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>> No.18183684 [View]
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Hello /jp/, I'm having trouble 1ccing PoFV for the first time.

I've read that you get extends at 50, 70 and 90 million points. However doing so is quite hard. Do you guys have any tips for scoring, so as to reach these numbers?

I'm playing on Normal in case anyone is wondering.

>> No.18135330 [View]

Upgrading equipment has never given you any significant advantages, so it doesn't have to be widely available. It's like marrying a ship, it barely has any advantages over a level 90.

The most important part is just owning the base equipment. Having a couple of extra firepower points hardly matters in a game as sporadic as this where damage ranges can reach upwards to the 400s, even more in extreme cases thanks to multiple post-cap modifiers multiplied into each other.

>> No.17524751 [View]

As someone who's T1'd for the first event and T3'd the rest, here's my take:
- Any of the event gacha cards help so if you rolled, special train (the flame thing) those cards up because their bonuses will help you. When you get to the sr/ssr pts card, train & level those up to and use them in your team as well. The R rewards don't give bonuses. Actually, most of your cards should be special trained & leveled to *really* be useful but prioritize the event ones if you're low on items.
- Skills are important! SSR leaders increase your overall team's stats the most. You also get the best results using a leader with maxed skill, same with supports. Having matching attributes for the rest of your team helps too but it's not as effective if they're weak/unbloomed.
- Change your link skills based on the current event and take the support cards into account if they help. You can only have a total of 3 links so I'd make a team that gives the highest percentage, usually something that adds up to +60%. For example, my Co team consists of Sakyo, Tenma, Yuki, Misumi, Muku and I use Kazu's event R as support. My link skills are Reborn Summer Troupe (50%), Shoujo Manga-Loving Club (30%), and St. Flora Middle School Group (10%) which totals a 90% increase. Switch around your cards and see what works best for you.
- Refresh your support page if you need to, especially since it's less of a pain now. Stick with max bloomed/max trained event cards, if anything.
- You *will* have to use your diamonds to restore your SP. If you don't want any of the event gacha cards, I'd instead invest the diamonds for this. On average, I think I use about 150~200 for T3 total for the entirety of the event.
- Take advantage of the event items they give you. AP doesn't overflow so if you're about to level with full AP, just do any of the performances that come your way. It's better than wasting it.
- But if you're not up against a level up, avoid doing matinee performances (tenma/1h30m timer). The points output isn't as great as the soiree performances (yuki/45m timer) or senshuuraku (muku/19m timer). I always do tsuika kouen (misumi/15m timer), which has a random chance encounter after doing any performance. Use your diamonds if you have to.
- I like to save theatre prep tickets for when you get the event cards from points rewards. When you use them, it gives a bit of a bonus.

Wasn't sure how familiar you are to the game so I tried to hit all points. Hopefully I didn't miss anything. Good luck!

>> No.17423365 [View]

>I did hear that the progression is much worse than GBF
That's absolutely ridiculous. You can get an endgame-like grid (meaning it can effectively get you through all the content in the game) out of SR weapons (same as the SRs you get from normal/hard GBF raids to give you an idea of how easy they are to get). And by "get through" I don't mean barely winning, I mean autoing 90% of stuff and no chance of failing if you take the controls. You can easily get SSR weapons from events gradually and they're basically as good as P2P SSR weapons (slightly worse stats. No gizlas or other P2W weapons exist, no different types of skills with multipliers), and they are by no means -needed-. Events also give you some of the best summons (with the exception of the equivalent of Shiva etc.), they aren't trash like in GBF. Skilling up weapons takes at worse 1 lv 2 SSR weapon, not stuff like x thousands SSRs like for baha weapons or things like that. There is no farm for crafting until non-event Ragnas are introduced (equivalent to omega raids) and even then it's just some dozens of items that are guaranteed to drop each time. "GW characters" are unlocked just by getting points, again no farm. GW itself rewards little (no magic stone for LB summons).
So yeah I don't know who told you that, but they lied. I guess they probably botted their magna grids on GBF so it seemed easier.
>and much less generous too
There is no legfest. (Like it works, just rolled 60 times and got 1 SSR on GBF). They also never gift free 10 rolls, there's no periodic sup ticket or stuff like that. So that's true.
Eventually every non--GW event will get you enough for a 10x roll if you farm it enough though.

