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Search: Loved and protected

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>> No.12426795 [View]

So do you like the idea of being protected and loved by a Monster Girl bigger and stronger than you? Would you mind feeling emasculated or not? Or are you a deviant who enjoys that feeling?

>> No.11577220 [View]

1. she didn't HAVE to give birth to that retard Maria she did so because she loved her despite her flaws
2. she made Sakatoro for Maria
3. In episode 3(?) she protected EVERYONE she wasn't selfish at all and didn't care about the gold
4. strong,independant woman who don't need no man
5. Maria disobeyed her mother despite being warned many times what would happen, disrespected the hell outa Rosa despite all that Rosa had given her, she wasn't overbearing she had only a few rules "don't be annoying" "don't use that stupid uuuu~ shit" you can go back and re-read everything everytime Maria got punished you can go back and see that it was because she defied Rosa like the brat she is
6. Rosa is a MILF I mean all of the Ushiromiya's are but most of the others are old, Rosa still has enough youth

Rosa is the best non witch Umineko this isn't even debatable

>> No.10766572 [View]

I'm pleasant because I'm polite. I'm just as autistic in real life as I'm here. You see, people seem to value relationships that give them the right feels: an autismal sperglord who is good, is. He is. He exists. That's it. There are no sweet words, comforting cockings, encouraging blood oaths or common enemies.

There's only ultimate grayness, the boredom of death. Would you like to exchange information? Why not? There's no "doing" - there's only observation, absorption and radiation. The exchange of information. Laying bricks upon bricks to create colorful brick houses for everyone. Don't you like bricks? What about warm bricks that provide electricity? Why not? Would you like to be treated as if you were somehow especially important? Do you want to feel relevant, loved and protected?

I'm sorry. You can't hate unless you love. Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. I don't like hurting flies.

>> No.10573214 [View]

I love the older sister concept, despite only having an imouto myself.
To be loved, protected and cared for--to have a female "knight in shining armor" who loves me-- is my dream.
I always fantasized about what it would be like to have a tough nee-san to beat up the bad guys for me...
She's beat 'em up and then we'd snuggle together.

>> No.10302192 [View]

i want to be loved held kissed and protected while crossplaying/dressing. that's a big fantasy of mine, I really get a smile on my face thinking about it.

>> No.9141653 [View]
File: 33 KB, 420x315, op0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also for these girls. Don't forget your roots, /jp/. This game is what got a lot of us into vns in the first place. This is older than Clannad, older than F/SN, and older than YMK.


They loved you with all of their heart. Even when you were still the abomination of half normal/half NEET that you were. They greated you every day as you came home. They protected you. They cheered you up. Don't abandon them, /jp/, it's not too late.

>> No.8946313 [View]

Budgerigar is protected as a result picking up in the city of Sagamihara, was delivered to the police station, has "self-reported" the exact address of the owner, two days, were able to return safely to the original owner.

Inco is "Piko" They keep (male, 2 years old) in (64) San Fumie Takahashi housewife of Hashimoto district green city, a gift from eldest son to Mother's Day two years ago, that was loved.

Mr. Takahashi will hang on the balcony around 7:00 am, April 29, inadvertently left open the entrance to the cage, it was noticed that after about one hour, that is no longer stomach. 7:30 same time, business hotel near the station in front of JR Hashimoto was about 50 meters away, stopped on the shoulder of the guests, was delivered to the station north of Sagamihara.

Had been in the police take care, talk with, "Pichan" suddenly one day in the morning, began to talk and also address "Mr. Hashimoto Sagami Hara" In the afternoon the same day. Where the number of staff who had been watching closely, around 8:00 the same is said to have spoken only once to turn the end of the address of Mr. Takahashi.

Police employee is asked to address two days next morning, told Piko, Mr. Takahashi confirmed with the owner.

Mr. Takahashi was pleased "because there was a parakeet that had to escape was also kept before, was really good let me remember the address was. That you came back and".

>> No.7692604 [View]

And that justifies her, because? The Tohno's pretty much killed all of Shiki's family in front of his eyes.
Should he take revenge on Akiha too?

>Sakura wouldnt get shit on so much if she possessed 50% of Kohaku qualities.
But then she'd be just another Kohaku.
Kohaku is meant to be a crazy bitch who broke early and started killing innocents because she didn't really care.
Sakura is meant to be a person who was able to hold to a prospect of happiness until it's utterly destroyed.

