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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.12958900 [View]

You all seriously consider giving money to MangaGamer?

And you don't consider this a bad thing?

>> No.12958612 [View]

Do you mean "oil?"

>> No.12945265 [View]

The board was originally created to segregate all "insufficiently anime" content that was on old /a/, like Touhou, visual novels, etc. moot thought that by doing so, he could force all of the old crew into one board, thereby reducing resistance to monetization of /a/ anime stuff in the period following after.

moot failed to attract investors or make money off of merchandising/ad revenuing the gaia generation, and the old /a/ crew ended up liking /jp/. moot was co-opted by other, similarly shitty websites like CrunchyRoll.

/a/ descended into absolute shit, much like /v/ would do, and /jp/, for a time, was a rank paradise. moot, as always, declared victory, and did his best to ensure, step by step, that nobody would be happy.

>> No.12944331 [View]
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Everybody left. Chaos finished its course. The experiment ended.

Which is quite sad, but sort of inevitable.

>Anonymous of Alabama, you were always a terrible tripfag, and it's amazing how long you've kept the trip despite being hated.

Thanks, I think I'm a pretty terrible tripfriend, too. But at least I'm consistent. And a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

And why would I change a tripcode if I'm hated? I'd still be the same person you hate, you just wouldn't know that you should ignore me if you don't like me. If nothing else, I'm doing you a favor.

>That you think otaku culture has been exhausted just shows you're a fuggen casual who probably doesn't know any Japanese. Complaining about newfags while taking up the newfag paranoia regarding "SJWs", is sad as fuck. That you think that stuff matters here at all just shows you're totally disconnected from the culture, and belong somewhere else, like /v/ or /pol/.

Your non-opinion is rejected. Cheers!

>> No.12941514 [View]
File: 353 KB, 1000x1000, Akiha as Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey professor, amazing that you're still posting here. What happened to the old shithole? It's all idols and japan as far as the eye can see.

>> No.12941348 [View]

Mainstream isn't the same as "merchandised to oblivion under a rigid set of economic conditions that forbid any bucking of tradition." It's like what happens to anything, it eventually becomes the middlemen who run the show, when they were only there to provide somewhat marginal utility. Doujin works become verboten, you copyright everything, and you wonder why creativity is dead. You run out of places to steal ideas from. The same thing is AAA gaming, but the way the Japanese do it is even more painful.

You do realize that "greentexting" didn't start on /jp/, right? Right? Oh...

>Typical shitposter regression - proof that just you've been here since the dawn of time doesn't mean you're not going to be a colossally shitty poster.

I've never, ever said that I was a good poster. Ever. Evveeeeerrrrr. In fact, I often claim the opposite.

>You spend more time et al

Thank you for continuing to miss points, you slopey-headed little newfriend. At least eksopl had an opinion that he backed up with some logic, even if I disagree with him about the average intelligence of new users.

>> No.12941296 [View]

Whose meme? Certainly not mine.

>Go on, tell me with a straight face that greentext is what did /jp/ in the end.

No, people like you are what did /jp/ in. Also, have fun missing entire points. Alone.

>Why are you making such long posts? More than one quote in one post? I was enjoying the self-pity until you started posting.

Long posts are necessary to convey things that are complex topics. Also, stop enjoying things. This is /jp/ We don't enjoy things.

>> No.12941273 [View]

Hidden from view, if you're not a part of the Japanese communities involved, is the same as gone. Even in Japan itself, they're cracking down on anything that might cause them international admonishment. If you have specific interests (and I'm not talking junior idols or 3D stuff), it's in danger of being "gone."

Those who can pass as Japanese enough on the Internet are not going to care about /jp/ in the first place, unless they are the ones finding/providing content.

>> No.12941246 [View]

/jp/ is about Japanese stuff, specifically otaku stuff and related areas. It is not about being Japanese, or food, or any of the other shit that has nothing to do with the reason /jp/ exists. If Japan loses stuff to export due to bullshit SJW/paranoia reasons, WE LOSE STUFF. If you don't care, then don't care. I get the impression that you're one of the newfriends I was referencing, and you take offense at it, but that's fine.