>> No.17241912 [View]

I go through 3 pages of the KKLC a day, adding the didactic words to a mining deck and following a pre-made deck for the kanji themselves. I try to get through a chapter or more of Tae Kim in whatever time is left per day, summarizing the main points in a note-book and referencing the DOBJG if necessary. If I'm nearing the end of the week and I've been slacking on my grammar I suspend operations on the KKLC for as long as it takes me to make it to at least 10 chapters completed that week in total. Once I'm done with Tae Kim I plan to move on to Visualizing Japanese Grammar while simultaneously struggling through some kind of compelling content.

I first started by doing Core/TK and no kanji study but I found myself with a disappointing retention rate (~80%) and the constant frustration of mixing up similar-looking kanji. Now that I'm using the KKLC, the retention rate on my mining deck is 95% on a good day, 90% on a bad day, with the majority of failed cards being for a missed reading rather than meaning. Using myself as an anecdote I would therefore recommend the KKLC to other young anons despite contentious opinions on kanji study.

>> No.17136369 [View]


It was a really comfy episode. That first hand though, god damn. Pic related (max limit reached. Damn. It was 3 riichis, two of them iipekous, one of them iipekou and ittsuu. Both iipekous in single waits, and the non-iipekou in a double-sided wait). Even though this >>17136163 happened earlier. And Waga showed his balls by going for that bamboo set iipekou even if he was already waiting for a bamboo set ittsuu too. Too bad he ended up losing that hand, and in the end he came in last with exactly 0 points left.

But yeah, the girl did play one of the LITERALLYs in Saki, but she had a nice personality in this episode of Riripon mahjong.

The most interesting part though, was the salary discussion.
>Yoshimoto takes 90% of earnings, and only 10% goes to the talent
>Ohta takes 30%, and the talent gets 70%
Well, damn. No wonder the NMBs are always complaining about being fucking broke. No wonder Sayanee left Yoshimoto for some no-name agency (Showtitle, whatever that is).

Now I have to wonder what agency fucks their talents over the most. Yoshimoto, or Stardust.

>> No.17074319 [View]

I don't know about you but, for farming time orbs I always try to stick with Yukari. She does a lot more damage than Reimu generally does and still has some strong homing capability. The only problem is how slow she is but this is fairly easily fixed by letting go of both focus and shot to move around as Reimu without killing familiars or otherwise interrupting your over 80 in general. Furthermore lack of focus puts you in greater danger from bosses and dense bullets in general, even early on so I would typically avoid doing it personally.

Your movements are very erratic. Often times you can get away with just a small movement rather than a large(and in your case sometimes awkward)one if you read the bullets right. This is something that typically comes with time. Try seeing a multitude of ways through the bullets and choosing the best one ahead of time when you have a little time to consider, rather than just always acting off your gut; not that acting off your gut is always bad, but rather than relaxing when the bullets are light, you should put use to your lax time to study the field and try to see ahead what could be, no, probably is, coming. There were some deaths that were caused by moving somewhat carelessly, and some that could have been avoided by being more open to wider possibilities to dodging bullets than those immediately available to you. Try to throw a little layer of strategy around the layer of your dodging that is it's tactics and you'll do it much better and put yourself in less risk.

There are two ways to look at the bullets: in detail, and a birds-eye-view generality of the overall situation. You should use both of these in Touhou, and in time you may be able to do a measure of both at the same time. Your detailed view will dictate the tactics of your dodging and the birds-eye will dictate your strategy.

Try to stay lined up with the boss as best you're able. The more damage you can lay out to them, the more you will by association reduce the danger to yourself as well as you will end spellcards sooner.

On the positive note, your deathbombing is somewhat consistent and you're not afraid to use your bombs, which is good. IN gives you a plentiful supply of bombs and you should use them as needed. Try not to use them as a get out of jail free card too much, though. You'll want to be able to capture probably about 80-90% of cards without too much trouble. After you can do that, you should feel free to bomb away anything that's difficult. Remember that your resources, as large as they are, are still finite.

As far as collection goes, when you collect a large item drop(eg after a boss spell or tough enemy), you should do a sweep across them ahead of time if you're not going to do an autocollect, assuming it's safe to do so. The more time you have to collect the items the better and more you'll be able to collect them. Also, there were many times you missed out on many items you could have autocollected easily, particularly in later stages. It's understandable to play it safe if you are not that familiar with the stages, but as you learn the stages better, try extending your hand to get more autocollects when you think it's reasonably safe. Remember that more points = more lives which is better chances for you to clear.

There are also times when you wasted bombs in certain areas of stages by not seeing an easier way out of trouble. Keep your eyes open when you're feeling trapped for a place less dense of bullets that will let you escape rather than getting you stuck in the corner. Part of the wide-vs-narrow view thing I was talking about before.

