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>> No.28261077 [View]

imo hololive its doing okay, tho, i dont see the main appeal of sora nor choco to have so many subs compared to suisei or others that are doing relatively worse
A-chan needs also a channel or to appears more in collabs, her last collab with korone was pretty good, tho most of the work was koro but they were in a good sinergy
miko's doing okay
haato was doing okay keeping all the EOPs but coco took all that so who knows, also idk where she is, been like 1 or 2 week since her last stream iirc
it would be funny to have coco and haato do a mix language stream, im pretty sure it would also help haato improve her english and coco's japanese but in term of personality, they dont really fit together imo
azki, aki, and mei are kinda fucked up
wheres ayame? onibros...
shion should keep doing collab with our autist maid
okayu and koro are good alone and they are also great in collabs so as long as they keep doing what they are doing, it should be good
rushia should keep going with her bipolarity of hate/love
i love pekora but kinda fuck her for pulling ny yui so fast when i used 170+ rolls and i didnt get shit
no idea about flare since i dont really watch her
out of everyone of the 4th gen, i think the only one that will have a problem in the future will be luna, watame's doing okay, kanata's as well, coco not even worth mentioning, and towa is a tryhard in games, her only problem is that she kinda sounds like a grandma
subaru and mio individually arent that good but in collab is where they do really shine

>> No.28239241 [View]
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4th Generation
If 3rd Generation was where Hololive started to take off, 4th Generation was where it exploded.
Every generation was more successful than the last but the jump from 2-3 and then 3-4 is what people talk about when they talk about the Hololive boom. Does not have the chemistry within the Generation though, you rarely see them together.

>Amane Kanata
Poorfag. Going deaf. Called PPT because her debut was literally, actually, literally a power point presentation. Lame and has horrible fashion sense. People love that about her. Fills daughter niche. Lives in the Holohouse with Kiryu Coco

>Kiryu Coco
Oh man. You could write an essay on Coco alone. I FUCKING HATE THIS BITCH. But I love her too. /hlg/ and /hlgg/ alternate between these two modes all the time. Love her or hate her, she has been a titanic force within Hololive. Used to do a daily show every morning called Asacoco 1.0 that would detail the goings on at Hololive and make jokes. Brought massive attention to other Holos. It was great. Then she did a joke where PPT got hung from a tree and management shut that down. Coco is probably the Holo who has conflicted with management the most, due to her constant line crossing and willingness to rock the boat. Despite this, she and Marine are probably the two most respected Holos by the other girls. She's given advice and support to every Holo, including when Aqua got attacked by Antis and Watame when she was worried about numberfagging. Speaking of numbers, Coco is the company's most superchatted Holo and Japan's (and the world I think) most superchatted Youtuber period. She speaks fluent English and Japanese and subtitles Asacoco, thus bringing in large numbers of EOPs. Genuinely cares for the wellbeing of the other Holos. Started the Holohouse, a place where all the Holos could live together for security, easy collaborations. Right now it is an apartment complex, Suisei and Anemachi share an apt and Coco and Kanata share another. Now that management neutered Asacoco, she does it only a few days a week and it sucks now. Reddit farming has turned many against her, but blame management that said no fun allowed and it's still a great way for her to introduce not as popular Holos to her huge audience. ARK addict. Dances like an actual fucking stripper and it's amazing. Whenever she swings her hips, all is forgiven. Also probably the 2nd best collab partner after Marine.

>Tsunomaki Watame
Fluffy soothing sheep. Great voice. Used to be a teacher for children and it shows. Sings a lot. Has a lewd side. Will run with almost anything in a collab which leads to great moments. Used to be a huge numberfag until the biggest number, Coco, talked to her. Her model is extremely well made and full of expressions, the most popular being her "gangimari" or "high on drugs" face. Cries easily and loves potato chips.

>Tokoyami Towa
Has a large proportion of English speakers in her fanbase compared to JP Holos (aside from Coco). Mostly SEAniggers unfortunately. Is a devil but is actually quite nice, the joke being that all her devilish antics are harmless. Had a YABEE incident which I won't go into here, not really a huge deal though.

>Himemori Luna
I can't fucking stand Luna sorry.

5th Generation
5th Generation at the time was the most successful generation upon debut, which you could say for every generation but they keep getting more and more successful. Like 3rd was very successful, 4th was really successful, and 5th is really successful. Also called Holo 5, their chemistry is on par with Gen 3. Their L4D stream is a must watch.

