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Search: Loved and protected

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>> No.16364820 [View]

You can 1 of 4 worlds to live in.

>female MGs are submissive and take up expected roles as mothers, house wives and are usually submissive. The men are dominant warriors and hunters

>the world is consumed with sex. You grow up and find yourself a mate and usually have sex a lot of the time. Cities revolve around sex and it is a daily part of life. You will experience pleasure all the time.

>MGs are dominant girls who take up the male model in the family/relationship. They are still very loving and caring for their husbands. Males are significantly weaker than females and will almost always take up the female role of child career and house husband. You will usually do the chores and such. Your loving wife will usually give you a symbol to represent your love to each other. This symbol is usually worn by the husband and can consist of rings, necklaces and even collars. Males wear less manly clothes and will do less manly jobs. Females will usually cover their husbands clothes in their perfume or a muffy distinctive scent showing other potential mates who the male belongs to. Even though the world sounds harsh for men, men are treated like fragile gems that must be protected and your wife will protect you. She will give you gentle love and care. Although she is usually on top in bed.

>men are seen as second class citizens and slaves. Their only purpose is to be raped, humiliated and enslaved. All women are dominant and will have a slave she chooses. Depending on the girl, this slave can either be loved tenderly or shown little respect. Each mistress gets only one slave and she will not cheat or seriously neglect this slave.

Make a choice.

>> No.15263161 [View]

That was the one where it was some time travelling thing which brought the fears and nightmares of the people to life, right?
I watched it, and I still say being protected and loved underwater by a luminous sea slime with a plush, gel-like body and a peaceful disposition would be divine.

>> No.15205844 [View]

For the love of Bern, Umineko aren't for sexing. Uminekos are a beautiful thing that are to be protected and loved in a purely platonic way. Don't do stupid things please.

>> No.15073909 [View]

All monstergirls are very cute and need to be protected and loved by everyone.

>> No.15073896 [View]

Gazers are very cute and need to be protected and loved by everyone.

>> No.14991502 [View]

Don't forget that Druella's faction do believe in Monster Girl Supremacy. However, they believe that Monster Girls are responsible for the weaker Human Boys, and should love and care for them, hence Devil's and Demon's natural tendency to spoil and dote on human boys. Human Boys are weaker and beneath them, but that's not a bad thing. They just need to be loved and protected. They also believe in corrupting as much as possible.

Essentially, Druella's Faction is the closest to an Onee-sabbath we'll have. Shame people don't talk about it much considering they're right.

>> No.14985328 [View]

>Living Power Armor

>A strange addition to the Wasteland born after the demon-nukes corrupted the landscape. Before the nukes fell, Power Armor served as the most effective form of military hardware for personal soldiers, effectively replacing tanks on the battlefield and needing only one man to operate.

>After the bombs fell, they too were infused with the demonic radiation. While most lie dormant, rarely a suit comes alive and active. The interior frames of the Armor are technically what is occupied by the strange forces that bring about this breed of Monster, and usually only after it experiences losing someone protected in its shell. Fallen suits of power armor with dead and broken men and women inside, who the armor failed to protect, can be brought to awareness by the D-Rads, taking the shape of a feminine, translucent spiritual being. They tenderly bury those they failed to protect, and proceed to embark on a quest to find someone worthy of protecting.

>The Living Power Armors seek to both avenge the fallen and protect those who need protection, often showing up at settlements of humans all alone and standing watch. Those with helmets in-tact operate as guards without ever asking for payment, though when suspicions arise of their nature they usually move on. Occasionally one will find a man worthy of protecting, and the desire in them rises. They occasionally forcibly have the man don herself, using their spiritual body to press them into the suit and then closing around him. Most of the time they will try and form a true relationship and agreement, expressing what they are to the man and offering love and protection. It is rare that men actually turn them down, save in the most bigoted of circumstances.

>Once inside the armor, the Living Power Armor gains a protective quality greater then any normal suits. With their loved one to protect, their armor hardens and strengthens using their new husbands energies through their lovemaking inside the armor. Often felt as a mouth around them, loving arms and legs embracing them, and a tight sex snuggling close as the armor holds them, armor both absorbs the energies of the lovemaking and his fluids to sustain itself. After this point, Power Cores are only vestigial sources of power for when the Armor is operating without a pilot, and the armor gains strength and characteristics unknown to armor made from before the war.

>The Brotherhood of Steel is known to have many suits of Living Power Armor as part of their service, some alone and some companions of Knights and Paladins. The entire procedure is looked on favorably by even the most hardened Brotherhood member as the armor is such an iconic part of their character. They are viewed not as the abominations that the Brotherhood usually tries to destroy and protect humans from, but rather akin to Valkyries on the field for their fallen brothers and sisters come to replace those who have fallen. Hence the rank designation of solo Living Suits of Power Armor is classified as Valkyrie among them.

