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Search: gen 5 schizo

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>> No.35906481 [View]

that is a new one if you don't count the gen 5 schizo

>> No.35901409 [View]

If you see someone using the term "gokishit" or something like that, stop reading and don't reply, that's the gen 5 schizo

>> No.35897593 [View]

>prerecorded dancing
>prerecording singing
That was to be expected and it was a well worth it sacrifice she had a huge number of guests the biggest one to date, getting everyone at the studio for a live would have been downright imposible
Imagine just how fucking hard must it be to schedule Aqua alone in the first place, let's not even get into how fucking hard the deep voice group must have been to gather since Rushia was out of the city for a while and Suisei is a very busy woman, lining up their schedules for recording must a nightmare
The singing was top fucking tier, if it has to be prerecorded then so be it, they have the absolute best take posible and that's great. Also don't be a fucking ungrateful dog she got Lamy to sing and that's rare as fuck
>same songs I've heard 9001 times before
No they didn't retard, the songs were pretty out there, most of them aren't even in Marine's usual utawaku set list, she founds songs that not only mixed well with their voice but that were also representative of her relationships with them,
She even got denpa-kei for Flare and that's sweet as fuck
>no skits or doing anything different with 3d
Unlike everyone else Marine actually bothered coordinating with everyone instead of just standing there, the visual effects were also great. IT'S CALLED LIVE FOR A REASON RETARD, it's mean to be a singing event.

Stop being a fucking schizo and leave my oshi alone, she had a great time and her hard effort should be acknowledged , you fucking wish half of Hololive put as much effort in their entire streaming careers as Marine did to get the fucking live off the ground ON TOP of the fact that she's also having a live for her anniversary, that's two fucking lives when most of Gen 3 didn't even bother with one. So maybe be fucking appreciative of the hard work that goes into these things. Marine works he ass off because she loves her fans and she knows that she holds a very special position in Gen 3 and Hololive as a leader and she has to live up to those expectations

>> No.35882630 [View]

>horse schizo oshi
holoen gen 2?

>> No.35848323 [View]

I wish mods just moved this place to /vt/, You retards don't even talk about Holo anymore, Just shitty tribalism posting.
Do the world a favour and fuck off, You gen 4 3D newfags are utter cancer.

>> No.35840606 [View]

4th gen doesn't have any schizos, some heimins are otherwise fucked in the head but there's no dedicated schizo for any of them.

>> No.35824224 [View]

>menhera shits on schizo
>schizo comes back to shit on menhera
Friend... Your gen...

>> No.35818504 [View]

does your favourite gen also get a dedicated schizo

>> No.35748722 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>Friend is getting wheelbarrowed
>>Mel a whore
>>Haato schizo
>>Matsuri menhera
>>Aki who?
>How do we save gen 1?

>> No.35748666 [View]

>Friend is getting wheelbarrowed
>Mel a whore
>Haato schizo
>Matsuri menhera
>Aki who?
How do we save gen 1?

>> No.35743932 [View]

Friend... Your gen...

>> No.35680789 [View]

They wouldn't dare after Chigusa's group actually flopped in the exact way gen 5 schizo would love gen 5 to be.

>> No.35670788 [View]

Gen 5 schizo will use literally ANYTHING to shit on gen 5.

>> No.35670778 [View]

Gen 5 schizo really is a MASSfag? I thought that was a joke

>> No.35603011 [View]

has the gen 5 schizo and marine schizo been seen in the same place

>> No.35522860 [View]

Haato - I have no idea what to make of her even before her schizo arc
Shion - I have no idea why she's so depressed all the time/zero motivation. Like when she streams, she's always so cheerful and laughing and then she goes into hibernation and depression episodes. It's all so fake
Korone - Same as above, I kind of get scared when she's cheerful and then starts saying all these depressive shit all of a sudden
Flare - She seems really desperate like she's being suffocated by her own gen
Marine - Something is off about her, I have no idea what.
Polka - I like watching her, but get uneasy about her all the time

>> No.35507959 [View]

I saw an anon accusing her of avoiding coco over chinese interests so at least one schizo hates her, I literally can't think of any time someone has hated any of the 4 in 5th gen though

>> No.35492369 [View]

gen 5 schizo look away.. eternally erased

>> No.35440826 [View]

Azk: I don't care about music much but she seems to be a genuinely fun lady, not as overflowing with personality as the later gen holos but definitely fun to watch when she gets into the normal streamer stuff.
Haachama: Didn't pay her much attention even before the schizo arc, and it's been downhill since then. She lost her way and it doesn't seem like anyone can really help her. I hope she gets better somehow.
Aqua: She's actually pretty fun on her own, but she can only really get out of the current situation by collabing with others, no matter how hard it will be for her to do. She is pretty fucking autistic but I don't mind.
Shion: Actually streamer material, the undereducated cheeky brat with wild imagination and inquisitive mind is a tried recipe for success, she still needs to coin(or steal) her main format that she would make a killing with, but she most definitely can do it. I hope she gets out of her menhera phase, unlike Haachama there are a bunch of people in Hololive who should be able to help her, but well, in the end of the day I don't really know the fuck is her problem.
Ayame: Nothing really wrong with her, she's already a full-fledged entertainer. She's just fucking cursed. It would seem that after she connected with Mio, she is in a better place mentally, so if anything she'd need someone to give her a push to be more proactive and set goals in life, something FBK tried to do for her before with limited success.

