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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.8170073 [View]

You don't think Keine in OP picture is moe?

>> No.8168681 [View]

Good point. However, Bkub is relatively more popular in the west than Japan, in addition to a there being a tendency to favor ensemble darkhorses rather than default protagonists. These things together may have contributed towards Chen almost getting twice Reimu's votes, which is far more unlikely to happen in Japanese polls

>> No.8167898 [View]
File: 111 KB, 691x501, yuugenmagan_walfas_by_pmiller1-d34gofm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even then some like YuugenMagan still didn't make it because they were deemed unmoe. Isn't it sad?

>> No.8167445 [View]
File: 160 KB, 900x621, kaguya in her proper position.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is one consensus reached on both sides of the ocean. Yuuka is also WAY ahead of Kaguya in the annual Japanese Touhou poll. In fact, she even beat Marisa and Sanae this year.

>> No.8167160 [View]
File: 491 KB, 1240x1240, keine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that it's really of /jp/'s interest, but what do you think of Seimoe's results so far? For those unaware, Seimoe is a western Touhou fandom moe contest at http://seimoe.lunar-tokyo.net/..

The results at http://seimoe.lunar-tokyo.net/Status.html display notable differences in peoples' choices compared to Japanese Touhou popularity polls. What pleases you, what surprises you?

>> No.8166995 [View]
File: 1.02 MB, 1393x2000, hatate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what 2hu is, but Hatate ca have long nails.

Do people prefer long or short nails?

>> No.8164937 [View]

Reminds me of item library in Yggdra Union. Does each main character still get their own unique weapon in this game?

>> No.8162015 [View]
File: 494 KB, 652x511, battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the longest Touhou RPGs around has been translated! Genius of Sappheiros brings back the glory days of classic 2D JRPGs, Touhou style!

A mysterious fog is sapping the energy of youkai across Gensokyo, but not of humans. Reimu and pals bust some heads as they head out to discover the source behind this latest incident!

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

NOTE: Please run the game on Windows 95 compatibility!

Previous Thread Numbers: 7848236, 7882358, 7898431, 7912929, 7923916, 7932818, 7944089, 7957214, 7979564, 8022319, 8073759, 8147242

>> No.8153787 [View]
File: 1.16 MB, 880x1231, socks cover girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your Touhou Socks goddess?

>> No.8153761 [View]



Also Rumia appears to be some place in Poland.

>> No.8152264 [View]

System Locale, yes. Applocale doesn't work

>> No.8147465 [View]

Just download those, they're very small

>> No.8147432 [View]

Are any of you entering this? Your creations could be the next Lithos & Friends!

>> No.8147378 [View]

Shikigami are not able to equip anything, so there will be little to rack your brain with.

Resistance displays also only consist of three stages. ›,  and ™.

"Touhou Gensouroku" is a levelling, ally-gathering, item-collecting, map-conquering RPG made with a pursuit of balancing the fundamentals that make RPGs so interesting.

You can play through the story at your own pace without worrying one bit about the difficulty.
Feature 3: Everyone
"My waifu can't be used!" "All my favourite characters have been left out!"

There's no need for such worries here.

Every single character from the Touhou Project Windows games will appear in "Touhou Gensoumaroku".

(Unfortunately, we were not able to fit in Ten Desires characters before the deadline. All characters from EoSD to UFO will appear.)
POP will do illustrations for the masters!

Whenever a powerful special technique "Last Word" is activated, it'll be accompanied with a cute cut-in!
Shikigami aren't supporting characters! They're the true main force!

Masters alone will not be able to defeat strong enemies.

Using the powerful skills and magic of the Shikigami will be the key to winning.
Bring your favourite masters and shikigami together and aim for victory!

{TN: I don't deem the screenshots page as substantial enough to deserve a translation; there's nothing particularly special in Japanese besides Fist Smash's in-game description.}

>> No.8147381 [View]

Taking Character Applications
We are currently taking applications for new Touhou characters that you have thought of.

Application Closing Date: 12th December 2011 24:00

Requirements: Please contribute a character with a name, background and description that wouldn't be out of place in Touhou in the comments section.

If we use your idea, it will appear in Touhou Gensoumaroku (and possible other games)!

The results will be released in 15th December.

>> No.8147372 [View]

Touhou characters will become allies in the form of Shikigami as the adventure goes on, but there are also Shikigami that requires special methods to recruit.

(Ghosties and Kedama will also be able to participate in battle as Shikigami)
There can be a maximum of 5 masters in each fight, but with Shikigami included, it becomes a massive 20-character operation.

The Shikigami level up with their master, so you can make your favourite Shikigami grow and become more powerful with you.

Shikigami also level up quickly, so you have freedom to change as you please.

A true Shikigami Master is one who is able to use all different types of Shikigami effectively.
Feature 2: Difficulty

"Touhou Gensoumaroku" has been developed with giving the player a pleasant experience in mind.

The enemies in the first half of the game are pushovers!

The image of difficulty from our earlier work has been entirely changed. Several balance fixes have been made from the very beginning to make things easier.

Of course, it would be all easy!
Short Dungeons x Lots of Dungeons = Huge Field

The concept of dungeons has weakened, and the feature of "Touhou Gensoumaroku" is to adventure all around the expansive field of play.

No matter how far into the game you are, you can go anywhere on the map. You can even get to the place you want with a quick warp!

Bosses are mainly climax events!

