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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.8031481,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>these e-sports threads are obvious viral with trip-anons encouraging each other to spend real money on these free-2-play games.

As a former circlejerking LoL tripfaggot, I can safely say that anyone who claims that those threads are somehow orchestrated by Riot Games is either mistaken or lying. It's rather obvious that none of the tripfags get paid to do... whatever it is they do. I really don't see how people can mistake that. It's not stealth marketing or anything like that.
And if you mean viral in the actual meaning of the word viral, then that's as useless as it is commonly mistaken. So the discussion is self-propogating. Yeah, that's pretty evident. Is that in any way bad? Is that in any way different from literally every other thread on /v/? Nope. It's just paranoia and stupidity that makes people claim the LoL threads are viral or whatever.

Anyways, sincere apologies for this post since it's off-topic. Actually now that I think about it I'll just post it in the ghost board. Am posting it in the ghost board.

>> No.7993315,3 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Happen to have an opinion of the sub-$10 earbuds I posted?

>> No.7963832,2 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Cry harder.

>> No.7938103,2 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Hey guys, look at me, I am using a trip. No, really.

>> No.7938103,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Vagaries of tripcode generator.

>> No.7938082,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Absolutely nothing.

>> No.7937929,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>There is nothing wrong with it. For example ITT I posted a "my face when" post with neco arc. It really was practically face at the time of posting.

This is basically like saying "But sir, I actually did go to Gamestop and had spaghetti fall out of my pockets. I must admit the clerk was not a bear, but I would hope that was clearly hyperbole. I cannot imagine why you are asking me to get out of /jp/ when I am only speaking the truth."

Come on.

>> No.7932238,17 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Wait, I just reread what you wrote. I figured you meant if there were danmakufu scripts for ZUN's spellcards.

Are you asking if there's Danmakufu scripts for Danmakufu-created spellcards? I don't really understand... I mean, that's pretty much how it works.

>> No.7932238,15 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I haven't done any work with enemy spellcard scripts, so I don't really know anything about that. There was a huge repository of them linked somewhere though, might've been in the last OC thread I posted Mima in. You could check that.

As for putting two together... again I don't really know since I haven't looked into it, but either it's as simple as letting two, er, bosses run at the same time, or it's a fair bit more complicated and you'd have to work out the timers and sorta blend the codes together. Depends on if they let you run multiple bosses as their own minithreads, but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't let you do that.

>> No.7932238,11 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>OC threads tend to be nothing but /ic/ with Touhous. Consequently, the people who click on those threads are expecting to see art. I don't know about others but I'd never publish a game in one of those threads.

Eh, it's not nearly so hard-cut as that. People mostly post art because most people only make art. There's been music posted by others before, and I've posted a couple Danmakufu scripts and nobody's complained.

>> No.7886279,2 [INTERNAL]  [View]

You act as if this thread belonged here.

>> No.7881158,7 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Nah, I don't believe he is.
You could ask him, at any rate, on his Formspring.

>> No.7881158,4 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Indeed, and he's enjoying it greatly.
Shame he doesn't post any more, but what can ya do.

>> No.7871585,3 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I'm really antsy about the new Fire Emblem. If it turns out to be really good, I'm not sure what I'll do since I really don't want to buy a 3DS.

>> No.7824616,24 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Yeah, probably. I can't even imagine what goes on in the head of a dedicated shitposter...

Ban all the shitposters, then?

>> No.7824616,19 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Man... I'd really like to use it for reasonable purposes.
It's hard to say if shitposting in /ghost/ perpetuates that in /jp/, or just reflects it. I'd like to think it's just the latter, and when the autism subsides things will improve.

>> No.7824982,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

This isn't really the thread for that. I probably wouldn't really mind answering on Formspring though.

>> No.7824125,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Prions are the creepiest things in the world to me don't do this man

>> No.7821593,19 [INTERNAL]  [View]

But the image is wrong. /jp/ is based on video games much more than it is on anime. Touhou mainly, and VNs as well. It's certainly possible to call VNs video games, especially considering ones that blur the line like Sengoku Rance, or 999 to Phoenix Wright even. (Though I'd imagine Gyakuten Saiban crosses too far over into /v/ territory, since it's more of an adventure game.)
Even further, the original creation of /jp/ pretty much specifically said that anime goes on /a/, and not /jp/.

But you can continue thinking whatever you've convinced yourself to think I guess.

>> No.7822758,1 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Just emulate Advance Wars, man.

>> No.7815441,20 [INTERNAL]  [View]

This is just pathetic.

>> No.7815843,65 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>So clearly some stuff is allowed for various reasons.
That's because the thread is about the VN of course, not hilarious anime screencaps being posted in a circlejerk. Do you really not see the difference?

>> No.7811422,5 [INTERNAL]  [View]

Yes, replying to each other with wordless anime screencaps is an absolute blast.

>> No.7798059,3 [INTERNAL]  [View]

They've weaponized onions now? God help us all...

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