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Search: "manga"+"isn't"+"reading "

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>> No.44596125 [View]

Is vocab study through Anki really the only practical way to learn vocab as an absolute beginner? I've tried it a few times but I always feel like as soon as I miss a day, I just stop because its not fun and its even more tedious to get caught up than it already was to keep up.
I've tried just reading manga and looking up unknown words, but my brain just kills itself after a few pages having looked up every word they said, so I can only assume this is a method best used AFTER one knows a decent amount of vocab.
How do you guys do it? Are there any alternative methods to vocab study that are more fun to go through as a beginner? To be clear, I'm not asking for some cheap cop-out method that claims to teach me five bajillion words in two microseconds, but just something that I can do that isn't so mind-numbingly boring and tedious as a beginner that doesn't have the vocab to just go read and look up unknown words. Or am I just being a little bitch and should just suck it up and slog through Anki vocab?

>> No.44380637 [View]
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I did alright, never really studied or did any homework but for the most part I didn't even have to and got by on natural intellect alone.
Things really fell apart for me in my last year of school, and I ended up just reading manga on my phone when no one was looking. Got... Okay grades but where I live that year isn't too important anyway.
Skipped everything I could after about halfway through the year, still had to go to class but mentally I checked out and stopped caring.
Just started hating everyone, for good reasons mostly. Bunch of guys I hung out with started doing more and more shit together, and I was never invited, not once.
By the last few months I spent every second I could alone in a sideroom reading.
Think I set a record for getting through the Konosuba LN though, did it all in roughly a week or something.
Eventually moved on to touhou stuff once I figured out that I could distract myself from how much I hated my life with it more or less indefinitely.

>> No.44361595 [View]

manga isn't reading

>> No.44098952 [View]

Firstly, Cure Dolly isn't a beginners resource. Use Tae Kim or Japanese the Manga Way* if you're just starting out.

Secondly, Cure Dolly stole all their content from a much much much better book called Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't Tell You*, by Jay Rubin. Read that after you've been reading manga for a few months.

*These are both available on Archive.org, and in the guide in the op.

>> No.44030425 [View]

I don't understand? Murakami isn't particularly difficult to read at all, it's just standard contemporary Japanese and vocabulary wise it doesn't even approach a writer like Hirano Keiichiro or Machida Kou. Stuff like jidaigeki by Shiba Ryotaro / Endou Shousaku or famous writers from the Meiji/Taisho era like Izumi Kyoua, now that is difficult to read.

So if you don't read novels what do you read? Nothing but manga and VNs? I like to read Golgo 13 everyone once in a while but if you read nothing but manga your reading comprehension is obviously never going to go up past high school level.

>why are you not already living in Japan and banging your Japanese wife? What makes 4chan so much more preferable to Japanese sites?

I've barely even spoken to a young Japanese girl before, my only speaking experience is with Oba-sans, Obaa-sans, Ojii-sans, and Nii-sans.

>> No.43920885 [View]
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I don't care about it, try asking /cgl/ for this question
I look at a lot of fanart on twitter, I rarely consume new anime but I do follow a couple of manga updates.
Even though I don't consume as much it's still good part of my life and character.
I do sometimes associate myself to some characters, but on a "yep that's relatable" level not "I'm literally them so I'd like to cosplay as them".
If I really like one character I'd like to own some goods of them, I don't have many goods because of this because I'm very selective. I really can't relate to people who buy a random character just because they're pretty.
As for the possession itself, I like taking some of my figures outside to take pictures of them, pic related, but other than that I don't think much of that.
I'd say spend what you can afford, other than that who cares.
Yes, I started as your usual weeaboo but then started getting interested about Japan itself. In a few months I'm going there for the first time and besides one day I don't want to spend time on otaku media but instead check the rest.
I don't care about vtubers but I guess so?
Touhou and various Slice of Life anime that make portraying Japan part of their plot, for example Yuru Camp.
I never really linked other genres (action or whatever) to Japan itself instead.
As some other said, it was a slow growth, there isn't an exact trigger that makes you go "oh after reading this I want to check out Japan". As you consume this stuff your curiosity towards the country grows naturally.

>> No.43851199 [View]

What did Rena want to live for? Is it really so bad if she gets choked? Is she really so addicted to eating, drinking, shitting, pissing, masturbating, sleeping, taking a hot bath, laughing, having fun with her friends, reading manga, listening to music and all the pleasures of being alive? What a selfish slut, drowning on pleasure, unwilling to let it all go for the sake of someone else.

Rena is addicted to life and will fight tooth and nail to avoid being killed. She will actually HURT Rina-san to save her own life. What a selfish fucker. Does she really enjoy eating and shitting that much? Why isn't she okay with being only a spirit, huh?

