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Search: wheelbarrow

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>> No.47109130 [View]

certified wheelbarrow operator

>> No.47037842 [View]

Wheelbarrow app
Proud of my onyan

>> No.47007407 [View]
File: 635 KB, 650x650, 1694904484375077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to wheelbarrow her for humiliating our oshi.

>> No.46998949 [View]
File: 204 KB, 334x396, 1705245103320219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this keeps up I'm gonna wheelbarrow your oshi, you are warned Nousagis.

>> No.46890226 [View]

rumao, where were youtube during Fubuki's wheelbarrow arc

>> No.46889422 [View]
File: 75 KB, 720x796, f703738da9773912a197005cbe198618367ae25e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The casual ngafags who are neutral/indifferent are laughing at the old wheelbarrow ngafags because all of their effort are for naught.

.t chink

>> No.46834382 [View]

Would she let me ride around in her little wheelbarrow or is that for corpses only?

>> No.46435345 [View]

>"You got a wheelbarrow or shopping cart?
>"No, Anon"
>"Anything with wheels?"
>"No, Anon"
>"What, you mean I gotta drag this thing across the lawn? Call the neighbors, I want them to see this"

>> No.46342229 [View]
File: 1.12 MB, 888x1000, caa47f828297be532d8b65c9c09bd1ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure she's quite agile with those titties sloshing around, if they get too heavy she can carry those with her wheelbarrow

>> No.46317922 [View]

My wheelbarrow is ready for coco.

>> No.45951482 [View]

Draw Rin's fatass carrying her wheelbarrow

>> No.45861655 [View]

The watamate in my walls said its going to wheelbarrow Roberu again.

>> No.45819618 [View]

>pushing a wheelbarrow
>getting gas for the car
>doing laundry

wtf kinda house wife is she

>> No.45787491 [View]

oh kek watamate wheelbarrow?

>> No.45725172 [View]

get out of my house you cat-girl abomination

also wtf are you doing with that wheelbarrow, it's fucking weird. i'm calling the gensokyo police

>> No.45697259 [View]
File: 457 KB, 2523x3379, 1686685827607252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Special Rabbit move guaranteed impregnation style! Wheelbarrow leglock

>> No.45394380 [View]

I think of them every day that I see a wheelbarrow

>> No.45281360 [View]

>where he can continue to bother talents that don't want it?
How is he going to be able to bother Pekora? We survived the wheelbarrow era, nothing holos haven't seen or heard before, they will just omit this shit like usual, that is if there's any shit even going to happen, I'm not seeing it.
You're literally scared over nothing, painting hallucinations on your walls about how this guy is the big great evil and he's gonna fuck Pekora and film it to you, I don't even. Yea sure fire him whatever if that makes peace with you, all I'm saying you have few screws loose for sure.
If you're that scared you should apply yourself, that way you take one slot away from other possible homos and get to fuck Pekora, lmao.

