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>> No.13444981 [View]

in just 90,000 more EXP she'll have three bonus hit points to play with and be cheaper to expedition, and become ever that much more useful

it probably won't happen for a month

>> No.13322147 [View]

Unlocking HCG is a joke but HCG consists of several ranks
Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3
Stage 1 is for 90% of the girls and is basically "poke an image of the girl where her boobs jiggle and she has voiced lines"
Stage 2 is for SSR only (N -> R -> HR -> SR -> SSR -> L ) and consists of a static image as above but is an actual sex scene.
Stage 3 is an animated sex scene (basically like a gif) with voiced lines and for L only.

SSR and L are somewhat hard to come by in the beginning.
Each area in the world has a boss, that boss is SSR and has like 7-9% capture chance (if it shows up at all). Each area also has a running girl which extremely rarely shows up (like 1% to show up per run of any map in the area) and has a 3% capture chance. The running girl is always L (except on special daily maps)
Currently, there are 9 areas. The mobile version has 17 or something.

Rank works like this
You unlock a new scene / rank by spending 'heart points' which are common drops from maps. Fully unlocking a L girl costs like 1000 points. I am sitting on a stockpile of 54000 points right now and always unlock every new girl I get fully.

Every girl can at least go up one rank. N to R, R to HR, HR to SR
There are no 'natural' SR, SSR or L girls, they all start as HR.
All girls, regardless of rank, are fully voiced during all scenes.
One-rank-up (N, R, HR, SR, this means their end rank after upgrading) all have 3 different scenes (3 poke scenes). No exceptions. Rank goes up once after the initial unlock (i.e. a N would be R with the first scene unlocked but still just R after 3 scenes unlocked)
Two rank up (SSR) always have 3 + 4 + 1 scenes (3 as SR [poke scene], 4 as SSR [static sex scene] and one extra as SSR [also static sex scene] which unlocks after you unlock the 4 SSR scenes.
Three rank up (L) always have 3 (poke) + 4 (static sex) + 5 (animated sex) + 1 (animated sex) scenes

>> No.13262744 [View]

several elements:

1. the way the point system works: for each satisfied NPC, you get points equal to NPC level+5. Also, for each satisfied unique NPC, you get a multiplier dependent on NPC level.

2. Summon Spirit maxxes out at lvl 6666.
3. Each Inner God I summon gives me x4.2 bonus points. If I summon 20, I get a total of 85x.
4. I *think* the NPC limit is 90.
5. Potion Rain satisfies uber-high-level NPCs much better than Perform can.

>> No.13105493 [View]

If other units are getting the kills, that means either you don't need the points anymore; or you went full retard on your unit order. And there are maps that have almost non-stop purple goblins for an extended period. And this is even without looking at the numbers and doing basic calculations yourself. At .94 per second, even if the Valkyrie does nothing 2/3 of the time, it still is equal to a Gold non-CC Soldier, and much stronger for about the same deployment cost.

You realize you're comparing ~40-50 cost Mage+Soldier compared to a 10-20 cost Valkyrie right? Why are you even using shit Soldier+Mage, why not 5 Heavy Armors + 5 Mages you scrub?

And again, this isn't even their primary usage. If you're using Valkyries and Soldiers in anything resembling the same usage, 90% of the time, that means you have absolutely zero idea what you're doing.

>> No.13007481 [View]

Osawari update:
New event maps, three areas, one for milk, cocoa and sugar.
12, 15 and 30 stamina variation. 30 stamina drops 105~ of the respective material
Cocoa map has world 3 boss
Milk map has world 8 boss
Sugar map has world 1 boss
New p2w girls that up to 7x your gains from maps (How is anyone gonna compete with that)

Clearing 12 and 15 stamina maps on the event maps gives 2* upgrade material. Clearing 30 stamina gives an HR ticket.

90 stamina spent on cocoa would roughly translate to 315 cocoa beans with the 30 stamina map while on average 10 runs on 7-19 comes out about 150-200 beans but has a lot more money and exp to it, letting you do more runs through level ups. For people with little time, triple mode 30 stamina for material is very quick, risk free since the drops are always /all/ the material.

