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Search: gokishit Lmao

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>> No.34568988 [View]

This is some high level cope lmao imagine claiming gokishit has anything good

>> No.34558953 [View]

>meanwhile gen 5 can't even hit 500k for any of their covers
Lmao gokishit is trash

>> No.34556866 [View]

>watching gokishit

>> No.34530121 [View]

>Nijis can get RE6 coop running easily
>self-proclaimed pro gamer lion can't
Lmao the absolute state of gokishit

>> No.34527870 [View]
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Reminder that gen 5 is so unpopular that Moona and Ollie, who get far less resources spent on them, are already projected to beat them to 1 million subs. Gokishit is indisputably the worst gen Cover has ever debuted and it's a mark of Cover's retardation that they're still spending money on them lmao

>> No.34525619 [View]

Gokishit can't even beat nijis, lmao

>> No.34515382 [View]

Gokishit are even worse than nijis lmao

>> No.34476761 [View]

Lmao gokishit is a dying gen, nothing for you to worry about

>> No.34417366 [View]

>Cover actually paid money to put gen 5 into VARK
Lmao Gokishit is going to be a dud, Cover being retarded as usual

>> No.34402401 [View]

>better average live views than all of gen 5 even as an indie
Lmao gokishit is such a failure

>> No.34383742 [View]

You mean only Nene is so desperate to leech that she wants to appear live lmao sasuga gokishit and their leeching ways

>> No.34323651 [View]

It doesn't get better, this thread is just infested with gen 5 shills who think gokishit is worth anything lmao

>> No.34318158 [View]

LMAO Gokishit getting what they deserve hahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.34314113 [View]

>Potential to be anything but trash

>> No.34246619 [View]

>Gokishit dethroning anyone
Lmao come back when they actually succeed in anything besides being garbage

>> No.34233908 [View]

Lmao Nene can't even make any SCs despite a 3D announcement, Gokishit are really trash

>> No.34231998 [View]

>Gokishit needs every other holo to not stream and still can't even manage as much viewers as Pekora

>> No.34213315 [View]

Lmao gokishit can't even get subs or views to save their lives, they're the only gen to not have any member at 1 million, how embarassing must that be

>> No.34170085 [View]

80% of the JP roster didn't debut almost at the same time that EN did, Gokishit enjoyed the same starting boost as EN but ended up such big ass failures lmao

>> No.34170001 [View]

>Lamy can't beat Calli in SCs
>Lamy can't beat Calli in viewers
>Lamy can't beat Calli in subs
>Lamy can't beat Calli in ASMR
Lmao Gokishit is fucking embarassing

>> No.34045365 [View]

>Implying Cover has the competence pull off anything decent
Lmao Bloom was a piece of shit only fitting for Gokishit tier performance

>> No.33997632 [View]

No one cares about Gokishit streams lmao, Fubuking can do whatever she wants because no one watches that shitty gen anyway

>> No.33925285 [View]

Lmao Gokishit keep proving to be failures over and over again lol

>> No.33923890 [View]

Lmao as expected of gokishit

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