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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.9891187 [View]


Watch out, many virus!! D:

>> No.4898725 [View]

Just idle at the cafe, like we always did.

>> No.4293048 [View]


>> No.4292131 [View]
File: 35 KB, 445x275, Satorishock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Signed up for beta last week after hearing about it
>Didn't get beta key in email

>> No.4250018 [View]

I bet this will end up as NOBODY TALKS, EVER and IDLING AT THE CAFE, like last time.

That said, will check out and possibly try. You guys better get some guilds up.

>> No.4051028 [View]

Dropped and uninstalled, but it was a fun month while it lasted.

>> No.3616084 [View]

Now make one for Shamans.

>> No.3598287 [DELETED]  [View]

I hung out with friends on MSN. We talked about meeting up tomorrow and stuff. It was fun.


>> No.3598265 [View]

ECO was fun while it lasted.

I've gone back to playing Rance instead.

>> No.3586587 [View]

Here's the results of my playing today, as a Mage:
-Shitty shot.
-Movement is ok...only during the actual shooting.
-Shit camera when walking around.
-Picking up items makes me laugh, it takes an entire second to disappear and register.
-Tiny field compared to how big the sprites/hitboxes are.
-Boss flys away, then comes back, partway through the battle. What.
-Gameplay is boring. Wait for shot to lock on, shoot, repeat. Enemies that take multiple hits: spam the button until it eventually dies or flies away.
-Skills were ok, although not as useful as I had hoped. That passive skill creator thing I accidentally found was kinda neat, though.
-Quests: Kill 50 monsters, get exp.
-Character stats: Raise the one stat we specified for your class.
-Tutorial: Pretty bare-bones.
-Character customization: lolwut
-Everywhere is cluttered with crowds.
-Community: "any1 wan party? xD"
-And as always, /jp/ NEVER TALKS, EVER
-Also, not moe enough.

>Delete character
>Uninstall game
>Delete installer

I had more fun playing Touhou all by myself, than playing this game filled with other people. Even ECO was more fun, what with all the shenanigans we got into.

Guess I'll go start my fifth game in Rance.

>> No.3584866 [View]

Huh. Well, in as Mage again.

Also, no character customization? What?

>> No.3544552 [View]


>> No.3525526 [View]

Dude. No one on /jp/ thinks that ECO is awesome. Even those of us who play it.

We all know that it is merely the flavour of the month, and we probably move on within the next few weeks. The only real reason why we play it now is because of boredom with our pointless lives.

>> No.3524411 [View]


>> No.3524409 [View]

You can get them off players at North Acro, there are usually people selling them for inflated prices.

Alternatively, you can sit by the Farest gate and put up a signboard requesting someone smuggle you in. Or get a nearby /jp/ bro to do it.

>> No.3524325 [View]

I spammed it for a good while before posting and complaining on /jp/.

Returning to the game afterwards I got it within the next few clicks.

Moral of this story: have patience, your nekomata will come, eventually.

>> No.3524311 [View]

My first character was a shaman. Brotip: find yourself /jp/ members and a party ASAP, or you will find the grind to be a sad, sad thing. Zapping shit is pretty fun when the game doesn't lag like a bitch.

Also, max out the Max MP and Max Regen skills first, before learning the three other elemental spells.

>> No.3524177 [View]

Enjoy being the only one on the server.

>> No.3518639 [View]


>> No.3518054 [View]

Fileplanet should give the best speed, even with their queue bullshit.

>> No.3518026 [View]


>> No.3515836 [View]

So, how do I feed my pet? And where is the pet training area? I want to make the most out of my Catty.

>> No.3514851 [View]

I have 2.

We can do it guys!

>> No.3513997 [View]


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