There is also a Pokemon PC Box, I mean Eromon storage now, where you can store 50 eromon outside your lineup for free. Additional 50 slots cost 200 gold points

Also a new series of quests. Unsure if they are daily, weekly or one-time.

The 4th and 5th map of the actual event girls are now unlocked (if you have the points) but I'm not sure if they're any actual use.

You can now buy various quest items for silverpoints.

>> No.12944339 [View]

No way I can make top 100 without wasting a ton of coins on refills
And no, didn't know about those quests
If they can be repeated thrice, that's 600, 900 and 900 tokens. No idea about the stamina cost though. Obviously every 50 stamina lost to other quests is -90 effective tokens and less points

>> No.12877228 [View]

I have a hotkey system. I level 8 girls at any given point and take care not to get too many ranking points. I also crank the gamespeed up to 16430 (manual) or 16490 (auto) depending on what I do

I hotkey the stats to 20,000 attack, 4000 AA, 600 range and 48 speed with Alt+1 and then depending on the girl, hotkey their stats back to normal before the wave fully ends with Alt+Q, Alt+W and so on, each girl has their own hotkey
I also have Alt+B which sets 20,000 attack and 1 range only to skill kill the last enemy comfortably
Some girls like Marugame don't function properly with the Alt+1 speed so I have a duplicate of that which is Alt+2 which uses 90 speed instead

For other girls I just freeze their HP value and solo them in 1-5 for stones since it gives very little rank and is fast and has no fliers so I can afk melees without trouble

>> No.12841073 [View]

Update on speed:
0 speed would be a countdown of 360
To achieve instant attack, one attack per frame (30 attacks per second), one needs therefore 120 speed (which I am fairly sure, will never, ever, be possible. Kanegasaki has 104 speed with two +5 speed items, making her the fastest girl in ShiroPro)
100 speed, a countdown of 60, is precisely 0,5 attacks per second under normal speed (30 fps) (speed up drastically changes the FPS and varies a lot between PCs so of course I am using the standard speed formula here)
90 speed is a countdown of 90, so 1 attack every 3 seconds (30 fps)
It goes down by 1 second for every 10 speed, so 29 speed, or 30 speed, would be one attack every 9 seconds (30 fps)

At some speed values, there is a discrepancy of 1 (One) countdown frame. Such as 104 speed being 47 frames and not 48 frames as it should be.

Bottom line is, the higher attack is, the more overpowered speed becomes. As we go to lower and lower speeds, at some point, attack eventually becomes more important than speed due to range limitations. I'll leave other people to calculate precisely where these cut-off points are. I hate math.

disgusting as fuck

>> No.12818375 [View]
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1496, 46720643_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would. I'd rate both her sexiness and cuteness in the mid-70's on a 0-100 scale. She has some very impregnable hips and a cute shy-girl demeanor with that hidey-collar. If we also allow her extra sexy points from her detachable head, which I'd love to ream from below, I'd give her 90+ sexiness points.

>> No.12685640 [View]

So Kagoshima is a must have right ? Since she got 90 points in the "I'll block the kabuto while everyone escape" (or rear-guard) stat.

>> No.12632997 [View]
File: 230 KB, 947x1007, ONI STRONK (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cool. I'll make you happy this time.
She pulls up to your house 15 minutes late this time, metal at a moderate volume.
You reach for the car door when you notice someone's seated in back. An amazoness.
>Huh? Oh, Wanda.
The woman nods slowly.
>Yeah, she got the tickets and needed a ride. Can't let the woman take her bike, can I? Not in this weather. Wouldn't be the honest thing to do. Well, hop in.
As per usual you spend 90% of the ride listening to oni girlfriend talk. Amazoness in back doesn't say anything for the whole ride, you wonder if oni girlfriend forgot about her.
>So the fucker's just sitting there, and I'm like, you know we don't make shoes for lizardman. And the scaletard is just staring at me, like, duuuh. Funny times man.
>Oh look, we're here.
Some kind of warehouse in the bad side of town.
>Shit, I am so fucking psyched. Are you fucking psyched Wanda?
Wanda nods.
>Alright. Help the gentleman out of the car, will ya Wanda? I'll go get the stuff.
Oni girlfriend walks off. You follow Wanda inside.
It looks like some kind of a fucking wrestling match. And she knows you hate this kind of shit. Well, apparently these seats were expensive, so...
First word Wanda said all night. You comply.
Seats are so close to the mats, this must be a VIP spot or something.
>Your girlfriend. She's good woman. Do very much for you.
>Loves you very much.
I see.
20 minutes later, lights are dimming and oni gf's nowhere to be found. You note that you're probably the only man in the building, besides the old guy checked in your jacket when you walked in.
Smoke screen comes on, some MG's voice going over the speakers:
Oni GF walks out. She's flexing hard and strutting around the mat.
She points you out in the crowd, a couple of ogres turn to smirk at you.

