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>> No.5832339 [View]

And on the topic of Caster being evil. Yeah she really isn't evil compared to others in FSN, just maliciously motivated. But considering her whole "kill off the town" thing, I still wonder how to classify her.

Other type-moon villains

Roa - Just curious (nerd), went crazy
Kirei - just depressed
Fujino/Fujou - in despair
Lio - just annoyed and cannibalistic
Kouma - just doing what he wants
Gilgamesh - just being the ideal hero archtype
Souren - wants to find hope in humanity
Zouken - uh....overly nostalgic
Shinji/Alba - just bitches with inferiority complexes

funniest captcha yet: realms screeeam

>> No.5832219 [View]

If Nasu had written it so that you coul have Shirou choose other servants. The game would probably be way to epic and would have taken much longer to come out

>> No.5832170 [View]

Manga art rankings

Ep1 = Ep3 >= Ep4 > Ep2

I don't hate Ep2's art, but I don't think it works for Umineko.

>> No.5831787 [View]


But......thats what I said.

>> No.5831553 [View]

Senhime doesn't represent justice or holiness she just represent war.

This thread is more invalid than any argument I've made.

>> No.5831528 [View]


Exactly though. It would make for great material for When They Cry 6.

>> No.5831520 [View]


What a bitch. That rabbit should know her goddamn place I don't care is she's 40,000 old or something years.

>> No.5831514 [View]


I only torrent doujin when there's no other option (ie. when I downloaded all of Matra Milan's doujinshi)

But yeah that was the only time.

>> No.5831489 [View]
File: 151 KB, 806x650, Screenshot_-_2009_06_19_,_12_46_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster.

>> No.5831481 [View]

I'm not too familiar with Touhou's after life so...

We got Yuyuko who is a ghost princess of Hakugyokurou the "netherworld of the "formerly-living"

Shikieiki Yamaxanadu judges the souls.

So does Shikieiki control who goes to SA's hell.

And how does Yuyuko's netherworld correspond if at all.

>> No.5831469 [View]


I hope he gets married. For one who writes about love alot. I think he should give it a try if he hasn't.

captcha: rugged, defeating


>> No.5831459 [View]


This one?

>> No.5831449 [View]

It's got a creepy door It's had a crazy man in it. It has books you couldn't understand unless you were an occultist.

Admittedly perhaps I wouldn't mind. But Jessica just doesn't like it. Don't bother her.

>> No.5826541 [View]


Oh. Well that was equally awesome. For reasons already mentioned

>> No.5826421 [View]


The finale? Yeah that was a great scene.

>> No.5826387 [View]

>can't see anything

>> No.5826381 [View]


But that still doesn't really apply to the argument. Cause Ange see anything even WITHOUT love.

>> No.5826320 [View]

It's what happens when only one of the writer's wives is familiar with the source material.

Oh I love my country, it shits on everything it wants to.

And to top it off my captcha is "grim commission"

>> No.5826309 [View]


Nothing has been fully explained. But my theory is that Okonogi is acting in Eva's stead to cover up some shit and her hired Amakusa to do the wet work.

But seriously it's such an awful development considering that back in Ep5 Ange was all "OH NOES I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED HIM...I DON'T HAVE LOVE!!!!!"

and then it gets subverted hard here in that SHE shouldn't have trusted him cause he clearly doesn't care about her. Unless Ep8 pulls a happy end on that part (and you know it will)

>> No.5826279 [View]


Furthermore. Thinking on it, Episode 7's composition did feel really awful with all the random Featherine/Ange scenes.

My main problem with Ep7 is that it just doesn't add much to what we already know.

Battler loves Beato - we know this as per all of Ep5. Yet despite that, I didn't dislike these moments.

Shannon: I WONT LOSE
Me: Shut up and die, I don't want to hate your subplot but it really needs to get over with

Erika is a bitch as always.

>> No.5826248 [View]

Whilst I agree that Ep6 wasn't as good as Ep5

>lack of Lambda and Bern

They arguably have had as much presence as they did in the previous game.

But I don't really see why this would be a problem cause they really don't do too much interesting. Though I guess I don't like them enough to care.

>- Thought Battler would've changed 'cause he turned into the game master. But he was as derp as always.

Here we go again

>Amakusa actually hated Ange

As much as I hate Amakusa I don't think there were any indications that he hated Ange just that he thought she was a brat.

>> No.5811560 [View]

>asks questions about the hats

Question answered.

>> No.5811504 [View]
File: 86 KB, 540x600, 6afd4736a477541b32d48e3f3f03dd21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correction, we got a brilliant masochist in a peach hat.

>> No.5776506 [View]

>hit the mark

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