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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: 90 points

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>> No.43880671 [View]

>Makoto jobs by 90 points to 5 year old girl
She can't catch a break, can she?

>> No.43828956 [View]

It's fucking hated here by everyone that isn't a retarded umifaggot (90% of posters) they spam their painfully unfunny memes and constantly go on and on about the same exact fucking talking points over and over as if they expect something new to be found by saying it. You have to be mentally ill to be an umifag, not to mention the story is absolute garbage so they just talk about how much they want to fuck Erika and spam their unfunny memes about red truths and small bombs. Fucking manchildren.

>> No.43780463 [View]

>Do low level enemies have a lot of DV?
Some do. Bats, for example.
>Why is glass the preferred material?
It's easy to find and boosts your speed.
>If I enchant stuff now, won't I gave to get new stuff in 2 or 3 levels?
You've got 90,000 gold, and enhancing an item to +2 is like 500 gold. It's chump change, and a couple of points of enhancement on everything will give you a fairly significant combat boost.

>> No.43296197 [View]

>needs 90 more points
ganbare, Sora

>> No.43142461 [View]

>What does it mean for a card to enhance a stat by levels 1-3?
This might be old outdated stuff, but I remember it as 1 lvl being 30% damage up.
So 1 yang atk up is 30%, 3 yang atk up is 90%
But obviously 130% -> 190% is only an increase of 46% despite being 3 times the yang levels so you hit diminishing returns pretty fast.
Lv10 yang/yin up is 400% damage iirc.
Yin/Yang atk buffs and Yin/Yang defence debuffs stack multiplicatively.
The crit related buffs stack additively.
Bullet type based buffs also stack multiplicatively with all the other buffs since they're at the end of the formula, or at least that's how I imagine it.
1 thing to remember though, a fullbreak removes all debuffs and set them to take a flat 300% (400%?) increased damage.
Something to be aware of and was one of the pain points when Summer Heca got revealed.

>> No.42705546 [View]

AI art is yet another thing that's so far getting poor rep due to retarded presentation here. I remember those threads from a couple months ago with 'early birds' of AI art when the topic started booming worldwide, and there was that faggot that clearly attempted the 'sneak in' approach: made threads with AI OP, posted clearly underwhelming artificial crap that borders on off-topic without saying a word about it. It's just like what happened with WhF crossover or light militarism here. It's annoying as fuck and makes you combative against it even if the idea itself isn't immediately bad and has potential.
For what it's worth, the anit-AI crowd is also somewhat faggy with its screeches to 'never ever' have anything AI posted here, and some of their points sounding exactly like those of buttblasted artists'. Like look, if you ARE an artist, or some art connoisseur with high standards that are apparently met with Pixiv doodles, and now getting AI art shoved into your face sucks, I generally feel for you, but this isn't your personal platform and you're not making rules for everyone here.
My take: let it mature some more. With how fast progress on AI art has been for the past year, in a few more months it might legit start to git gud and using it would become no less viable than the typical semi-amateur stuff that's 90% of images here, especially since we've been forced to recycle said semi-amateur stuff over and over because there just isn't enough of it being made daily.

>> No.42657272 [View]

