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Search: granny

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>> No.47127118 [View]

The last two months I’ve been doing it only to Mayu. I can’t think of any other woman, not even my school crush. I’m obsessed with this woman and my imagination makes me think of infinite possibilities to fuck her. I wonder if when she finally wears something slightly different to the granny 1870s outfits she is forced to wear I’ll be this obsessed.

>> No.47121139 [View]

granny lips whore

>> No.47108632 [View]

Polka looks like a fat granny

>> No.47104944 [View]
File: 254 KB, 542x548, Hana and the closed incest loop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Splaying out her arms, and nearly causing Hana to go off balance again, Suwako exclaimed, “That’s why, even if you choose to talk to Kasen-sama alone, or ask us to drag her kicking and screaming to our side of the mountain. Me, Kanako, and Sanae-chan will help you fix this!”

Bringing her arms back together, the froggy goddess embraced Hana with a welcome and gentle warmth, “Now then, if you still don’t understand it I’ll keep shouting it over and over again, I’m your friend and the shrine is your family. We’ll support you no matter if you turn into an oni-miko~! So…”

Clambering off of Hana, and taking a vital warmth that rebuffed the chilled mountain air, Suwako hovered in front of her. The smile on her face restored, and not even the googly eyes of Pyonta could damper it’s brilliance, it seemed as if the sunlight itself beamed from Suwako’s smile. It cracked a smile on Hana’s own face, bringing a calming feeling she’d rarely felt in recent times. As if she could finally see a glimpse of something obvious all along, Hana felt foolish for how flimsy she thought their bond was.

Scooping up her hand, Suwako held it gently like that granny at the bathhouse sometimes did, “Come on now, it’s getting cold and stuff and I want some hot tea! Besides…” a mischievous glint shone in the corner of her eye, “I doubt you’ll want to waste all evening playing cards with me, and I could use a new pair of eyes on something fun… Say, would you want some spending money for the festival? As long as you don’t wonder too close to old man Heida’s nonsense Sanae-chan won’t see you! Besides, I really want some fried chicken dumplings~!”

Still recovering from getting caught up in Suwako’s pace, but happy to be lead around at the moment, Hana followed without much comment besides a quick and decisive nod. She’d have to think about the stuff with Kasen in due time, how to free Kotei among the biggest concerns. She’d have to confront Kasen about her sins and earn her forgiveness, ideally without anyone having to see anything embarrassing… She’d have to ask Sanae and Kanako for advice properly, she’d have to trust them too; it’d be hard, but if everyone was supporting her…

>> No.47104252 [View]

