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>> No.21355464 [View]

With a June 13th release, MG will probably try to follow that up with releases on July 4th (Thursday of AX) and then if they are on schedule Ciconia the second week of August. Alternatively, they could have a release on July 25th (Thursday of Otakon) especially if Ciconia isn't on schedule.

>> No.21352550 [View]

This was my approach

1st month
Master hiragana and katakana.
Method: Brute force

2nd month
you can now shitpots on /jlpt/
go for the N5 kanji list, 16 kanji every 4 days (meaning, onyomi and kunyomi).
Method: RTK, brute force
while doing that go for Tae Kim pdf study 1 chapter a week.

3rd month
thanks to Tae kim pdf, grammar will be more familiar so buy genki books and complete them (workbook included)
you can now shitpost in 2ch
I'm stuck here
keep going through Tae Kim to reinforce
start gathering all the N5 vocabulary list. you will be familiar with 40-50 % by now.
start reading japanese books for N5 level

4th month
You should be ready for N5 exam.

I have that mindset, I will be taking N3 exam by December. N3 is my goal,
Reasons?: I have plenty of them, about 80 % is to understand my future sons and daughters.

It annoys me when learning vocabulary that has some kanji not on my level. How should I approach that? Should I master all kanjis then go for vocabulary?

I was doing both at same time while trusting the N levels roadmap but now I understand why they call it N5 to N1.

It is just a way to classify gaijins comming to Japan. Nigger5 to Nigger1 because this makes absolutey no sense at all.

>> No.21108561 [View]

It's also the 4th day of the week. He's a cool guy, I usually watch the collabs where he's at when I catch 'em.

>> No.21054774 [View]

They've released major titles within two weeks of each other before (Evenicle and Hapymaher is a recent example). I personally think that MG might put something up on preorder on April 4th, so it will have a 4 week preorder period before releasing two weeks after Trinoline, but I wouldn't bet on it.

There's unfortunately still the matter of MG only having so many programmers and only being only able to beta so many titles at once. A variety of titles might be stalled for a while because of the bottleneck.

Amusingly, assuming that MG releases a title on May 2nd and continuously releases biweekly from then, they almost have enough 100% translated titles to release biweekly until the end of the year. Obviously, Rance IX isn't releasing this year even in the best case scenario, but it's an amusing thought.

>> No.20972131 [View]

I can't wait! Still, they should have made next week's episode a 3rd gen vs. 4th gen undoukai!

>> No.20972069 [View]

Sweet, 4th gen next week.

>> No.20716819 [View]

>Nogi 4th gen last week and this week, and probably the next week
>Hiragana 3rd gen next week
>Keyaki 2nd gen has to wait another two weeks (the Miyagi roke contest thing will probably take two weeks)

Lol, a sign of things to come. That is second gen Kanji will be 2nd fiddle to first gen Kanji.

>> No.20676954 [View]
File: 175 KB, 1596x958, 1543308263396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other tidbits for tomorrow's update:

* Whaleship will be added to mobile version
* Mini dragons will be added to challenge stages
* Lotsa bonus stuff and increased rates

Correct, 4th anniv stream will be next week on the 27th.

>> No.20647018 [View]
File: 121 KB, 667x667, 14470436_1230109070372481_5845452845146146266_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah im usa-ian
streaming again in a few mins, going ham on joukyuu again hopefully 4th dan by end of week
twittch is neetanonn

>> No.20628421 [View]

Finally 4th gen next week

>> No.20420168 [View]

>third place in south-2
>not the best game, but I'll avoid last at the very least
>internet dies
>get 4th
I've already been having PTSD ever since tenhou was acting up a week or two ago, but now that my internet died too, I bet it's gonna feel even worse. Every time a tile lingers for more than a little bit, I can't help but think of these disconnects. Seriously feels bad.

>> No.20382628 [View]

Seems like 4th gen is coming out on Nogizaka Under Construction this weekend.

>Nogizaka construction middle "Strengthening 3rd grade student and rescuing seniors for the first time in 4th graders"

>During the construction of Nogizaka this week "Good luck for me! Third stage proxy war battle"

>Nogizaka During this week I will do my best for construction! 3rd term surrogate war battle
▽ 3rd grade game competition to save seniors from punishment game! Challenge various physical strength games by stretching their bodies.
If you fail, your seniors will prey on punishment game ...! Seniors and juniors' ties to be tested! Third stage student who cries crying out with failure to rescue. What is the result of a surrogate war that is overwhelming !?


>> No.20356011 [View]

I'm not good enough to reach 4th, and I'm tired of playing the same songs over and over again once a week's for years now. The nearest A is 4 hours away. I played it in Japan when I went and I loved it. I hope the D&B that's less than 5mins from my house gets it one day.