>Hibiki K2; hypothetical return to Japan
>Jun'you K3 + Hiyou K2; five slots (last slot has 0 aircraft storage, essentially 'insert boiler here' to go Fast), aircraft are distributed the same as Jun'you K2
>alt remodel for Hiyou, either "Hiyou Kai Ni Go" or "Izumo", same configuration and gimmicks as Kaga Kai Ni Go, jet compatibility included
>Kaga K2(G) + Hiyou K2G both get armored flight decks (for fuck's sake, Kaga has that in her CG)
>Akagi K2 gets one as well (same reason as Kaga)
>Isuzu K3; since her K2 is the historical refit, her K3 can be a further development on that. Four-slot cruiser (if Yuubari K2 at 4011 tons can get five slots, Isuzu at 5570 sure as hell can get four), comes with 127mm HA + AAFD, 3* 25mm Triple Autocannon (concentrated deployment), and 3* Type 21 Air Radar Kai as stock equipment, has absurd fit bonuses when equipped with 2x 127mm AAFD + Type 21 Air Radar Kai Ni. Radars can be fit into the expansion slot, allowing for gun + gun + ASW + ASW setups while maintaining AACI capability. Base AA stat of 90, increases to 120 through modernization.
Isuzu K3 improves upon the innate oASW capability of her K2, with 68 base -> 99 max ASW stat. Similar to how Kinu K2 has a baked-in Daihatsu, Isuzu has a baked-in Sonar; this allows equipment setups to proceed as if a sonar is already equipped in regards to synergies.
>Everybody with innate oASW receives the same beneficial baked-in Sonar, allowing for increased diversity in equipment setups.
>Irako and Mamiya slated for eventual addition in Summer as deployable characters instead of consumables.
Gimmicks/Traits: Nullifies/reduces morale drop in actively-deployed fleets, increases morale gain during deployment, passively increases morale of a fleet (to a maximum of 100) when set in the secretary ship position, similar to Akashi's repair mechanic.
New mini-event prior to their implementation, in which Mamiya and Irako consumables can be converted 1:1 for Combat Rations, or in a pair for Special Onigiri. After the event, all Mamiya or Irako consumables will be removed from quest rewards, in similar manner as hishimochi -> present box for B60.
>Suzutsuki K2 slated for eventual implementation. Torpedo and AA stat increased. Four-slot destroyer. Cannot equip sonars or depth charges. Stock equipment of 100mm High Angle Mount + AAFD, Prototype 610mm Sextuple Oxygen Torpedo Mount, and 6* Type 13 Air Radar Kai.
>Shimakaze K2 slated for eventual implementation. Four-slot destroyer.
Can only equip red/green small guns in her first slot. Cannot equip air radars, sonars, depth charges, or AAFDs.
Default speed of Fast+, equipping a boiler or turbine will increase speed to Fastest.
Stock equipment of Prototype Sextuple Oxygen Torpedo Mount, Type 33 Surface Radar, and 4* New Model High Temperature High Pressure Boiler.
Shimakaze base and Kai receive a stock equipment refresh.
>Base: 127mm Twin Gun Mount, Improved Steam Turbine.
>Kai: 610mm Quintuple Oxygen Torpedo Mount, Type 22 Surface Radar, Enhanced Kanhon Type Boiler. Prerequisite level increased to 35.
>Shouhou K2+K2B slated for implementation during Summer Event. Same stats and capabilities as Zuihou K2+K2B.
>Noshiro gets a K2B remodel, like Yahagi has.
>Agano K2+K2B slated for implementation at a later date.
>Sakawa MkII and "Prince Eugen MkII" slated for implementation at a later date; both as "what if" remodel with US equipment.
>Kashii finally implemented.
>Kashima K2 implemented, with the only change being a fifth slot and opening torpedo compatibility (if Yuubari can do it, then...). Stats remain low, however.
>Taihou Kai gets jet compatibility.
>Takao + Atago K2 slated for implementation; conversion to as-yet unique CAT class. Takao and Atago K2 gain opening torpedo strike capability like Mogami K2T, losing several points in AA stat in exchange for inflated torpedo stat.
>Ibuki slated for eventual implementation.
>Scrapping equipment has 0.1% chance to reward a screw.
>Improved equipment within certain parameters (total of both numbers must be less than or equal to 10*) can be added together via further improvement.
>Limited-time quest to convert Type 0 Fighter Model 53 (Iwamoto Squadron) to Shinden Kai Ni (Iwamoto Squadron)
>Shinden Kai still unobtainable, this is only for veteran players
>Limited-time multiple-choice quest to convert Suisei (Egusa Squadron) to either Suisei Model 12 (Egusa Squadron w/Photoelectric Fuze Bombs) OR Suisei Model 12 (Egusa Squadron w/Type 3 Cluster Bombs).
>601AG Zero Fighter 52C finally improvable to 601AG Reppuu
>601AG Reppuu finally improvable
>Permanent one-time quests to convert Murata and Tomonaga Squadrons onto the Ryuusei Kai
>repair docks and construction docks combined under single menu, "Dockyard". Two slips default, can be expanded to eight slips maximum. All slips are dual use.
>Striking Force Fleet can now be formed in all fleet slots, and can be sent out on expeditions.
>Daihatsu resource boost cap removed from expedition rewards.