>Otherwise Living Power Armor can come in many varieties, often wandering the wasteland to repair and modify their external armor pieces for either threatening or protective desires. Some groups attempt to forcibly create Living Power Armor, and attempts have lead to what are often refereed to as 'Raider Power Armor' which are vicious dominatrixes who want nothing more then to grab a man inside them and do things to them no man would emerge sane through while draining them dry of their energies. Others, like the infamous Enclave, have their own very patriotic spirited Living Power Armors of a level of technology beyond most.

>They are a strange and dangerous, and often highly prized and frequently sought, addition to the beings of the Wasteland affected by the D-Rads.

>> No.14889284 [View]

I bet, in some universe far out there, there's a human boy who wants to be a slave of an Anubis, tending to her every need. And a weak but cute human boy that only wants to be protected, loved, and cherished as the crown jewel of a dragon's hoard.

Shame these are relegated only to fantasy though.

>> No.14868471 [View]

I wish I could make a dark elf feel that loved and protected.

>> No.14838018 [View]
File: 878 KB, 1366x768, sex with tomoka 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomoka undoes my belt and helps me pull my pants down. 'I feel sorry for your penis, it was so hard inside your pants. It's so big today Kazuya!'

'Because I'm so excited Tomoka. Get ready, this is coming inside you,' I tell her.

'Come Kazuya,' she says. I lie down on the bed we share and let her straddle me. She pushes my dick into her pussy.

'Kazuya, can you say what you said before?' she asks.

'What?' I ask.

'What you said earlier, about eternity,' she says.

'That I will always love you,' I tell her.

'Say it Kazuya,' she says.

'That I always want to be by your side,' I tell her.

'Say it, tell me Kazuya, I need to hear you say it!' she says.

'That you'll be my wife Tomoka! That next we'll get married!' I say.

'I'm so happy Kazuya, that's what I want. That's what I've always dreamed! To be your wife Kazuya!' She links her hands with mine and our fingers entwine with each other. 'I love you Kazuya, I love you!' she kisses me.

'You're too cute Tomoka!' I shout and thrust my penis into her as hard as I can. I want to be one with the girl I love, I want to have more of her.

'I love you Kazuya, my pussy, my breasts, my body, it's all yours. I'm yours Kazuya. Do with me whatever you want! I love you Kazuya!' Tomoka says.

I keep pushing into her deeper and deeper. I want more of her. 'I love you even more Tomoka,' I tell her.

'Not more, I love you more. Since the moment we were born I've loved you! When we were babies I loved you, when we were children I loved you. When you protected me, when you were nice to me, when we played together. I've always loved you!' she says.


'I feel you, I feel your penis next to my womb, the place where babies are made, the most precious place in a woman, I feel your penis pushing against it, knocking on my womb!' she says.

'I'm going crazy, it feels too good, to have you push against my womb!'

I want to ejaculate into her most precious place, I want to ejaculate directly into her womb. I keep pushing into her as far as I can pistoning into her pussy until I ejaculate directly into her womb.

'Kazuya, I love you! I love you!' Tomoka shouts as I ejaculate into her.

After we calm down from sex I look at Tomoka. 'I can't stop, I need more of you. Are you ok, can we have sex a second time?' I ask.

'Kazuya, you pervert,' Tomoka says. 'Of course we can,' she kisses me again and we have sex a second time.

>> No.14479086 [View]

You want a simple life. You're not interested in high adventure, or a life filled with drama and twist. You're more than content to live in a castle with your loving Dragon wife by your side.

You have the best tastes. Truly impeccable. Without flaw. You are smart, intelligent, and know whats to know. Enclosed you will find a marriage certificate, please fill it out.

You're the kind of person who's naturally submissive. You don't mind other people in control, in fact you crave it. It takes responsibility off of you, and it's someone to guide you and help you. It also makes you feel protected and loved when, after a long day, she wraps her claws around you lovingly.

You want to relive your childhood, was it stunted or awkward during your youth? Whatever it was, you're less interested in a romance and more interested in having fun and living life. However, don't be surprised if romance ends up finding you when one day while rough housing the Wyvern accidentally kissers you.

You're best of tastes, but really kinky. And lewd. Too lewd now, please don't tease the Wurms when they try to do their job!

Don't be racist, just because she's a Wurm she can't go to doctor school? Rude.

Anyways, you want a a storybook romance. You want to be swept from your bored life by a cool, daring Jabberwock. You want her to carry you far away, and take you on fun romantic dates that make you feel alive. You want her to hold you closely and whisper you poetry she made on the spot about you. You want love, and to be loved. Just remember to show her you love her back the best you can, maybe by learning how to cook?

You're similar to above, but you rather cold hard cash than romance. Well, not exactly, you like being objectified. A Dragon clinging to you and seeing you as both a lover and a treasure makes you feel wonderful. Something about the idea of being carried around by her makes you feel special inside.

I'm sorry, are you the one who spent years studying and going to school? Who stayed up hours into the night cramming? Who dealt with all the stress and pain? I thought not.

>> No.14089287 [View]

I'd love to join, but I'm afraid I'd lose if one of the Monster Girls were really nice to me, or offered to take me dancing, or write me love songs/poems, or just make me feel really loved and protected.

