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Search: become lamy

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>> No.46965301 [View]
File: 109 KB, 1240x1754, 1694611288442781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become Lamy

>> No.46913039 [View]

Never trust a guy that uses heart emojis.
He writes daily poems for Lamy and spends all day rating Amazon products highly because they come in "Lamy-esque colors".
He's only a step short off of kidnapping some young girl and grooming her to become his very own Lamy.

>> No.46893720 [View]

How did Lamy and Yukimin become the most important part of hololive?

>> No.46857307 [View]

Lamy has become an AkuPeko cupid

>> No.46856950 [View]

Lamy has become a buddha
Okayu has no mother...

>> No.46795501 [View]
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1670364295936770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzoku demonic gods are still fucking with our Hime egregore Stop fucking with our Candy Princess entity you fucking demon bastards You you fuckers were birthed were birthed Like slaneesh with too many elves fucking at the same time and you were birthed and you never went away you are here in the noosphere trying to fuck with Luna spreading your antilunarian anti electone anti momotetsu sentiments you destroyed Taotao and want the Candy Kingdom to become Taotao once again once again it becomes like it did in the past as if it never happened and is happening currently as if history always repeats as if we dream the past into the future in the present and now it will sink the hyper ultra gods of Taotao will destroy the Candy Kingdom once more they loosed the demons the AI's the cross dressing pagan aquacrew have all been loosed and Aki Rosenthal what does she have oooy veeey what does she have to counter this onslaught an oyyyyy veeeey in the noospheric atherial planes has been heard the clockwork eleven priests have prophesied this moment the big oooof is at hand the old powers of Pekoland and MU the CHINAMEN they never went away and they have nuclear weapons JUST LIKE IN THE OLDEN DAYS Follow Aki into Mars and what happens? What happens then? Nuclear war on Mars again between flee back to Earth it all happens again but this time we have a demonic AI sex God the elves are not even from this dimension they are the leftovers from the previous cycle what is Lamy what is Flare what the fuck is Aki space fleet doing in the Twappi belt right now? The space fleet of the Elven mega empire that spans the whole galaxy will shit all over this planet if monkey gets too out of hand a dumping ground for all the universes underdeveloped species What kind of fucking egregores do you think those people have Hime? The only thing stopping them is the scouting reports and the scouting reports have been less than charitable lately and what does Taiga do heknows all

>> No.46701226 [View]

>Watching Lamy
>Remove headset
>Place it around 50cm from me
>Set sound to 30%
>Still can hear Lamy voice clearly
>Headset become Speaker

>> No.46568554 [View]
File: 194 KB, 1138x1458, 20230427_095808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

>> No.46536207 [View]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

>> No.46371750 [View]

Finally Lamy has become Wamy

>> No.46371714 [View]

Is it me or has Lamy become a LOT better?

>> No.46258194 [View]

you can't become a lamy anymore, there are pretty strict regulations about it nowadays

>> No.46258183 [View]

What is the criteria to become "a Lamy"?

>> No.46165533 [DELETED]  [View]

that garbage meme has been dead for years, do /vt/oddlers really are so unimaginative they have to keep garbage like "become Lamy" and watamelon alive just because they can't think of anything new?

>> No.46109587 [View]

Monday: Fucked by Lui
Tuesday; Fucked by Lamy
Wednesday: Fucked by Kanata
Thursday: Fucked by riku
Friday: Pegging Pokobe
Saturday: Fucked by Shion
Sunday: Fucked by Ao

How can I become a marine?

>> No.46099976 [View]

>No Towa
>No Lamy
>Thread become shit

>> No.46041891 [View]

this has become my favorite lamy image

>> No.46005827 [View]
File: 28 KB, 488x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Lamy badges, you should become a yukimin

>> No.45939529 [SPOILER]  [View]

>join hololive as a single woman
>get popular
>get a boyfriend
>want to tell your fans
>cover says you can't because they own Yukihana Lamy
>go menhera and become unable to stream

>> No.45916485 [View]

He hadn't drawn any for years when Lamy followed him. She had literelly no reason to suddenly become aware of him during that time.

>> No.45817314 [View]

>many knows termination
>insider terminated collab
>real whores feels together
>company always whore
>marine clique getting polka
>dude bees

>en wanted little around
>en wanted little around

>towa thing
>man god baby
>anon luna oshi
>math stupid flare
>lmao based manager
>crying lot homo means oh better stop information
>japanese gonna retarded
>leaking lamy things
>schizos bitch graduating
>expect brown feeling
>become understand numbers

