]

As a beginner you look up so many words reading manga isn't practical because the lookup time for words is so slow. You have to use OCR or look up unknown kanji by radicals. Ideally you want to read as many words as possible and anything slowing you down is going to make the process very difficult.
VNs are the best as a beginner because you get fast yomichan lookups, voiced dialogue, images for context to help you understand, and you get book-like descriptive sentences which are often much more rare in manga and anime.
If you want an easy VN you can choose anything on jpdb.io with 4/10 difficulty and under. good luck

>> No.39066535 [View]

manga isn't reading read vns instead

>> No.38993440 [View]

Is there any available guide you guys recommend to rip images off digital manga?
Last volume of what I'm reading isn't up anywhere so I want to buy it. I'll share it here after I'm done.

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