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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.2254416 [View]

Unfortunately, we didn't have Dr. Seung Park on our team. However, one of our members has prepared a literary analysis! It is as follows:

<@DragonSamurai55> xD, yeah, I stand by my original analysis. "Hot girl, good story. I didn't spend a month translating to tell you it before you play. Get the hell away from me and download it."

>> No.2254358 [View]
File: 104 KB, 806x626, y022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, actual line from the translation.

Kei's a bit violent.

>> No.2254281 [View]

I'd say it's about 5-10 hours.

We found interested translators, basically. I'll avoid making any promises for latter tale, but things are looking much better now that we have three dedicated translators.

>> No.2254264 [View]
File: 418 KB, 1582x1925, naru-nanao_121626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Name Losers has released a standalone build of the first chapter of the first ef game, Miyako's route. We're currently working on the entirety of the latter tale, which would be Chihiro, Yuuko, and Mizuki's routes.

Grab the release and some more info here: http://tsukuru.info/b/?p=405

We'd also greatly appreciate it if you could report any errors you find while playing here: http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Miyako:_Error_Reports

Thanks! More translation releases coming soon.

>> No.2156490 [View]

Anyone can help us with anything. So please, feel free to.

By the way, there are many new and exciting scanlines.

>> No.2155631 [View]

>Are you going to use tlwiki/assembla still for info

project page here http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Chaos%3BHead_Noah

>> No.2155159 [View]

>Also, Moogy finds out how to upscale Saya no Uta.

Yeah guys keep an eye out for TLWiki's next project, Saya no Upscale! All other projects are on hold indefinitely while making the installer.

>> No.2138824 [View]

Was waiting on a fix to make it compatible with non-Japanese locales. Figured that it was stupid to keep waiting for what is essentially a bonus, so I went ahead and released this. That functionality will be tested alongside Demonbane and released as an update to this patch sometime after the Demonbane patch is released. v1.1, as it were.

>> No.2138795 [View]

Oh yeah. If you were using the v0.9 beta patch, delete script.pak (or restore it to the original) and wipe all of your saves. Otherwise this won't really have any effect.

>> No.2138790 [View]
File: 48 KB, 484x484, sayanotame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got sick of sitting on this so here you go.

I fixed the horrible loading error so now it won't take you five years to boot up the game every time. I also fixed random typos and grammatical errors that I highly doubt anyone gives a shit about.

Other than that there aren't really any significant changes. The patch is considered "finished," now, though, for whatever that's worth.

Have fun.


>> No.2115895 [View]

Yeah, due to the awesome nature of N2System, it took a while for Spica's route to be in a playable state. It was finished being translated back in January, though.

>> No.2102227 [View]
File: 110 KB, 800x600, e64addaf5e85aad39e55e7cf7659aa38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you guys weren't paying attention, Spica's route is now playable (?) in English: http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Sumaga#Downloads

This is running on the same engine as Chaos;Head, so let the great /jp/ bughunt commence. We've already got some great guys working on it on TLWiki, but I figure more help can't hurt!

Anyway, I don't really have anything to do with this project, I just felt like giving a heads-up.

Disclaimer: Spica's route probably doesn't contain the image I posted

>> No.2057130 [View]

Hey man, don't knock my sexy voice. I've got Al's moans DOWN, yo.

Well, in all seriousness.

The game is playable atm, but it's not really in a state fit for release. Otherwise I would have probably have gone ahead and made it a public beta. Unfortunately, due to the extreme amount of shit we backported from PS2, the game needs to be extensively checked for errors that can't be fixed without our tools and environment. If this were something like C;H, where the errors could be fixed just by editing or scripts, or Saya, where there weren't really any errors to begin with, I'd have no qualms with letting you guys have at it. In this case, though, I'm gonna have to ask you to be patient a bit longer.

We're also undecided on how to actually release it. It takes several hours to build our version at the moment, due to all of the PS2 material (mainly movies, to be honest). For this reason, and because it requires having both the PC CD and PS2 versions of the game to even patch it like this, AND because we only translated Al's route, I'm considering just doing a standalone release. This would be fairly hard to distribute via http due to the filesize, so I'd have to work out the logistics for that first, of course. A torrent is probably the best option.

We may end up doing something like a patcher/installer distributed via HTTP alongside a standalone build distributed via torrent.

I will try to have this out the door by the end of the month. I've been loathe to give any sort of ETA until now, but I think it's doable at this point.


>> No.1927180 [View]

I uploaded an updated 0.txt that fixes the /k/ rage shit and the grammatical errors that were introduced when I search and replaced "the Gun Kata" to "Gun Kata" and then back again.

>> No.1923642 [View]


>> No.1923563 [View]
File: 521 KB, 800x600, 018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jouka no Monshou is an Equilibrium fanfic by Urobuchi Gen, the author of Saya no Uta. No, really. Same artist as Saya (Chuuou Higashiguchi), too.

It's about an hour long. Makoto has translated it for us.

Grab it here: http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Jouka_no_Monshou

Since it's really small (~50mb after I converted the graphics to png from bmp) and there's no way in hell anyone will ever be able to buy this, our release is a standalone. Just grab the archive on the linked page and you're good to go, in other words.

Anyway, if you thought Saya needed more Gun Kata, this game is for you.

>> No.1900758 [View]

Yeah, there won't really be any significant changes to the text in the finished version. I've fixed a bunch of typos and edited the monster gibberish at the beginning, but otherwise the changes for the final version are going to be mostly hacking-related.

>> No.1893704 [View]

http://tsukuru.info/tlwiki/index.php?title=Talk:Saya_no_Uta is the place to ask!

Anyway, yeah, please install Japanese fonts and use Applocale/Japanese locale.

The final version of the patch won't have locale issues but this is what you get for using a beta!

>> No.1878087 [View]

Probably when the rest of that all alone stuff is released. Splitting the script files, in particular, will probably be fairly tedious, so I don't really want to bother with it right now.

>> No.1878071 [View]


I don't know of any plans to translate this game, by Makoto or anyone else. Sorry, anon.

But this is a thread about Saya, so let's not discuss Liar-soft, shall we?

>> No.1878023 [View]

Makoto is now gonna finish up Demonbane Al route, and then probably tackle Kikokugai. He doesn't really want to do any long projects other than Demonbane, but he'll finish the other two routes of that as well.

>> No.1876086 [View]

Yeah. Unlike Chaos;Head, the engine isn't a gigantic piece of shit that behaves in completely unexpected ways.

The only real issue is the fact that it takes so damn long to load the English script. And the locale thing, I guess. But, hey, it's playable for now, right? No way was I gonna delay it when you can already jump in and complete it, heh.

>> No.1875836 [View]
File: 163 KB, 800x842, asdfsaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tl;dr: http://www.tsukuru.info/%5bTLWiki%5d_Saya_no_Uta_English_Localization_v0.9.zip


>> No.1847882 [View]


DDL mirror for those who don't like Mediafire. Also a preview of the naming scheme I'll use for aa2k9, I guess. I'll make a page for it and shit when we actually release all of the other shit.

Consider this the preview release. Since it's still 2008 and all.

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