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>> No.47115699 [View]
File: 2.27 MB, 873x1200, yukariandbaby3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After all, there's only one seat, and they know it. They don't need to look at each other and realize, nor turn and bite like hounds. No… These are women of cunning that understand the sheer amount of power that was put on a silver plate in front of them, heightening a situation they once thought couldn't get better in any shape or form: her sister is protected and loved; her enemies will come barreling towards her; the newborns covered in blood and their placentas will find their way to her plate; and God knows that that annoying goat will finally be sacrificed and her ungodly big kitchen utensil melted to make a crooked cross. They all know that—perhaps with less prose—and behind curtains they'll outline their plans… Plans to which I will gladly add flavor; the purpose of my next words: “My, my~I love the eagerness! But as you are aware, ladies, when it comes to the Secret Sage's role of protection of Gensokyo—which will become even more crucial once my sword completes its development. Although you aren’t fully aware of its capabilities beyond reaping souls just yet, I believe you understand that alone makes for a desirable possession—favoritism and nepotism are the keys to an egregious downfall.” Stroking a tad their egos, remembering them of their place but never closing the pearly gates of recompense.

It's rather amusing how my words about nepotism shift their eyes to Ran, and I smile at the sheer cold that erupts from behind me, Sakuya's hand twitching around one of many hidden knives and Konngara softly placing her hand on the katana's handle. Remi and Yachie barely budge, and Seiga winks at Ran.

The joys of a proper hierarchy~

“So, the Solstice will serve as a testing ground for me to decide which of you to entrust to mine and Kasen's sides!” I merrily clap, eyes closed and joyous. The sounds of heavy artillery in the background, coupled with the screams of the damned, of those that'll bear nightmares forever, elate me into these next words. “How fun, don't you believe, ladies? You get to fight to protect our little group and might even get a greater payout by the end! And the entirety of the test will be, of course, based on performance~!” The reactions are rapid, with huffs and small words of approval and exultation, conversations sprouting over the nice tea and wine, biscuits of equal prestige—enough that even the taciturn Konngara decided to stop longingly marveling at the destruction to join us, the Gap pulling forth a spare chair—peeks shared with me as I elaborated on any doubts they had.

How will you be keeping tabs on performance? The Gap.

Can you tell us more about that sword? Of course~!

What's Kasen's view on this method of selection? Oh, sweet Yachie~such naïveté.

Meticulous minds, as cunning as one could be with their types, bonded and exchanged tactics, methods on how to deal with the enemy and position while also sharing personal powers, attributes, and so forth. To the spectator's eye, this is a show of strength.

Lies, lies, facades.

The quintessential alliance between noblewomen~

The first to excuse themselves, muttering something about her pathetic magician, were Remilia and her frowning shadow. Next was Yachie, who had to go make sure her monkey wasn't eating rocks. Seiga gave no explanation at all, just a quick look at Ran before she grinned and excused herself to go have sex. Konngara left without words after bowing slightly.

Just like that, Ran and I were alone on the rooftops, cloaked by nature, watching as the Human Village crumbled…

“… They'll kill each other.” I muse, and Ran stares for a moment before nodding serenely. “Acting so courteous yet intending on using the Solstice as a veil to violence~” Sipping the last of my aromatic tea, I remember Anon and our intensely personal, intimate feelings and how glaringly false they had been before our daughter.

How pungent the difference was felt.

The information was delivered gradually with the goal of ensuring that, in the heat of combat, when minds are at their strongest and weakest, they would maximize hostility rather than cooperation. Allies aren't allies anymore, just another set of foes between them and a fancy title and reality-bending powers.

Though Remilia poses a problem…

I didn't expect her to bite the bait fully, not with her commitment to keeping Flandre all to herself and our strange history, but that sharp gleam in her eyes might be what stands between me and my perfect future…

… Hm, that doesn't matter to you, Sekai~

Remilia will battle my enemies and my allies, and all but Flandre's death in the Solstice can be guaranteed.

If something unexpected happens, you’ll be there to fix it, right, my adorable time traveler~?

I gently stroked my belly, opening a Gap in my purple dress to allow tender golden light to touch the skin, cradling my arms around my unborn child.

My true family, at arm's reach…

Sekai, Anon, Flandre and me.

… Just a little more.

And everything will be perfect.

>> No.46992964 [View]
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>>46976052 (3/6)

Something hits my arm and throws it against the other before I have a chance to react—b-burning… It burns!

The inferno buckles my knees, my wide eyes turning to my arms in crushing despair: ropes made out of mirrors with a rock on each end had wrapped themselves around my wrists, ancient inscriptions carved on them beyond my understanding—reactively I tried to use my power to gauge their meaning in the slightest, but then the burning grew to unspeakable levels, shrieks of pain leaving me together with tears, fingers contorting in a futile attempt to get a grasp of the ropes melting in the metaphorical sense.

“Stop fighting it, Kamishirasawa Keine.” The commanding voice rang out again, this time closer, as the Yamaxanadu descended from the skies, her back to the full moon, and landed beside a distraught Komachi, the ferrywoman clutching her scythe tightly. Shiki Eiki, a full inch taller than Komachi's waist, stood with an overwhelming air of grace and an unequivocal declaration of 'Justice,' holding the Rod of Remorse with poise and clarity, eyes as bone-chilling as the top of Youkai Mountain. “You're no saint to undo the bindings of your own guilt and sins—they shall protect you from yourself.” Sweating all over and panting, I finally manage to get on my knees, arms sizzling with the phantom vestiges of a blistering kiss from the sun.