>> No.20194523 [View]

No producer letter but I figure I should point out the not minor but not quite major changes with this update.
No character kit breakdown until the dumbass intern running the twitter gives me higher res pics to work with.

>>20194444 change to the weekly rewards shown here, the eye shard fragment was moved to the reward for clearing 25 daily missions, for dailies, fodder was changed to SR fodder, and LB mat items were increased, also now you get gems from the last daily (for some reason), full daily reward is still 50 jewels
>4th and 5th beginner panel mission added, notable rewards in 4th sheet include Diablo Ptryx, an SR weapon uncap and 4 Orichalcon for clearing it in full, 5th sheet locked completely from sight until you clear the 4th one so who knows what'll that be
>epic quests added to the regular quest tab, you apparently use gems to unlock them for a period of time but all you get right now is access to the page because no quests are actually implemented in this update
>collab IS playable from the R18 client, no summon, but 2 SSR weapons, one is a fire sword with assault (L) and the other is a water staff with defender (L)

And now time for some blogging:
I regret ignoring the score attack event on the 2nd week because I got kicked from top 4000 to top 8000 like a dumbass, also fucking hell
another light SSR weapon dupe, how does this keep happening? At least it was Vishnu's which has very nice skills

>> No.20152446 [View]

MangaGamer's Top 5 Chart:

1. Sabbat of the Witch
2. President Yukino
3. Roundscape: Adorevia
4. Treasure Hunter Claire
5. Evenicle

There isn't much to say this week. We have 4 third party titles in the chart and Evenicle, with the latter being in the chart now for exactly 150 days.

Since people were arguing about Rance, here's some trivia to help you out why MangaGamer announced so many Rance or Alicesoft titles in general.
Rance is 3 years in a row ranked 1st on their survey:
People bought enough Haruka copies that it ended up on 1st place that year and they got the Rance VI license that year too.
Rance VI managed to sell in less than a month enough copies to reach 4th place in 2016 and 2nd place in 2017, which resulted in them getting VII, VIII and Evenicle in 2017.
And this year they announced IX, X and Escalayer R.
We can already say for certain that Evenicle will be their best selling title on steam and on their store for this year.
Love Alicesoft or hate them, but their titles are one of the most profitable in this industry.

>> No.20024918 [View]

MangaGamer's Top 5 Chart:

1. Evenicle
2. Treasure Hunter Claire
3. Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~
4. Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~
5. Magical Marriage Lunatics

Evenicle still on top for 2 weeks now and currently 129 days in the chart.
Treasure Hunter Claire is jumping between 2nd and 3rd place all the time.
We can already say that Sisterly Bliss is one of MangaGamer's better selling titles this year due to being in the chart ever since its first pre-order week (9th August).
Nekonyan's Fureraba ~Friend to Lover~, released 3 days ago and currently on sale is ranked 4th.
Magical Marriage Lunatics dropped to 5th place (previously 4th).

>> No.19986604 [View]

MangaGamer's Top 5 Chart:

1. Evenicle
2. Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~
3. Treasure Hunter Claire
4. Magical Marriage Lunatics
5. Bitter Exclusion

We have quite a few changes compared to last week.
First off, Evenicle jumped to 1st place. I thought that after 4 months in the chart or to be exact 122 days it would slowly leave it, but it seems to be still riding strong.
Sisterly Bliss pushed to 2nd place after being on 1st place for 3 weeks in a row.
Treasure Hunter Claire still ranked 3rd.
Magical Marriage Lunatics back in chart and currently 4th.
Bitter Exclusion pushed Hapymaher out of the chart taking the 5th place.

>> No.19946533 [View]

I think Hapymaher might have done well enough for MG to consider pursuing the fan disk, but it's up to Purplesoft if they want to license it out. If they were expecting Chrono Clock sales, then MG probably isn't translating the fan disk.

Evenicle is probably guaranteed 1st. I don't see SR outselling Evenicle, at least this year. I'd be surprised if Evenicle sales weren't comparable to Rance VI sales, and the latter did well enough to get 4th on December sales alone. It was only out for a week after a 3 or 4 week preorder period.

I doubt that would have helped (especially with Gears of Dragoon being considered shit).

My guess is that the Umesoft nukige past its peak sale time and that Claire sales are so similar to Evenicle sales that a tiny shift is enough for one to surpass the other (Evenicle beat Claire a few weeks here or there). The Eve 2 promo might have been that tiny shift, but maybe not.

>> No.19944297 [View]

MangaGamer's Top 5 Chart:

1. Sisterly Bliss ~Don't Let Mom Find Out~
2. Neighbor Watching
3. Treasure Hunter Claire
4. Evenicle
5. Hapymaher

Sisterly Bliss is now 3 weeks in a row on 1st place.
Newcomer Neighbor Watching jumped from 5th to 2nd place.
Treasure Hunter Claire hasn't changed its place since last week.
Evenicle is now 115 days in the chart and currently 4th.
Hapymaher pushed Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome out of the chart and is now ranked 5th for 3 days now.