granny feet

>> No.47096199 [View]
File: 85 KB, 850x1063, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_iampenguinj__sample-3506e9dcc9af1efc61b680aa3414f2b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Ugh, where is he?" I groaned as I continued to scour the HSE for Goro.
"Hey Yamawaro!" I yelled, pulling aside one of the workers. "You see a broker, blonde, about yay tall, always has this stupid serene expression on his face around here?"
"Miss Seija?! Yes I think I saw him going to the roof." The little girl stammered out, putting up her arms defensively.
"Good, good." I said, calming my voice and gingerly patting her head. "Now, was anyone with him?"
"Uhm... no? Not that I could see."
"Great! Now, why don't you take a break? You seemed a little fidgety and haste makes waste as they say."
"I can't! There's so much to do and Miss Takane, when she gets back from whatever she's doing, she'll have my head if I-" I put a finger to her mouth and point to my Yakumo robes.
"And who does she report to?" I asked pointedly.
"I-I suppose you're right. Thanks Miss Seija." She answered bowing.
"Enjoy!" I said in a sing song tone before leaving her for the roof. Pulling rank wasn't something I was too keen on, what with how much those in power disgusted me, but maybe trying it just once or twice to stir up some 'negligible' trouble wasn't too bad. If only it'd help with the problem at hand...
Making it to the rooftop door, I took a pause and sighed. After Goro stayed our hand against that Makai Granny I'd thrown a fit, pelted him with some choice insults, and left him to stew on that, afterwards I would get involved in 'ladies talk' with Ran and all the other stinking bitches at this little Host club, and it all made me... anxious.
We were about to have twins, yet I was acting like a bratty child. No, the truth was even more biting.
I'm still the same low-class Youkai, biting at the heels of the strong, scourging for scraps, and if that actually got me anywhere but right back where I started then I might be happy. Those days of troubling others without a boon or consequence felt like they ended so suddenly, because if I failed now, there would be three holes punched out of me, happiness and pain I'd never get to have. A family....
'What am I even supposed to say to him?' I thought as I punched the door, right before it swung open, and Goro appeared.
"Ah, Seija!" He said, as he tripped on the lid of the frame, thrusting right into me and pinning me against the wall.
"You know..." I began as I lifted the fool Broker back up without relinquishing my hold on him "...we can go a few hours without seeing each other without immediately cuddling up."
"Yeah, I'm just 'weak' at the moment." He staggered, holding his head. "I saw something, met with someone, you might not like this..."
As Goro explained it all to me, the HSE's emission, him meeting Sekai, and brokering a deal to stand at Yukari's side until the end, I couldn't help but bite my tongue. Leave him alone for just a few hours and he almost falls over dead, meets a terribly powerful Youkai/building/godling makes a binding decision about OUR future, and... ah crap, this is what I get for throwing a tantrum and leaving him alone.
"Sorry, I got kind of swept up in the moment and I probably should've gotten your opinion." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh no! No, no, no, this is actually perfect." I say, pulling his robe so that I'm directly at his side and my head is against his chest.
"We just have to survive the Mother-of-All-Incidents, based upon the words of a child, who slightly exists at this point but also isn't born yet, grab our own children out of non-existence, and act as emotional support for the biggest psychopath in Gensokyo at her tribunal! Frankly, being this far into the shit is an Amanojaku's wet dream!" I said, looking up at him.
Goro sighed, rubbing his eye. "Yeah, but if we take what Sekai said as fact and she's capable of some kind of predestination, we have to assume she's pointing in the best direction, even if the road is windy."
"Hugghh." I exhaled and rub my head against him, poking my horn into his chest. "If she's some percentage of our daughter, does that mean I get to spank her later? Or will the line be too long? Maybe we'll all have to draw lots."
"Maybe, we can worry about it later." Goro said, wincing at the pain, but rubbing my head nonetheless.
"Well, let's talk to Yukari then." I put forward.
Goro raise an eyebrow.
"Don't give me that look. YOU'RE the one who agreed to follow this path I'M just pushing us along it."
Lol, told myself I was going to actually write something today and this gets posted. Damn writer convergence I swear.
What I have planned after this was initially Seija re-swearing fielty to Yukari, after which, as a reward, she lectures the two about the nature of power and high-level Youkai abilities, basically tell the two that they've overcomplicated their approach and that REAL top-class Youkai just 'do', but I'll wait until your done to make sure it fits.

>> No.47087545 [View]

this egg mouth granny lips whore is a faux-doe

>> No.47085170 [View]

rice and i agree that goku's granny voice actress fits his character better. and rice probably thinks she's kinda hot.

>> No.47082516 [View]

thats his granny? damn i forgot everything lol

>> No.47077526 [View]

just switch that granny skirt with shorts or skimpy miniskirts and u have peak mayu

>> No.47074588 [View]

gives me granny vibes

>> No.47057644 [View]
File: 476 KB, 1000x1000, Suwako walks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was a strange feeling, getting a lap pillow from a goddess, a goddess who could still make a case to sit on Hana’s lap comfortably. At the very least, up here on the onbashira no one else could see her… she hoped… she was hoping Kanako, who was probably still sitting on the winds up above and watching her domain, was too busy to notice. She dreaded the teasing if Kanako chose to bring it up, or if Sanae chose to bring it up… oh no, it wouldn’t even be malicious either!

Hana must have tensed up, because in response her patron… friend… playmate… or something, stroked her hair. While Hana was long past embarrassment, she still loathed how this simple action calmed her like turning a dial down. Suwako spoke lightly, yet her casual slightly-croaky voice naturally carried over the wind, speaking of the wind it grew rather gentle as the evening progressed… surely coincidence, “And so, I was telling you how Yuuma-san told that crow, you know Aya-san, right? Anyways, she was telling me that she told her how she was gonna eat her pregnancy as a joke right? Well guess what? Those red eyes Yuuma-san has must have scared her like some kind of pigeon, because Aya-san acts like a frog with half-eaten legs every time she sees her!”

Chuckling politely, Hana half-listened to her rambling stories and just enjoyed hearing her speak. Suwako laughed at her own little joke without reserve, the laughter caused a smile to form on Hana’s own face. Still, she’d never seen this side of Suwako before, it reminded her of the granny that ran the bathhouse she frequented, in how she’d go on and on about her grandkids and neighbors. It was sort-of calming, kind of like how Yuuka could get sometimes when she visited.