The usual flow of Dungeon -> Boss -> Dungeon... will not be adhered to this time around.

If you run into a powerful boss, you're perfectly able to progress in another territory instead, gather strong allies, then try again.

Essentially, you can play the game in the playstyle that you so choose.
Simple equipment. No pondering or agonizing over difficult resistances!

The only items masters can equip are a weapon, a shield, a piece of armor, and one accessory.

>> No.8147360 [View]

[Youkai of Borders]
Yukari Yakumo
Species: Youkai
Power: Able to manipulate borders

An elusive youkai. No one can tell you where she is at any given point in time.

She is said to be one of the youkai who influenced the creation of Gensokyo over 1200 years ago.

Akyu Hieda is one of the most knowledgable people in Gensokyo, and she refers to Yukari as a "Youkai Sage".

Given that an aspect of this incident deals with spiriting away, Yukari was originally one of the prime suspects, but Ran and Chen ended up spirited away as well.

Yukari makes a rare excursion to resolve the incident personally, to punish the culprit, and to find out the truth about the incident.

[The Great Sealed Magician]
Byakuren Hijiri
Species: Magician
Power: Able to use magic (especially magic that increases physical abilities)

The chief priest of the Myouren Temple.

Upon being unsealed, Byakuren took a liking to Gensokyo and built the Myouren Temple, where she now resides with the people that she missed dearly.

The spiriting away incident has brought much strife, and even Murasa had been spirited away as well.

Byakuren embarks on a journey to resolve the incident, save Murasa, and return peace to Gensokyo.


Feature 1: Shikigami

The biggest feature of Touhou Gensoumaroku is the Shikigami System.

The masters are able to equip and use up to people as shikigami each.
The masters themselves are only able to attack with their equipped weapon, but they have access to many different types of magic and skills through usage of their Shikigami.

>> No.8147356 [View]

-Spiriting Away-

Several things from Gensokyo vanished one after another.

It first started with living beings like humans and fairies, but even buildings and other inorganic substances have disappeared as well.

The mysterious and uncertain strange occurences swept through Gensokyo, leaving it trembling.

Is this an incident...?

With the mysterious occurences in full swing, 4 people have now begun to act.

The Setting of Touhou Gensoumaroku:

The story begins with Reimu Hakurei, and the world which gives residence to humans, fairies, youkai, gods and countless other types of species; the world of mystery, "Gensokyo".

The Forest of Magic, Youkai Mountain, the Bamboo Forest of Lost, Muenzuka, and so on.

The four main characters rush between these locations in order to investigate the unsettling "Spirited Away" phenomenon that has loomed menacingly over Gensokyo.

But as time passes, an uneasy presence begins to shroud Gensokyo in its mantle...

Is this a herald of something even more sinister to come...?

Something before their eyes, beyond the frame of Gensokyo is fast approaching...


[Shrine Maiden of Paradise]
Reimu Hakurei
Species: Human
Power: Mainly the ability to float

The ever-familiar shrine maiden of Hakurei Shrine.

The shrine maidens of the Hakurei Shrine have been given the duties of exterminating youkai and resolving incidents in Gensokyo for generations.

Thus, she often takes a strict attitude with regards to youkai, but in truth, she has no particular interest in either human or youkai.

To put it more clearly, her character leads her to treat everyone that she meets the same way.

The Hakurei Shrine itself has been spirited away.

Reimu sets out to resolve the incident, now realizing the gravity of the Spiriting Away phenomenon and angry at losing her home.

>> No.8147340 [View]

Here is the translated info on the new upcoming game by Strawberry Bose from Pooshlmer:

Touhou Gensoumaroku (lit. "Eastern Illusionary Mystical Records") is a derivative Touhou RPG featuring the Shikigami system.

Distribution Location: Comiket C81
30th December (Fri) Day 2 East A82ab
Consigned to circles "Hachimitsu Kumasan" and "AQUASTYLE".
Character Illustrations: POP (ElectromagneticWave)

Reimu walking atop lotuses. (The screenshot is from a work in development.)

POP has been requested to do the character illustrations.
The cut-ins and jacket will be adorned with Touhou characters full of cuteness.

{TN: the images are just repetition of information}



The sky was deep, blue and clear. The rays of the sun, hot enough to peel skin, poured down unendingly from the sky onto the land.

The scorching heat of summer, bringing about sweat and liveliness, has finally come to Gensokyo.

But the scorching heat was not all that the summer brought.

The onset of summer coincided with the the beginning of strange occurences.

>> No.8147246 [View]

Ok, here's the new thread!

>> No.8147242 [View]
File: 77 KB, 800x598, ntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the longest Touhou RPGs around has been translated! Genius of Sappheiros brings back the glory days of classic 2D JRPGs, Touhou style!

A mysterious fog is sapping the energy of youkai across Gensokyo, but not of humans. Reimu and pals bust some heads as they head out to discover the source behind this latest incident!

Prepatched game with expansion set:

Latest patches:

NOTE: Please run the game on Windows 95 compatibility!

Previous Thread Numbers: 7848236, 7882358, 7898431, 7912929, 7923916, 7932818, 7944089, 7957214, 7979564, 8022319, 8073759

>> No.8139702 [View]
File: 13 KB, 240x188, koishi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi died due to her Heart-throbbing Adventures and Marisa stole her hat, as seen in OP picture.

>> No.8139449 [View]
File: 91 KB, 594x600, 1304753488487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8134593 [View]

What does it do?

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