>Yukihana Lamy
Lamy is a Girlfriend experience second only in numbers to Rushia, and that's just cause Lamy's new so we'll see what happens in the future. Unlike Rushia, she's very motherly and appeals to a different audience within the GFE. Speaks softly and is very seiso. Paired often with Botan, the two have great chemistry together.

>Momosuzu Nene
Dumb. People like that about her, she's a retarded little daughter. Doxxed Aloe and all of Gen 5 so I'm still trying to forgive her. Speaks like Kagura from Gintama.

>Shishiro Botan
Had 200k subs before her debut, a record at the time. Older. Mature. Great chemistry with everyone I've seen, could be another Marine eventually. Pro tier at FPS. Great gamesense, insanely competent at everything she plays and picks it up quickly. ALso knowledgeable about building PCs. Often paired with Lamy.

>Omaru Polka
Very entertaining. Was a highly sucessful vtuber before but nothing matches Hololive's brand power. Hilarious. Great chemistry with people. Comedian like Pekora, except I like her better. Gets depressed easily, so she sings to feel better.

>Mano Aloe
Doxxed, Harassed, and graduated. Poor girl.

>An idol along the lines of Suisei and Sora, Azki sightings are rare as fuck. Doesn't really collab with others often if she does, it's with Sora.

>> No.27857834 [View]

4th Gen are a pretty big deal.
Yeah, just when she was getting back to streaming and planned a lot of shit for the week.

>> No.27842886 [View]

Amelia just wandering around random parts of the nether with no actual goal whatsoever was kino as fuck. Amelia was like 4th or 5th for me because I didn't like any of the main games she played, but she's easily become one of my favourites this week.

>> No.27704190 [View]

>When the application forms for 4th gen were originally opened it had the bullet point "stream three times a week after you finish work or school".
I didn't know this. But I always pegged the holo base salary as something similar to a part-time waitress job except the company gets to keep part of your tips and you get merch/sponsorship deals

>> No.27704078 [View]

I doubt that's actually the case. It's a year-long contract, so the girls probably get a chance to renegotiate yearly so the ones that have been around for multiple years have probably renegotiated for a higher base salary, but I doubt there's a time-based income increase.

People are making the mistake of thinking that this was originally supposed to be a full-time job. When the application forms for 4th gen were originally opened it had the bullet point "stream three times a week after you finish work or school".

Nowadays though even roboco has like 600 members, so they all probably make enough to survive.

>> No.27677363 [View]

Turned it off/10
The table banging to open a "cold one" got annoying real fast, Ina is super new to the game so it drags them down and doesn't allow for an opportunity for something fun to happen or even to have something interesting to talk about, not to mention the girls aren't that great at the game too, so they can't multitask properly/engage in chef roleplay. It's just task > task > task > task and all of them are struggling to keep up since they haven't had much practice with the game either and to be fair, a lot of them perform terribly in games. I couldn't find any chemistry between them so I just tuned into the Moona + Pekora impromptu minecraft collab. It worked really well because of the language barrier (Moona doesn't know much japanese and her english skills leave something to be desired, forcing Pekora to communicate in english) and the fact that Moona works as a stand-in for the (EN) viewer.

If they practiced the game off stream, I'd reckon it would flow much better, even if it didn't leave much room for mistakes and 'funny accidents'. Swapping the 4th member every week is an interesting idea in theory, but it doesn't work in practice as you're constantly juggling with someone else's lack of skill and unless that 4th member can somehow carry the entire stream, they can't bounce off of prior experiences in order to make an entertaining stream. It's like randomly having Amelia invite one of the girls to replace Gura during the admittedly great BIPED stream, all the chemistry that was built is now lost and has to be rebuilt, and afterwards, if she then re-invites Gura, they have to rebuild it again and again.

>> No.27592578 [View]

said the Californian as his government shut his power off for the 4th time this week and let pedos fuck kids aslong as it was gay

>> No.27544223 [View]

Nene's saving the Ahoy performance for her serious 4th Live, probably sometime this week. She's just fooling around with this utawaku.

>> No.27494738 [View]

Pekora could be the 4th one by the end of this year, but the mass unsub that happened last week might stunted the growth a bit.

>> No.27330204 [View]

Or it's all bullshit and she keeps making up excuses to not stream. Probably Cover keeps negotiating to keep her because graduations look bad especially for someone who is only a more recent addition and is directly-connected to one of the top Holo earners.

If she just by chance gets a 4th injury next week proceed to commence the eye-rolling.

