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Search: fuck off

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>> No.47006510 [View]

fuck off you worthless sack of shit, you will die a painful death

>> No.47005769 [View]

The first link I click is a homostar en, fuck off and stop lying you retard.

>> No.47004967 [View]

Dude, I don't care about Hanabie. I never will care about Hanabie. Can you just get a life and fuck off? Nobody wants you here.

>> No.47004134 [View]

>*my dad died in the pandemic.
Fuck man. I just want to live a peaceful life. I want to be able to appreciate the natural beauty this place has, the ONLY fucking good thing it has going for. I don't want to walk on copycat-first world concrete slabs. I don't want Google, bitcoin or those fucking colombians if that means I will have to spend my time working like a wetback to keep my lifestyle.

At this point I might be better off moving to Costa Rica, hopefully they don't get a copycat bukele nigger there too. Fuck my life.

>> No.47003762 [View]

this is the difference between learning japanese bc u want a to get ur language e-peen and learning it bc u wanna talk to ur jp bros and fuck jp hoes either way im off to bed night lads

>> No.47003332 [View]

fuck off chukesissy

>> No.47001690 [View]

You forgot the best part. The guy's name is Ralph, he's from Kiwifarms, and he used to be a Pippa (Phase Connect) gachikoi until she told him to fuck off. He now has a vendetta against vTubers in general and since Mori is a big name and easy as fuck to track down he put his target on her. There's an entire thread on Kiwifarms where he obsessively kept posting every fucking step she took outside her home for like a week straight

>> No.47000976 [View]

The big secret/reveal of the island is one of the most anti-climatic things I've ever read. It's even more bizarre because in one route, ルーガル and ハイン manage to reach the lair and then proceed to wreck shop and destroy the old dudes (forgot what they called them) in like a few minutes. This is literally a grand conspiracy dating hundreds of years and a couple of overpowered 外人 just blows them out like it's just part of their dayjob. As I keep typing, I remember more stupid things about this story. Ugachi's character makes no sense and is never explained. Hokuto only plays a significant in one route and once again this doesn't make sense. She's a super powerful character that works for Takayuki. Why the fuck wouldn't he have her helping her in his schemes? She actually appears in Sakuroko's route in a bad end which doesn't help. They obviously only put that end to tease this mystery character for the future, but logically in the story there is no reason why she would not be heavily involved in every route. In Sakurako's route, Riko dies. She dies in other routes, but this is the egregious one. It is never addressed and MC and Sakurako just ignore it. If I recall correctly, there is a brief narration about how she went missing or something. It's even dumber because she technically dies in MC's presence but he chooses to not take the mask off. It's a superman-tier level of disguise anyway so it's always obvious who she was but I guess you just have to suspend your disbelief there. Anyways, so much for being close friends/family guys. Shougen is a complete waste of a villain as well who does nothing of consequence other than looking at MC funny.

tl;dr: fuck this game man. I will never read anything with any of these writers name on it just because of this. There was some other Terios stuff I saw that seemingly had interesting premises, but if everything is on the level of this mess, no way. There's still more things I can complain about too. I didn't even get to everything.

>> No.46999689 [View]

honestly dont even want the shipping. i just want them to not be so awkward to each other
and for all the antis and fanbase war niggs to fuck off

>> No.46999028 [DELETED]  [View]

Fuck off raider

>> No.46999027 [DELETED]  [View]

No, it's not. Fetishistic porn doesnt hurt anyone and cant be equated to a crime. Fuck off retarded falseflagger

>> No.46998939 [DELETED]  [View]

>I do not like lolicon
Then you are against MGE, end of story. Fuck off.

>> No.46998856 [View]

that's not for me to decide though
fuck off, retard. you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.46998848 [DELETED]  [View]

Fuck off pest

>> No.46997263 [DELETED]  [View]

There you go again, thinking everyone and everything is that discord server that bullies you. You're the most retarded and pathetic shitter I've ever encountered in these threads and that's saying a lot. If only you did it just for attention craving but I genuinely believe you're just that low IQ to realize that they'd fuck off in 1 month if you just fucked off from the threads or didn't give them (You)s. Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.46996926 [View]

Fuck off gatekeeper-kun

>> No.46995683 [View]

>projecting again
Go fuck your boyfriend Paul and stay off 4chan for a while. You’ve posted enough for a fortnight.

>> No.46995271 [View]

Why do you have to show up and ruin every thread? Just fuck off already.

>> No.46994651 [View]

Naturally Aqua's been watching guides and practicing nonstop off stream. She's gonna fuck Pekora up

>> No.46993442 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 94 KB, 807x803, Ratok-kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck youre not banned yet and mod keeps banning the wrong posters? Fuck off and die you literal parasite fb itialian sperg murican tier shit or whatever.

>> No.46993419 [View]

Nice one discord, youre literally spreading some propaganda level lies. go fuck off and erp with faggots

>> No.46993403 [View]

You contributing? Erp shit from shitcord raid? Fuck off you lying autist you only think about being a slut troon literal impeccable lier

>> No.46993269 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 48 KB, 598x449, 1715539303267122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling for ratobatok her new identity and fuck off

>> No.46992250 [View]

he has a containment thread now as well, clearly it doesn't work
thought desu it's clear nobody on the board gives a shit for his "idols", so he should really fuck off for good

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