>> No.42426533 [View]

90 points

>> No.42094952 [View]

>Ultimately her score didn't matter
You make it sounds like it's a good thing when this is a disaster. If her score didn't matter then that means one single judge controls the entire show, even you said
>anyone else in that seat would've given them at least a 90
which confirms it. People don't realize that the judges are, consciously or unconsciously, influenced by the legendary geinin Macchan. They know certain konbis are liked by him so they don't dare to give a very low score even if they deserve it. It's not Macchan's fault he's a charismatic geinin and an influential dai senpai but the entire industry panders to his tastes a lot. And then comes Yamada. She's not influenced by anyone and has her own personal criteria for evaluating the netas. In the first place, it's very unnatural to mostly just give 90+ points, as if 90 is the starting point. It's been happening a lot in the recent years. Some netas are so boring I'd rate 50 even. In the end, you'd like some and you'll dislike some, your preferences shouldn't be influenced by an imaginary scoring system of only giving 90+ points, especially when you're one of the judges.

>> No.42093541 [View]

There was a point where she gave Oswald 87 or something despite saying she was a fan of them, and then the next few ratings after that seemed bizarrely swayed by it, culminating with a shocking 86 for Dansei Buranko. Ultimately her score didn't matter because Westland made it to third place by 9 points over Dansei, but if they had only won by 4-5 points, it would've been purely down to her insane scoring, anyone else in that seat would've given them at least a 90.

>> No.41917387 [View]

Literally every philosophy course covers Wittgenstein at some point and that's pretty much all you need to "understand" subahibi and sakuuta
You don't even need to read tractatus or philosophical investigations, they are being used to prove some points here and there but that's about it. All you need to do is to watch a documentary video about Wittgenstein's life on youtube to get 90% of the message because his last words are literally the basis of whole scaji's live happily philosophy

>> No.41839812 [View]

>Do you really want me to embarrass you? You really would not enjoy it, given how highly you seem to regard yourself. But I'm more than ready to break down how shitty your writing is, Barney style.
Are you SEAL Marine too, with 90 confirmed kills? Do it, faggot.

>Has anyone actually told this to you?
It's blatantly obvious by how frequently they immediately resort to pointing out that Nasu's line of characters defined by the feisty tsundere archetype began with Aoko and can't stop calling Rin an inferior copy.

>Yes you are. You're literally basing your opinions on other people's opinions.
What the fuck are you even talking about, you stupid fucking retard? I said "I'm certain that Aoko is a great character" as a way to say "This character is in all probability most likely quite compelling". It's a figure of speech. I don't have an opinion on Aoko. This is just pathetic semantics by this point. No, it's not that; it's your desperately trying to grasp at whichever minor possible straw you can to heckin own the Rinfag. Stop trying to do some kind of 56D chess brilliant rhetorical maneuvers and just address the fucking arguments about Rin or I'm dropping this retarded conversation. I've had enough of your bullshit.

>The point here is to illustrate to the audience what an absolute nigger of a human being you are, to get you to put your foot in your mouth.
There's probably about three people that are going to read this conversation and none of the Rinfags in this general are going to stop liking me. Nor are the people who don't going to be swayed any other way. Yawn. How about we start talking about Rin, UBW and the romance therein now?

>This is why I have avoided talking about her multiple times now, whereas you can't keep Aoko or "aokofags" out of your fucking mouth.
Lmao nigger you literally accused me of being obsessed with Aoko while pretending Aokoniggers here aren't constantly seething about Rin, of course I'm gonna bring her up. A third of my fucking reply you are addressing there is about *Rin*. Nowhere in any of my many essays written on /tmg/ or on /a/ do I ever mention fucking Aoko.

