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>> No.45945510 [View]

Which Holo/Niji GFE woman is safe?

>> No.45945264 [View]

>Korone doesn't do gfe
>he's never listened to any of her member asmrs
She frequently leans hard into the GFE during those streams

>> No.45945120 [View]

Isn't it funny that Kson was against GFE and all that shit and wanted "talent freedom" and both sides of the extreme are basically the same? Simp will end up supporting the vtuber no matter what they do

>> No.45944513 [View]

Korone doesn't do gfe. If anyone, she's the only person in Hololive who's popular due to her sheer talent to entertain.

>> No.45943891 [View]

both are terrible people. rushia for being a whore while selling gfe, and mfmf for only looking for his own self-interest and going for another holomen after the shitstorm his association with rushia caused.

>> No.45943015 [View]

Makes me wonder if this is why wamy pulled back hard from GFE

>> No.45942650 [View]

Kanata doesn't lean into gfe.
She just has her own image of perfect Idol that she wants to uphold.

>> No.45942633 [View]

Kanata is clearly insecure about her sexuality and she has been overcompensating it for the past couple of years, claiming that she is a manipulative person because she leans too much on GFE when she is awful at it it's just retarded

>> No.45942562 [View]

Kanata does so much lean into GFE stuff she just goes way too over the top with the no men, yuri baiting and I’m a pure virgin thing. It just comes off as incredibly manipulative and suspicious.

>> No.45942536 [View]
File: 1.10 MB, 2443x3816, IMG_6635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holowhores are literal coalburners
Goes to show how batshit the moderation on /vt/ is that the people simping for these whores get to run their mouths under 24/7 janny protection. Imagine having the balls to call a random indie or Niji who just streams games a whore when your GFE ‘’’pure’’’’ ‘’’idol’’’ is literally sucking NIGGER dick. That could only ever happen when any reply gets shut down and 3-day banned.

>> No.45942472 [View]

All I know is after this saga I now am placing my bet that Kanata got married. She moved out of her roommate's apartment right after wedding one of the most popular months for marriages and also leans into gfe as hard as Rushia did. If that ever leaks put me in the screenshot.

>> No.45941774 [View]

>These people would feel betrayed because they became a fan without knowing something Azki hasn't shared officially as Azki.
that will make them not normal
why the fuck would they feel betrayed if it's THEIR FAULT for not researching shit that's like 1 google away and is everywhere.
She announced it once honestly she does not need to fucking bring it up every time

>> No.45941618 [View]

Fans that buy into GFE and can donate big money sure as fuck will research that shit. People who just watch her just for entertainment would not care either way

>> No.45941526 [View]

if she start pandaring or doing gfe
just hope she not retard like rushia and get caught
but knowing azki
there no much to worry about

>> No.45941433 [View]

>Acting cute at worst
>GFE max turbo
>Angry when chat say they have gf
>Merch wedding and other stuff
hm.... i wonder why

>> No.45940908 [View]

She broke the NDA,GFE trust,Holo Idol image,Gachikoi souls

>> No.45939148 [View]

Your a fucking retard, almost all gfe vtubers have boyfriends you dumbass. Normal people like the hololive members use idiots like you for money, they're not your friends and they don't love you.

>> No.45938975 [View]

There's literally no holo who's image would not be damage by sudden marriage announcement GFE or not.
It's a simple fact.

>> No.45938845 [View]

and current shit is not a PR disaster?
Whole situation casts a shadow on the whole company. On every talent.
Unless people delusional enough to think "b-but not MY oshi"... like if your oshi is not unhinged menhera like rushia chances are she'd be able to hide her relationships much better
>What she shpuld have done is start cutting off the GFE content as soon as the relationship got serious and slowly wean her audience
Funny enough that's what cover was doing since the incident lmao...
really makes you think

>> No.45938764 [View]

If I was Cover I'd probably say the same to be honest.
>your talent does gfe
>your talent suggests marriage merch
>your talent then goes on to get married for real
>allegedly, your talent then wants to announce said marriage while the marriage merch is in preorder
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that would be a PR disaster for all three of them and no one would win. What she shpuld have done is start cutting off the GFE content as soon as the relationship got serious and slowly wean her audience and then announce the marriage, but she didn't and then turns around and blames Cover for the logical consequences of her own actions.

>> No.45938702 [View]

The only excuse I will give her is that it could be possible that the merch contracts were written before she started dating him, since everything went so fast.
But even then she chose to be a GFE streamer with no foresight so in the end she still dug her own hole.

>> No.45938679 [View]

if she was NORMAL she would stop GFE IMMEDIATELY after getting together with mfmf and marriage merch wouldn't be a thing at all
it happened because she was crazy menhera lying whore. Imagine marrying your oshi only to fuck EVERYTHING up

>> No.45938620 [View]

People might wary to GFE Holo though

>> No.45938579 [View]

so she was married confirmed, while being Rushia and at the top of her GFE game at that
the other stuffs are just two shitty people pointing finger

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