Not to mention that their circumstances, while similar, are really different. Hisui actively loved (and showed ) her sister, and Kohaku protected her. She then was "rescued" by Akiha at some point and Tohno dude stopped raping her (can't remember how long, probably 2 or three years at best)
Sakura was given to the Matou by her own family, Rin (apparently) didn't give a shit for years (I honestly have no idea how Rin could manage to not understand what the Matou's would do being a mage and having information), and finally she hits puberty and her "brother" started raping her. And the raping continued to very beginning of the VN.

>> No.6957987 [View]
File: 52 KB, 640x480, Azumanga_Daioh_24.DVD(H264.AAC)[KAA][06291E67].mkv_snapshot_05.30_[2011.02.14_01.45.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been watching Azumanga Daioh, and like many people before me, I found myself really attracted to Sakaki. In my corrupted mind, her love for animals made me think "what if she was into pet play?" and since then, I've fantasized a bit about being her pet. Being held in her big embrace, being cuddled, loved and protected by her.

Though the fantasy lost some of its efficiency when I realized that since she's just tall by Japanese standards, I'm actually much taller than her. Also, I feel kinda bad for interpreting her pure love for cute things in such a dirty way.

>> No.6498147 [View]


I'll try to squeeze in all the main points to give you guys an idea.

When I was 16 I had everything, I was the baby of my family, very well protected by my 2 big brothers, we lived in a pretty rough area (think nigger/paki invested super low income depraved area of a huge city), people in the area knew not to mess with me, just because they knew who my brothers were, how though they were but more importantly who they worked for, the city has 4 major gangs, and they were thugs and drug runners for this gang.

I was always the beta little brother who did really well in school, so well in fact I got into college a year early, I had an 18 year old girlfriend whom I loved very much, due to her parents throwing her out because they hated me, she lived with us, and although there was always... suspicious things going on in our house, she knew that she was safe with us... I wish it were true.

My brothers were to pick up a "shipment", basically a van loaded with gear, and drive it to a few places in the country, however another gang knew about the van, when the dropper (the guy who loaded the van and drove it to the pick-up point for my brothers) got out of the cab, he was beaten the hell out of and had the keys stolen, then the gang who stole it fed him false info saying my brothers were in on it, that got to the gang leaders ears and a friend of my brothers who was in the room phoned my brother straight away without the leaders knowledge asking what the hell had they done, by brothers had no idea what was going on, my brothers friend believed my biggest brother and warned my big bro they were coming for us, and that we should get the hell out of the city while we still could.

Thats where I come in... thats where I fucked up.

>> No.6121105 [View]
File: 224 KB, 600x1900, yukkuri sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuri should be loved and protected!

>> No.5128516 [View]

>>5127688 Too bad I'll never be a shy alga girl being loved and protected by my bold fungus onee-sama and cooking and taking care of her as a proper wife should

Oh, god. This is my fetish in algae form.

>> No.5127688 [View]

Well, it works backwards too, eventually you start reading everything as potential doujin plots. Some papers are just asking for it, though. This one, for example.


Summary of paper: Ozopemon weevils have about 20:1 female:male ratio, males are neotenic and mate almost exclusively with their sisters. With that given, it's easy to visualize being the little shota beetle and having a harem of your loving elder sisters around you, sort of like Sister Princess except you're the little brother instead. Another paper explicitly likens fungus/orchid symbiosis to to marriage, and since the symbiosis begins while the orchid is just a seed, it appears even fungi share /jp/'s tastes.

Though I don't know much about orchid/fungus associations, I'm quite partial to lichen. Too bad I'll never be a shy alga girl being loved and protected by my bold fungus onee-sama and cooking and taking care of her as a proper wife should ;_;

>> No.4064446 [View]

1- Genji, kumasawa and Nanjo are definitely accomplices, no 2 ways around it.
Genji is basically a samurai, he is going to follow Kinzo's will to the letter and then his master to the tomb.
And Kinzo's plan is to destroy everything he created.

Kumasawa is easy, she is greedy.

For Nanjo, it's harder to say.
The stakes that always kill him, Belphegor aka sloth could be a clue.
He could be tired of life, and decided to end his life with this grand suicide.

2-Anyways the 3 of them don't kill anyone, accomplices is another thing

3-For the body doubles, it's a loophole, Shannon's body CAN have a body double. And Kanon could have feigned death with Nanjo's help.