>> No.16930169 [View]

We can still compare them with their pre-upgrade stats. Pre-upgrade is also more useful because Kai stats vary much more than pre-kai stats, probably reflecting individual upgrades.

In base (non-kai) form:
>The Kongou class has a 89 fp cap with 8 x 36cm.
>Fusou and Yamashiro has a 94 fp cap with 12 x 36cm
That makes sense, given they have significantly more armament.
>Warspite has 92 fp cap with 8x 38cm.
Based on this, the caliber of guns has a greater effect than the number of guns for the devs. This holds true once you move up calibers to 41cm guns:
>Nagato has 99 fp cap with 8x 41cm.
>Iowa has 105 fp cap with 9x 41cm
Even Roma, who has 9 38cm guns to Nagato's 8 41cm guns, has lower firepower, with 98 fp cap.

There are two exceptions here, Bismarck and Ise, both of whom are unusually weak for their caliber and gun count. Ise has an unusually low 89 (less than base Kongou, who has 4 less guns of the same caliber). Even then it's still higher than Bismarck's 88, which I imagine is just a bad joke on the Bismarck's part.

Looking across calibers, we can see that from Kongou (14-inch) to Warspite (15-inch) to Nagato (16-inch), all at x8, the FP jumps 3 points and then 7 points for each inch. The big power spike with 16-inch guns is consistent between the 9-gun ships as well (Iowa and Roma/Littorio). The last 3-gun ship, the Yamato-class, has a huge 24 fp jump at non-kai. That doesn't give us any consistent scaling, but it does show that caliber progression is significantly lower at lower calibers, so the difference between 12-inch and 14-inch guns might be a mere 1-2 points.

So putting this all together, the gangut's 12 x 30cm is probably going to be 1-2 fp less for every inch, so at non-kai it's probably somewhere between 90-93 base fp compared to base model Fusou, depending on whether they apply the caliber penalty twice since it's 2-inches smaller than Fusou's guns.

>> No.16916315 [View]

Me too. It's actually not very P2W as far as kMMOs go either. I spent the initial $50 for the game, and maybe something like $90 on costumes and value packs ($140 over a whole year isn't that bad in my opinion, but for some it might be). No costumes have really got my attention in a while and I don't use value packs anymore except for the occasional 1 day loyalty points purchase when I'm selling expensive stuff. I don't know what it is about the game, but I really love it.

>Incidentally, ToS is being reworked so maybe /jp/ will give it a second shot in a few months.
This is news to me! I played it on beta and it was fantastic. It was such a flop on launch, though. Hopefully the rework helps.

>> No.16747184 [View]
File: 757 KB, 804x606, Saya1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think baseline stats of 100 in life and mana for pets is enough for most of the game. If you can get more that's always good though. My first pet I worked on for this character, Saya, is an Elea Warrior and she had 90 life for a very long time before I upped it a bit recently. Didn't have many problems with her so if you can get life and mana in the 90 to 100 range you'll be golden. Hero Cheese, Ruby equipment, and evolutions can help get you to your target.

If your Valkyrie is checking to see if your party has cheer first and then shadow stepping to her enemies, that might be as efficient an AI as you can get her.

Since she's dual wielding it is very important for her to have access to multiple attacks in one action. Ideally the weapons would have timestop and deal lots of magic damage as well. So any equipment that has the stat saying, "additional attack chance." should be given to her if your character doesn't need it.

The weapons you're using now for your Valkyrie is fine but eventually you may want to transition to living lightsabers like I'm doing with Akeno and run a good material kit through them. By using an Ether(Pets are not affected by ether gear and the corruption it brings) or Adamantium material kit you can get a lightsaber up to 2d15 damage with 100% pierce. Having two living lightsabers doing 2d15 damage, with lots of magic damage, with a dual wielding pet doing 8 attack an action, should be pretty good.

Once you're done taking care of your characters speed, then you might want to consider raising your Valkyrie's speed through AP. After that, use AP to bonus points. The core skills of a dual wielder are tactics, dual wield, and weapon skill of choice. I would first shove all bonus points into tactics to aggressively increase her damage. Once tactics is around 500 I would then do weapon skill of choice and bring that up to 500 and last dual wield. Although I recommend tactics first, if you're having problems hitting then put points in weapon skill of choice and dual wield until you're hitting fine then go back to upping your damage.

