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>> No.29721196 [View]


I saved that pic based on interactions adn while Aki is one of of my favorites (No lie love her) she hasent gone out of her way to associate with the EN branch. She definitely does the reps and has all the tools though

>> No.29308878 [View]

Those 12 pm adn 11 am dates brake my balls...

>> No.28760171 [View]

is hard to get the ass used beaseu chinese laws are fucking reatrded with foreigners.
You are talking about a country that ban speciifc NBA games becasue one of its players supported hong kong protests adn the NBA refused to reducate him.

>> No.28721193 [View]

The platforming is iffy but everything else is great. It's got better weapon adn enemy variety than HL2, much beter enemy AI and encounter design, less unskippable pseudo-cutscenes, a more focused story, no real vehicle sections, is way more challenging, and has a better final boss.

>> No.28477139 [View]

What's FBK's favourite gun? I only know Towa loves Wingman adn R-99/Volt.

>> No.28248868 [View]

and you think they havent done that, but you really understimate the quantity of these events that happen with china and oevrseas business. You cant predict all of them even reading some of them are just insane. its gonna happen again ins some other form.
>but everythings that's been happening lately suggests otherwise
becasue nobody saw this coming you are asking them to read the future and prepare for each adn every possible situation. This kind of risk assessment is actually more expensive than you think there are lmits to what they can consider until it happens. This was one of those situations.

>> No.28172733 [View]

If you watched both Watson adn Polka you would see Polka took mercy on Mori and was guiding Watson away. I think Watson later came for Mori again

>> No.27693104 [View]

It's true.

Even Ame said she doesn't like loli and look at her adn Gura.

>> No.27670435 [View]

She seems to really like Moona for some reason adn they've interacted a lot so far so she's definitely getting used to her.

>> No.27555561 [View]

Most EOPs watching JP streams are also retarded clip watchers. They a few things about the chuba, often exaggerated for comedic purposes, and have no fucking idea what is being said in the streams. Of course they project what they do know adn end up with completely warped perception.

>> No.27551131 [View]

Our princess' tunnel is so warm adn cozy.

>> No.27506107 [View]

Punched Luna in the face during her birthday stream adn called her a chinese whore.

>> No.27472239 [View]

I've already built up my Lovecraft TBR, adn am doing my reading reps to get to them as sson as possible

>> No.27446580 [View]

It's natural to want to breed with as much difference within your race. It leads to very strong adn varied genes in the evolutionary timeline.

>> No.27429909 [View]

Dude your shit all retarded and out of order. I won't even bother correcting this just watch her fucking chat adn superchat readings instead.

>> No.27340837 [View]

Mein fucking dick!

>> No.27201357 [View]

>theya re gonna wait 3 weeks
mothefuckers are gonna be sleep, any of their attempts to bring politcal disciussion is just spam adn most people realise it its them.
these bugme arent dangerous just fucking annoying.

>> No.27009836 [View]

I can't believe Luna the Machiavellian forwarded Coco and Haato the original analytics screenshots adn DM'd them the idea!

>> No.26890641 [View]
File: 23 KB, 639x713, doomguy suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, she will get filtered by the marauder adn drop the game here

>> No.26735307 [View]

I will say it with the green truth only anonymous can use:
>my grammar isn't bad as I prettend it adn if I use pselllcheck instead of type blind and in a wild frenzy NOONE WILL REALISE IM ITALIANO

>> No.26695137 [View]

Ah, the /i stands for case insensitive.
excuse my technical illiteracy then, this works much better:

very few false positives. just copy-paste it to filter->comment in 4chanX.

>> No.26686080 [View]
File: 627 KB, 784x748, ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes ryukishi hate them because all are 1-bit goats who dont think. is why it took 10 years until one man discover erikantrice

but is good you adn me is interested in the true

>> No.26022423 [View]

She did this with Asacoco all the time newfag, she'd say the products were some random amount adn immediately get flooded with that amount.

>> No.25971414 [View]
File: 195 KB, 1080x810, 79303906_2584777661557764_5785084355377863521_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From her S1 days these titles are in my opinion the best.

To start you off though I would recommend these titles.
PPPD-768 - It's Reverse NTR
HDKA-216 - Her most recent one. It's like a chubby girl right of massage.

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