>> No.12425795,14 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Do you watch porn that isn't of her? How often?

[–]sisterwatcher[S] 12 points 17 hours ago
Yeah, but I'd say about 90% of the time I watch my sister's videos.

What now, incest deniers? This guy obviously has a thing for his sister.

>> No.12298022 [View]

The gains from Faith can be very good depending on your god (Itzpalt gives you resistance to fire/cold/lightning for example). I'll agree faith is near useless for some gods though. And, at high PV levels, a couple of points putting you from 90% to 91% means effectively decreasing your damage taken by 10%. But yes, the PV amount per point is not exactly impressive. Still, it'll serve you well both early when lacking decent gear and late where 1% more damage reduction is huge.

I do agree the life feats can be good, it's just I find myself making do without them lately. It's a matter of personal preference.

>> No.12121335 [View]

Placing a healer on a FAW team gives you an increase in reliability at the cost of decreasing your speed for every FAW fight you would have one without said healer. 80% success rate for FAW is a fairly basic number, so lets say adding a Juno increases it to 90%, does an increase of 10% success rate seem worth it to you for a decrease in speed to the other 70% of your FAW fights? And it's not like you have to win a FAW fight, you get 10,000 points even if you die turn 1, there are plenty of other players who will kill it if you get embered, and the sooner your current fight ends the sooner you'll be able to get to the next faw battle.

>> No.12109554 [View]

Ihave 2900+ buckets
I have lots and lots of ships at 90+, at which point the 2-9 levels make basically no difference and I have no money to marry them.
I am already farming for devmats with sparkled ex8 non-stop
I run ex5, 21, 37, 38, 6 to varying amounts in the other two slots.
The only library entries I'm missing require levels (Z3) or Medals (Bismarck) or both (Tone, Chikuma)
I wanted to do 5-5 because I wanted the medal but after spending so much on it for literally nothing but petty exp, I am cutting my losses. One medal and ranking points aren't worth spending damecons (would have been my next option) or final event map levels of res.
Maybe I'll try again when I get a Musashi

>> No.12107537 [View]

Barely acing then sending is what I was doing before I achieved a 90%-100% kill rate. I might go back to doing that since I don't need the points.

>> No.11924561 [View]

Can't be worse than this "B(.)(.)B-Hunter" alliance I'm fighting at the moment. I don't think you can rename an alliance, though, unless maybe you contact Nubee and manage to convince them to do it for you.

Alliance rank isn't much of an indicator for personal performance, though. Unless maybe you're like the guy who ranked #1 by doing 2.5 million points. Solo. On the first fucking day.
1800 average does sound like a lot, but even though I was eyeballing it, I don't think I'm too far off.

tl;dr numbers, because I'm somewhat bored while waiting for my battle points to come back:

For the last 12 fights I see in the history, my average was ~1969 points (2165, 1947, 1887, 2085, 2259, 2356, 1797, 1785, 1884, 2175, 1288, 1999). The last win was at chain 16 (35% bonus), my skills stop oneshotting strong opponents at around chain 30, so unless I get the dreaded non-proc (and my opponent procs), there's still room for improvement with the bonus. Thus, even if I do get a loss (60-90 points), those are offset in the long run.

Re: alliance rank
My alliance was "only" at rank 380, however most of our (currently) 18 members seem to take a relaxed approach at AB. At tally, our total was 1817874 points, of which 339055 were contributed by me. (19%)

>> No.11924557 [DELETED]  [View]

Can't be worse than this "B(.)(.)B-Hunter" alliance I'm fighting at the moment. I don't think you can rename an alliance, though, unless maybe you contact Nubee and manage to convince them to do it for you.