If fox brother's INI is still around the numbers of the god reward pets it shouldn't be too bad. Higher INI to me usually translates into meaning that I'll have to spend more gold on them for training fees and that they'll need to start off fighting higher level enemies compared to their lower INI pets which can start with weaker enemies to gain AP. Part of the reason why I train only one pet at a time and bench the rest is for that reason. I get a pet to a certain level of skill and attributes then I work on the next pet.

If I was in your shoes, I would be benching everyone and first working on the pet with the lowest INI score/easiest to train. By the time I'm done training said pet to a certain skill and attribute level, both my pet and my character should be stronger and further along in the game. This means that I'll have more resources such as more gold/ability to generate more gold, can do higher level dungeons/harder void floors, more materials to craft things, more vendors to buy goods, etc. With access to more resources, training that higher INI score pet shouldn't be as hard.

That's just me though. By all means do what you think is best for your party based on your circumstances. Do what works for you.

>> No.16655646 [View]
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I only train one pet at a time and my first pet was Saya. An Elea Warrior I picked up off the slave trader in Derphy. She's a Martial Artist student of my character Kai. Probably the second easiest pet I have ever trained yet the strongest I have ever trained. Only had two skill dumps which were Tactics and Martial Arts. I let Eye of Mind level on its own without dumping bonus points into it. Despite being the strongest her AI isn't complicated at all. Buffs herself with attribute and clear mind from the tactical martial arts learned from Leold and then proceeds to engage the enemy and pound it into oblivion with her fists. Her attributes and skills are where I need them to be so she's not always out but instead gets brought out when I need something deader than dead.

Second pet is Mai. My character's sister decided to join him after her misadventure at school. A little girl evolved into a witch. I wanted a mage pet but instead got something different. While I thought she would pew pew in the back the witch apparently loves to melee as well. She wasn't that easy to train either. 4 skill dumps(Tactics, Polearm, Two Hand, and Casting) lead to having a lot of time in training. Having said that, instead of getting a spell caster I got a pretty good support character instead so I'm still happy. Her role in the group is to join Saya out in front to deal damage with melee attacks and provide AOE through magic storm(Variable Storm learned from Leold). She also buffs the party with cheer and supposedly can cure insanity. Her attributes and skills are also where I need them to be so she's in reserve status like Saya.

Akeno is my current project but I probably won't begin her in earnest until 1.66 drops. Currently playing 1.65. I want to see if the shops get fixed so I can get back to business as usual and funnel gold into Akeno's training. For now I'm just amassing, hero cheese, herbs and potions, Speed upper and Hermes Blood, for her attributes and speed.

Akeno was a pet of my previous character/father and served as my character Kai's martial artist teacher. She's based off of the pro jet pet. A pet related to the bells since pro jet is 90% resistant to physical attacks. My character's father gave her a new body(sprite swap) seeing as he had little use for a little doll robot in combat. Since she spent a lot of time with my father helping him out in the void I'm going to say that her artificial body needed to be replaced which explains her current attributes. She was an expert in blades and her role was tank and DPS. She'll have the same role in my current group.

I had plans to add her to the group for awhile but definitely did not do so until now since I don't see pro jet or any bell related pet as easy pets to train up. Need a lot of resources to make them shine and fix their problems such as low HP. Didn't have said resources until much later in the game. First order of business for her will be gene engineering every creature from the slave trader into her to get skills and levels. Since pro jet is missing a lot of body parts, the next thing to do is go to dungeons and gene engineer monsters into her to give her a default 13 slot humanoid body along with learning more skills. Will use Hero Cheese to get her Life to 100 and from there on train her like my previous pets. Since her INI score is higher than normal, I expect her to drain me of gold at an alarming rate whenever we're in town to visit her trainer. I expect to pay over 1 billion gold in training fees over the course of Akeno's training.

>> No.16644177 [View]

Woohoo. Over 200 points advantage over top500. I guess there was no need to do 90 points before maint, could have gone for more E1. Oh well, better safe than sorry.

>> No.16511969 [View]

Instead of being able to spend skill points to upgrade your stats by 2, you now get a choice between two passive bonuses at levels 10, 15, 20 and 25. Each hero has their own unique set of choices at different levels.

For instance, Eirin has silencer's talent tree, so at level 10 she can choose between +7 int or +4 armor, at level 15 between 90 gpm or 175 health, etc. However, Eirin was lucky that not only silencer's tree makes sense for her but also that he has no specific talent that affects any of his skills directly so she can make use of almost all his talents. Other girls in the other hand get some talents that affect a specific skill from the hero they are based on so those do nothing in dots.

