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>> No.4500253 [View]
File: 1.74 MB, 1950x1900, d2262b3d0f0b48484d7f31a12d91ad28ad1da9c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely scrapped and redid a deck, scrapped another one totally, tweaked my Time Stop deck, left the other the hell alone, added a couple moves to my repertoire and will get my ass handed to me anyway.

Pic related


>> No.4493794 [View]
File: 1.14 MB, 1600x1200, 3e79036bed417b7c2a4ccec3343ecd99f2827b9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs man, yeah, definitely good times there.

>> No.4492560 [View]
File: 311 KB, 600x600, ebbed096d9bab2cd96453123d5d80cfcb2f0aef1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll host, but I know I am going to be playing shitty. So don't expect much. Maybe expect nothing...


>> No.4485138 [View]
File: 480 KB, 700x812, 4b582aca614d577fc570eaa405e2a61564222ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Akagi, again very fun games. I'd play more but my hands are not responsive to motor impulses anymore.

And my two new decks suck horribly. Back to the drawing board ;_;

>> No.4484721 [View]
File: 1.07 MB, 1050x1225, 9d8374d97d95f9c04042b02738cb226f545046d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats me man. I don't care one way or another. I just want to play.

Which today seems to be the day not many others are on. Oh well, I will give it a little while longer, then I might host again later.

>> No.4484681 [View]
File: 137 KB, 480x649, 6d0b866747aa20f963ec89dd174ad5597986c4b5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just seems to be customary for those who start the thread the host. Ever since I started playing that has been the case. Not sure if that is what Remilia is talking about but that is just my observation.

Still hosting, not many people right now. I will leave it open but may be wandering about, might take a minute before I jump on but feel free to join, won't be long before I get here to play.

>> No.4484534 [View]
File: 212 KB, 800x800, 0aa032839919d59781d70702e9697c81eea28694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll host for a little. I was planning on digging out my laptop and tinkering with it but, fuck it, I will do it later.


[insert witty comment here] tier.

>> No.4469026 [View]
File: 274 KB, 580x800, 53bc977fba99f7a95aa8a265b85910622593194a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until you play against Sanae. She is a totally new beast now. She went from pretty bad to pretty damn good in the last patch. But yeah, two months away will do that to most people, especially with a patch in the middle. Alice, also, got new things. I remember the few matches I had right after the patch were against a horde of Alice players.

>> No.4469005 [View]
File: 768 KB, 900x1080, 5e9468da162f87610213b26ea29a941a9567dae4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know. Youmu players seem to be few and far in between with me. I want to say I remember someone saying something like Youmu being slower when the patch first came out.

>> No.4468988 [View]
File: 365 KB, 905x1220, 3ab81546bbf2a504c3e7d50e6ef5aa4e2dbd0fc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Dagger. Goddamn you are the most annoying Cirno ever. I wish I picked a different deck for our last fight.

>> No.4468702 [View]
File: 306 KB, 800x800, 4f60775c586e3c35f767c62fb51ab9b55857b334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. Yeah it can definitely be rough on newcomers. But good to see new people making their way into the game. Hell even I am still relatively new. Only been playing for 2 months.

Hosting one last time for the night.

>> No.4468504 [View]
File: 521 KB, 1618x1800, 8c3d571fcd0aff4733f9be8bb0737112faf070b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and? What name do you go by? If you are so good you shouldn't mind posting that right? I want to see if I remember you

And to the dude I just played, GGs. Sorry about the Marisa fight, I just play as her to see Master Spark :3

>> No.4468292 [View]
File: 271 KB, 870x1100, cd18afc91a4f078f28283289081b11c445880aba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.10 is the newest update and should be what everyone is using now.

>> No.4468270 [View]
File: 1004 KB, 1366x1817, 6d5a629282b71ff89588a5259301f4888799d55c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have two people hosting right above your post. I know my game is still open, not sure about the other dood.

>> No.4468180 [View]
File: 465 KB, 650x927, 0ed3cc80f9a06f0dabb8a4222c41d6baff015201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two new decks to try on my ImPerfect Maid! And I will still lose!

>> No.4451402 [View]
File: 238 KB, 600x800, 32ce9d1bcb1795ede774794482f81122a9c36340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG's Satori. Sorry I can't play more, but my eyes are killing me again... I had no idea Sanae got THAT much of a buff from 1.10 She is a totally different character now.

Scarily so too...

>> No.4450719 [View]
File: 469 KB, 750x1065, e3cfbe5d5ece6e4e24501da463a5d2f16007b0d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs again miko.

Rehosting again.

>> No.4450548 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1000x774, 230c90ebfa5c9141cb7b681512bc198d3d1197bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was weird. GGs man.


>> No.4450409 [View]
File: 522 KB, 1600x1500, ccf26e48339ab4c95966afbe5fd02369d18ed64a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ready to drop this shit.

>> No.4448928 [View]
File: 357 KB, 581x649, 9e8a1f7bde09a7e3f8eb43050f705ed9ecc9f04b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly cannot stand playing against Yuyuko. And Tenshi can be pretty nasty when you know her well enough. I would offer up some tips but I am hardly one to be skilled enough to do so. Sakuya is my main, Suika is a close second, and Meiling I would like to get well enough with to add to my roster.

The only real advice I can offer is to tinker around with the decks. My Meiling and Suika have two each, Sakuya has 3. One is skill cards with spellcards mixed, one is skill cards with defense buffs in it (Meiling has the speed buffs in there too) and my third Sakuya one is skill cards with mostly time stopping spellcards. Just ideas for decks.

>> No.4448835 [View]
File: 233 KB, 750x1200, 6dd903d92cd72bd61969e170eb75ae13dbbcc10c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, it was fun. You actually had me on the ropes with my time stop Sakuya build. That scared me a bit lol.

Really now... No the lag wasn't bad at all... Awesome.

I will host again in a few hours. Need to get my fix of Labyrinth of Touhou again.

>> No.4448663 [View]
File: 1.90 MB, 1665x2060, d0670b257fbf1af0534d229a3f582caf8f781d53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody? Only leaving the game on another 5 minutes or so.


>> No.4448517 [View]
File: 211 KB, 709x709, d9e72d4dba387bd70b8a26e96efe55c0baebebbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I think if you joined my game it would be laggy as hell.

>> No.4448459 [View]
File: 209 KB, 800x800, 88dbb494b6f0cb90dd3297eea7e6f489a0b0c615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



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