>Take note: this is what happens when you make one website your entire life.

Spoken like the true newfriend you are, on so many levels. The only one I'll comment on is the idea that I still post on /jp/ often (I don't) and that I'll be shaken up when /jp/ finally bites the big one (I won't). Even the old, shitty tripfriends of /jp/ and old /a/ would rank higher than you.

>> No.12941230 [View]

That's one way of looking at it, but I'd say the results indicate that the smart phone generation is infinitely less intelligent than ours, just as ours is less intelligent than the generation that preceded us (which would be the techies from the 80s that were getting shit done and writing fucking stupid injokes before the Internet was even a commercial viability).

The real loss is that "meme" has become its own sort of god: it's fallen into that horrible pit of self-referentialism. #hashtag shit, etc. "Black culture" techy shit that even black people in their thirties that I've talked to say is fucking stupid and embarrassing. And it all flows to 4chan.

I'd almost welcome back the "OMG KAWWAII" crowd just to rid 4chan of "irony."

>Are you still angry that the "who are you quoting shit" got canned?

Are you a fucking moron? Do you realize how newfriend "greentexting" is?

>And what SWEEPING changes did Rapelay cause that ruined 4chan forever?

Thanks for not paying any attention to any of the policy changes 4chan has made over the years due to every incident like feminazi rapelay meltdown.

>What probably happened is that you grew up and your dick stopped working. What was so new and fucking wonderful about otaku culture in 2007 that has no parallels today?

Everything? Even Japanese otaku culture has become self-referential, merchandised dickcheese. Those still left that see the difference lament it. It might be inevitable, but it's not unlamentable. It wasn't nonexistent in 2007, but with the breakdown of Japanese cultural isolation and Japan becoming A SUPER BIG THING on the international scene due to Amerifriend shitstains derping it up for cameras, and some sort of zany Japanese thing appearing in the news every few days for years, Japanese culture has become even more paranoid of being judged internationally. Hence, we lose even more stuff.

>> No.12941186 [DELETED]  [View]

The rise of unironic moralfriends. It's amazing, seeing the gentrification and SJWing of every board. They try to ban anything seen is "ew" in the western world (despite the western world being a crapsack of amorality), but Japan still has all kinds of crazy shit that they put out.

So, the solution is to go after Japan itself. And then the only bits of 4chan that are still important end. And moot cheered it on, despite the fact that created numerous porn boards that catered to non-SJW interests (which would explain why he wanted to restart 4chan as something else entirely, instead of initially trying to merchandise 4chan itself, since too much baggage for SJW jewish overlords).

>> No.12941132 [View]

The board doesn't support it (there's not enough of us left to bother trying to deal with the idiocy), and the newfriends that you face these days simply aren't the same stock of yesteryears. They're the anime-suki generation, or worse, the smartphone retard generation, which has no exposure whatsoever to the real culture that /jp/ was born from. They're like day traders that do nothing but shit up the stock market. When 4chan went public at moot's behest, becoming an international "icon" instead of the interesting shithole of the internet that was at least a step up from SA, you brought in the most casual retards you can imagine. And if we tell them to fuck off using the only ways we can, we get threatened with being banned. If we do anything marginally un-SJW, especially with the Rapelay incident as an example, the mods and moot reflexively kowtow and make SWEEPING changes to prevent it from causing them social points so they can increase 4chan stock.

The future of the internet is in the jewish MangaGamer ilk that have taken over everything, and have co-opted the older bastions like 4chan to their twisted designs. We now have gatekeepers, and the ones that flock to the gatekeepers are the very newfriends you think we can train.

>Back when the lot of you newfriends - sorry, "board pioneers" - were getting started it's not like full half of you weren't retards too.

The ones who founded /jp/ were veterans of /a/ or back when /b/ was still Anime/Random. It was also the naive years where everything everywhere was exceedingly fresh. If you even look at otaku culture in Japan these days, it's stagnant. The generation over there that grew up with us is ending, and the one before it is long gone. In some ways, we're just a mirror of that own stagnation.