>I have never said Rin is a bad character, like your delusions seem to dictate. Just that she doesn't have the same level of focus and precedence that Aoko does.
Anon, you literally said that Rin is *undeniably an objectively inferior character to Aoko*. Here's what you said, verbatim:

>But pretending she has the level of depth, focus and development that Aoko does is highly disingenuous.

This is such an utterly *arrogant* statement that it's shocking. Maybe if you didn't have your head up your own fucking ass you would realize how retarded it is. It's quite obvious that you think Rin is some shallow character people only like to jerk off to but you're too much of a fucking bitch to come out and say it.

You also said that Rin is less important to UBW than *Gilgamesh*. Rin's importance relative to Archer is already highly contestable -- I'd argue she is just as important, if not MORE SO. Again though, you don't want to have a discussion, you just wanna continue crafting your little victim narrative about people attacking muh heckin Aoko. The former claim is so utterly ridiculous that it made me laugh out loud. You are genuinely a very mediocre thinker and it's amusing to see you attempt to position yourself as any sort of intellect while being utterly incapable of engaging with any moderately sophisticated points. Rin is the fucking deuteragonist of FSN. She receives the single most amount of character development of any cast member outside of Shirou. She has two fucking routes where she undergoes extensive development. That is an objective FACT. It's not an expression of opinion.

Oh, and less not forget your claiming that Rin doesn't undergo an arc in UBW. Like lmao. Are you gonna fucking address that already? I'm losing my patience.

>Also bear in mind, this was in direct response to you claiming that the only reason anyone liked Aoko was "muh powerlevels", you disingenuous /v/ shitposter.
Oh ffs. Take your fucking meds already, you fucking schizo.

>How can you get so belligerent about me, who has read both Mahoyo and F/SN, saying this, when you have not read Mahoyo at all?
Maybe because it's one thing to say you prefer Aoko to Rin, and wholly another to claim she is indisputably superior while substantiating that statement with numerous utterly ridiculous arguments that at the same reveal a complete misunderstanding of Rin's character and her role in the story *and* making broad sweeping statements about art in general that are insanely close-minded and utterly ridiculous?

>> No.41674933 [View]

90 points is like 3 wins? The real issues is the qualifier, Aki tends to stress out and throw during those

>> No.41206442 [View]

That'll get you most of the points, but 90 of them come from scrolling down to section 5 and starting each of the 5 selected games once per day. You can change the url from dmm.com to dmm.co.jp and the games offered will change to R18+ titles, which are much less likely to be region locked if that proves to be a problem.

>> No.41200582 [View]

95% is too high, you should probably increase your interval modifier and bring it down to at least 90 to reduce wasted time

>the trade-off between time spent studying and retention is not linear: we can see here that to increase our retention by 5 percentage points, we would have to study 35% more frequently.

>> No.41003332 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 2766x1686, Renown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easily the most successful battlecruiser of ww2
>completely ignored in favor of her sister, an overloaded tuberculosis colony, and bunch of pre-ww1 nip half-breeds
Such is life. The only WW2 battlecruiser that both actually survived the war and did accomplish something during it is completely ignored in favor of lesser boats. If you read a book about bong battlecruisers during WWII, you can bet it will be 90% "muh Hood wuz da greatest boat ever", 9% muh Repulse and Force Z, and Renown gets a footnote on the last page. It's pretty impressive how the ship's entire career gets summed up as "Renown existed too. She did visit Japan in the 20s, got rebuilt just before WW2, engage a pair of kraut battleships once, fought at the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Indian Ocean, escorted a slew of more famous vessels, and had people like Churchill, Truman, and King George VI aboard at various points, but nobody gives a fuck about her because she isn't Hood or can't be used as a symbol of the collapse of the British Empire in the East unlike her sister".She also seems to get fucked in most games she appears in, like WoWS just apparently gutted her entire secondary battery because muh balance.

