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Search: rejoice

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>> No.47178281 [View]

Plus they are at #9. What's there to rejoice about anyway? Lmao

>> No.47120289 [View]
File: 3.81 MB, 2482x2999, 100481918_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Danukis labeled Zombie and undead milk in general as a superfood since they break down most sugars during their natural production and release more protein, rejoice Zombie herders since prices will surely skyrocket

>> No.47118265 [View]

gaymins rejoice

>> No.47063965 [View]

Hips bros we rejoice

>> No.47025046 [View]

Oh, incidentally, I had a look around and found this unified character lora for PonyXL and derivatives:
Seems to work pretty well from a few random shots. So, rejoice, "crappy local model" users, you can in fact do 2hus.

>> No.47023416 [View]

>towa end today

>> No.46998983 [DELETED]  [View]

The whole world will rejoice when everyone in the west finally dies and north america and europe get reduced to radioactive glass as they deserve to be.

>lolicon isnt pedophilia
Incorrect. It is and always has been in Japan and there's nothing wrong with that. See >>46998169

>> No.46988918 [View]
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Rejoice, for my beloved sheep, Watame, shall bless us with a sacred singing stream, and shall reveal the honored guests for her forthcoming birthday stream!!!

>> No.46970818 [View]
File: 862 KB, 850x1200, amnknt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now when Kanata saw the crowds, she went up on a mountainside and sat down. Her fans came to her,and she began to teach them.
She said:
>Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
>Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
>Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
>Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
>Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
>Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see THE KANATA.
>Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called fans of Amane Kanata.
>Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
>Blessed are you when people insult you,persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.Rejoice and be glad,because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the Heimin who were before you.

>> No.46960218 [View]

Easy. I'll simply go the JRPG villain route and found an organization that claims to want to help the world to trick my fellow mortals into assisting me in concocting a scheme to drain the planet of magic or something with a big machine. Once I have sufficient power, I kill the Chief God first since she's wounded and weak and take her remaining power for myself. The rest of them are fodder by comparison so Eros, Poseidon and the Fallen will be killed pretty quickly. The only one that will be tricky to kill is that succubus bitch Demon Lord, but if I kill all the other gods and take their power I should be strong enough to overcome the sex magic.

Then once all the gods are dead, the world will be a better place and we will all rejoice...

>> No.46937141 [View]

Wans everywhere will rejoice on the morrow when barbecues everywhere fire up

>> No.46906006 [View]

rejoice brothers, our god Matuli will grace us with another dose of lewds

>> No.46770621 [View]
File: 89 KB, 676x900, GM4oH6wbYAAG5y_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loliest girl that ever existed is being published in Young Magazine!
It's her first gravure magazine, you should rejoice
She made one photobook before that had 1 bikini pattern (white, side-strap)

>> No.46764679 [View]

Jump anon, rejoice!

>> No.46747775 [DELETED]  [View]

You're faggot
Thousand years of knowledge destroyed in less than a hour. Hear their scream and cry, rejoice in the fire your birth, leave without consequences, an Angel await you in death
This work too

>> No.46694260 [View]


>> No.46670717 [View]

damn I missed this feeling of rejoice knowing Goku has arrived. It's been so long.

>> No.46623060 [View]

Compared to the ulimited and unimaginable awe and grandeur of that art which paints itself we humans must be nothing more than a mote of dust, but rejoice, for us dirty apes are another one of it's beautiful works and the only one capable of recognizing how truly sophisticated they are - the techniques of our progenitor.

>> No.46596491 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 9 KB, 200x268, IMG_5717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To rejoice is to lapse
Fool yourself and repent
Mirth will soon turn into woe
Reveries to contempt

If I were you I would now bring the curtain down
Accept my lot and thus fathom out my own bounds
If I were you I would rue the day when I was born
Cleanse all in life and redeem myself from scorn

Remember these words when tide is turning
The less you hope for, the less you suffer
If you dare to trust, then you shall shatter
Lunge from the heights and fall to smithereens

>> No.46565551 [View]

Apropos of Hana's announcement, let us rejoice in this clip of her performing with Murashige. I cannot recall ever seeing much interaction between the two, and indeed they seem to possess somewhat different personalities, but in this performance they together have the crowd laughing aplenty.
Godspeed you, the angels of Fukuoka.