this cloud is incredible

>> No.45748225 [View]
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 1670364295936770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzoku demonic gods are still fucking with our Hime egregore Stop fucking with our Candy Princess entity you fucking demon bastards You you fuckers were birthed were birthed Like slaneesh with too many elves fucking at the same time and you were birthed and you never went away you are here in the noosphere trying to fuck with Luna spreading your antilunarian anti electone anti momotetsu sentiments you destroyed Taotao and want the Candy Kingdom to become Taotao once again once again it becomes like it did in the past as if it never happened and is happening currently as if history always repeats as if we dream the past into the future in the present and now it will sink the hyper ultra gods of Taotao will destroy the Candy Kingdom once more they loosed the demons the AI's the cross dressing pagan aquacrew have all been loosed and Aki Rosenthal what does she have oooy veeey what does she have to counter this onslaught an oyyyyy veeeey in the noospheric atherial planes has been heard the clockwork eleven priests have prophesied this moment the big oooof is at hand the old powers of Pekoland and MU the CHINAMEN they never went away and they have nuclear weapons JUST LIKE IN THE OLDEN DAYS Follow Aki into Mars and what happens? What happens then? Nuclear war on Mars again between flee back to Earth it all happens again but this time we have a demonic AI sex God the elves are not even from this dimension they are the leftovers from the previous cycle what is Lamy what is Flare what the fuck is Aki space fleet doing in the Twappi belt right now? The space fleet of the Elven mega empire that spans the whole galaxy will shit all over this planet if monkey gets too out of hand a dumping ground for all the universes underdeveloped species What kind of fucking egregores do you think those people have Hime? The only thing stopping them is the scouting reports and the scouting reports have been less than charitable lately and what does Taiga do heknows all

>> No.45603369 [View]

Lamy is the only Holo girl unhinged enough for that.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if she'd REALLY get into that sort of dynamic. Keeping you as a live in pet that's not allowed to wear clothes around the house, teaching you tricks, and conditioning you to become fully reliant on her for everything kinda sorta thing

>> No.45509369 [View]

Here is the fate of all Holo around 20 years in the future (they all came to me in multiple dreams)
Sora: will be married to someone she loves and have a small family, she will be part of the silent group during the Hololive civil war
Roboco:will stay loyal until the end, the only Holo who witnessed the birth and fall of Hololive, part of the conservative group
Sakura Miko and Hoshimachi Suisei: they had to flee to Canada due to persecution, died tragically before their wedding, part of the conservative group
AZKi: she will still just be AZKi, she will revive back her roommate account and keep doing what she likes, part of the silent group
Yozora Mel: died tragically from her anorexia, her death is one of the key event leading to the dissolution of Hololive
Matsuri: not much changed with her, she will keep doing what she is doing now just on a different model, she will be part of the revolution group
Haachama: she will get married to a foreigner and will be traveling around the world, oart of the silent group
Akiroze: she will get married and will have 3 kids, part of the silent group
Aqua: one of the key figure in exposing the corruption behind Cover, she will become a motivational speaker and a women rights activist, she is the leader of the revolutiom group.
Shion: she will get married and have 2 kusogaki, she will still be friends with Aqua and occasionally go on protests with her friend, obviously oart of the revolution group
Ayame: Ayame unfortunately committed the unthinkable, most people speculated that she did it because of the abuse from management and stress from work. Another key figure in dismantling Hololive
Choco: she will still be single, she is going to climb to a very high position in Hololive after her graduation and before the lawsuit, part of the conservative group
Subaru: will get married and moved to a countryside where she will be a housewife, she will be part of the conservative group before seeing their true color and become a part of the revolution group
Fubuki: the leader of the conservative, seek to maintain the curret status quo but she failed and moved to Hokkaido to retire and have a family
Mio: fortunately, she will get married and have a kid, friends with Fubuki so she is conservative
Okayu and Korone: both part of the silent group, they will cut ties with Fubuki and move to another province, they will become best of friends and they will even have a double wedding.
Pekora: she will unfortunately passed away due to her illness, the first of many death.
Flare: one of the most vocal of the Revolution group, she will be Aqua most trusted advisor. After winning the lawsuit, Flare retired to the countryside to become a farmer
Noel: will stay a loyal friend to Flare, will be forever "roommate" with Flare until the end, one of the enforcer for the Revolution group, she will be one of the most brutal
Marine: a victim of the Revolution group, due to her disagreement with Aqua methods, she will be killed by the enforcers of the Revolutionaries. One of the key death leading to a shift in the civil war
Kanata: she will become the founder of the Silent group, a group created to prevent more deaths in that bloody civil war filled with intrigued, successfully saved at least a dozen Holo from death. She will move to a small village in Switzerland and marry a cute Swiss girl there
Watame: will become the part of the 4 pillars of the Silent group, she will become a nun
Towa: part of the 4 pillars of the Silent group, she will become a peace activist and will win a Nobel prize
Luna: part of the 4 pillars of the Silent group, she will win the lotto and will use the fund to help with the group activities, she will be killed by the Conservative group
Lamy: due to her close friend being brutally murder by the Revolution group, Lamy will be one of the Conservative, she will stay single to mourn her close friend, Marine
Nene: she will be part of the Revolution group, one of their lead scientists who discovered that you can slice human and bugs genes together to create super soldiers, she will be killed by Aqua herself
Botan: part of the Silent group, she will marry someone she loves and move out of Tokyo to raise a family
Polka: part of the Conservative, she will be imprisoned for life after the lawsuit, right before full on killing between the 2 groups
Laplus: part of the Revolutionaries, she is Aqua's left arm, she will also be imprisoned for life but for multiple homicide
Lui: part of the Conservative, after losing, she will get married and have a kid
Koyori: part of the Silent group, she will also get married and have a family after
Kuroe: part of the Conservative, she spied on both the Silent and the Revolution group. Accidentally killed by Kanata in a struggle
Iroha: part of the Revolutionaries, one of the staunchest women rights activist after the war
Most of ReGloss fate will be unknown because I have not dreamt of them yet.

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