4-Shannon in Beatrice mode baited him

5-They are being threatened, sometime the easy answer is the right one.

6-Maria is loved by Beatrice, it's stated a lot, the painless death could be a sign of compassion.

7-George and Jessica are blinded by love, it's a common theme in the game. Natsuhi and Krauss are self centered, Gohda is an easily manipulable idiot.
Don't forget that they are Kinzo's servants, not Krauss's, and Kumasawa and Genji protected their identity after his death.

8-Kyrie exchanged her baby with Asumu.
Asumu's baby was given to Natsuhi, who died.
Afterward, this was probably used by Shannon to make Natsuhi more crazy/

9- To find the truth about Kinzo, this whole thing was prepared by basically the entire cast.

>> No.4059150 [View]

>it's better for them.

That is a selfish attitude, they should also consider their people and their nation. If they are healthy and intelligent and not having children, then they are contributing to the demographic suicide of White Europeans/North Americans.


It only leads to irrationality when you apply it to the central state.

Leftism is quite rightly associated with feminine values, this is because leftists attempt to 'mother' the nation with social welfare, like a child who never has to grow up.

In a family environment, maternal instinct is necessary and applicable. It is a way of emotionally bonding with a child that a father simply doesn't possess.


The idea of "hybrid rigor" has been dis-proven especially when looking at multi-generational lines. In the first generation it is as likely to have a negative affect as a positive one, and after several generations, the worst attributes of both lines usually come out. There is also little predictability in the quality of offspring, some will be bad, some terrible, while those who stick to their own breed result in predictable offspring with the qualities of their parents.

Livestock breeders have known these things for thousands of years. It is amazing that most people today can't fathom them. From one breed of wild dog both chihuahuas and the German Shepard were bred in a very short period; just image where human evolution could go if we guided it as we have our animals, or at least protected it from degenerate blood entering our gene pool.

A good rebuttal to a book by Alon Ziv, much loved by the MSM that promoted whites intermixing is also of interest to anyone wanting to study the whole hybrid vigor myth:


>> No.3931842 [View]

What are you, a girl?

I'm not that guy, but I wish the same thing, if only for the reason that society is more accepting of a quiet and passive little girl than they are a quite and passive guy.

I want to have a relationship where I'm the one protected, not where I have to be the big strong knight, or where I have to be the assertive go-getter. I want to be a housewife, not the bread-winner. I want to be hugged and loved. I want to depend on my lover, not be depended upon.

Why was a person with a personality like mine born as a man? Why is it wrong and "weak" and "pathetic" for me to want these things just because I happen to have a penis?

>> No.3701107 [View]
File: 547 KB, 1055x1512, cheen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Shikigami's use is to be protected and loved by its master.

>> No.3689855 [View]

Not that I was unhappy. I had no complaints. Yukiko was a gentle, considerate woman and I loved her. When she gained a bit of weight after giving birth, she started dieting and exercising seriously. A little weight didn't bother me, though - I still thought she was beautiful. I loved to be with her, and I loved sleeping with her. Something about her soothed me. No matter what, I'd be damned if I'd ever return to the kind of life I had in my twenties - days of loneliness and isolation. This was where I belonged. Here was where I was loved and protected. And where I could love and protect others - my wife and my children - back. Being in this position was an unexpected discovery, a totally new experience.

Every morning, I drove my older daughter to her private nursery school, the two of us singing along to a tape of children's songs on the car stereo. Then, before heading out to the small office I rented nearby, I'd play for a while with my younger daughter. In the summer, we'd spend weekends at our cottage in Hakone, watching the fireworks, boating around the lake and strolling in the hills.

When my wife was pregnant I'd had a few flings, but nothing serious. I never slept with any one woman more than once or twice. OK, three times at the most. I never felt I was having an affair with a capital A. I just wanted someone to sleep with, the same as my partners. Avoiding entanglements, I chose my bedfellows with care. Maybe I was testing something by sleeping with them. Trying to see what I could find in them, and what they could find in me.

>> No.2218840 [View]

Somewhat. If he had given up on the ideal or compromised like Shirou did in UBW, he would have gotten the things he wanted and protected the people he loved.

>> No.2218831 [DELETED]  [View]

Somewhat. If he had given up on the ideal or comprimised like Shirou did in UBW, he would have gotten the things he wanted and protected the people he loved.

>> No.1682551 [View]

Imouto are to be cherished, protected, and loved tenderly.

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