>> No.35376702 [View]

So before gen 4 existed or during its existence? Keep moving those goalposts, schizo. Also gen 4 debuted in 2019, newtard. When is your /vt/ ban expiring?

>> No.35321914 [View]

>be Miko
>in love with inkya girl in my High School
>befriend her as much as I can
>try to go out with her but she lives with her mom and is an autistic inkya with a bad attitude who never leaves the house
>recently started streaming
>I know, I'll share the idea of streaming with her
>friend starts streaming
>backfires a bit, friend gets obsessed with streaming
>do a few collabs together on our channels, but mostly still keeps to herself
>declines a bunch of IRL hangout invitations like going to comiket where I would've gotten to see her scantily clad cosplaying body
>half naked cosplays for her chat instead of you
>get into vtubing
>get scouted for a new vtubing organization
>help build it up to a semblance of popularity
>is an idol company, starts to gain traction and recruit more members
>1st gen, 2nd gen, and then even a GAMERS branch as the focus shifts off of idol stuff for a little
>make a lot of friends, but still horny for my HS friend
>she her still struggling on NND
>I know, I'll save her with this job, and then she'll be so grateful, she'll have sex with me
>offer her the job and set it all up so she gets into the 3rd generation
>my connection is so powerful that she is the first person in the company who actually gets to decide what her character looks like
>horny slut chooses an erotic as fuck skintight playboy bunny outfit where her vulva is visible
>it's all coming together
>she starts streaming and as expected is literal who tier for a while
>do everything I can to collab with her, insisting to management that the best way to sell this is to pander to yurifags
>basically write the scripts that have us hug and pretend to kiss and shit
>and then when they happen pretend to have no idea or pretend to not be into them
>gonna make this bunny gay
>months pass, and her channel keeps growing
>but our relationship still goes nowhere
>she's just spending more and more time streaming
>if anything, she's replying to my DM's less and less
>has a ton of other things to focus on now, and actively chooses them over me
>slowly, all of the PekoMiko collabs that happened initially slow down, until it's basically a drip feed of the content once every few months
>watch my friend start to lose her touch exterior and begin to become more and more dependent on her fans in a way I've never seen before
>talks about how excited she is to see them today even in our private conversations
>never heard her talk about "someone" this way
>it almost sounds like she's in love with her fanbase
>see her literally have an abandonment-fueled panic attack when she can't see the stream chat one time in a random AmogUs game
>this bitch is genuinely in love with her viewers, isn't she?
>realize I've cucked myself
>start to feel incredibly ill
>every day spent thinking about how I cucked myself through my own actions
>gets so bad physically that I have to go to a hospital for intensive therapy for my NTR-induced depression
>months spent without a single instance of contact from her end, but I work through my issues
>3 months later, I come back, having successfully convinced myself that she actually does love me after watching the clip of her saying she'll protect Hololive while I'm gone
>ready to break through to the bunny cunny
>relationship still as cold as it was, or even colder
>We collab once and she smacks me with a carrot, and then I convince corporate to force us to do a PekoMiko song together
>I worry that she hates me again
>It's not true
>I know she loves me, she's just being shy
>I'll get through to her
>I know, the romantic scene every girl loves, a sleepover
>invite her to my house for a sleepover and hype it up publicly so she can't say no
>literally the first time because she's never been over before
>throws me a bone, says yes
>it's time
>get everything ready
>sleepover goes as planned, we chat just like we did in High School
>I go in for the kill
>wake her up gently and confess with all of my feelings
>and then wait for her reaction
>it hurts
>disgust plain on her face
>she's looking at me with a sense of disgust and betrayal I've never seen before in my life
>calls me a flaming carpet munching dyke queer
>hurriedly packs her shit up and gets out as quick as she can
>don't see her or contact her for months
>go about our shit separately
>one or two Discord DMs about Twitch or something are exchanged in a non-committal way
>more months pass
>force myself on her totsu collab because I still obsess over her every stream
>join just as that fucking blue-haired wench does
>damnit, no collab, but it's fun playing around with her again
>feels so distant still
>casually talk to her after collab
>get her alone
>try to reconcile
>she pauses for a few seconds, and then continues
>voice has a coldness to it that chills me to the soul
>'never interact with me on-stream again, you dyke'
>leaves discord call
>now she is literally ignoring any interactions with me, even in forced voice chats
Pekomiko schizo

>> No.35242156 [View]
File: 1.24 MB, 1124x1440, 1599605588113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*reports spam*
>Why did you make me do this. You're shitposting so you can watch everyone around you die, Think! Schizo! Think! You'll outlast every degenerate on this gen, everyone and everything will be gone. Who will you have left to troll after bmsg#1000?

>> No.35200084 [View]

30% of millennials say they often feel lonely, compared to 20% of gen Xers and 15% of baby boomers.
>22% of millennials said they had zero friends. 27% said they had "no close friends," 30% said they have "no best friends," and 25% said they have no acquaintances.
So you can say whatever you want, faggot, the data says you're wrong.

What is with all the newfags? Haachama's one of the most popular Holos here and /hlg/ was eating up her schizo arc for most of February.

>> No.35183953 [View]

the gen 5 schizo, probably

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