A thought crossed her mind, of if those girls in the frog troupe got this treatment often, she was a bit jealous if that was the case. Suwako’s scratchy voice caught her attention again, her casual tone was unchanged, but there was an inquisitive note in it, “I take it you’re worried about something? You were so much earlier, after all. Tell me all~ about it. I won’t tell another soul if it’s a secret!”

Punctuating her words with a light caress to the miko’s scalp, Hana became putty in the goddess’ hands. Why had she come here…? She didn’t want to be alone, sure, but more than that… She knew Suwako was different, she was wise yet chose to live a childlike existence in her whimsy. She was crass at times, especially when she wanted to tease someone or she gave advice, and while Hana didn’t expect this level of coddling from her it wasn’t unwelcome.

Still, she did have a reason for why she wanted to talk. She needed to talk to someone that could be honest, Sanae would coddle her too much and try to shelter her; while it was a reason to love her normally, it wasn’t what she needed now. Kanako undoubtably could give her amazing advice, she was experienced and wise to boot, but she didn’t want the goddess’ perception of her to change. Suwako was the only one that would give her real advice without bias, she was certain.

With a ‘ahm-hmn~!’ Hana cleared her throat and woke her voice up; she’d spent too much time nodding along and watching the sun crawl towards the mountains. After a just couple more hours the lights in the village would spark and that little meeting between Keine and that Hardass Heida would take place, she couldn’t wait till Sanae came home… ideally with delicious souvenirs of that impromptu festival thing that’s been the talk of the faithful and sightseers alike. Sanae seemed adamant she couldn’t go, but it was her duty to maintain the balance and she had the charms and all, so it’s not like she couldn’t slip out...

Nearly shaking her head to dismiss the thoughts that distracted her, Hana tried to hide the concern in her voice, “It’s just, I did want to talk to you, yeah… Cause, well. I already know what Sanae-san would say… And I don’t want Kanako-sama to think less of me…”

A gentle stroking encouraged Hana to continue without words, fixing her thoughts in place along with her hair, “It’s about all of this, I-I-…” Hana couldn’t help but ball her hands up, she brought them close to her chest, “Every time I try to do anything it only makes things worse; Father, Kasen-nee, Marisa-sensei, Sanae-san, and everyone else… All of them have to go through so much grief because of me, all because I was too dumb to see the writing on the wall!”

Already tears formed in the corner of her eyes, a sorrowful anger warmed her heart, “I tried everything I could to make it work… I trained and trained to get him out, only to realize that there’s no way to make up for all the time I missed! I let Yukari-san trick me and use me, I believed all her lies about father and almost got everyone killed! I-I even betrayed Kasen-nee for her… I accused her abandoning me, then… then I just made everything worse for her… and now Kotei-san is…”

>> No.47057049 [View]

granny voice
art student = loose pussy
hotdog in hallway

also art is gay and for fags

>> No.47055933 [View]

>wanting Pekora's granny voice to ruin AZKi's despair moans and wimpers
You are homosexual.

>> No.47052841 [View]
File: 731 KB, 900x1200, bba232cb5355194ac332a09eace594e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frankly if you look at that Yuuka and think 'granny' then you deserve it

>> No.47044063 [View]

Sexo all noche, with granny shuka

>> No.47038200 [View]

It's her granny voice and brat attitude

>> No.47032694 [View]

Why is she always wearing these granny ass looking dresses for these pictures?

>> No.47030977 [View]

I want Mayu to go JAV. She's wasting the best years of her life on gruesome shifts and granny wardrobe.

>> No.47028953 [View]

Granny a cunt

>> No.47020231 [View]

fapped to Akarin's, the one with her granny swimsuit
fapped to Nacho's, the one with her in a towel
fapped to Chiemi
fapped to Moepi
fapped to Homin

>> No.47014953 [View]

Retirement Home Bait
Skincare Product Connoisseur

>> No.47003398 [View]

I don't know how to explain any further than I already have. the "how old is the granny" post was quoting the cropped image, and the joke post was quoting that post. there was no other way for the joke to make sense.
if you still don't get it, I don't care, it was a shitpost, move on

>> No.47003364 [View]

Why does no one call Mayu a granny? She legit looks like she's the mom of someone else in the group. When I first saw pictures of the Niji seiyuu, I sincerely thought she was a middle aged woman they had included in the group for some reason.

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