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>> No.12853073 [View]

Many EU countries (including mine) as you said have a €22 threshold, below which packages aren't taxed. If total value (items + shipping) is over that threshold, customs will always (in theory - sometimes they slip past anyway) charge you for VAT based on such value. Shipping cost should be counted in (according to regulations), but in practice I've only once paid VAT on total value, and it was on a SAL Parcel (not Small Packet) where the shipping cost was easily recognizable on the form. In all other cases (Small Packets) the customs slip included by the store didn't state the shipping cost, and customs ignored that and only took into account item value. I don't know how NLS e-packet forms state shipping cost, but are those 5 ~40 euro orders including shipping or not?

On top of that, there's usually some handling fee charged per parcel (€5.50 in my country, but I've read some countries charge more than €15 per package!). I hope yours will be able to avoid customs, otherwise such fees may easily add up.

>> No.12852956,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Thank you based #janitor without you I might have had a real asthma attack reading all this thanks in the thread

>> No.12852873 [View]
File: 600 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141231-06131278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally, it seems complaining on /jp/ sure do wonders.
Also, thank you based Kongou, I'd marry you after Taihou and Sendai

>> No.12852679 [View]

I see, thanks.
Because I get my stuff from my local supplier, I usually end up not knowing from which events these albums hale from. I only know the bigger ones like Reitaisai or Comiket.
Still wait for him to get a hand on that Spacelectro album that is supposed to come out based on his information.

>> No.12852662 [View]
File: 18 KB, 960x720, gn_enbu_ss056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her best stat is spread but her current movepool is focus based.
Though the focus stat isn't bad either, I guess she's a fast mixed (and super squishy) attacker.

>> No.12852609 [View]

>It is a feeling of "I NEED TO FUCK THIS RIGHT NOW"
A feeling made more closely possible by the wizards at DHL. Thank you, based magic.

>> No.12852393 [View]


>Building your robot daughteru with your waifu
>Spend your time perfecting your daughteru's AI with your waifu everyday when you come home from work for months before starting to build her physical body
>Sometimes you're so motivated and determined that you end up falling asleep while working on your daughteru's AI late at night
>Adapt your home computer to host daughteru's AI as to test it and see her wake up for the first time
>A single tear of happiness runs down your cheek as you watch the visual representation of her eyes slowly open on the screen
>Her first words, directed to you, make you laugh with embarassement and joy, as she asks you why your "photosensors" are "leaking"
>As days pass, she watches both you and your waifu carefully build her body, constantly bombarding you with questions about all kids of things
>Her choice of words and knowledge eventually "mature" to those of a young child, as you teach her all kinds of things kids her "age" should know, effectively shaping her mind and personality to those of a little girl
>She learns how to smile, how to "cry", how to be happy and how to be sad, as her AI successfully develops actual emotions based on what she knows about them
>With each passing day, she welcomes you home with a wide pixelated smile on your computer screen, reminding you that she can't wait to be transferred to her physical body

>> No.12852235 [View]

Age of Ethanols, an rts loosely based on Age of Empires. Some factions have fairies as units.

>> No.12852064 [View]

Why do nips use these shitty ass uploaders instead of based mega or mediafire, surely they know about them? There's like hundreds of those nip uploaders, it's so convoluted.

Fugg you, I was just finishing uploading mine.

>> No.12851852 [View]

based purikura

>> No.12851647 [View]

I think you don't understand what I was getting at here:

Objectively better /= better overall.

Objectively better + subjectively better = better overall.

Simple right? There are definitely objective aspects to judging anything, but how important they are in the final result is entirely dependent on who is judging, and the thing being judged. Face the fact that a lot of moege are shittily written/drawn etc. and DI etc. are well written/drawn etc. It doesn't mean they are overall better, but in most cases, they win in the objective aspect. Yet, if you only judge things based on that you are more often than not a fucking autistic self-appointed critic. Stop acting like you are being persecuted by /jp/, it's fucking pathetic and just shows you are uncomfortable with your preference.

>> No.12851583 [View]

Defense Keine seems more offense based than her power form. She get's the Hyakko terrain and really high power/low accuracy attacks.