>> No.43659720 [View]

Early morning, as everyone else gets ready for work and leaves, I enjoy my coffee and start reading some manga online/some YouTube.
But I think I prefer evenings when everyone goes to bed. Something about during then is really nice. That's when I get serious at my gaming, listen to music loudly through headphones, snack sum snacks. By 2 in the morning it's either time to head to bed or keep going depending how I feel. I guess those 2 times feel the best because they feel the most appropriate whereas the rest of the day I just feel like I'm procrastinating LOL. And that's kinda just what it is isn't it. Endless procrastination.
It's not that I have anything else to do... I just kind of put off my hobbies so I sort of dislike it. But I can't help but spend the day like that.

>> No.43614831 [View]
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thank you for the serious reply anon :)

I forgot to mention that, context-wise, I'm pretty well-versed in the lore, but only if it encompasses the main games and the characters in it (so for example I know next-to-nothing about Yorihime and Toyohime, but I can explain everything about WBaWC and its' cast to you)

>Silent Sinner in Blue
This was one of the ones I was most curious about because I wanted to know more about the lunar war (and kingdom) as well as Yorihime, Torihime and Rei'sen. The wiki mentions not only Cage in Lunatic Runagate but also Inaba of the Moon and the Earth are necessary for context. I'll won't read it first but I'll keep it in mind thanks to what you said

>The fairies' manga series
What exactly is the premise? I saw Okina strangle Clownpiece and was kind of interested lol

Great to hear, it's the one I was the most interested in. I really want to learn more about Akyuu and Kosuzu. Would you reccomend it as a first, then?

>Lotus Eaters is cool, has some great worldbuilding, but it's SO FUCKING SLOW.
I was curious about the whale girl, but I wasn't planning on reading it because I heard it's ongoing and I don't like waiting for chapters.. I'll wait until it's finished to read it in that case.

>Cheating Detective... who?
That's sad... I saw someone else talk about the same thing, Satori is one of my favorite characters (top 10) but apparently she's barely in the manga isn't she? That sucks, probably not gonna read it in that case. It's ongoing as well though, right?

I noticed you didn't mention Wild and Wicked Hermit at all, why's that?

>> No.43530676 [View]
File: 737 KB, 1240x1754, itooooofu8282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because people are more exposed to Higurashi than Umineko. As other anons said it earlier, it's the anime, but also the manga, the gacha and all the merch that have helped boost Higurashi's popularity (for better or worse). Not to forget how memed Higurashi has become at least on the Western side of Internet. Higurashi has more content because how well-known the series is (due to the Deen anime), which leads people to follow Higurashi more than Umineko. Memes of "200+ hour Umineko" discourage people getting into reading the VN (or even the manga), which isn't helped how people meme and spread how rumours how "bad" the ending is.
Having read all the main VNs from 07th Expansion, I find Rose Guns Days as clearly the best work Ryukishi has ever written (outside WTC). Sadly it doesn't get much deserved love despite having a manga adaptation, it has the same problem as Umineko: not enough exposure

>> No.43468392 [View]

Why does it matter what order you think you should learn them if you encounter bombing raid before north? Given that you're reading something military-ish it's bound to show up too. 竹とんぼ is uncommon enough that it isn't ranked by my frequency lists but I've encountered it multiple times in manga.

>> No.43366164 [View]

manga isn't reading

>> No.43356924 [View]

manga isn't reading

>> No.43311777 [View]

In last year's /jp/ poll there was a guy who started reading WaHH and didn't know it was a part of a larger series until the end. Apart from WaHH, I don't think any of the other manga can be enjoyed by non-fans, and even then for non-fans WaHH isn't top-tier. Perhaps low-middle would best describe.

>> No.43056713 [View]

Their goal is to ship holos with males because reading shitty romance manga isn't enough for them anymore

>> No.42906376 [View]
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Just finished Toradora, right after reading Zero No Tsukaima. I opted to pick up the LN because my previous experience with ZnT (anime first, them the manga and finally the LN) made me realize that all the adaptations lobotomized the source material. I haven't seen the Toradora anime but, after seeing some clips of it on youtube, it seems to have similar problems.

So, for ZnT, the LN ended up being the absolute best version of the story. Characters had more complexity, there was more dialogue in general, including a lot of insight, and the story was able to expand itself in ways that neither the two adaptations couldn't. Overall, ZnT was a great book, and despite a few low points (mainly the chevalier arc and the inn filler shit) it still had plenty of great moments to compensate. Louise was hands down the best part about it. Her character progression was on point and all the suffering she and Saito went through paid off nicely towards the end. Having a romantic story where the main couple isn't formed at the very end was also refreshing.