The chinks posted something about them working on custom talent trees or something. But this was when 7.0 came out and only now they fixed the runes and made the game playable again, so who knows when we'll get those custom talents.

>> No.16458944 [View]
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Don't let it get you down. Now's the time to sit down and do your best for next time so you can pass with a top score.
おめでとう!No averages are used for calculating pass/fail though, see http://jlpt.jp/e/guideline/results.html
19 points (a little less than one third) needed for each section and also 90 overall (at least half).

>> No.16423595 [View]

Your very approach to this is flawed.

>the cost of large bulge development is horribly bloated
No, it isn't, if you actually think about this. You don't craft just bulges. Why would you ever do that? It's inefficient. You alter different recipe in a way which will include bulges. For example instead of 10/11/250/250 for T32, you go with 10/11/300/250. It's only 50 steel more which won't even be noticeable next to the bauxite cost. Crafting bulges doesn't cost much at all. You just have to be smart about this. Or use 10/30/300/250 for AP Shell as well. Or 10/90/300/250 if you lack Sanshiki after Hayasui monthly.

>in the long run.
This is one of the worst fallacies. Long run doesn't matter if you don't reach it. You want your upgrades to matter next event. If you don't give multiple stars to (CD), it's gonna be worse than Pompom or Bofors. Those screws are effectively wasted. It's better to put it off until you can get it to respectable level between events. This time might be far away though because there's a lot of better stuff to upgrade like guns or torps.
If you chose 25mm triple +3, you could use it as firepower bonus. Choosing 25mm triple doesn't affect your 25mm (CD) upgrades. You wouldn't be doing (much of) them anyway. Because you lack screws, material and have better stuff to upgrade. With the normal triple, first two points don't apply. Third does heavily but it's countered by inversion of first point - you want to save the screws by doing 1 screw upgrades for the daily from time to time. Choosing 25mm triple costs nothing, it's a quest reward. You don't lose anything either because the bulge will be crafted with radar recipe which you'll be doing anyway.

Ultimately, both of the equips won't make much of an impact on your fleet so it doesn't really matter which you choose but I'm quite confident in saying that the upgraded one is a better choice.

>> No.16355940 [View]

Happy 17th Birthday to Yui (YUIMETAL) Mizuno! (Birthday thread 20/6/16 Based on Japanese Standard Time) (176 points, 90 comments)
Happy 17th Birthday to Moa (MOAMETAL) Kikuchi (Super Moa Monday 101 crossover 4/7/16 Japan time) (132 points, 80 comments)
Happy 19th Birthday Suzuka!! Su-metal birthday thread for all your Su birthday wishes and goodies :) (20/12/16 Japan time) (86 points, 14 comments)
Princess Yui Tuesday 126 for all things Yui related :) (20/12/16 UK time) (80 points, 34 comments)
Princess Yui Tuesday 127 for all things Yui related :) (27/12/16 UK time) (78 points, 37 comments)
Princess Yui Tuesday 124 for all things Yui related :) (6/12/16 UK time) (77 points, 60 comments)
Princess Yui Tuesday 119 for all things Yui related :) (1/11/16 UK time) (75 points, 46 comments)
Queen Su Sunday 119 for all things Su related :) (6/11/16 UK time) (75 points, 25 comments)
Princess Yui Tuesday 118 for all things Yui related :) (25/10/16 UK time) (74 points, 33 comments)
Super Moa Monday The 120th Edition for all things Moa related :) (14/11/16 UK time) (74 points, 24 comments)

>> No.16354744 [View]

>Ta: That’s right. Although the number of participating admirals hasn’t really changed from previous years, the clear rate has gone up. We still don’t have full results (interview was in late August) but the clear rate for each map has been close to 90%.

>Ta: It is. There’s still the Extra Op stage after it but the Third Operation which marks the end of the event still has a 90% clearance rate right. Since normally in past events the rate of clearance for the main operation is 50 to 60% this number is pretty high.

>Ta: Yes, by concentrating the Land-Based Air Squadrons on dangerous points, admirals were able to skillfully alter their fleet compositions to perform better in the final battle. With this many more admirals were able to clear even the Final Operation at Medium difficulty as opposed to Easy.
>at Medium difficulty as opposed to Easy
>nothing about hard
So it might as well have been below 10%.

>> No.16339998 [View]
File: 1001 KB, 1609x609, KaiPets1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All pets can be relevant later on.

