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>> No.39361878 [View]
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Okayu zatsu 1/4

>Drink stream
Okayu was scheduled to be off today, but since she took one unexpectedly(due to shredded vocal cords from intense fangirling) she decided to have a drinking stream today. She changed her drink up today, and sipped a bit of her Micho Highball earlier. It’s really tasty. Her snack is wet rice crackers; she’s been in love with them since Subaru got them for her as a souvenir. They’re delicious, but it’s a little hard to talk while eating. Uh-oh, this drink is so tasty and smooth she might just keep chugging.

Okayu’s really grateful to everybody that made time to participate in her calls. It was really funny. If there was just one concern, it was that things became unexpectedly lewd as it went on. “Just what’s going to happen if we pass it to Sora-chan in this sensitive mood?” Okayu felt herself paling while thinking about that. But, she’s really happy that Sora came in with her shounen voice. There’s still more people that Okayu wants to talk to who couldn’t make it do to scheduling, but she’s happy she managed to gather a lot of those who she hadn’t talked to much. It did make her really nervous the whole time though.That conversation with Polka was hilarious, though Okayu didn’t realize how actually lewd it was until she went back to listen to it again, and then Chloe came on the attack with her lotion bottle.

>Gartic Phone collab
With the dog, sea, and noisy women groups, Okayu thought she might be the only outlier. But then Koyori said something about gathering all members that tend to cross the line, and Okayu was shocked that she was included. Even though she was such an upright, well not upright, but closer to upright than not member when she first joined hololive. To new listeners, that Okayu never existed, huh? What? She didn’t exist in the first place? Okayu must have been the only one who thought that then. On that topic, her risque membership streams seem to be known to more of her friends than she thought after that collab. She thought only Subaru and Korosan knew, but even her kouhai were joking around about it with some of the prompts. Well, it did start with Shiina accusing her about them after all.

>Membership and Elden Ring(and other games)
Has the date for the next membership ASMR been decided yet? Not exactly, but probably around Friday. She’s planning to play Elden Ring on the weekend, so it won’t be then. It’s her first time playing that kind of game, or any Fromsoft game at all, so she’s wondering if she’ll be any good. Right, so Kirby 100% tomorrow, Triangle Strategy during the weekdays, and Elden Ring on the weekend. There’s really too many games she wants to play right now, she’s also playing Apex behind the scenes, as well as some other game. In addition to working on the album for this year, there’s not enough time to play everything she wants to.

>Core Keeper and Apex
Is the other game Core Keeper? Okayu saw the Ohasuba talking about the NTR. There’s 2 reasons she’s not playing Core Keeper lately. One: She’s usually playing Apex when she has some free time. Two: She and Subaru usually played around midnight, and lately Okayu’s been getting up really early. Due to their schedules, that was the time that worked for them, but now Okayu’s rhythm is off. There’s a chance that Kirby tomorrow might break that rhythm, but for now, Okayu usually gets up early in the morning and plays solo Apex. Solo? That’s right, she plays with Korosan when they can, but lately they’re schedules haven’t been matching up at all. Is she getting flamed? Okayu hasn’t had that happen at all yet, though she mutes VC and doesn’t normally look at chat. It might just be because she’s still only in silver though. Gold or platinum are probably very different.

Okayu’s worried she might get too drunk at this rate. Chat wants to see her get more and more tipsy, but she warns them that she’ll end up puking. She might be real cute and affectionate for 20-30 minutes, but then the vomit will start. Still, she’s not the kind who can throw-up naturally, she has to use her fingers. Vomiting’s bad for the throat anyway, so she’d like to avoid that.

>Fangirl introduction
That thank you video from all those people sure was amazing. All of Okayu’s long-time listeners probably understood who each person was, and how much Okayu liked them. But, new listeners might not, so Okayu would like to briefly talk about each one.

First off is the obviously reading from a script YAGOO. Okayu laughed at how much he kept looking down, and made sure to use a picture of him doing it. He’s always wearing that striped shirt, isn’t he? Surely he must have other shirts, but maybe it’s part of his character to wear this one for appearances.

>> No.39333539 [View]

I don't even mean the daily rate. I mean I have a hard time memorizing the cards I'm given in a single day quickly because the whole set gets dropped in so fast. I want to get five words down pat, then move up to ten, fifteen, etc., not a constant stream of words I can't remember at all.

>> No.39315642 [View]
File: 2.16 MB, 1634x2400, 88775640_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39313386 [View]


>> No.39293897 [View]

Rio is at the Humfrey area. He might actually clear the game in this stream at this rate

>> No.39277173 [View]


>> No.39259739 [View]

Yeah, slime is long dead. At this rate she might kill the hive too, but she needs to start digging there.
The funniest moment of the stream was when she saw slimes fighting larvae and concluded that slimes were the good guys all along since she really hates larvae.

>> No.39188414 [View]

I rate this stream a Missed Everything But The Last 10 Minutes/10

Why is mama so mean to Eurochads?