As for Toradora, I went in expecting a diet coke ZnT after hearing people make comparisons between its respective tsundere MCs. I wasn't a fan of the high school slice of life setting, as it wasn't as interesting as the magical journey in ZnT, but I will admit that when Toradora tackled more serious themes, it being more grounded in reality made them hit extra hard (volume 10 was fantastic). I wasn't a fan of the side characters and Amy was annoying, but it had a superior male MC and Taiga had some wonderful moments towards the end. It was fun to compare her to Louise, because despite both having the same archetype, they are very different characters. It made me wonder about how the two would interact.

Overall, I would consider ZnT a superior story due to how consistently entertaining it was.

>> No.42776910 [View]

I read the first chapter of a ラノベ that I saw recommended forever ago (I can't remember if it was in one of these threads or not). It's my first time reading Japanese text that isn't either from a manga or from study materials, and there are some lines I'm having trouble wrapping my head around.

Google translates the sentence as "Money will be gone after a few more nights.", which seems accurate, but I'm having trouble breaking it down myself. お金も...なくなっちゃう I get, but the 後何泊かしちゃったら is throwing me off. Is there a かす or かする verb forming the かしちゃったら bit? What is it?

What's コロン?

心が疲れていたから I get, すぐに眠くなってしまう I get, but what's that か in the middle?

Any insight would be appreciated!

>> No.42389219 [View]

>Even the manga is rushed as fuck lately, vol 1 of the LN was adapted in 14 manga chapers but vol 2 was adapted in only 6 chapters. The manga even skipped the visit to Shinomiya's dojo.
That's.. concerning. I stopped reading the manga because the translations were godawful, but it's sad to hear they'd skip relationship/bond development in a story like this.

>And then there isn't a good point to end the season, some Nips raise concern about this too. Hope they don't make an anime-original ending.
I thought the same since the story is such a slow burn. Usually, you'd end an anime season after significant story progress has been made but is there even such a point yet? The middle-schooler visit in Volume 3 has an excellent vibe to it, but there's barely been any development at that point. It's basically the turning point, in a way.

A good stopping point is probably at the end of their 1st year of study, as I'm sure the author is planning some very spicy things for the 2nd year so it'd make a good teaser for the future, but the source material isn't even there yet AFAIK, and even then it'd be too much for a single cour without severely rushing things.

That being said, I'll get properly pissed if they make an anime-original ending. It'd just be a different series at that point.

>Also volume 8 when?
Up until now, a new volume was released roughly every five months, and the last volume came out in August, so it should be during this month. Although, I've seen somewhere that the LN is about to catch up with the WN, so it may take longer going forward.

>> No.42357181 [View]
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>>don't know where hitbox is
The 7th game onwards has a visible hitbox when you're focusing. For now, treat it like a handicap to get used to the series.
>>enemy bullets often move much faster than what I am told is standard for the series
You'll get better at reading them with time. If you end up liking the series enough to go through all the mainline games, and maybe even jump up to hard difficulty somewhere along the way, once you go back to EoSD you'll be amazed by how slow everything feels thanks to your accumulated experience.
>>player character also moves a smidge faster than is necessary for precision dodging, movements feel jerky
You are holding shift to focus, right?
>>artwork is how to draw manga tier and the dialogue isn't funny (crappy translation?)
ZUN not being able to draw is one of ther series' charm points in my opinion. Of course, if you're a complete pleb there are texture patches to replace them.
>>unskippable (if brief) cutscenes
Hold CTRL to fast forward through dialogue.
>I know these are cheap games but I figured there would be a little more polish by the time they got to entry number six
EoSD is literally the first windows game. The ones before that were made for PC98 and look like this.

>> No.42340239 [View]

ideally get an epub of it, if you're on a computer it's probably easier to just look up the individual words with a manga-ocr frontend if you're at the level of reading lns. might be worth it if you're on a phone or tablet where native manga-ocr isn't possible.

>> No.42198200 [View]

AI isn't objective, listening to AI post is the same as reading manga

>> No.42198022 [View]

why isn't manga reading?

>> No.42097985 [View]

daily reminder that manga isn't reading

>> No.41892092 [View]
File: 250 KB, 1067x1600, 1596761581456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some years ago when I did exchange studies in a Japanese university I took part in the manga circle and was reading through a self-introduction booklet they had done. A lot of girls were naturally into BL and otome etc. and out of curiosity I googled some of their favorite characters. Upon seeing them I realized that I only understand things like the appeal of ikemen, bara, shota etc. (I guess you could say genres rather than character archetypes) but if I'm shown say 5 different characters that in my head are ''ikemen'' I often fail to recognize any of their appeal points. Besides easily identifiable points like age, clothing etc. almost any and all subtle details go over my head. No matter how hard I try to analyze the appeal characters in BL I often just don't get it. What small things make a big impact for you anons?

Pic related, a male character with some unusual appeal even for me.

t. anon who isn't attracted to males

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