There's just a couple of considerations to keep in mind though when choosing a pet. Ease of training, bit flags, and skill dumps. There are probably other considerations people have but those are my personal big three.

Ease of training a pet largely revolves around a pet's INI score. The higher the INI score, the harder it is to train the pet to become stronger. Pet's with high INI scores spend more gold when visiting their trainers to recover attribute and skill potential. I remember one pet I had on my previous character that spent around 100k in gold each time she visited her trainer because her INI score was so high. Recovering potential is important for proper skill and attribute growth so pets need to be given gold. So if you're broke, like most of us when starting out, a high INI pet is not doing you any favors. They require lots of money to keep getting stronger.

A pet's INI score also determines ease of getting AP. Again, higher INI pets have a harder time getting AP. They need to fight stronger monsters from the very start to get AP compared to low INI pets. AP is a very valuable to a pet because you can trade in AP to an NPC named Leold for speed upgrades, special abilities/attacks, and for bonus points to level up your pet's skills. A pet with low INI will have an easier time gaining AP thus they will probably rise in skill level, speed, etc faster than higher INI pets.

So what pets will have higher INI scores? Pets that have a lot of speed right off the bat when you dominate or capture them and pets that start off at a high level that have good attributes right from the get go. Low INI pets are the opposite. They start with horrible speed, horrible attributes and are low level. Yet, low INI pets have the best power growth rates if you know how to work the system.

The reason why people earlier in this thread say the bell and quickling are horrible pets later on is because they have a high INI score due to their high starting speed. They sure are powerful when you first get them but due to their high INI scores they can be very tough to make stronger if you're not rich enough to fund their trainer fees and are not strong enough to fight the monsters that give them AP which is used to quicken their overall power growth.

Moving on to bit flags, with the advent of Custom and the ability to teach pets most of what a player knows, there isn't much really separating one pet from another insofar as special actions and spells. Even without Custom Leold can still offer some interesting abilities to pets that lack them. What can truly make a pet unique are bit flags. These bit flags can be considered special qualities that a group of pets have. One highly sought after bit flag is the cmetal bit flag. Any pet with this bit flag has 90% physical damage resistance. Bells for instance have this bit flag. However, with most things there is a catch as another anon has pointed out in the thread. The pets that have this bit flag tend to have horrible a horrible life attribute meaning they don't have a lot of HP.

Due to their low HP and ability to play the game for the player leading to the player to suffer from lack of skills at the proper later on, I view bells, or any cmetal pet, as a new player trap unless you know exactly what you're doing and manage your character well.

Finally, the last consideration is skill dumps. Specifically, what you should be putting your pet's bonus points into. Warrior like pets have 3 skill dumps for damage. A weapon skill, tactics, and an optional third skill whether that be two hand or dual wield. Range, firearms, archers, etc have 2 skill dumps. Weapon skill and Marksman. A wizard pet has just 1 damage skill dump. Casting. Hybrids can have any number of skill dumps. Up to the player if they want to treat Eye of Mind as a skill dump but generally I don't go out of my way to train it and just have it level up naturally.

So imo a wizard like pet with low INI is the fastest kind of pet to raise to power. You only need to pump casting to make them blow stuff up. Then it's either a ranged pet or a melee pet. A melee pet may take a little longer if you choose to pump dual wield or two hand.

I personally think people that are low level and starting out would have an easier time with pets if they just went for a low INI pet instead of trying to get some tentacle horror or crazy pet that starts out at high level. Pretty much any pet with an INI score similar to god reward pets or lower is good for people starting out.

Leave the higher INI pets for later once you're more established in the game and can defeat the monsters required to get them AP. Also leave the bit flag pets like cmetal pets for later when you can farm hero cheese. I have two pets currently. Saya, which started as a low lv Elea warrior I got from the slave trader and a little girl. Saya is an easy pet for me to grow in power. Low INI score and only 2 dump skills.

>> No.16241000 [View]
File: 969 KB, 1284x770, Saya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about adding a light elf pet eventually as well to complete the yin yang. Want to play around with a ranged pet. May or may not go with Lankata.


Aside from coming with a good bow she also knows healing rain. Speaking of healing rain, I might consider the pet Wrang-Wrang.


Another low level pet, besides the defender, some people might be interested in due to healing rain and the potential to tweak how often it's cast with Custom.

Her attributes are better than mine but I'm still stronger. Although a couple of buffs on my end and I'll match or best her in that regards. She has around 1000 in martial arts and around 700 in tactics I think. About 90% of that has come from AP to bonus points. That gravy train is going to run out eventually though. It takes a considerable amount of bonus points to raise stuff past 1000 and you'll need to add grind to the mix in order to really get anywhere.