>> No.39137560 [View]


>> No.39079107 [View]

>Aqua: I got out of my comfort zone just this one so that I can play Apex. I called them.
>Aqua: I'm already super happy that you guys watch my streams and react to my tweets, but seeing people come to live events even!? You must love me a LOT.
>Aqua: Seeing that gave me a lot of strength.
>Aqua: Yeah, this event was really amazing. I think this concert was the best in terms of effect quality and performer models and everything like that.
>Aqua: You can really see how the company is evolving.
>qua: Oh, you liked Doki Doki Kokuhaku Time? www
>Aqua: So yeah, we had this event with Marine, me, Subaru and Luna. We had to confess to Marine and make her fall in love.
>Aqua: I was a ramen shop owner in my confession. I was struggling during that.
>Aqua: My first idea was to go for some company-related thing, but I thought someone else will have the same idea for sure, and Luna did have the same idea.
>Aqua: that's why I went with the ramen shop thing.
>Aqua: It was close. I think I almost managed to make Marine fall for me.
>Aqua: Ramen wasn't quite what Marine needed in her life. Maybe soba will do the trick?
>Aqua: Oh no. Our team will actually be called Ponkotsu Stars at this rate ww
>Aqua: What should we do about the team name? Oh yeah, they said something about a team name, what was it again?
>Aqua: Yeah, I'll just answer with "Sounds good" now.
>Aqua: Sui and Towa have better taste than I do for sure, so I'll leave it to them.
>Aqua: If they think it's good, I'll believe them.
>Aqua: If I get to choose, I'll actually make it Ponkotsu Stars.
>Aqua: "By the way, I thought of a couple other names! 1. Ponkotsu Stars"
>Aqua: "2. Tondemo Gradations"
>Aqua: "3...." What would it be?
>Aqua: "The three of us together," umm...
>Aqua: I'm out of ideas already.
>Aqua: "Tokoyami wo suisuisuu~ arukimasu, Minatomachi"
>Aqua: That's good.
>Aqua: Sui-chan just called me insane! wwwww
>Aqua: That was a fast response.
>Aqua: Hm? I thought it was a good suggestion.
>Aqua: Towa-chan answered too WW
>Aqua: Ah, I can't talk about that yet.
>Aqua: I want to say it so bad but I can't.
>Aqua: Okay, the team name has been chosen.
>Aqua: I think it'll be revealed when we have our next Apex stream together.

>> No.39071040 [View]

Okayu and Shion's sync rate is too high. This must be why Okayu sabotaged her during the roller coaster minigame in that 3D stream ages ago.

>> No.39063877 [View]
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x4917, rekymr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass stream from earlier starting with the normal stuff:

April's season will be themed on Tadaomi - the seasonal shop (where you can buy stuff from previous seasons) will also be introduced alongside it.
Live Arena, the rhythm game, will have detailed information announced at Chokaigi which is on the 29th/30th April. This will include a playable demo and hopefully a release date. There should also be a re-run of Sato around this period.

Onto the new hero, Stelia Lala Silva is the next attacker to be added to the game - she boasts high stats and a massive pair of knockers.
Her fastest cards are barrage ones by far - the rest aren't terribly fast nor slow. Her normal attack chain is very fast and she has more range than typical attackers.
Her hero action can be charged up and will make her charge forward in a straight line, similar to Tadaomi. Charging it up only appears to increase the distance - the damage output remains the same.
Her hero ability will apply a silence to enemies that are hit by any of her attacks (normal, cards, hero action/skill). It looks like her normal attacks and cards apply it for about half a second, whereas the silence from her hero skill and hero action last for longer.
Her hero skill directly targets enemy heroes from any range. Once used, she will jump in the air and attack the target, dealing high damage in an area that will break shields and apply a silence to all who are hit.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvpacJnkk8M

She will be released on the 24th - there will be the usual rate-up hero gacha and login campaign giving away 3 hero tickets.

That's all for now, next news at the end of April I suppose.

>> No.39039929 [View]


>> No.39037155 [DELETED]  [View]

so that's it

>> No.39002367 [View]


>> No.39002366 [View]


>> No.38969762 [View]


>> No.38963173 [View]

>be japanese porn artist
>get obsessed with a 28 year old woman pretending to be an anime pirate on youtube
>spend several hundreds trying to get her attention
>one day Cover approaches you asking if you want to draw an official web manga of your her as part of a multimedia project
>sign up immediately
>the initial reception to the project teaser is overwhelmingly positive
>realize there is a lot of money to be made from this
>despite already singing a contract start demanding a higher pay rate and royalties for the entire project
>get told to fuck off
>throw a massive bitchfit on twitter
>immediately start backpedaling when people start calling you an unprofessional manchild
>your chinese translator suddenly makes a guerrilla stream on your bilibili channel saying how Cover wronged you
>all the chinese spammers rally behind you and you now become the public face of Cover hate
>meanwhile on the other side of the world people are digging through your old stuff and find out you are a Nanking Massacre denier and immediately post that shit everywhere
>end up having to make an apology stream on bili saying how it's all a misunderstanding
>you have now burned all the bridges, ended up in every company's blacklist and everyone hates you
Sasuga mizukek

>> No.38914133 [View]


>> No.38876589 [View]

I dunno, Vox and Mysta seem pretty good as far as streamers go, they understand their audience and understand how to keep pace. Luca and ike are more run of the mill guys but they're learning, Shu for some reason is popular among japanese but westerners don't care that much about him. Out of the new branch Alban understands streaming, Sonny and Fulgur are run of the mill, Uki is a good singer but run of the mill otherwise. And Yugo is uhhh Yugo is Yugo. Their rate compared to the japanese branch is fairly good, 3 people who understand streaming, 1 who can sing plus Yugo. In a jap group you maybe have 1 person who can sing or stream and the rest are average at best.

>> No.38858103 [View]


>> No.38823317 [View]

pretty good stream nene i rate it 9.5/10 the .5 is because i need more group songs

>> No.38815749 [View]


>> No.38748950 [View]


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