>> No.45258226 [View]
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>> No.45240903 [View]
File: 438 KB, 833x1016, __yamashiro_takane_touhou_drawn_by_ruichi_fox__2dde5aa8dc5ed83200f9e9dafc265dd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I’m Kuma, a young Tanuki working under Miss Takane at the HSE. Don’t worry if you don’t remember my name, hardly anyone does.
Tonight, Miss Takane is taking me to a ‘business meeting’ at a youkai dinning pub so I can learn how to properly behave in professional matters. I’m happy that she’s taken me under her wing, although I don’t know why she bothers with someone so feeble as I…
Anyway! Master Futatsuiwa told me I shouldn’t reject an opportunity to learn from someone above my station, even if I don’t feel deserving so I’m going to give it my all regardless!
From the outside, the place looked like any other closed up shop, but as we passed the entry the difference was as if we’d dived into a lake. All kinds of Youkai, big and small we’re eating, drinking, conversing, and there was even a human or two here and there.
This gave me pause, Master always told me to be cautious about getting too close to humans, told me there were consequences for such a thing. It was strange since she and my sisters were always soliciting pets, guiding lost and drunk people home, and playing with children. What were the rules really?
At the back of the building, I saw two people seated at a table we approached, the strange broker we met before, Goro, and with him was what looked like a small Oni. They were sitting awfully close and Goro seemed more… comfortable? mature? I couldn’t say. Perhaps it was that strange priestly garb he wore or the black gloves he had on, humans are always changing but it’s so hard to tell how.
“Good evening you two.” He said with a smile as we approached.
The woman merely grunted, her chin firmly rested on her hand and staring at us as if we’d intruded on something.
“Yes, it’s been quite a while since we saw each other. Not sense Seija here last attempted to assault the HSE.” Miss Takane commented, nodding at the small Oni-like woman. “Or sense you protested in front of it. Gave us quite a scare.” She continued, this time nodding to Goro.
“Ehhh, I’ve seen inside that place to know it’s practically just another workday for you all.” The woman named Seija scoffed.
“My apologizes for that. Although I hope you know me well enough to tell my actions weren’t so senseless.” Goro remarked.
There had been several attacks at the HSE since it started, but Goro’s protest had made everyone nervous for some reason, even Ran, who is usually so cold looked at me with kind eyes and gently told me to retreat, even though I’m a tanuki and she’s a, well, I’m told slurring is bad and all our words for her kind qualify as one.
“Not senseless? Perhaps, but I wonder if you could say the same thing about coming over to our side or your choice of company.” Miss Takane said, squinting at the two.
That had seemed strange to me. As far as I knew, Miss Takane and Goro were plotting to free Anon somehow, but now Goro was working with Yukari? What’s more, I didn’t think that a Youkai so high up as her would ever deal directly with humans, although I heard Master Futatsuiwa and him where on good terms. It was all so confusing.
“Things are complex. You could say I’ve exhausted my options on one side and sitting on my laurels is just boring. I’m still working toward the same end.” Goro shrugged.
“Things are more fun around this idiot is all.” Seija sighed.
“Then I’ll take your word for it.” Miss Takane said with a curt smile.
“So, how is Anon? I’ve heard some wild rumors about him lately, but I can’t tell fact from those comics they’re selling around the place.” Goro asked.
“He’s doing better if you can believe it. A few visitors have become more, conjugal-like and less carnal. It’s not as if we still don’t have problem customers and the bosses’ private sessions are taking a toll, but he’s less defeated than before at least. The real concern is the number of bombs we’ve had to defuse these last few weeks, the scarlet vampire showed up out of the blue and that flower demon, Yuuka, brought an entire wheelbarrow full of compost for something we couldn’t fathom at the time.” Takane explained.
“I was wondering how she got all friendly with Flan.” Goro said, rubbing his chin.
“You’re acquainted? I didn’t think she ever left The Scarlet Devil Mansion or even roamed that place freely.”
“That blonde brat was dropped on us by the blonde hag.” Seija grimaced.
“She’s a handful alright. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy my time with her though, kind of a sweetheart if you’re durable enough. What about Yuuka though?” Goro added.
“She made a garden with Anon. Yuuka’s been the most surprising turn around, going from thrashing him to being one of his most cherished supports. I might rethink my image of her, were it not for those scars she left on him. “Takane answered, closing her eyes.

>> No.45236175 [View]

>massive portal opens
>Anons try to rush through
>monster girls try to rush through
>the entire Tismwan race builds barricades overnight
>the Head Tismwan pulls out a clipboard, clears her throat, turns towards the Mamono side and calls out a name
>a Shirohebi tentatively slithers forward
>the Head Tismwan's sister hands the Hebi a small crystal ball, a pouch of supplies and then opens the gate for her to cross
>on our side, everyone is standing there wondering why we can't rush through when a Hebi pops through the portal
>weaves her way through the crowd of men watching a small blue arrow shift around in the crystal ball
>ends up in front of an Anon busy picking up some litter left by AkanameBaitAnon
>grabs him and then slithers at maximum speed back through the portal
>just as an Ushi Oni strides through

The Tismwans take immigration controls seriously. That'll end the moment an Anon forces his way through with a wheelbarrow full of Lincoln Logs, LEGOs, Civilization CDs and model tanks.

>> No.45228917 [View]
File: 97 KB, 850x1063, Why are humans so mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45216859 (26/?)

Rolling her wheelbarrow out of the HSE (after breaking another door), the world seemed a little brighter. Turning her attention to the various stalls around the main building, Yuuka decides to peruse them before returning home.

As to be expected some sold food, and others various trinkets. One particularly foolish soul was even selling shirts with 'Welcome to HSE' and a white splatter on them. Strangely though a very large percentage sold booklets and drawings. Unsurprisingly said drawings were of Anon, though they seemed to include other prominent Youkai as well. It goes to show how much this incident has thrown everything on its head. In her day, villagers would never dare draw Youkai so casually.

Approaching one of these stalls, she was met with a mousy woman wearing glasses. Picking up a prominently displayed booklet entitled ‘Puppy Love’, Yuuka asks, “What… what is this?”

The woman must be slow given she repeated the question multiple times while sweating (presumably from intense concentration), “T-This is my… I uhh sell doujin here to people w-who go to the HSE.”

Yuuka blinked at that, “You sell… groups? What do you mean?”

The woman shook her head, “N-No, I uh I sell… like manga and stuff.”