>> No.13873673 [View]

It's says nothing about that, since they see men as the weak gender that must be loved and protected it doesn't make sense that they only care about the strong ones.

For honor an proving themselves they have the big beasts they hunt for food and another girls they fight.

>> No.13800286 [View]

But I want her to learn that men are to be both dominated, and respected! To be loved and protected! I want to teach her that Femdom is the way, but it must be kind and loving femdom! Just like her mother!

>> No.13623899 [View]

I saw that.
He's the same guy responsible for the kyouko steamroller.
I've resorted to turning off R-18 and R-18G. The few pictures I'll miss aren't worth letting that bastard expose himself to my mind.
Sumireko is to be loved and protected.

>> No.13227271 [View]
File: 309 KB, 503x850, orcess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Friendly reminder for all Buffcubus adherents.

>Praise Buffcubus three times a day. Give thanks for your gains.
>Honor your rest days and keep them holy
>Buy oats
>You are at your most beautiful when you are strong
>Men are to be loved and protected, never abused

>> No.13178255 [View]

A lot of the old stuff you hear about the Indian legends and practices around New Orleans and Baton Rouge are old Choctaw stuff. Baton Rouge (red stick) came from that name, and the practice of having a kind of holy stake in the ground that proclaimed the land protected.

But they were actually best known for not having a bunch of super religious stuff and just being peaceful and laid back. Still kind of continues that way really, unless you get someone really riled up.

It's a very live and let live kind of culture. They were mostly just so successful due to being a huge group of agrarians that got along really well and loved to trade. So when somebody tried to start shit with them, they had huge numbers to back them up. They rarely even went to war, and were known to play games with other tribes to settle disputes.

>> No.13095747 [View]

But I don't writefag, and I think if you find love creepy, than you yourself are unnatural. I can't understand how loving your waifu is creepy, nor do I want to. Quite frankly if you can't see the pure and unadulterated love I have for my waifu seeping through every word I type, than perhaps you don't fully understand what love is, nor what it entails.

Well I mean, I guess I would if someone were making her life miserable or something, but I feel most people would kill for their loved ones, at least those who truly loved them. I mean, if a man broke into your house and pointed a gun at your waifu, wouldn't you want to kill him? I'd want to kill anyone who would even think about doing such a thing to her, and I'm sure you guys would as well. If you love someone, you'll do anything to protect them so you can stay with them as long as possible. My Dragon Waifu would keep me safe and protected as a part of her treasure horde, safe at home tending to her things, so it'd only be right to, should someone threaten her or our way of life, protect her through any means necessary.

>> No.12993824 [View]

I think of zombies as starting of very limited, simple etc. But the longer they are with you the further they develop, till they eventually turn into Wights. That's what makes zombies so interresting in my eyes. And Wights themselves are just olev, especially if they once were the zombie you loved, cared for and protected.

Skeletons don't have any development, are very weak minded, might have been a male before and have no flesh or whatsoever for arms and legs. They just aren't interresting in any form or shape.

Liches do SCIENCE (or whatever you want to call it) and are generally interresting to be around. And can be made full dere if you happen to get your hands on their phylactery.

Mummies seem rather basic, keep their own memories from before and can be made into a pile of pudding by touching their skin. Mummies would be great if they had some more development or something more special that would make them stand out. But they mostly seem to be simple and added for the sake of being servants.

Ghouls are made unique due to being the best MG for fellatio and stuff like:

>Even at other time when they're not having sex, they like to lick and suck on a man's fingers, ears, toes, etc. anywhere on a man's body. Their saliva contains a digestive compound, or rather, a compound that causes a person to become extremely sensitive to pleasure, it takes effect whenever they put their mouth on any part of a man's body.

Just makes them olev.
Anyway that's just my opinion on undead.

>> No.12971780 [View]


Don't even get me started on the Incubus bullshit
I want to be loved and protected by a monstergirl, but that's going a little too far for me

>> No.12795309 [View]

Hellhound husbands get to live the life. Being loved and protected by a cuddly ball of fire and fur.

>"My waifu can protect my smile better than your's."
>"No, my waifu can protect my smile better than your's."
>"My waifu can protect my smile better than both of your's COMBINED."

Then that's the part where their waifus tell them to stop being silly and drag them to their respected bedrooms for snu snu.

>> No.12426843 [View]

>So do you like the idea of being protected and loved by a Monster Girl bigger and stronger than you?
Its what my boners are made of, Anon
>Would you mind feeling emasculated or not?
Would not mind at all. My dreams are of having my pelvis crushed into oblivion, waking up, being called cutsie names my waifu, and being a stay-at-home husbando

>> No.12426835 [View]

>So do you like the idea of being protected and loved by a Monster Girl bigger and stronger than you?
>Would you mind feeling emasculated or not?

>> No.12426817 [View]

So casual it hurts.

So do you like the idea of being protected and loved by a Monster Girl bigger and stronger than you?


>Would you mind feeling emasculated or not?

Being protective is fine, as long as she doesn't treat me like a child.

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