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Search: "united federation"

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>> No.26527817 [View]
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>The United Federation of Colonies or the UF to the common man/monster.
>It was formed when the colonists broke off from the Order due to political and religious differences that have cropped up from vast distances and the fact most of the population of said colonies were made up of Order exiles and mamono who moved away from the mainland to escape the fighting that was occurring there.
>The largest of it's cities are along the coastline, the largest being Yuuhphis City.
>The UF has in recent years spent a considerable amount of resources, time and manpower in expanding towards the west.
>However, they've stepped on the toes of an ancient empire ruled by the Tezcatlipoca, a race of dragons that settle the area long ago.
>Said Empire sees the new fledgling republic has a threat and has sent their ocelomeh warriors to harass UF border towns.
>In turn, the UF has begun setting up minutemen/woman regiments in order to fend them off.

>Due to the hostility coming from the Anztecians, the United Federation has set up a series of forts along the border in order to have security or at least be a delaying tactic if an invasion were to occur.
>The recent expansion of the United Federation westwards has led to the rise of cattle ranches in where demonic beasts are grown for their vast girth and then butchered to have their meats and hides sold back east.
>The owners of the largest of these demonic ranches are often known has 'cattle barons' who have managed to acquire enough capital to influence politics not only in their backyard, but all the way back to the capital.
>The wealthiest of these cattle barons belongs to a Minotaur whose only known has 'Lady Red' known for her tastes in clothing.

>With the rapid expansion that has been occurring out west, the United Federation has been opening their doors more to immigration then it has been in the past.
>In particular, Yuuphis city is home to the nation's largest transit hubs, with the rail, portal and naval hubs all connecting to this city. Leading to the city being many immigrants first stop before heading further into mainland.
>This however, had some consequences, has many Order worshipers that came from the original colonies view their homeland kin as the very reason why they split off from the Order in the first place.
>Even then, the local mamono aren't innocent of this either has they see the migrants trying to muscle in on their husbands and jobs.
>This has led to several clashes with migrant and local groups.

>In the furthest reaches of the United Federation out west, what most in the UF consider the edge of civilization.
>Out there, lies a recent cult that has gained a rapid audience lately.
>Known has the Star Order, it shares a lot of similarities between the mainland Order.
>The mainlanders would however consider them heretics for a couple of tenets of their belief.
>The main difference is that they believe that all of the gods that do exist, including the Chief God are actually aliens that came from another plane of existence.
>The second is that, the United Federation or rather their patch of it is the true holy land and not the mainland.
>Not to mention is the massive vault they've carved into the side of a mountain, which many UF citizens believe they store their money, their holy relics or both.

>When the United Federation first started expanding out west, most 'towns' were nothing more then work-camps were the workers often slept in a hole covered by a tent.
>It wasn't unusual back then for mamono to pay to see a pair of (used) men's undergarments.
>When Incubi and women headed westwards, they saw a clear economic niche they could fill.
>They're services became so high in demand, it wasn't uncommon for an entire town to spring up around brothel/saloon.
>Those who come from the mainland often tend to find that saloons often fill the same niche has the taverns back home, although with more prostitution and gambling.

>The United Federation's most iconic weapon happens to be the handgun or 'revolver'.

>The Anztecian empire uses the Kuaitl, the official currency.
>Often made from copper, silver or gold, it's often depicts one of the gods on one side of the coin, whilst the calendar that predicts when the era will end is on the other side.
>Farming communities will often instead exchange cocoa beans since a gold Kuaitl would be said farmers entire yearly salary.
>Of course, there is a black market in the border zone between the United Federation and the Anztecian in where Anztecian cocoa and 'medicinal plants' are often exchange for the United Federation's tobacco, whiskey and manufactured goods.

>> No.26475841 [View]

Because if the new coin girl. What monetary currencies and fiat money is there in the MGE world? What I'm asking is, what currency would you think may be the best an most valuable? Here's what currency I believe would be in the MGE world:

>Demon Realm Sterling (silver)
>Royal Makai Crowns (gold coins and the fiat currency of the Royal Demon Realm, the Demon Lord's Home land and base of operations)
>Order Crowns/Order Pounds (currency of the Order)
>Lescatie Francs
>United Federation Dollars (not!US Dollars)
>Mist Continent Yuan
>Ziapangese Yen
>Is the land that Ocelomeh and any potential South/Latin American Monstergirls been mentioned or named yet? Because I assume whatever land that is, it's currency be called pesos

Anything else to add?

>> No.26464677 [View]
File: 197 KB, 473x671, 74602857_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Young Human Boy for sale! Age fifteen, is single, lonely, is still a virgin and in need of good loving monstergirl to take care of. Bidding price starting in 30,000 Royail Makai Crowns, or 100,000 United Federation dollars. Please contact and inquire for a Mister Sanderson at the Vinewood Plaza for further details.

>> No.26077229 [View]
File: 215 KB, 1000x1000, Ratatoskr8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>News channel music plays


>Good evening, I'm Tessa Carlson and you're watching Raptor News. Here are our top stories for tonight...

>The United Federation has begun promoting it's upcoming elections for the next coming three months for the new presidency. Between the Federalist party with current President Cary Perrenger and the New Republicans headed by Alex Freeman. President Casey Perrenger has toured the country from the capital of Columbia, to the rural sides in Wayverst County and his home town of Battleship Bay. Meanwhile running candidate Alex Freeman has held a motivational speech for the upcoming elections to his supporters at the University of Garland Hall.

>The United Federation is also preparing itself for the anniversary of the White November Battle. Commemorating it's victorious historic battle in fighting off the Aztecian Empire from the South.

>In international news. The On going civil war in Leopold Country at the continent of Abyssinia rages on for ten years as each opposing side has yet to reach any cease fire agreement or military victories or defeats.