>> No.40771356 [View]

I'm done.
We are seeing right now the integrity of /hlg/ being taken away because kenzobronies couldn't handle the fact that they are, in fact, reclining beyond control. Today it wasn't even close, HoloX had a clear advantage and won, but because 90% of this place is towafags jerking each other, the only source of neutrality, equality and fairness finally bent the knee.
Today was the chance for you to take a stance in favour of what's fair, what's right.
Instead you wrapped your lips around that towacock like a hungry baby sloth to her dirty, retarded mother hanging from a tree.

It's just really unfortunate to know nothing can be trusted from now on, and it doesn't even matter what results may come in the future, the field is skeewed and the match is rigged. Rules are ignored, traditions stepped over in favour of pleasing newfags, redditors and the assholes that come here only to shitpost and not to analyze and support the chuubas and their sexiness.
All that'sleft is a filthy arena where people pretending to be fans from each side throw shit at each other, where real holo fans get silenced ion favour of spotlighting schizos and obvious falseflaggers for easy grudge points from retarded towafags who don't understand the circus they are in.

Fuck all of you.
And especially fuck you, 35P anon. You were supposed to be the voice of reason.

>> No.40506437 [View]
File: 504 KB, 640x960, NHK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interacting with a higher dimensional goddess, she gave me a blue demiurge sword, requiring 60 intelligence, 90 faith to use. I had 63 int, 83 faith, so I thought "only three points wasted." I was told I must consume giant squid to be able to use it, and giant squid is the most common fantasy creature consumed to induce awakening.
I'm in front of the giant slaves at Pontiff digging with a shovel, when a massive giant squid tentacle bursts out. The goddess from before appears riding on top of a kneeling giant in blue and gold armour. I hop on with her, she talks about becoming one of the 100 best Dark Souls players, bringing up the legend of the 100 heroes or
heroes, and I should be one of them. As she says this a nearby guy sleeping in bed hyperventillated ecstatically. I look up a higher dimensional weblist, check for Naster and see his name. I look for myself and find "Soeltaar Unstoppable". The goddess was calling me Granita which I thought was a girly way of saying Granrojo.

Watching a match between players with the highest Ds3 playtime. Recognising the two fighting, I laughed "Haha, it's r1 spam and noob-bot" A teacher told me I had played 14th most, I said "Aw, I wish it was 13th" making her laugh. I saw players impersonating me with Soeltaar-esque names, represented by seagulls, I laughed "Seagulls are so perfect for representing Dark Spirits."

Went into a classroom where Yukari was the teacher, I sat at her left and a girl sat at her right.

At a place like Pontiff, a small red flame buff above my right arm that represents being on steroids. A guy is annoying me, so I tell him he's cursed to get anally raped to death by trannies, then walk off. He follows me so I just repeat that he's cursed though it loses its bite somewhat. He's left behind, I keep walking until I see a girl in a purple & orange blazer with "SUCCUBUS" emblazened on it, heading towards a fence over where I see other girls wearing it. Since it has Yukari's colours I want one, I ask if I can have one but she says no, then I hear someone over the fence say "Oh, my bitch followed me."

Wake up in a class with my Yukari figure, her paint peeling off in ribbons to reveal black underneath while I'm trying to fix it though it's pretty hopeless. The prior assistant teacher girl says "how can that even happen?"

I'm using Power Within, chasing a host who runs back to Pontiff arena, then lays out many items that were emitting heavy black auras. I pick up some, one being "Blood Eagle".

I hear a voice saying "This board is dead, what remains the the worshipping of model, and this is the same as the state of the world at large, but it's going to be over soon." I see an image of Yukari, a golden butterfly inside a sukima over her left eye shining down golden light, thinking I'd seen this image before but no gold butterfly, instead waves of dark purple butterflies raining down. I was referred to as "Blood Raven"

A guy summoned me in the vessel of King Solomon, the Ultimate Alchemist. He was very excited, walking off with me, while another guy went "Pfft." because of my dishonor/corruption/etc.

I was told to make a Yukari thread to try to make up for the misfortune I've put her through, using a certain picture of her with a large gap filled with purple eyes behind her. I remembered it well upon waking, but couldn't find it through all of her pixiv art and a lot of booru.