>> No.27022240 [View]

Wow in just one week the 4th gen got fucked
In a eternal loop of meetings
Suspender for 3 weeks
Being Towa

Only sheep and hime are ok.

>> No.26990952 [View]
File: 15 KB, 242x354, asacoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ timeline
>1st week, leftover drama
>2nd week, nothing but the thread has 350 IPs
>3rd week, calm threads
>4th week, drama at the end of the month

>> No.26849862 [View]

Each of the 4th gens had a collab with a 5th gen last week except Luna because her 5th gen collab partner was supposed to be Aloe

>> No.26848632 [View]

>implying she isn't going to lose 3/4th that viewership next week and quit thinking she did something wrong

>> No.26194139 [View]

Which one of the 5 will get the 2 week ban treatment? Seems like its a customary thing now starting with the 4th gen

>> No.25735363 [DELETED]  [View]

>get into vtubers thanks to mio's debut
>keep following others vtubers but continue watching hololive
>4th gen happens
>seaniggers keep tl streams
>continue enjoying vtubers despite the cancerous eops
>big drama
>mio ban
>miko currently in a hospital for 1 entire week
>more drama
At least I can enjoy my indie vtubers and voms/niji
And talking about indies, I found one this morning that does history oriented videos, is pretty nice and i enjoy nip history(as I enjoy history in general except America/Muslims) is actually pretty comfy

>> No.25352081 [View]
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I wonder how debut dates are decided. I know right now it doesn't make much of a difference because of th lockdown, but would the ones debuting in the middle of the week, like wednesday and thursday get the short end of the stick compared to the ones that debut on the weekends?
Does anyone remember the order from the 4th gen? I want to see if it has any relation to following.

>> No.25133390 [View]

TBF the billboard chart is a combo of everything, physical sales, downloads, streaming, radio airplay, social media mentions. The last is how Keya's last single managed to hit 86 on the billboard chart the week prior, even though it was a month from release.
Nogi had ~33,400 downloads and finished 4th on the Oricon digital single chart FWIW

>> No.25091712 [View]

>Milk the shit out of this holohouse narrative harder than coco
>Endurance runs of trendy games
>Whores herself in collabs every week
>Represented 4th gen in Marine's birthday stream instead of coco who arguably was closer to marine
>Still play up the misfortunate naive charactet
>Tryhards at reddit more than artia and coco

And everyone is gonna eat this shit up. Meanwhile Watame can stand on her own now without PPTrio.

>> No.25054076 [View]


All of the girl are going to be forcefully separated when Cover implodes over the coming week.
Flare and Noel will stream together.
CocoKanaSui will stream together.
Mio will adopt Subaru.
Korone will RE:ZERO for the 4th time and maybe keep contact with her pet, Okayu.
The rest? Well.

>> No.24923759 [View]
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PhDs are a bubble which is about to burst, anons!
I dropped mine instantly during my 4th year when I landed a job as a high school teacher.
PhD from humanities braches (my branch, and most likely this guy's branch) are paid peanuts and are extremely unstable. Also, the working environment is competitive pressure and fake people.
Also, new regulations state that you cannot work at the university where you completed you PhD for 5 years, and I've seen doctors drag around unemployed and working like dogs until they've been able to work again at that university 5 years later for a shit position.
Also, you keep on being an aggregate teacher (the same as someone without a PhD) until you become a certified PhD.
How do you get a certified PhD? Working for free, guys!! Get enrolled in research projects, publish in peer reviewed journals, travel around to conferences where most times you even end up spending your own money and wasting money in the process, etc until you gain enough exp points so as to request it when there is an opening.
Also, did I mention that, in order to work as an aggregate professor, you need to have ANOTHER 20 hour/week job as a requirement?

TL;DR don't fall for the PhD meme.

>> No.24893642 [View]

It's obviously not on order by Cover, given how happy they were to hang Luna out to dry last week.

The most conspiratorial you can get here is that it's 4th gen internal survival instinct after how badly Luna bombed, and even that implies that at least some of them care about Towa.

>> No.24853967 [View]

>working at an office with 15 other people, I'm the only one that wears a mask and stays away from everybody
>one guy gets the rona
>branch manager, "It's okay guys, he can't come back to work until cleared by doctors."
>a week later somebody else gets it
>branch manager, "Okay guys, masks are mandatory now."
>some people don't wear them or if they do it's half assed (not fully covered)
Fucking idiots will be the reason why I won't get to see my oshimen this year.

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