>> No.19784037 [View]

>MG needs some small nukige to ensure that it can keep its at least monthly release schedule
Does it? They've got like two years worth of stuff backlogged and half a dozen that are at or completely finished TLed/edited already. I don't think they're scrambling to make their monthly release schedule unless they have a bottleneck somewhere in an area that licensing more stuff isn't gonna help. Heck, they're already releasing two "major" things in September if you consider Koropokkur one. (Size-wise maybe not, but it has quite a marketing push as MG's first release as a developer.) They wouldn't do that if they were scrambling for near-future monthly releases.

>I honestly don't remember seeing Imopara 2 being on the chart, at least not for an usually long amount of time beyond 3 months or so. I'm pretty sure it didn't have as long as a tail as Rance VI, but I might be misremembering.
Not as impressive as Rance's last-week-of-year release, Rance finished 4th in 2016 while Imopara 2 finished 7th for 2017, but Imopara is still exceptionally popular as evidenced by Imopara's 1 extremely long tail. Rance then outsold everything in 2017 except PEWH, so I fully expect Evenicle and Imopara 2 are #1 and #2 for 2018 unless MML sneaks in at #2 or MG drops Sengoku Rance by end of year.

I wish, then I might actually bother to read it as a filthy EOP myself. OC has all the good H content.

The English release bombed terribly because it was effectively not marketed at all, and it also had the unfortunate circumstance of being delayed to released one fucking day before PEWH when it was supposed to be done at the beginning of the month.

>> No.19743977 [View]

From A!O:

>Last week, illegal voting has been confirmed.

>In this PRODUCE 48, only Koreans are allowed to vote, and can vote from Gmarket and Mnet official website. To create an account on these 2 websites, you have to verify your identification card number.

>However, It has been confirmed that hacked Gmarket accounts were being sold on Chinese web(taobao) for only 10 CNY (about 1.5 USD) each. Tens of thousands of hacked accounts have been sold already, and I think it did hurt this whole project.

>As of today, 4th vote has been started. Mnet is now blocking votes from foreign IP, and Gmarket is now blocking vote from hacked accounts by phone number verification method.

>What's done is done, but... I really don't like the result.
Clearly something's WRONG with these Chinese fans. Hack??? wow..

Sakura a fraud.

>> No.19669826 [View]

There are lot of IM@S live event streams this week:

U149 volume 3 release event stream with VAs of Chie, Haru, Arisu, Kaoru, and YonaiP.
August 19th, 19:00 JST

TD summer stream with WakachikoP and VAs of Tamaki, Umi, Fuka, and Megumi.
August 19th, 21:00 JST

SM 4th Anniversary special stream with VAs of Shoma, Rei, Takeru, Shiro, Daigo, and Chris.
August 20th, 19:30 JST

Deresute NIGHT x20 with VAs of Mirei, Koume, Anzu, Asuka, and Sachiko.
August 21th, 20:00 JST

>> No.19609455 [View]
File: 313 KB, 640x480, kinzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Furniture bow to Ushiromiya
>In contact with demons
>Possess magical-like abilities
>Controls Rokkenjima with an iron but fair fist
>Own mansions & islands globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal Ushiromiya blood line
>Will bankroll the first Moon hotels (Ushirograd will be be the first hotel)
>Own 99% of summoning research facilities on Earth
>First incestual rape babies will in all likelihood be Ushiromiya babies
>Family head said to have 215+ desire, such desire on Earth has only existed deep in the Irie clinic & the Golden Land
>Ancient Japanese epitaph tell one sorcerer who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented magical progress with him
>He owns small bombs restaurants around the world
>You likely have small bombs inside you right now
>The Ushiromiya head is in regular communication with the witches Bernkastel and Lambdadelta, forwarding the word of his beloved witch Beatrice. Who do you think set up the meeting between Hachijo Tohya & the Witch Hunters high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 19 years) and arranged the Ushiromiya Group owner’s first trip to Niijima in history literally a few days later to the Kuwadorian bunker in Rokkenjima?
>He learned fluent italian in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the head. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Ushiromiya
>The head is about 9 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, the head is a timeless dragon existing in all points of time and space from October 4th 1986 to October 5th 1986. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he is a benevolent being.

>> No.19427007 [View]
File: 103 KB, 855x1199, DiEm3J-VQAA_62n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm sorry that it's taking me a while to learn a 4th language. I barely just learned how to read hiragana, moving on to katakana next week.
Also, fuck you. There's a reason why we call it "moon", it's fucking hard. And frankly people who spend their time to make LL more accessible to other people deserve credit. Unless you are one of those pathetic gatekeeping wankers, in that case I can understand your hatred for translators.

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