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Search: nga

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>> No.38224082 [View]

He's a chink from NGA.

>> No.38197908 [View]
File: 92 KB, 602x605, 1618679557540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an NGA bug
picrel, it's me

>> No.38197897 [View]

You know who else hate EN with a passion? NGA bugs, the same that harrased Coco for months.

>> No.38071654 [View]

Going back to the NGA

>> No.38062590 [View]

No. Go back to the NGA

>> No.37986616 [View]

but i spend several hours a day on japanese! i just want something for when i can't settle in for 20+ minutes

guess i'll just start reading a few pages of m*nga

>> No.37980270 [View]

>muh number botting
What are you, some NGA faggot? Your folks are not welcome here, go bang your buddy's ass to the plebbit.

>> No.37918624 [View]

To be fair you need to fuck off back to nga
Oh wait you can't

>> No.37902947 [View]

she really did a great job specifically targeting a few people in this thread and the maybe 10 or so "people" on NGA who still care about Coco

>> No.37901091 [View]

mad because you got called out. go back to nga faggot.

>> No.37879950 [View]


>> No.37812791 [View]

Calling out chinks is thread culture, go back to nga if you don't like it, Zhang

>> No.37785688 [View]

Because it's a points based game where the winning condition is total points rather than anything else. They knew the winning conditions when they joined as much as anyone else

Now please take your cope back to NGA, bug

>> No.37767870 [View]
File: 97 KB, 1200x675, sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, sea creature, I'll feed you once. Don't harm the bystanders.

>> No.37707612 [View]

she IS a boyfriend

Go back to your NGA board Chink
Oh wait, you can't!
Fucking loser.
Cry more into your bat soup.

>> No.37693999 [View]

(The) Artiafaggots name (is) Andy. (He) live(s) in NGA and [Werewolf warriors] [I don't know what you're trying to say] are responsib(le) (for) target(ing) Aqua and make(ing) her (a) traitor of China.

> They have 2 factions
> aquafags who spam because they (are) angry (at) Coco but use Aqua('s) neutral stan(ce) (to) (excuse) (and) protect Aqua from spam [I'm fuzzy on this arrows meaning, tried to match to what I thought you meant]
> Nationalistfags ( Artiafaggots in discord) want to destroy it and spam her as well. [seems mostly fine]

Th(e) reason why some faggots want Aqua (to) talk with Coco (is) so they can spam Aqua as well. They want Aqua dead for them.

() are where I added or adjusted things to what I think you meant to say.
[] are where I added comments for clarities sake.
I hope this can possibly help you study, fellow CCP hater.

>> No.37693873 [View]

Artiafaggots name Andy who live in NGA and Werewolf warriors are responsibility about target Aqua and make her traitor of China.

> They have 2 factions
> aquafags who spam because they angry to Coco but use Aqua is neutral stand excuess protect Aqua from spam
> Nationalistfags ( Artiafaggots in discord) want to destroy it and spam her as well.

That reason why some faggots want Aqua talk with Coco so they can spam Aqua as well. They want Aqua dead for them.

>> No.37668133 [View]

Nah, that's nier, fuck off to nga.

>> No.37664581 [View]

only if u say it like "nga"

>> No.37605697 [View]

the chink schizos got kicked out of NGA months ago, anon, even they want nothing to do with them anymore

>> No.37605678 [View]

Is this what they watch on NGA these days?

>> No.37569697 [View]

Go back to NGA
Oh wait...

>> No.37556101 [View]

NGA save me

>> No.37533370 [View]

It really doesn't matter what any of you think considering the fact that you've been shown to:
-not buy tickets for concerts and openly boast about stealing
-not buy memberships because you don't understand japanese and you know you'd be wasting your money on getting content you can't even understand
-openly shitpost and pretend to hate hololive, and bring in actual retards who actually hate hololive like chinks from nga and reddit
So say whatever, but realize your uselessness.

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