Mentioned to my brother I collected nearly 8000 pictures of Yukari once, he asked "why?" I shrugged, why not? He shows me an image of Yukari that sort of periodically expands, becoming more glitched until it became still, he said it'll take 80 years for it to move just one more pixel, or any time if she felt like it.

With Yukari, I go over to her. Welcome to the NHK is referenced, she says I was always good at living like a NEET, doing my own thing, going to sleep day after day without much need for socialising, and this is related to me having eternal love for her, as she makes me kiss her hand. I kiss her other hand, then she makes out with me as I run my hands over her back which feels like its very wide so I can do it freely. After, I ask if she can tell me which artist made the image I should use for an OP, she says not to worry just use this image, as she shows a weird bathroom image, saying "that'll stop the spammers" in a spiteful sarcastic tone. She pulls me off into a neighbouring bathroom, says "alright, I gave you a blowjob so now I'm going to do two other guys" as she looks over the guys in the other bathroom in front of me. I think maybe just look away and it wont be too terrible(yeah, right), after a few seconds can't take it, saying "Stop it! I just want a normal love!" then thought normal is a stupid word, reiterating "a normal, uncursed love!" She vanishes from that spot and I hear her voice from across the room "he thinks he deserves me, he's a super turd" as all the guys in the bathrooms' heads transform into the glitched image from before.

>> No.40448164 [View]
File: 504 KB, 640x960, NHK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interacting with a higher dimensional goddess and she gave me some things including a blue demiurge sword that required 60 intelligence and 90 faith to use. I had 63 int and 83 faith so I thought "only three points wasted." I was told I needed to consume the flesh of a giant squid to be able to use it, and that giant squid is the most common fantasy creature consumed to induce awakening.
I'm in front of the giant slaves at Pontiff digging with a shovel when a massive giant squid tentacle bursts out. The goddess from before appears riding on top of giant in blue and gold armour kneeling. I go on top with her and she talks about becoming one of the 100 best Dark Souls players, bringing up the legend of the 100 heroes or
heroes and that I should be one of them. As she says this there's a guy nearby in a bed hyperventillating ecstatically . I look up a higher dimensional weblist and check for Naster and I see his name, I look for myself and find "Soeltaar Unstoppable". The goddess was calling me Granita which I thought was a girly way of saying Granrojo.

There was a couple of guys barbequeing some meat but they wouldn't share with me, and I called them out on joining in when some other guy would cook and share meat with all of us.
I went into a classroom where Yukari was the teacher, I sat at her left and a girl sat at her right.

At a place like Pontiff, there's a little red flame buff above me right arm that represents being on steroids. There a guy who annoys me so I tell him he's cursed to get anally raped to death by trannies, then walk off. He follows me so I just repeat that he's cursed though it loses its bite somewhat. He's left behind as I keep walking along until I see a girl in a purple and orange blazer that with "SUCCUBUS" written on it, heading towards a fence over which I see other girls with this blazer. Since it has Yukari's colours I want one so I ask if I can have one but she says no, then I hear someone over the fence say "oh, my bitch followed me."

I wake up in a class with my Yukari figure, her paint peeling off in ribbons to reveal black underneath while I'm trying to fix it though it's pretty hopeless. The girl who was assistant teacher to Yukari with me says "how can that even happen?"

I'm using Power Within and chasing a host who runs back to Pontiff arena then lays out many items that were emitting heavy black auras. I pick up a few, the one I remember being "Blood Eagle".

Around my unit's carport, I hear a voice saying "This board is dead, what remains the the worshipping of model, and this is the same as the state of the world at large, but it's going to be over soon." I go into a house nearby with maybe Yukari, killing one invader, as I see an image of Yukari with a golden butterfly inside a sukima over her left eye shining down golden light, and thought I had seen this image before but with waves of dark purple butterflies raining down. Someone or something refers to me as "Blood Raven", as the person I'm with gets ready to defend from more invaders, using Polymorph to disguise, so I use it too.

I was told to make a Yukari thread to try and make up for all the misfortune I've dragged her through, using a certain picture of her with a large gap filled with purple eyes behind her.