I normally get my AP in the void and likewise you could take your pet there to get AP. However, due to Saya's lack of good armor with resists the monsters in there would eat her alive despite her doing good damage to them. My next wish batch will focus on more levels for myself and some on gain attribute scrolls to construct her a nice resist set through artifact fusion.

Instead of the void, Saya has done very well for herself in gaining AP through helping me collect platinum from Panic and Challenge quests. In fact, I just use dimensional fishing and have her kill the monsters that pop up. She also has gained quite a number of levels through those quests too.

Since I don't have as many skills I'm actively leveling I'm actually earning a whole lot more platinum than I'm spending. I can make around 300 platinum every 3 in game days by just doing all and only the challenge/panic quest from all the towns in Irva, South Tyris, and North Tyris. This I do all while farming my wonder scrolls, looking for wish spellbooks, and buying out magic vendor inventories to dump in my shop. I spent at least 1000 platinum attending the magic school to level up all my spells from 400 potential to less than 200. Even then I still have thousands of platinum and I'm just waiting for my spell potentials to cap out again before attending another expensive class session.

>> No.16191845 [DELETED]  [View]

I mean, all I did was turn the baiter into the baited, I'm amazed you actually bit that hard.

There's a reason I'm not putting any effort into this, because a): your argument is full of redundant points that would be easier to counter than 90% of anime Battler's theories, b): I already know this is bait and that this just leads to a drawn out and pointless argument, because you have nothing to say aside from everything you've already laid out onto the table, and c): I just don't really care enough to bother typing a long post.

It was fun while it lasted, ADHD anon. I hope you find peace in your shitposting and ritalin.

>> No.16175626 [View]


Akizuki (97):
10cm HA + AAFD (7*)
10cm HA + AAFD (9*)
T13 Kai (1*)

Italia (99):
381mm/50 Kai (6*)
35.6cm Prototype Triple (10*)
T91 AP Shell (10*)
T0 Observation Seaplane (0*)

Kirishima (120):
16inch Triple Gun (0*)
35.6cm Twin Gun (10*)
T91 AP Shell (10*)
T0 Observation Seaplane (0*)

Chitose (89-90):
Tenzan Model 12 (Murata) [24]
Reppuu [16]
Reppuu [11]
Saiun [8]

Akagi (97):
Re.2005 Kai [20]
Reppuu (601) [20] (0*)
Tenzan Model 12 (Tomonaga) [32]
Reppuu [10]

Kaga (123):
T0 Model 53 (Iwamoto) [20] (5*)
Fw190T Kai [20]
Tenzan Model 12 (Murata) [46]
Reppuu [12]

There were a lot of little optimisations I missed out on:

1. I had another 35.6cm Prototype Triple that I could've equipped on Kirishima, but I was only intending to give this set-up several trial runs to see how it went (it was surprisingly successful up until this point). TFW no Iowa.

2. I had a (1*) T0 Observation Seaplane that, again, could have been equipped on either FBB.

3. I forgot about the Night Scout Seaplane because I'm an imbecile, although having T0 Obs. might've helped to trigger more cut-ins during the day battles.

4. Murata and Tomonaga squadrons should've switched slots between Akagi and Chitose due to better slot size for +1 torpedo power (Murata).

Other miscellaneous bullshit:

-This set-up only just barely gets you AS at the boss node, assuming that you don't lose too many fighters and bombers at the air battle and Wo-Kai nodes. I started out with about 568 fighter power, and ended up at the boss with around 522 fighter power (if I recall correctly), just 4 points above the required amount (518?) for AS.

-Tsus may or may not nuke your slots. I only ever lost 1 rank or so on my bombers, but your mileage may vary.

-Chitose originally had another Reppuu equipped, but I swapped that out for a Saiun after getting ruined by a Red T at the boss.

-This is still pretty risky, since your CV(L)s are effectively useless during the shelling phase if they hit chuuha / the orange. Armoured CVs are a better choice, but I already had Akagi/Kaga locked into E-4, and didn't want to risk locking even more carriers to E-4 only to fail miserably.

-Chitose and Kaga had damecons too, although I never actually used them (I forgot about them most of the time, and they were only really there in case of sudden taiha at the pre-boss air battle node).

-More importantly, you only have 3 ships capable of night battles, none of which are particularly optimised for NB calculations.

