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>> No.35522142 [View]

thanks for reminding me to do some bug extermination, anon. Didn't they get kicked out of NGA? Is it just the most extreme schizos left trying to communicate via twitter now?

>> No.35518247 [View]
File: 139 KB, 1080x676, Screenshot_20210702-115222_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any redditor here? It seems that anti chinks are starting to move to other places since NGA is deleting their cancerous threads once and for all.

They posted this subreddit(?).

How does it works? When it says moderators it means there are chink mods or mods from Reddit as a whole?

>> No.35517083 [View]

Why do I have the feeling that most of the chink antis at NGA are actually female?

>> No.35515592 [View]

Most of them were forced to graduate by other NGA chinks. There are still some remnants trying to spam here and there, though

>> No.35504373 [View]

When is the Holo thread at NGA is banished from the site again?

>> No.35503126 [View]

they are destroyed. nga killed them

>> No.35503099 [View]

More like excited as fuck. Her returning would imply that she and the management have arrived at an understanding regarding creative expression and that would also imply that she'd be brining in some new ideas to try

NGA would seethe but they've been impotent for a long time thanks to youtube finally unfucking itself.

>> No.35502504 [View]

a stray chink that has been kicked out of its nga nest, please be kind to the homeless

>> No.35502158 [View]

the chinks are dead anon, the schizos were forcefully graduated by the nga admins

>> No.35501015 [View]

Reminder that NGA Chinks finally decided that they had had enough and forced Chinks Holo antis to graduate too. If your oshi was being spammed before, you should thank Coco. The bitch died to save Hololive from Chink menace, intentionally or not.

>> No.35500918 [View]

Are you migrating to 4ch now since your NGA nest finally kicked you all out, chink?

>> No.35499016 [View]

well. word is that moderation moved in to shutdown NGA board is because bili and hololive is renegotiating market re-entry.

>> No.35498957 [View]

what a strange way to say that its a complete shitshow over at NGA

>> No.35498926 [View]

They are celebrating in NGA so yeah

>> No.35498682 [View]

being specific helps
it's pointless to hate an entire country
it's absolutely on-point to hate on the culture of the country for being the shit in which they decay and produce those fucks, just like how it's right to hate the culture of the west for producing transgenders
in both of these cases it didn't just happen overnight in a year or two
to be most specific, the fucks who were part of the list of reasons why coco graduated are the group of faggots over in NGA

enjoy your life

>> No.35498453 [View]

I'd like to make it clear that we don't hate China here. We hate a group of NGA scum who forced our bitch to graduate. Stop falling for tribalism.

>> No.35498185 [View]

they're done, they're being kicked off NGA if they continue, and there's genuinely no where else to go

>> No.35498027 [View]

Zhangs were still attacking any member who collabed with Coco in their channels. I don't think they would've ever stopped until NGA mods had taken serious measures like this, or YT became more productive for once.

>> No.35497813 [View]

So why was this not done while Coco was active? Were NGA admins in on the wheelbarrowing?

>> No.35497748 [View]

>or web authorities will have to come in (NGA is one of the very few lawless places left in their side of the internet, so this is sort of a nuclear button).

>> No.35497652 [View]
File: 14 KB, 715x365, they_dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The admins have kept the board open as a containment zone for antis because they're literally on the level of /pol/fags when it comes to posting on other boards
>Coco's graduation is incoming, admins finally have enough of their shit and announce they're locking and deleting the board since there's no point in keeping them around
>Doxxing of the site admins get threatened, the site is briefly DDOS'd out of spergery and their equivalent of the general discussion board gets spammed, necessitating a rollback
>Site owner acquiesces and delivers an ultimatum: Hololive discussion forum can stay open for 48 hours and it's up to people to archive it under the caveat that all of the ringleaders also graduate and agree to cease their activities or web authorities will have to come in (NGA is one of the very few lawless places left in their side of the internet, so this is sort of a nuclear button).
>Andy TV (essentially their recap / main rrat video channel) agree to suspend their activities by July 2nd (they worded it like they're graduating too) in exchange for not deleting the forum.
>Many of the self-described locusts are doing voluntary graduations while a few obsessed are telling them to hold their ground and to target FBK next (guy who made FBK thread got publicly banned as a warning)
>Wheelbarrow (spam program team) have officially disbanded and graduated. They also deleted their forks.
>Some guy is trying to spin a rrat that a bunch of people posting "GOODBYE MOTHERFUCKERS!" on 4chan means that anon is turning their back on Cover, a couple of posters give him (You)s and call him retarded
>A lot of them are listless and now have no purpose, one guy jokingly said "Maybe we can go play WoW?" and the others dogpile him saying the newest patch looks like shit

>> No.35497449 [View]

NGA is on lockdown so no there is no news

>> No.35496490 [View]

Any news from NGA/Baha?
How are they coping with their retardation?

>> No.35494667 [View]


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