Manga? Ah! Those picture book things with all the fighting that Wriggle likes. Hmmm, she should buy some for Wriggle. That’ll surprise the little bug.

Wriggle probably wouldn’t be interested in something about Wolf Tengu, so Yuuka browses the collection. The covers are often strange, often placing Anon in precarious positions against domineering Youkai. Anon must be one of those underdog characters who defeat the evil Youkai with the power of friendship. Still, it’s strange that no Youkai has taken offense to being defeated by a human yet…

Yuuka freezes as she reads the title of the last manga that she took out, ‘Anon and the Ultimate Sadistic Creature’. The cover depicts her looming over a cowering Anon with cruel eyes, fang-like teeth, and nails akin to claws.

As Yuuka’s hand begins to shake she wordlessly looks over to the deathly still artist who seems to have lost all color in her face. Is this what the people in the village see her as? A monster to be beaten? A sadistic creature? Despite herself, Yuuka opens the booklet. She needs to know what’s inside.

The story begins with her assaulting the Hakurei shrine and presenting Reimu’s severed head to Anon. Far too much effort was put into said head, though it’s not that realistic. After that she mocks him a-and beats him around, all the while tormenting him over the death of his wife.

Looking up at the mangaka, Yuuka is pleased to see her trembling. As she should be for producing this… this awful thing. Drawn back to the story, Yuuka is shocked to see the slanderous character strip and then makes Anon… and then take out the rope and wax… and… and then… Yuuka herself begins to shake as it just doesn’t seem to end.

The final straw came when she grew a massive vine and s-shoved it up Anon’s… Looking down at the hyperventilating mangaka, Yuuka felt her hand tighten involuntarily and crush the doujin. Yuuka’s shaking grew more intense as the manga was crushed ever tighter in her hand. As the mangaka began to pray, Yuuka’s vision began to cloud-

-with tears as she ran away crying, “I-I’m not a monster! I w-would never do that! Why do you all hate me?!"

The startled mangaka, upon realizing she was not dead, quickly began packing up while plotting how to fake her own death to become a hermit.

>> No.45216859 [View]
File: 303 KB, 850x850, Fuck I posted the pictures out of order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45216836 (25/?)

Rolling (her wheelbarrow) up to the shrine, Yuuka’s pleased to see Anon sitting under the veranda drinking tea. Undoubtedly pleased to see her, Anon greets Yuuka, “Mornin’ Yuuka, what’s with the… everything?”

Yuuka’s words catch in her throat as she stares at Anon red faced. She replies slowly, her pause clearly planned to show her poise b-but not too aloof to be unreachable, “The last time I came here, I realized it was missing something. While Yukari successfully copied the form of the shrine, there is no true life to it. It feels artificial, without the connection to nature that makes a home a home. Though there are other problems that’d disqualify it from being such.”

Anon frowns slightly at her words about what makes a home, “I understand. Still, what’s the plan?”

Blushing that elegance Yuuka found mere moments ago was nowhere to be found, “W-Well I just... it’d be nice to... You see since you missed the autumn… Ah, DO YOU WANT TO MAKE A GARDEN WITH ME?”

Yuuka cringes as she realizes that the last part came out too fast and too loud. Thankfully Anon doesn’t comment on it as he smiles and nods, “Sure, I’d been meaning to for a while now, though I couldn’t exactly run to the store to grab anything. I suppose I could have asked Takane, but… Uh anyway, I’d love to learn under a master of gardening. What did you have in mind?”

Still bashful from her previous faux pas Yuuka replies, “Could we head in? Since you’re the one living here I’d like your input.”

Anon chuckles at that though there’s something strained about it, “Ha, fair enough. I’m not used to… Uh, why don’t you come in and make yourself at home? I’ll see to making some tea.”

As Anon heads off to the kitchen, Yuuka lays out a large canvas over his living room table and begins sketching the false shrine’s layout.

Returning with a tea tray, Anon looks over Yuuka’s handiwork, “So what’s the plan?”

Any lingering embarrassment forgotten, Yuuka answers, “Again it depends on what you want. While the main point of focus should be the entrance, there’s a lot to do in the back. While I am less familiar with ponds, there are many interesting water flowers and the contrast with water gives a lot of possibilities. Not to mention as I imagine most have little interest in it, the back area could serve as a hideaway from the rest of the Shrine. Still, the flowers themselves are the lynchpin for all of that and we should have specific floral arrangements in mind before committing to anything.”

Anon’s eyes linger on the sketch of the pond for a while before he catches himself and nods, “Right, so what flowers do you have?”

