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Search: loyalty check

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>> No.35021155 [View]

>loyalty check
Should I start adding this to my filters?

>> No.35021134 [View]

demanding a loyalty check is based as hell im going to start using that

>> No.35021117 [View]

>loyalty check
oh it's you, why haven't you killed yourself already?

>> No.35021107 [View]

It's true, newfag. What, do you really believe people here actually appreciate any of the whores here? Face it. Many of us are self-admitted dramafags and shitposters. You're a minority in denial without a loyalty check to the website you're on, Redditor.

>> No.34940693 [View]

You realize we're gonna keep posting that until you actually go back to your hugbox that you originally came from? If you don't show a loyalty check to this website and its sensibilities, GET THE FUCK OUT and GO BACK

>> No.34904668 [View]

Just don't reply

>> No.34904653 [View]

>muh /v/ boogeyman loyalty check
You will never be a woman

>> No.34885304 [DELETED]  [View]

Got BTFO in the previous thread when your loyalty check was exposed, tranny?

>> No.34872152 [DELETED]  [View]

I don't know who i hate more.
The "not your hugbox" /v/ermin or the "loyalty check" /pol/tard.

>> No.34872009 [DELETED]  [View]

vocabulary still plays a part, context plays a part.
I must've hit a nerve on some raider for him to false flag me.
bretty interesting dont you think? you can always check for yourself the difference between loyalty checks posts from this thread and the previous ones for the past week.

the context is off, he's tagging everyone randomly and acting like how he thinks /v/ acts.

>> No.34871949 [DELETED]  [View]

this is really interesting because I'm the loyalty check poster whenever a raid happens and I point it out, I've been doing this with increasing effectiveness for the past week.

today, some guy is tagging everyone trying to mimic me as even this guy noticed >>34871889

its really weird to see another poster mimicking me when all I wanted was to not let people post off topic bullshit. but today, he's definitely doing it to give me a bad name.

very interesting

>> No.34871605 [DELETED]  [View]

Read the loyalty check posts before this thread and notice the difference of this vocabulary and mine.

This guy is an insecure lgbt who got exposed because I pointed out his lgbt seeking friends by attacking /a/ and /v/ or /pol/.

>> No.34856879 [DELETED]  [View]

here, you see a loyalty check in action.
so, the previous ones were seeking out their "friends" with loyalty checks of attacking /v/ or /pol/
>appeal to authority
so this guy comes in pretending that this board and 4chan hates /v/ because if they pretend that everyone hates /v/, they can attack them for exposing the lgbt raids on /v/.

interesting phenomenon by global plebbitors.

>> No.34760498 [DELETED]  [View]

>random /v/ermin
this is a much more subtle raider, especially of the sjw variant. this is a loyalty check they do because /v/ destroyed their raids and exposed the lgbt propaganda they were pushing.
so, they have to attack /v/ every angle they get. it wont work tho but they still try as a signal to other globals or sjws that this is a safe place to attack /v/ even though its offtopic.

>> No.34452688 [View]
File: 374 KB, 1380x1480, %22come%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Gives a new meaning to "cup-bearer"
>pharaohs cupbearer anon
>expert at sniffing out poison and has foiled many plots both by apophis and others
>pouring out the morning wine when anon notices some discolouration
>alerts the pharaoh that there may be apophis venom in her drink but he needs to make sure
>takes a sip and swishes the liquid around in his mouth without swallowing
>pharaoh asks if it was apophis and anon spits the liquid out and answers yes
>pharaoh tells him to double check
>as anon obliges the pharaoh stands then grabs his head and forces her tongue into his mouth
>anon is so shocked he can't prevent some of the concoction from spilling into her mouth which she greedily swallows or spits back into his mouth
>when the mouthful of venom wine is gone the pharaoh tells her cupbearer they need to hurry and finish breakfast
>and to set the rest of the corrupted drink aside for later when he's going to receive a reward for his continued loyalty
Alternatively a crueler pharaoh would force her cupbearer to drink the entire jug of wine "just to make sure" then dickthrone him during court, or even make him share it with one of the servant girls then lock them in a room together until lunchtime where the entire process repeats itself.

>> No.33072977 [View]
File: 267 KB, 1870x1080, 1611995387860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok Lunaitos, lets keep with the Loyalty to hime and being civilized, Luna threads are one of the few reasons i still check this board