>> No.12941099 [View]

I think the part that I knew /jp/ was officially fucked was when mods that largely hung around places like /sp/, and had no idea what /jp/ actually is or does, were coming in and telling us what we "could and couldn't do," and banning people for shit reasons.

You have a mod team that is inviting the disenfranchisement of its community, refuses to fix easy shit, refuses to ban habitual shitters, and expect everything not to implode.

>> No.12941075 [View]

With the old guard leaving in droves, you lack the accompanying things that keep rather niche topics like AA going: the people willing to create content and share it. There are other places for that, now, whereas you used to find the best stuff with things like anon translations being posted right to the thread.

There are topics not discussed, but with the banning of everything old /jp/ by moot's new generation of shitty mods, and the elimination of janitors who did their work but were not supported (they eliminated Sudo-quality posting, but nothing was done to permanently eliminate them, because nobody cared about /jp/ or its janitors), we are left with so few topics we're able to "officially" discuss.

You have newfriends running off all old /jp/ topics because they have no emotional or intellectual investment in them so that they can post about whatever trite shit they want to that probably does belong on another board, and that's the limit of new posting.

Occasionally there is a decent thread that starts up, but it dies, specifically because there are simply not enough people left that actually belong here to discuss it. Because they've already moved on.

This is the death spiral we were calling it.

>You won't get those endless Baldr Sky or Eushully threads like before because they're all condensed and a huge amount of people left.

The big thing is "a huge amount of people left" and simply aren't coming back. And we don't want any of the newfriends that would replace them. So, good game.

>> No.12941015 [View]

I've met moot twice, over the years. The first time, he was an underage friend. The second time, he was not underage. My impression was that he wasn't really any different. He didn't strike me as someone with much in the way of public charisma. I think 4chan's success, for him, is one of those things where he put in his own work, and was brilliantly successful due to happenstance of who he brought in as staff and users, and his good luck of beginning it during the golden age of the internet. 4chan will never be the same, mostly because the internet will never be the same, due to a variety of reasons best saved for another time.

/jp/ will never be the same for a variety of reasons, as well. moot is actually the least of them. The real reasons can be summarized as follows:

a) We're not young anymore (the ones of us that actually belong here, the scions of old /a/ and further). Once you grow older, everything changes, sometimes imperceptibly. We just can't change how we feel.

b) We've exhausted 30+ years of otaku content by discussing it all to death. Nothing new comes out that comes out fast enough or is not derivative bullshit, like kancolle or other online trash stuff. Even if something big comes out, it's not a niche thing anymore: it's emblazoned on every newfriend anime-suki/CrunchyRoll/faggy merchandising site in existence. It's never ours. And it never will be. It's instantly soiled by the emergent newfriendia.

c) The newfriends will not adapt. They have no reason to. Old 4chan esoterica and rules of conduct are dead. They will never return. It's like an age of unchivalry that's been replaced by the idiocy of infinite summer. The younger generation is, for a lack of a better term, "retarded." This is a death sentence for a declining population of old guard that haven't already left. And the newfriends are growing tired of shitting in their own drinking water. Newer, greener pastures to pollute.

We can never go back. Terminal end, full stop.

>> No.12920207 [View]

It should be coming in to me soon. Sooooon.

Why just 2? All of PNO's stuff is golden.

>> No.12919786 [View]
File: 738 KB, 707x1000, 48042513_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't fuck this

>> No.12918900 [View]

I prefer the real Natsumi.

>> No.12918893 [View]

Oh, the Ojou-sama class.

>> No.12918829 [View]


>> No.12915298 [View]

Why so irrelevant, anon?

>> No.12915153 [View]

Why do nn and m look similar?

>> No.12915043 [View]

Trust me, I hate all the rest of it just as much. Idiot cat looks like a slut. Curry looks different... but I can't say I absolutely hate it. If it had been the original design, I'd be okay with that.

>> No.12914880 [View]

Chihayasexual. It's perfectly normal.

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