>> No.46561088 [View]
File: 43 KB, 538x315, lolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46552129 [View]
File: 443 KB, 2048x1152, F5rIPF0aMAAGLAu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then rejoice

>> No.46546220 [View]
File: 627 KB, 1000x750, __elis_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_uniyon__f8388473a1c653f4633287005666cbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsukasa made her way to a cliff facing the moon. Remembering the course of the heavenly bodies was bothersome enough to meet with her associate, but dealing with her was even worse. Tsukasa had to wait until the big orb in the sky reached a certain point until a figure wrapped in black wings shot out from the night sky and unfurled before her. Blonde hair and a red bow, seems to be a common thing among Makai demons. What set her apart was a glowing red star on her left cheek. Coupled with the ridiculously long katana she held in her left hand, she surely would have been imposing to any unaware voyeurs.

“REJOICE! I, the Eastern Star, Spawn of the Dark One, have descended on this mortal plane!” Her blade shimmered in the moonlight, the tip stained with a drop of blood, before transforming into a far less imposing star-shaped wand.

“Well, Miss Eastern Star, you shouldn’t shout and announce our meeting place in the dead of night! And flying through the night sky just makes you more conspicuous, even if your wings are black.” This wasn’t the first time Elis had pulled this stunt, but Tsukasa knew better than to hope this would be the last time.

“They’re not black, they’re EBON! There’s a huge difference! Black is the color of evil and despair, ebon is the color of avengers and bats!”

“I don’t care. Listen, what is so important that you had to call me out today? Did the tengu track you down?” As stupid as this girl could be, her magic was powerful. There was no way Aya could have found out who she was with how little evidence there possibly could have been to reveal her.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA! No mere crow could ever hope to trace my magic! As soon as she even thinks about me, I know about it and the Cursed Seal of Unholy Blood Rites causes her unbearable pain! The only way she’d ever stop the pain is by seeing me directly, and I only show myself in the moon’s silvery glow, just like you said to!”

Tsukasa pinched her nose. “When did I ever say that?”

“Back when we infiltrated the Hag of Holes’ fortress! You had me wear those chains to wear so I could hide my true power and avoid scaring the innocent mortals while investigating the Irresistable Arousal Source hidden in the core of her dastardly domain! Only the moon’s glow can hold back my power, bequeathed to-”

“STOP, stop it, Elis! Just tell me why you called me out here already!” Even Tsukasa couldn’t believe how easily this girl believed the bullshit she fed her. It’s a miracle and disaster she slipped out of her mother’s supervision with how huge her delusions of grandeur are.

“Ah, right. I have to show you my newest disciple! I saw her in a graveyard, hunched over and immobile. Her skin was pale white, so I knew immediately she was a fellow user of unholy sorcery like me. But, she can’t control her power like I can, so I took her under my wing. Literally!” With a flourish of her wand, the demon pointed at her right wing. Materializing in reality was a corpse Tsukasa recognized from the HSE’s second-most perverted hermit. The only change to her outfit was a star hastily drawn on her forehead’s ofuda.

“Where did you say you stole her from again? Wherever Yoshika is, she’s never too far from Seiga.”
“Oh, some graveyard near the village. A green-haired hag and some blue-haired liberal were arguing about turtles or something.”

“Yoshika, what do you think about this?” Tsukasa wasn’t completely sure how this whole jiangshi-necromancy business worked, so she wanted to at least confirm her loyalty.

“I’m Pallid Phantom, faithful apprentice to the Eastern Star, Peon of Chaotic Forces…” the poor girl kept rambling off meaningless titles with either “Dark” or “Chaos” in them.

“Uhhh… Good job. Keep up the good work. You’re dismissed, Elis.”

“It’s Eastern Star! Come, Pallid Phantom! We must away into the depths of night! Our work won’t be done until the Hole Hag’s wicked empire crumbles and peace is restored to Gensokyo!” Casting a spell to summon tendrils of dark energy around her, Elis took her captive apprentice in her arms and flapped her wings, taking off into the night. Finally, it was quiet enough for Tsukasa to think.

Tsukasa wasn’t completely lying to that devil. She really was going to dismantle the HSE. But peace definitely wouldn’t follow. No, in Elis’ terms, it would be pure, unadulterated chaos.

(Part 6)

Man, I should probably sleep or something. This is the last Tsukasa POV, I'll get back to Aya with the long-teased "Aya teaches Chen about lying" fluff. Thx 4 waiting warmly.

>> No.46534189 [View]
File: 77 KB, 675x844, 1707858757586895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Archived as well so don't rejoice

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