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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.5219120 [View]



I am passionate about things I like, anon.

>> No.5219104 [View]



>> No.5219063 [View]


But SA has one non shitty character and a whole bunch of boring music

>> No.5219003 [View]


>He likes Suwa Foughten Field

>> No.5218976 [View]


You seem to have mistyped The Gensokyo the Gods Loved.

I'll forgive your bad keyboard.

>> No.5218949 [View]

But UFO EoSD and IN _all_ have shit tier music

>> No.5218691 [View]


Because Minoriko is shit,

>> No.5218539 [View]

Reported for being a shit language, and for being a language that isn't English which is against the rules of both 4chan and common sense.

>> No.5217815 [View]

Controller. I have no dexterity for the arrow keys and have no idea how people can use them. You're not in 100% control.

also laptop arrow keys are shit anyway

>> No.5217551 [View]


"I know nothing about life or psychology but I will continue to spout out bullshit like the stupid fuck I am"

Also another report on a proxy, faggots.

>> No.5217330 [View]

Hey, faggot. /jp/ isn't Gaia. /jp/ isn't a forum.

Take your tripfag circlejerk somewhere else. I swear to god, moot, get a competent moderator/janitor to delete shit like this on sight.

>> No.5212318 [View]


Joke posting?

>> No.5210875 [View]

it's deleted

>> No.5210513 [View]
File: 471 KB, 849x1191, 1272502287033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG
>But I know a furry artist by that name.
>self-confessed negro

I don't know if you could make a worst post if you tried. This is one for the ages.

>> No.5210500 [View]


jesus fuck western women are ugly whores.

>> No.5210054 [View]

They are both mexican, so this is confirmed.

>> No.5203084 [View]


My name was never on it.

>> No.5203066 [View]


>It's obvious some of them are lesbians (like most if not whole SDM)

It's also obvious you're an autistic neckbeard retard.

>> No.5202943 [View]

Worthless emo slut bitch. Don't make threads about her.

>> No.5201395 [View]

Who will marry Rika?
Rika is my !Waifub4MdU or !Nipaa0mi0.

>> No.5197049 [View]

Jesus christ, that's disgusting. Even for 3d

>> No.5196798 [View]

Anything not shitty today, tripfriend?

>> No.5196785 [View]


Forgot my name.

>> No.5195714 [View]



I went to a shrink initially for crippling social fear. Instead, the Man says I have schizophrenia, but that's complete bullshit. It just happens to be safer in my house and on the internet, how the fuck does that correlate to schizo?

I run with it anyway though for disability payments, faking mental illnesses and getting paid for it is pretty fucking sweet. I recommend it, /jp/.

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