>The Independent Lands of Mi, Shin and Ro has had it's citizens hold more intensified rallies to continue fighting for their countries' independence from being assimilated by the People's Republic of Cathay of the Mist Continent.

>More news and details coming right up

>> No.26046022 [View]
File: 187 KB, 2167x1300, 1599456327276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE America.

>The United Federation of Colonies or the UF to the common man/monster.
>It was formed when the colonists broke off from the Order due to political and religious differences that have cropped up from vast distances and the fact most of the population of said colonies were made up of Order exiles and mamono who moved away from the mainland to escape the fighting that was occurring there.
>The largest of it's cities are along the coastline, the largest being Yuuhphis City.
>The UF has in recent years spent a considerable amount of resources, time and manpower in expanding towards the west.
>However, they've stepped on the toes of an ancient empire ruled by the Tezcatlipoca, a race of dragons that settle the area long ago.
>Said Empire sees the new fledgling republic has a threat and has sent their ocelomeh warriors to harass UF border towns.
>In turn, the UF has begun setting up minutemen/woman regiments in order to fend them off.

>> No.21602907 [View]
File: 581 KB, 768x768, GyouboDanuki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ongoing economic Trade War between the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay has caused international worry due to the impact and effect it has. As some countries are facing inflation and rising prises from the Trade War, Tariffs and Sanctions the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay have been throwing at each other for Geopolitical reasons and political rivalry.

But fortunately powerful wealthy Danukis and the Commerce Guild of Zipangu are doing their best efforts to mitigate the effects of the Trade War between the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay. And are doing their best to get the two world powers to sit down with negotiations and put an end to the Trade War.

>> No.21519724 [View]
File: 99 KB, 913x660, GyouboDanuki33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ongoing economic Trade War between the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay has caused international worry due to the impact and effect it has. As some countries are facing inflation and rising prises from the Trade War, Tariffs and Sanctions the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay have been throwing at each other for Geopolitical reasons and political rivalry.

But fortunately powerful wealthy Danukis and the Commerce Guild of Zipangu are doing their best efforts to mitigate the effects of the Trade War between the United Federation and the People's Republic of Cathay. And are doing their best to get the two world powers to sit down with negotiations and put an end to the Trade War.

>> No.20088443 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 732 KB, 1619x1823, 1521505079569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So boys haven't ya watched the news?

Elven soldier Captain Talindra Naefir of the good ol' United Federation has single handedly saved a noble boy of Tosmaria, Duke Gerard Avington from terrorists.

And despite the terrorists having superior numbers and vehicles such as they ever popular pickup truck with a machine gun slapped onto it's cargo bed. Cap'n Talindra Naefir beaten and killed them all due to the fact she be a skilled elven battle mage and adept conjurer, summoning magic constructs to help and shield her, conjuring up ammo for herself. And the pic says it all, princess carried Duke Gerard Avington back to safety.

>> No.17727124 [View]

>“Dolphin blade” is a marine race sport featuring girls in swimsuits on motorized float shoes. It is especially popular in Yamato, the 81st island district of the United Federation.

Seems like the whole plot is centered around showing the girls in bikinis as much as possible, but high speed racing and bikinis don't really mix.

>> No.12632722 [View]

What is Eirin doing in United Federation?

>> No.11911298 [View]

You're thinking of the United Federation of Planets.

>> No.8144728 [View]

because American ethnic gestures are the official behavior of the United Federation of American Planets

>> No.6340427 [View]


United Federation of Planets = Soviet Union (circa 2050, with Mecha Lenin) = Valimar = Confederate States of America = Gensokyo Proper = The Empire of Japan (fused with Greater Corea) = Roman Empire (Caesar) > Minas Tirith = Holy Britannian Empire (Season 2) = Middle Earth (Second Age) = United States of America (Gilded Age) = Roman Empire (AD) = Dominaria = Paris Commune (with maids) = Hinamizawa > LeMU (operational) = That Island from Lost = Palace of the Earth Spirits > Heaven > Valhalla > The Secret City Gondolin (pre-Sacking) > Shangri-La > Elysia > Berlin (Divided) > Azeroth (10,000 Years Ago) > Tenochtitlan (pre-sacking) = Russian Federation (without the nukes) > Lilliput = Brobdingnag > Nazi Germany (led by Rommel) > The Isle of Numenor (pre-Sundering) > Mushroom Kingdom > Tol Eressea > Gallia (Strike Witches) > Umayyad Caliphate > Fifth Reich > Any of the Stans > Soviet Union (1988) > Helvetia = Switzerland > Kanto > Johto > Orange Islands > Atlantis (Drowned) Prime > Weimar Republic > Sicily > Aztec Empire (Ruins) > People's Republic of China (Modern) > European Union > The Moon > Moesokyo > Grimsokyo = Angband > Antioch > Vatican City > Texasland > Sarajevo > El Dorado > Milan = Florence = Venice > Grand Duchy of Moscow > Puerto Rico > Cuba > Argentina > South Africa > The Republic of China (1912) > Airstrip One > Good Korea > Shakuras > Surrenderland (France) > The Emerald Isles > Greater Serbia > Bad Korea > Minas Tirith = Osgiliath = Minas Morgul > Dynastic China > Warring States Period> Poland > Israel > Japan (Modern Day) = 4chan = The United States of America (Modern Day)

>> No.1628235 [View]

I can't wait till I live in the UFOP (United Federation of Planets), sigh I wonder if aliens will ever make first contact...

>> No.1162675 [View]

Well, you see, the Throne of Heroes exists outside of time, and as such heroes can be summoned from the past, the present, or even the far future.

So, obviously, Archer is the legendary Captain Johnathan Archer, who singlehandedly defeated the Romulan Empire and founded the United Federation of Planets.

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