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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.3189306 [View]
File: 114 KB, 400x568, sayonara-zetsubou-sensei_chiri_kitsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It isn't so much forcing as me trying to have an open mind. I like to properly convince myself of whether or not I like something. That way, I'm truly satisfied, and not just following another fad or trend. Fads and trends aren't necessarily wrong, I'm just not interested in shit just because it is popular.


Thank you. Even if they are supposed to be "mysteries", creepy little axe-wielding girls come off a bit as horror. Shitty, moe horror.


If I sit down and find I don't like it, then I have wasted my time. I have a hard time checking out new series because of this. I have to thoroughly convince myself something is worth my time.

Why is /jp/ so arbitrary about what shit they play/watch? This is unacceptable.

>> No.3189218 [View]


I don't care if you don't care. It is just an open question. Surely someone can explain to me why they like the series.

>> No.3189196 [View]
File: 21 KB, 300x466, 16187-30372_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't mean to come off as trolling here, but why should I care about the Naku Koro Ni series? Stuff like Higurashi, Umineko, etc.

I watched all of the Higurashi anime and was bored out of my mind. The whole thing comes off as a shitty J-horror anime (note: all J-horror is shit-tier) with an inappropriate artstyle to match (I'd probably enjoy Higurashi if it actually took the steps to make everything fit properly instead of moe-moeing shit up when it should be grimdark)

A lot of people are hailing Umineko nowadays, so I thought I'd get /jp/ to educate me on why I should (or shouldn't) get into the series. The main dude looks like he belongs in Phoenix Wright, so I feel like I'm already not going to like it.

Pic not related

>> No.3189114 [View]


Since when was Shiki in Melty Blood??

Fuck I'm behind

>> No.3188953 [View]


thanks for the recommendation :P

>> No.3149983 [View]


Animus. Weed. Authentic Japanese Culinary. Japanese girls. Serious power level discussion in Japanese. Everyone wearing yukata or other traditional japanese clothing, or japanese fashion.

>> No.3148915 [View]


lololol tripfags don't have feelings ;___;

Yeah well at least I'm helping sage.

>> No.3148875 [View]


Well it was pretty fucking epic. Not many people will experience that, especially not a lot of people from /jp/.

Even if you don't like the aggressive, sexually-experienced women, I hope you all have an epic moment in your life. Feels good, man.

>> No.3148842 [View]


9 breaks, to be precise. Condoms suck, btw. Also, shave your goddamn pubes.

>> No.3148826 [View]


To be honest, it was single-handedly the best moment of my whole, entire life. And I am afraid that very little will top the experience. It was simultaneously the most dream-like and most real thing to have ever happened to me. Have you ever almost driven into oncoming traffic because a girl was licking you from face to dick while driving a car? Ever have a girl rip your clothes off of you as soon as you get home? Ever have your nipples bitten so hard the skin is broken? Have you ever fucked the ever-loving shit out of a girl doggy-style and every other position imaginable with your bedroom door wide open, in the middle of the night, and not care if your parents or siblings here you? Have you ever done any of this high? This and more happened. All because of weed.


The more people I repulse, the more weed I get for myself. How's that for stoner logic? :D

>> No.3148769 [View]


So long as you find them ALL ridiculous, I guess it's ok. I don't have a problem with people having a problem with weed, so long as it is founded upon a solid philosophical and logical basis. There are arguments against using it, and typically those arguments belong to straight-edges like yourself. You have the right to keep foreign influences from your body. Likewise, I have the right to consume them. Not legally, but philosophically.

omw to page 10 :D

>> No.3148730 [View]


Thanks for bumping the thread dude, but I gotta sage before I ask why is it ridiculous? From a philosophical standpoint, even. Many people smoke cigarettes every day and they are much more harmful health-wise. Same with alcohol. You'd have to call them ridiculous as well.

>> No.3148694 [View]


Feels good man. It's not like we didn't want to come. We just both chronically masturbate so we have a really really high tolerance to orgasms.

>> No.3148683 [View]


I'm 5'2", 120lbs, so it really doesn't take a whole lot to satisfy me. I have the body of a shota ;_;


Well, it wasn't constant. When one of us got exhausted, the other took over, and when we were both exhausted, we watched Welcome to the NHK while cuddling/making out/smoking pot. We kept it interesting.


Of course it is. You're not high. Read what you quoted again. :D

Now, I don't want /jp/ to be filled with drug talk outside of it's context...JAPAN. So, to be fair to you all, I'll sage this thread. For your own good. It's really nice to see /jp/ being a bit more open-minded at this time of night. I'm guessing daytime /jp/ is filled with children.

>> No.3148639 [View]


Like with salvia divinorum, there are some people born without the ability to process THC or other cannabinoids. Because of this, some people just can't get high. I'm sorry if you are one of those poor folk. :(


I don't smoke weed to "become intoxicated". That is what alcohol is for. I use it to enlighten myself and open my mind further than it already is. THC has amazing neuro-network reconfiguration properties, allowing your thoughts to be abstracted much easier. This is why many stoners say things that sober people may find ridiculous. That aspect was very useful in programming compilers for me.