-That said, I still think that a proper AACI ship is critical to your fleet's survival all the way to the boss node. That means either an Akizuki-class DD, or Maya. The air battle nodes and opening air strikes on certain nodes are problematic without either of them. You could get away with a less effective set-up on another ship, but as always, your mileage may vary. (Said the guy who attempted AACI on Yamato with Maya equipment.)

-Additionally, 2 FBBs is about enough to cut a swathe through most of the nodes during day battles, and your CV(L)s aren't as useless as in a fully-heavy set-up as long as their slots don't end up getting completely wiped.

-But I still can't shake the feeling that I got very lucky here. Virtually no damage taken other than scratch all the way up until the boss node, less Kirishima getting hit into the yellow at the Wo-Kai node. Perfect S at the Ru node. Akizuki cutting in during every air phase of every battle that had one, including air battle nodes. Green T at the boss, for maximum overkill. FBBs shitting all over the Wo-Kais as soon as they could. Akagi and Kaga nuking the boss at the end of the day fight for 250+ damage in total, although she was the only thing left alive for them to hit by that point and the Green T probably helped with the ridiculous critical hits.

-Not that I'm complaining.

-Obviously, everything was sparkled and both supports were used.

I ran several different set-ups before getting this lucky kill, so I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have.

>> No.16170566 [View]

I thought they have 90 points, plus 50 points from relay race will make it 140. Tied with Team Gachi (also 140 from Tennis match).

Did I miss something ?

>> No.16080116 [View]

Those were two different points for two different titles.

Karakara, Corona Blossom, Ne No Kami, and Chrono Clock all had the overwhelming majority of backers opt to go to a more expensive 18+ tier, which helped to boost their final totals. This is even true with Corona Blossom volume 2, where people knew that the patch is literally a few porn scenes from the menu yet more then 90% of backers paid twice as much for it. Including a patch in the Kickstarter as a higher price tier likely would have been the correct solution for Sharin as well (from Frontwing's perspective), not that it would have got Sharin to its goal, but it would have been closer as both IGG and Kickstarter backers have proven they are generally willing to pay extra for a patch when there is a tier for it. Although that ship has sailed, and it is probably unfeasible to try and do that now after they offered the patch for free in their first Kickstarter and created such an expectation for the second.

Dies Irae on the other hand the correct solution would have been to wait for the anime and model it off of Muv Luv, where you quietly confirm a patch to revert cuts from the Acta est Fabula release to keep the knowledgeable crowd happy and prevent any controversy while you take advantage of the anime to get broader coverage and appeal. A free patch here to smooth things over would make more sense, since the goal would be to have a broad hit (like Muv Luv) rather than getting what you can from a niche crowd (like Sharin, Corona Blossom, or Chrono Clock). However since it appears they aren't waiting for the anime, and that they are only going with Amantes Amentes version, one of their challenges they face is to be able to convince the type of backers they will draw to support just the Amantes Amentes release, something that Light is likely to struggle with (or at the very least, lose a meaningful percent of their potential total).

>> No.15989859 [View]

Those random chii's basically disqualify you from winning in most cases because you have no yaku and even if a tile that would technically complete your hand is dealt/drawn, because you have no yaku, you cannot declare a win. You can still get points at the end of the round for being in Tenpai though, and its a common practice to call on needed tiles towards the end of the round if it seems safe enough to do so even if it would put you in a state of having no yaku.

There are some cases where you can win with that hand, however, and that's basically by getting yaku based on pure luck, like drawing the exact tile you need on the last draw or having the exact tile you need dealt at the last discard. These are both like, sub-1% of ever occurring however, so you should never bank on this kind of stuff unless you know precisely what you're doing and you have no other choice. Even if you did win with that hand despite the odds, unless you have a fuckton of dora in your hand, it's going to be a dirt cheap hand, and generally the point value of the hand is really not worth how difficult it is to attain.

I have to second the above post though, learning your yaku will definitely help in all aspects of the game and also help you decide when/when not to call. Some yaku are pretty notorious for being commonly open, like tanyao and yakuhai, so if you're going for open hands, 90% of the time it's going to be based around those yaku. Others require a closed hand and some are worth more closed, and as a general rule of thumb, most of the time a closed hand (especially riichi'd) is going to be worth more than if it were open.

I'd recommend not calling on tiles unless you know with absolute certainty what yaku you're going for, otherwise, you're going to end up in most cases in a yakuless tenpai with almost no-ability to win, a cheap hand if you do win, and restricted defense because of the amount of tiles in your hand.

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