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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.5180784 [View]
File: 58 KB, 799x477, flock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farthest he got.

And I misfired and made a thread by accident due to sleepiness. Thanks, moot, for that delete timer.

>> No.5180780 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 58 KB, 799x477, flock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farthest he got.

>> No.5180761 [View]

Fuck people for ruining the beautiful Shizuha I had that guy draw.

>> No.5180738 [View]

I'm sorry op

can we still be friends?

>> No.5180505 [View]


Who hasn't filtered you? You're fucking LS. Your art is shit and you're a 12 year old retard.

>> No.5180144 [View]
File: 352 KB, 600x640, 1262350484921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5180087 [View]

Ah, but you don't know shit, Suigin. Face it. You're a pathetic 20 something posting on a specific imageboard dedicated to little girls. You have nothing else in your life.

You're a complekte fucking loser.

>> No.5180068 [View]


If you won't kill yourself then i'll do it for you. You, a complete fucking moron, do not deserve to live.

Give me your address and maybe I'll greet you with a metal pipe right in your fucking face.

>> No.5180041 [View]


Why don't I kill you instead, suigin?

I'll massacre your entire worthless family. You're just so..fucking stupid. Wow. It almost hurts the brain.

You were dropped on the head as a kid, right?

>> No.5180011 [View]


No I hate on worthless autistic faggots like you. You're a shitstain on humanity. You're more worthless than toxic waste or dirt. Your parents must be so ashamed you exist.

>> No.5179987 [View]


But you're a tripfag on /jp/. That just solidifies how worthless you are.

Why don't you just jump off a bridge already?

>> No.5179976 [View]


But you are a dumbass with absolutely no value or worth to anyone. How does it feel to be a loser, Suigin?

>> No.5179953 [View]


But you're a complete faggot, Suigin, so you'd never be in this situation.

>> No.5179914 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 103 KB, 850x884, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh my gosh! Or what? You'll...post at me some more?



>> No.5179905 [View]


What's funny about you is you apparently have dyslexia and can't read properly.

Sorry your parents beat the shit out of you while you were in the womb in a futile effort to rid the impending you from their already shitty lives.

>> No.5179881 [View]
File: 40 KB, 176x163, reisen 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because me thinking it's overrated means I hate it. I don't own a touhou figure, or anything, dipshit.

It's cute that you think you can flame me. You're an autistic. You're not even a real person. Nobody cares what you think. Every statement you make falls on deaf ears except to me with the retort: Shut your mouth.

>> No.5179865 [View]


How dumb are you?

What gave you the impression that I don't know why this board was created?

Doesn't stop Touhou from being overrated.

>> No.5179858 [View]

I hate Sakuya, so no never.

Call me when they make a figure of a Touhou that isn't shit.

>> No.5179847 [View]
File: 10 KB, 211x207, 1264053474858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been on /jp/ far longer than you, Why don't you go back, aspergers boy?

You're now on my filter list.

>> No.5179813 [View]


Sure I am, autistic. You're posting and feel connected to a community about shitty japanese VN's and overrated touhou bullshit. You are the fucking retard.

I would strangle you to death if I ever met you, faggot. You don't deserve to live. Piece of shit dreck. What right do you have to speak to me that way? I'll brand your ass with a fire poker.

>> No.5179794 [View]


Aw, what's the matter baby, YOU FUCKING MAD?

>> No.5179789 [View]

Time to report the thread.

It's become an eyesore.

>> No.5179763 [View]


I dont understand why I would want to play a strategy game and a rapesim at the same time.

It felt to me like glorified chess except with one of the girls getting fucked at the end of match. Makes no sense. Playing a game or fapping, not both.

>> No.5179736 [View]

Am I the only one who uninstalled Rance in an hour?

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