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>> No.45938418 [View]

>Due to my profession as a streamer, I have various constraints, and as a result, I have lied to everyone.
this is such fucking BULLSHIT
being a streamer has fuck all to do with ANYTHING you lying whore
Like even IF it was actually the case... Guess what? She could've stopped doing GFE AT LEAST. She was dating this retard for a while. But she never even attempted it.

>> No.45935504 [View]

Does it make a difference when she played into gfe fantasies before the apparently short marriage.

>> No.45934546 [View]

>They let her sell stuff GFE shit while knowing she was married
>but that's all on her
You are saying like Cover was not the one who was selling those.
>but we all knew that already. Of course they do

>> No.45934473 [View]
File: 740 KB, 388x375, 1625754544604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lied to her fans for half a year. Then when the yab happened, she allegedly wanted to tell the public the truth, but Cover told her that was a bad idea because then her fans would sue her. They also told her not to talk to the tabloids. She went behind their back - why? - to "prove" they weren't dating. After being terminated, she has continued to lie to her fans.

Where was she the victim here in this story? Why are Cover the bad guys? They let her sell stuff GFE shit while knowing she was married, yes, but that's all on her. They said they don't pry into their talents' personal lives. Sure, they reap the rewards of calling these talents idols, knowing full well they're stringing along lonely men and having sex behind their backs, but we all knew that already. Of course they do. Cover leaves it entirely on the talent themselves to be honest and for viewers to be wise to their bullshit. It's none of their concern, they're just a business.

>> No.45933650 [View]

What Holos? What risk?
The immorality of being married/in a relationship while vtubing. Or being an "idol"?
No one since Rushia relied solely on menhera GFE to get money or sold something as ridiculous as an engagement ring. It may lose them some fans, but they'd survive, and with how much they've been lawyering up against talent defamation such information will likely never see the light of day outside of a court. The only way any Holo would be a liability is by leaking info like our little retards Ru-tan and MelMel, or by having a reputation as nefarious as Mikeneko's post firing of Uruha Rushia, OR that most Cover talents moonlight as escorts, or smoke weed/do coke.
And yeah, titty streamers =! actual whoring.

>> No.45928251 [View]

I don't understand why it's such a big deal. You know that thing you do when you're listening to gfe audio? Where you close your eyes and pretend that she's just talking to you and not thousands of other fans at the same time? Just keep doing that except include her real life men as well

>> No.45926850 [View]

This is literally what happened last time with rushia’s drama. Some girls doubled down on the I’m not in a relationship side while some became extremely quiet and did less gfe

>> No.45926268 [View]

Maybe he got a kick out of fucking “THE GFE chuuba” or something

>> No.45924690 [View]

We need to think that some famous vtubers secretly marry but continue gfe shit as if nothing happens, considering they are in their 20-30s, marriage is natural.

>> No.45923970 [View]

If they don't, people will lost their faith in gfe

>> No.45923578 [View]

The holos who are comfortable doing GFE shit are the ones who have had multiple boyfriends or are married. When you are a virgin doing GFE shit makes you really uncomfortable

>> No.45921330 [View]

I was just in jail for a bit and missed out on some awesome Natsuki gfe material it looks like

>> No.45921268 [View]

So canan does gfe? Despite, well, doing what she does? And very heavily insinuating her brother is her ideal man because he doesn't sexualize her?

>> No.45921014 [View]

Neither AZKi, Korone nor Pekora sell themselves as GFE. Shit, the only reason the world knows AZKi is married is because she herself made it public on her RM account as soon as it happened.

>> No.45919968 [View]

When are people going to realize that these idol/GFE/parasocial relationships they keep bitching about are a large part of the foundation that the entire vtubing industry is built off of?

If you removed parasocial relationships, the entire vtubing industry would start crashing HARD.

>> No.45919897 [View]

The Rushia evidence was based on pretty damning coincidences being spotted like her and mafu having each half of a very specific matching teacup set (which was not announced anywhere but simply noticed incidentally). IIRC matching table/furniture/plates etc all made it look rather like they live in the same house.

Also I mean if you just watched Rushia even a bit you could tell she was fake as Kraft American Singles (the stuff they legally cannot call cheese). You'd have to be legally mentally retarded or autistic to think she was legit. Same goes for any gfe chuuba IMO, at least the ones intentionally trying extremely hard at it like she did.

The best solution is "just enjoy the streams and don't ever ever give any of them money individually just to simp for them." I would say getting stuff for events or maybe merch you are more of paying into the brand itself and at least tangibly get something out of it. If you never lose money, a girl turns out shit and you don't wanna watch anymore then all you lost is time. Also be wary of heaping excessive praise on any girl because the odds of someone being a pure virgin living anime girl who truly wants to be with her fans only is very very low. Your oshi likely is not what you hope she is and eventually, it will probably be found out eventually. Disappointment is inevitable so likewise never let yourself fall too far down bad for any online girl period. Your only hope would be to go groom some indie with 3 viewers or something.

>> No.45919682 [View]

>my previous oshi Rushia did gfe but was married
>my current oshi does gfe and rumors says she's getting married this year
I hate this.

>> No.45919136 [View]

You can come here and laugh at us now
but if even the GFE queen went after dick
You are next on the cucks list!!!

>> No.45919120 [View]

>Also isn't the only reason GFE is so effective exactly because men cannot get over the urge of being defined by sex and reproducing and having a female?
Would you not give that a degree of separation? Obviously almost every living creature wants to reproduce, but even animals are capable of pair bonding before and after conception. GFE exists because men seek out the connection particularly from a woman, even if it's simply the verbal component rather than physical or sexual.
I count myself lucky being emotionally empty enough to not get anything out of it, but I understand the cause and effect to fill the market need, but in the end it's still the digital version of giving opiate addicts horse tranquilizer.

>> No.45919073 [View]

Also isn't the only reason GFE is so effective exactly because men cannot get over the urge of being defined by sex and reproducing and having a female? The entire lonely male epidemic is fueled by it.

>> No.45918829 [View]

One wonders if this was the real reason Flare didn't seem to care that Rushia had been terminated. Maybe she hated the dishonesty of Rushia being GFE-prime while marrying and cheating on her husband.

>> No.45918683 [View]

Rushia never pretended to be GFE, I don't know where everyone got this idea from.

>> No.45918657 [View]

All women are gay. It's a natural adaptation to harems. And no, there isn't a single vtuber too busy to be in a relationship. Even the crazy ones like Koyori don't stream as much as the average person works.
>b-but singing and dancing lessons!
20 hours a week? The average person works 40 hours a week and still manages a relationship. The average chuuba streams like 15.

Single women don't do GFE. You do GFE because you have experience being a girlfriend. Prostitutes also do GFE for money.

>> No.45917794 [View]

>if you don't know the holos' roommates at this point
No, I don't because I don't care and the reality is Azki has never stated she's married or Nayuta and probably never will. You're just hypocrite in the end defending weird optics just because you're infatuated with twisted morality.
>It's not like they're a secret.
And Azki still has never stated she's married, she's not open about it. It's up to her to be open about it and so far the reality is that she's 'single' and does GFE style content.

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