>> No.32100715 [View]
File: 2.55 MB, 3840x2160, 1609978579787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCP-2020: Hololive
Object Class: Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Access to internet streaming technology; sufficient loyalty from viewers
Description: Discovered in 2017, SCP-2020 is an organization that seeks to contain anomalous instances of creatures that stem from the World Wide Web. Although the founding member, SCP-2020-A does not appear to contain anomalous properties, her anomaly became clear after the containment of SCP-2020-B, a robot from a theoretical timeline made manifest. By giving it access to SCP-2020's network, however, SCP-2020-B was effectively put into containment.
Following this initial contact, the Foundation has taken a "live and let lie" approach to containing SCP-2020, as it's continued interceptions of virtual anomalies serves to the benefit of the Foundation's mission. So long as SCP-2020 can contain an internet anomaly, that anomaly is designated as a subtype of SCP-2020, as it is no longer able to sustain itself without feeding into the SCP. For SCP-2020 to continue containing anomalies, it uses it's captured anomalies as internet livestreamers, both taming the anomaly, and drawing resources to sustain itself from their viewerbase.
It should be noted that, following an containment breach of a mutant, lesser form of SCP-610, SCP-2020 experienced a massive surge in power, as the audience needed to sustain containment flooded into their livestream activities. From that surge, it's containment abilities were considerably enhanced, and what was once an SCP that only operated in the Asiatic sector of the world opened it's containment policies to the greater English speaking world. This would appear to have come at cost, however; approximately at the same time as it's expansion, a number of contained anomalies within SCP-2020 changed to Neutralized.
Anomalies of note that SCP-2020 has contained:
>SCP-2020-K: An anomaly that seems to draw more power the longer it remains active in burst sessions. This anomaly continues to show greater and greater Keter Class traits, demanding sacrifices from her supporters, but so far SCP-2020 has kept it in check.
>SCP-2020-R: This anomaly seems to thrive within the framework of SCP-2020, but in return, the resources needed to contain it are sharply higher than the norm. When they are active, Japanese Foundation agents have reported feeling a haze fall over them; further investigation shows the times reported correlate to a massive financial loss, funneled directly to SCP-2020-R.
>SCP-2020-I: This anomaly would appear to be capable of mass hypnotic influence; supporters of SCP-2020-I have reported being unable to leave their room until their livestream has finished. When reviewing their reports, SCP-2020-I has a bizarrely flat viewer retention rate, further proving this to be true.
>SCP-2020-N: This anomaly would appear to be a tough challenge for SCP-2020 to contain, as it unintentionally disrupts the host SCP itself. Field Agents believe SCP-2020-N to be a possible cause for the Neutralized status of SCP-2020-Δ, as well as an entire sub-branch in the Chinese region.

>> No.29498617 [View]

i came from wanting to ask a question, loyalty to anything other than the streamers you like is ridiculous. i havent been to 4chan i n days, but i figured id come and check on the latest fit of whining on the two threads over collabs and such.

for their part, other threads been quite meh, so ive stuck around here. clearly im getting more attention round these parts...

>> No.27062443 [View]

Very much this. There can be no other explanation as to how someone actually feels offended and betrayed by someone "turning their back" on fucking 4chan, as if loyalty has any meaning here of all places. She definitely had a lolcow-tier phase, and I never bothered to check back on her to see if she got any better, but to actually hold a grudge because of it is the height of mental illness.

>> No.26426351 [View]

Another loyalty check... Choco, please...

>> No.26426262 [View]

Choco conducting loyalty check every single stream!

>> No.20589786 [View]
File: 92 KB, 756x1024, winter snail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this semen demon is an abyssal spy? How do we check her loyalty?

>> No.12339037 [View]

Old man sits at his desk
One year for retiring
And he's up for review
Not quite sure what to do, each passing year
The workload grows

I'm always wishing, I'm always wishing too late
For things to come my way
It always ends up the same
Count your blessings
I must be missing, I must be missing the point
Your signal fades away and all I'm left with is noise
Count your blessings on one hand

So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life

Poor little tin man, still swinging his axe
Even though his joints are clogged with rust

My youth is slipping, my youth is slipping away
Safe in monotony, so safe, day after day
Count your blessings
My youth is slipping, my youth is slipping away
Cold wind blows off the lake and I know for sure that its too late
Count your blessings on one hand

So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life

Can't help but feel betrayed, punch the clock every single day
There's no loyalty and no remorse
You spoke for present check
That makes me fucking sick
He's sick of, he can't say no


So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
There's so much to dream about, there must be more to my life
So wait up
So wait up I'm not sleeping alone again tonight
Between the light and shallow waves is where I'm going to die
Wait up for me
Wait up for me
Wait up for me

>> No.11200915 [View]

Well Shigururi is something pretty astouning. If you have any ideals founded in honor, glory, loyalty, or a deep seeded battle spirit than you will be motivated 10 fold by this series. In the end you will have to read the second half of the series in manga form. The anime never gained enough money to luanch the second half, despite the manga sales of the series greatly increasing after the anime ended. Lots of WW2 messages unifying with life lessons from 1640's samurai code in these series. The anime and manga are actually based off of one book that has 7 volumes all together. These novels all have interlocking characters and stories that meet at the finally. Sadly this epic novel has not recieved any translations outside homeland Japanese. The storyline of the characters in Shigururi doesn't end where the manga ends either. You will have to learn kanji if you're to import these books like I am doing. The original author is unique if you ask me and someone to be moved by. Please check it out anon.

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