My mention to my brother that I collected nearly 8000 pictures of Yukari once, he asked "why?", I don't remember my response. He shows me an image of Yukari that sort of periodically expands and becomes more glitched out until it becomes static, and he says it'll take 80 years for it to move just one more pixel, or any time if she simply feels like it.

I'm with Yukari, I go over to her and Welcome to the NHK is referenced somehow as she says I was always good at living like a NEET, just doing my own thing and going to sleep day after day without much need for socialising, and that this is somehow related to me having eternal love for her, as she makes me kiss her hand. I then kiss her other hand, then she makes out with me as I run my hands over her back which feels like its very wide so I can do it freely. Afterwards I ask if she can tell me which artist made that image I should use for the OP of a thread but she says not to worry just use this image as she shows me a weird bathroom image, and says "that'll stop the spammers" in a spiteful sarcastic tone. Then she pulls me off into a neighbouring bathroom and says "alright, I gave you a blowjob so now I'm going to do two other guys" as she looks over the guys in the other bathroom in front of me. I'm thinking maybe just look away and it wont be too terrible(yeah, right), but after a few seconds I can't take it and say "Stop it! I just want a normal love!" then think normal is a stupid word so I say "a normal, uncursed love!" Then she vanishes from that spot and I hear her voice from across the room "he thinks he deserves me, he's a super turd" as all the guys in the bathrooms' heads transform into that glitched out image from before.

>> No.40400981 [View]

N1: Based on leaked answers I got around a 30 on the vocab section, much much better than I thought I did. Grammar was much easier than expected, basically an N2 grammar test. Did my weighting off the 日本語能力試験ベスト模擬試験 book from the Japan Times. Would absolutely take a 30 but I bet I'll be in the 25 range, we'll have to see how they weigh it. Bet I get in the 90 range overall :) reading carry me please

Listening was unexpectedly tricky (as everyone is saying) and I def choked 2 of the three final questions. Which is like 6 or 8 points gone right there lol.

That bus question messed me up too bc I realized halfway through the question was about what happens after they (redacted) not before and wasn't sure which was which.

>> No.40095426 [View]

Compared to normal Kai Ni, she gets 8 more points of firepower. 152 maximum on Juu.
Less armor than Sushi, has 128 compared to Sushi's 135.
Also loses 4 points of evasion - used to be 90 evasion at Kai, is 86 at Kai Ni. This is at level 175.

>> No.40008512 [View]

Reading this thread made me truly realize how few people actually read Mahoyo. All these talk about Mahoyo adding to the lore, how the sequels might go even further in some obscure points, etc... and like
no that's simply isn't going to be case, because that's not AT ALL what Mahoyo is about. Mahoyo's "lore" is the background of the background, and the rare times it comes forward it serves only really construct a character backstory.
The focus is ENTIRELY, no 80/20 or 90/10, ENTIRELY on the characters and the self contained story.
You will no get groundbreaking lore in Mahoyo, but this simply isn't what the series was build for.

>> No.39772621 [View]
File: 35 KB, 621x883, irokebijin 90 cm tan akane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of buying a doll for the first time. Trying to decide between pic related, Irokebijin 90 cm tanned Akane, or Irokebijin 90 cm Mary/Marnie.

On the one hand, I fucking love tan girls with big boobs (I guess this Akane could count as a gyaru too? Bonus points if yes). On the other hand, holy shit, the Marnie doll pretty much looks exactly like the original.

What does /jp/ think between these two?

Also, uhh, which one would be safe for me to buy? Would I land in legal hot water if I get Marnie since she's on the smaller side? For context, I live in America, but where exactly is it illegal to have a loli-ish doll like Marnie (if she even counts??). From about 15 minutes of research so far, it seems like it's just a few states where it's illegal, and seems like there's no federal law yet making it illegal everywhere.

>> No.39423033 [View]

Honestly those bullet points aren't too bad, plus self-publishing seems to be what 90% of people do anyway including with doujin books (r18 or otherwise)

That Konami story has me curious, what happened there? Some skeevy porn book or something? Then again discounting their current rep they've always cracked on fan works.

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