Alliance rank isn't much of an indicator for personal performance, though. Unless maybe you're like the guy who ranked #1 by doing 2.5 million points. Solo. On the first fucking day.
1800 average does sound like a lot, but even though I was eyeballing it, I don't think I'm too far off.

tl;dr numbers, because I'm somewhat bored while waiting for my battle points to come back:

For the last 12 fights I see in the history, my average was ~1969 points (2165, 1947, 1887, 2085, 2259, 2356, 1797, 1785, 1884, 2175, 1288, 1999). The last win was at chain 16 (35% bonus), my skills stop oneshotting strong opponents at around chain 30, so unless I get the dreaded non-proc (and my opponent procs), there's still room for improvement with the bonus. Thus, even if I do get a loss (60-90 points), those are offset in the long run.

Re: alliance rank
My alliance was "only" at rank 380, however most of our (currently) 18 members seem to take a relaxed approach at AB. At tally, our total was 1817874 points, of which 339055 were contributed by me. (19%)

>> No.11915319 [View]

should go back up to 80-90, right now sitting at 91 and 3 points behind 90

Non 5-2 club reporting in

>> No.11909801 [View]

Top ranked has 1260 points
500 cut-off is 360 points
I'm somewhere between 548 and 573 right now, points which is 81-90

>> No.11879522 [View]

What is the best way to get progress points?
Go to 5-4 and lose to the boss or find a group of 3 enemies and lose.

I hate getting to the boss and win because of an assist. It is a waste of vitality to get there again.
In a group of 3, you generally get around 90 points, but it is impossible to win if you are using 1 soldier cards.

>> No.11875266 [View]

Alright, I thought this was wrong, and I tried some stuff to see if anything changes.
But I'm not too great at math, so somebody correct me if anything I say is wrong.

Firstly, he says that the range is 90-110 for 5-4, which is a 7 vit area. That means, that for each step that results in points, you are going to get between 12.86 and 15.71 points per vit.
Now, if you look at 5-1 and 5-2, these are 6 vit areas. Also, through a few runs, it appears that it ranges between 79 and 97, though it wouldn't be strange for me to be missing a few. But, for these, each step that finds point will get you between 13.17 and 16.17 points per vit, which is higher. I put them both together, because they have equal number of steps, and equal point ranges, with similar point totals for 100% runs.
So, looking purely at ranges, we see that 5-1 and 5-2 actually have better point gains than 5-4.

But, the encounter rate between the areas may differ, so let's look at average points. TCGapp guy reports an average of 6.4 points/vit. Averaging across all my 5-1 and 5-2 runs, I actually see an average of 7.71 points/vit, which is a rather large difference here.
There is one thing I should mention though, that he might not have done. I believe that if you find an AW and not fight it, leaving it there, you'll run into no AWs. Which seems obvious, but this should increase the number of points you get for your vit.

>> No.11856209 [View]
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-01-21-19-35-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was lucky enough to get a single element buffer UR, so my team is that, 2 team buffers, and 2 critters. One of the team buffers is off-element, so for the express purpose of not being buffed by the element buffer, so I have a card that deals less damage when needed.

Barring when RNG fucks me over, I get 7k points at about 90%... Sometimes she's at the borderline and I do barely too much damage to keep her alive. I just got baby's first Lilim, though, so things might be changing here soon.

>> No.11847100 [View]

Neutral natures (Bashful, Docile, Quirky, Hardy) are always garbage because it's better to boost something than nothing at all as long as the stat that's decreased in return is not a stat you need.

EVs > Natures > IVs in terms of importance. EVs are on top because they provide the most substantial boost (64 points per maxed stat) without stat ups and they're also the easiest to control since there's no RNG bullshit associated with them.

However, Natures provide a scaling 10% boost. If you stat up a Pokemon in battle with something like Swords Dance and their attack stat hits 700, the Nature will provide an additional 70 points so you hit 770. Even without stat boosts, Natures are far easier to control than IVs and a Pokemon with low base stats will get an additional ~20 - 28 points from its nature, the equivalent to a decent IV stat (max 31).

The only IV that absolutely needs to be maxed in 90% of cases is Speed.

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