Also, in case any of you ever have sex, it's pretty good for endurance. I went at it with a friend of mine for about 8-9 hours or so and neither of us came. I didn't make that up, that was 8-9 hours of sex.

Masturbation is awesome too. Takes me about an hour of constant wacking when I'm blazed. However, post-ejaculation the high drops, so I don't recommend doing this at the beginning of the high.

>> No.3148568 [View]
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To make a point, none of you have ever smoked decent weed, based on your posts. The crap grown in Japan (see the OP picture) is terrible quality. You need to get something healthier for your body, like the headies (top of the plant) of a good strain of some hydroponically grown cannabis.

First timers: Do NOT overdo it. You need to take a single hit. Fill your lungs with the smoke slowly, and hold it in for up to 7 seconds. Then feel free to cough to your heart's content.

I hope you enjoy, but if you don't, then that is perfectly fine. The point is that you've opened your mind enough to TRY it, which is more than most people will ever do. Some people will do it on occasion, others will hate it, and some will find medical benefit in it.

But if you turn into a stoner/couchpotato/wastoid, do not blame the weed. You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.3148508 [View]
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Well, maybe they looked the other way, considering I was a student teacher of about 80 freshmen CS students during my senior year, many of which gave recommendations and praise since I explained the material in the labs much better than the Indian and Chinese professor boss I worked for. Not to mention programming code-optimization/transformation utilities, designing programming languages for research, and general student tutoring. However, nobody said anything. I even told a select few that I was high, and I thought they were joking when they said they didn't notice...but when everyone says the same thing...

Friends, family, co-workers, teachers...when NOBODY IS SAYING ANYTHING I think I've got the incognito part down. I may be a rare case, which is why I get so much heat in /jp/ probably. The idea that someone can actually be productive and interesting while high may not even occur to some people. It's ok though, that is just a product of ignorance.


I agree. Some people do turn into the typical 'stoner' when high, but a common theme among those folk is that they weren't too bright when sober to begin with. A lot of them also smoke themselves silly, which is not what I did when going to school. That was my off-time. At most, I'd take a single hit of dro from my pipe in my school parking lot, then I'd be pretty high and relaxed, but definitely not stoned to the point of not being energetic or comprehensible. A little weird, yeah, but what do you expect from an otaku right?

It's called "responsible usage". Hell, I knew people who would drink before class and they were incognito as well.

>> No.3148370 [View]

Funny, the world cannabis march is held in Tokyo every year, despite Japan being so naive regarding it's use.

Seriously, this is just terrible. Japan imported the drug laws of 1940s America, not long after it became illegal here (during Alcohol Prohibition, weed was supposedly very easy/cheap to acquire).

Marijuana has a lot of benefits, and for a country as stressed out as Japan...well...they fucking need to smoke a joint at least. I made straight As in Japanese and some of the hardest computer science courses during college, and I came to class every day high as fuck. After doing it for a while and getting used to being in public and doing homework, it becomes easy and nobody notices.

Now that I have entered the thread, is it time to sage? I think so, because clearly I am a drug-addled NEET who "whiled away [my] university years in a fug of smoke".

One day, when I am living in Japan, I hope to educate the people about the benefits of the drug, and to dispel the myths perpetuated by intolerance and ignorance. We live in a big world, and it doesn't stand for people to remain ignorant any longer.

>> No.3146641 [View]


Step 1. Learn some jap
Step 2. Play games in jap
Step 3. Become elite at reading jap

>> No.3146413 [View]


I've been watching anime for over 20 years. That alone is longer than most of you kids have been alive.

Also, tbh, this isn't /a/, so sage

>> No.3146349 [View]


Let me re-iterate then, without a trip, since clearly smoking marijuana inhibits my ability to say anything intelligent and I'm just a useless drain on society or something. I'm not high right now, so fucking shut up you ignorant little shit.

Anyone who says Miyazaki is shit is either trolling or has no appreciation of the classics, and thus should be put to death.

I've been watching anime longer than most of you have been alive. Whether or not I smoke weed doesn't change my superiority over you.

>> No.3146268 [View]



Anyone who says Miyazaki is shit is clearly either trolling or has no appreciation for the classics, and thus should be put to death

>> No.3142283 [View]
File: 130 KB, 429x838, Wiki_post-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have scoliosis (a terrible spinal condition), so attempting to do the "asian squat" with my feet flat on the ground results in me falling on my back (I have very limited control of my back)

I can only do the asian squat on the balls of my feet, which isn't very comfortable...so I sit cross-legged or seiza style. Fuck this discriminatory style of sitting.

>> No.3136810 [View]


I wonder how drunk ZUN got to make it.

Torrent finished in less than 10 minutes, lets do this shit. I can't wait to actually go to Comiket and buy it in person.

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