>> No.12851548 [View]
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, tmp_17286-[Migoto] Ai Mai Mi - 09 (1280x720 Hi10P AAC) [0F76CD16].mkv_snapshot_01.21_[2014.05.18_22.07.27]-1630151521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My Keine's worst rank is spread
>"Oh well her movepool is focus based anyway and her focus stat is good"
>Power form is spread based

>> No.12851283 [View]

So based on that picture I'll now enter 樹里 root and will after have to start from the beginning to get the 好感度 for other girls right?

>> No.12851123 [View]


So right now they're working on completing Lord of Valkyrie, which from my understanding means the implementation of events, dungeon investigations, and more cards. Then they've got Aegis Millennium War coming out in January, which is a sort of Multiplayer RPG Tower Defense game. Everyone on the ULMF forums raves about this one and the art looks good (https://twitter.com/nutakugames/status/549627699761651712)) so I guess we'll see.

After that is PeroPero, which is some sort of adventure game where you hypnotize girls and then sleep with them.

In the "we're looking at it" category is Taimanin Asagi, which is a cyberpunk demon-hunting game set in future Tokyo. Sort of like a cross between Ghost in the Shell and... uh... Angel? They're also looking at something called Dungeons & Princesses (no idea) and another called "Patriarch Ecstacy" which is a... flight sim. I think the idea is that your ground crew gives you blowjobs based on how many biplanes you shoot down.

Other people have asked about KanColle (obviously), but apparently they're not going to look at bringing that over until they see how the hentai games perform first.

>> No.12851049 [View]

BASED! Denpa got me ino underground idols after being a hc momonofu for a while. As you said, AKB-style groups tend to sit into one format which isn't my cup of tea. Denpa has a different and refreshing approach and I've managed to convert some of my friends into denpawota.

>> No.12851032 [View]

I'm mostly glad Dempagumi showed me that all idol groups aren't generic AKB48 imitations.

While they don't sound super similar, I can pretty much thank Dempa for getting me into the likes of Team Syachihoko, Up Up Girls, Hiroshima MAPLES, etc, if it weren't for stumbling upon them and giving them a chance, I probably would've continued to avoid idol groups like the plague, and assume they all did slow, ballady, plain music. Even when Dempa DOES do a ballady song, there's still something high energy and fun about it.


>> No.12850978 [View]

you do know that's mostly based off which board they have janitors in right?

>> No.12850622 [View]

Why? Because of the short skirt? Based on her lines, she's much more reserved than many other DD/CL.

>> No.12850374 [View]

For that to happen they need to have the evil trait. In addition they need to be in a relationship with you + you need to keep them horny without giving in to sex.

If you manage that there is a chance that they will randomly force sex on you without a no prompt.

"rape" in AA2 (on exploitables) is based on blackmailing, not using force (this is why exploitables tell you to keep secrets). That's why you can say no.

>> No.12850275 [View]
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, freshly powdered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So something kind of troubling happened to me earlier. I finally decided to retire my old Roa and break out the new one, and even though they are the exact same product (as far as I am aware, anyway), they couldn't feel more different. The issue here is that I am the guy who did that review and I was comparing a 2-year old Roa to a <1-year old Rina, and there was definitely a noticable difference then, but the new Roa is nearly as soft as Rina, just a bit shorter and a bit looser. Which makes me wonder what Rina felt like when new that I've long since forgotten about.

I wonder if I should care this much about a wanking device but if people are making choices based on my words then I feel it's imperative that I get the facts right.

Guess I'm gonna add a new Rina to my stash just to make sure I'm giving you spergs good advice. Not to brag, but the cost is a non-issue, and I'd rather help you guys out.

But oh man do these closeup photos show how trashed the old one is. I did some math, the thing has had something like 10-11 miles of cock in its life, and this is what a rubber representation of a prepubescent girls vagina looks like after 10 miles of cock. Not sure how well it shows up on a camera but there's a noticeable difference in colour, too.

>> No.12850153 [View]

A more complete list from this episode
Tano changing Uematsu's mind
Megane Yuihan
Yuria baka outfit
Uematsu telling Chori that she dresses like someone who was born a boy but then became a girl

>> No.12850113 [View]

I just calculated that it would 10 days to look at all the touhou fanart, assuming that it takes 2 seconds to look at fanart and you don't sleep or eat. The total amount of fanart I used for this calculation is based off of danbooru. The question is what percentage of the touhou fanart on the web is on danbooru? Does anyone have an estimate as to how much there is?

How long would it take to consume all touhou images every created?

>> No.12850071 [View]

Would water-based ANAL lube work?

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