Hiding a giggle behind her hand, Yuuka replies, “The better question would be what flowers I do not have, which is a very short list that grows ever shorter. If you want suggestions, I’d recommend Autumn flowers. It’s a bit late in the season, but I doubt that matters here. So, chrysanthemums are a given. Beyond there nemesia, anemone, sunflower lookalikes, azaleas…


The two have fallen into a steady rhythm. Few words pass between them, but there is little need for such things. Anon digs, Yuuka fills the gap with fertilizer, and then they both take a side and keep planting seeds until they meet in the middle. After that, they move on to the next patch of land. It’s a lot of work, but it must have passed quickly given no one has come to tell her that her session is over.

As the two rest under the surprising heat of the artificial midday sun drinking lemonade (that Yuuka made while Anon was finishing up his side of the pond), Yuuka remarks, “She’s a good kid, Hana. She’s taking to magic like a fish to water while not becoming a total recluse or… a strange person. You raised her well.”

Anon for some reason seems troubled by Yuuka’s words, “T-Thanks… It’s been hard.”

Yuuka nods, “Still, flowers can bloom in even the most desolate places, though they can only reach their true potential through loving care. I-I’d like to show you something.”

Getting up and walking out into the yard Yuuka begins to explain, “I uh suppose this isn’t the best way of doing things, but I think it’d be a shame for the Shrine to remain empty for now. Don’t… just…”

Cutting herself off, Yuuka gets down on one knee and touches the ground. Reaching out into the soil, she feels the sterile fakeness of it all. Pushing past the artificiality, she reaches out to the seeds, the bearers of potential, and begins to feed them life.

It’s imperceptible at first, but soon the first stalks begin to peak out of the soil. They are soon joined by their brothers before they all begin to grow. An outsider might liken the scene to a timelapse, but there is something indescribable about the way the flowers all begin to bloom with color at once. Seeing her job done, Yuuka cuts off the tap before the flowers wither.

Fidgeting Yuuka asks, “It’s nice, isn’t it.”

Staring out at the field of flowers Anon replies, “It’s beautiful.”

>> No.45216836 [View]
File: 1004 KB, 850x965, Yuuka setting her flags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45179176 (24/?)

Yuuka sighs as she realizes the wheelbarrow is slightly too wide to fit through the HSE doorway. She could tilt it, but that might spill seeds and fertilizer. Alternatively, she could…

Those inside the HSE all jump at the cracking sound that signals the death of that unfortunate doorframe. In the proceeding moments the many patrons of the establishment ready their magic, until they realize who exactly the green haired woman pushing a wheelbarrow and slinging a shovel over her shoulder is.

Yuuka for her part barely notices any of this as she approaches the counter. The Fox seems conflicted, though she hides it well behind a disinterested mask. Still, she greets Yuuka with sufficient professionalism to not warrant a fight, “Good morning, lady Kazami. I do not recall my master ever requesting your aid for renovations, so I presume you are here for a session with Anon?”

Yuuka nods with a blush. It’s not really a session, is it? She’s not paying to do anything l-lewd with Anon, she just wants to pay him a visit. Though if Anon wanted to do something, it’s not like she’d say no. Maybe she could up for what she did before by holding him and… and…

Coughing while choking on her words Yuuka nods, “Y-Yes. I-I’d like a normal one please, at the shrine with Anon.”

Yuuka thinks she almost saw a smirk from the fox but that must have been her imagination. With the same robotic motions Ran takes her money and gives her a ticket, “You are currently fifteenth place in the line. Please entertain yourself with the activities provided in the lobby and… ahem, please ask for assistance if you are having difficulties with any doorways.”

Yuuka missed that last part as she turns back to look at the other patrons. Fifteenth place? Unfortunately, the number of other guests matches up with Ran’s number. Heeeh, it’ll be ages until Yuuka will be able to see Anon. Not to mention it’ll be after all these compost level Youkai have had their way with him. To think they even dare look at Anon, let alone take advantage of him like filthy worms making their way into her gar-

Oh, Yuuka’s train of thought was cut off when a trembling tanuki approached Ran’s desk, “Ummm I’d like to move down in line. Could I take fifteenth place?”

Ran frowns for a moment before regaining her indifference and nodding, “Very well, the order has been adjusted. Can the former second person in line please come forward.”

For some reason, everyone after the Tanuki had similar sentiments. It was odd, why would they buy an appointment with the HSE if they didn’t want to go as soon as they could? Maybe they had cold feet and weren’t really going to go through with… being with Anon. That was good. If that is the case, she won’t need to-

The fox clears her throat, “I don’t suppose you also intend to move back in line miss Kazami?”

Yuuka shakes her head, “No, as a matter of fact, I’ll be seeing Anon now, a good day to you.”

With that, Yuuka pushes her wheelbarrow towards the door leading further into the building. That prompts a panicked, “Wait!” from Ran before a gap opens to bypass the door.

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