Still, as the agony subsided, my last train of thought returned—confused and messy, but most importantly legible—eyebrows furrowing: if Komachi's words were to be trusted, when I was reborn, I didn't bring my powers with me…

But that doesn't make sense!

Under the blue moon, I used them to write the futures of my children and Seiga…

I need more information, and the penetrating gaze of the Yama was the opposite of welcoming. “I'll commend you first, Kamishirasawa Keine, for judgement is meaningless if made up of one element.” She moves closer, kneeling and looking into my eyes. Komachi was about to speak, but the Yama only had to give her a sidelong glance to silence any words. Judgement began as those emerald eyes refocused on me. “You did well. For most of your life, you did well. Many people owe their jobs and opportunities in life due to your teaching; you also protected the Human Village when necessary in the past—you became the sole pillar of support to those two babies Mystia Izakaya threw to death, going distances to make sure they'd live… I’d have no qualms about reincarnating you and praying that you’d eventually cross paths with those you loved again if you had come to Higan the first time. But we're past that point.” My heart sank when I saw the sudden iron in her once-soft eyes. “You have fled judgement once and attempted to do so again, destroying any trust I might have had in you to the point I thought necessary delivering judgement here, on the sands of the Sanzu. Blinded by good intentions, you sought the demise of Gensokyo's balance and egotistically aimed to tip it to befit your worldview and rather than adapting to the world, you decided you’d change it…” Her eyes narrow in unambiguous distaste. “Who do you think you are, Kamishirasawa Keine? Do you think you can overcome the primal cruelty of life? That you must go as far as putting hundreds of lives at stake for the CHANCE of making things ‘better’? No, you aren't that special—so let me tell you who you really are, Kamishirasawa Keine.” She places the Rod of Remorse before my eyes, the wooden end scraping the skin as she stands to her full height. “You were a teacher. You were wronged and thus became a mother. You lost your curse and so, became a partner, soon-to-be wife. You should've stopped there, but you did not. Instead, you became an instigator, then martyr of Gensokyo's worst bloodshed to date… You're dead now, and you died a villain.” Her words feel final. “Today, you'll be judged as one.”

And thus judgement was rendered.

Her words swirl inside my head, threatening an explosion of almighty proportions, lips trembling and lungs overworking, the chains made of mirrors around my wrists stopping any use of my powers and burning, burning and burning.

… Villain, me…

After everything I've gone through, all I wanted was a good life for myself and my kids—for Mystia, who had to throw her children to death or else her nest would go hungry…

Calling me an instigator when peace was all I had in mind…

It was simply infuriating.

Wrath bubbled from down below all the way to the surface, skin shivering and heart thumping as if about to burst, prognostications of rebellion rumbling into the atmosphere.

This will not be how things end! I won’t fade away as a ‘villain’!


I refuse to let that be my history.

… All Eiki gave me was a look of pity. “That's your answer? I had higher expectations of you.” She's about to turn and walk away from me…

My actual answer stops her dead in her tracks, time stalling. “I didn't lose my curse when I revived—I still had it yesterday, Shiki Eiki!”

>> No.45881902 [View]


As I was looking around, I saw that it was lacking some of the models I liked the most, but just besides it was another protected section behind a glass, which were considerably more expensive. The ones to the left costed no more than 18,000 yen, with the ones inside the glass costing no less than 22,000 and up to 50,000.
Right at the bottom I saw that there was my waifu Satori. Felt elated, and asked to see her. They took her out, held her and looked at the price tag, and my heart dropped at the sight of 44,000. I said fuck it, and went to the counter. When I tried to pay, my card was declined, then we tried again, and it was declined a second time. Told them that I would be right back after going to an ATM for the cash. I took out 50k, but then something didn't feel right. I felt like I was being fleeced. I don't know why it was much more considerably expensive that others, with only regular Cirno and 1.5 Reimu being more expensive. Tried looking for any reference for Satori's price tag but couldn't find anything even slightly comparable to what they were selling her for. Went back to the store and stood in front of the fumos for around 20 minutes like an autist, simply deciding whether to get her or not. The only other one I was considering was Remi, because I like her a lot too, her fumo is cool, and it was right there besides Satori. I really couldn't decide which one to take. Flipped a coin but no answer satisfied me. When I convinced myself to get Satori, something made me choose Remi instead, and the other way around. Then I seriously studied them and went with my gut feeling. My decision was made simply on the basis of the vibes I got from them by looking into their eyes and picturing them featuring in photos I'd take of them. I know I would have loved them both, but I had to choose one and as I saw one of them being left in favor of the other I knew I had just committed to my decision. But I don't regret it at all. It was only hard because I wish I could have taken them both... and because I did feel like it was just too much.

>> No.45750778 [View]
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The box fell away to show what was inside. I had seen my share of art before. There were quite a few artists in the village that produced all sorts of paintings and other pieces of art, and Remilia had let me see her private collection a few times. But this was way more grandiose then even the greatest piece of the vampires collection. Even the photos I’ve seen of statues in the outside worlds couldn’t compare. I was almost caught in by it being made of solid gold that I failed to take in all the details. In almost life-like detail, there was Yukari and Hana, and Hana was in Yukari’s arms and-oh no.

It all made sense now. Hana’s skittishness around Yukari that never crossed the line into fear or anger, how she always tried to get in close and touch Hana, the insistence on being called Mama. Hana and Yukari were- It seemed like everyone else came to the same conclusion, as the tension that was almost buried before reached its ugly head again. Yukari stood over Hana, her hand on her back seeming way too familiar now “As for the uniform, here, Hana-Chan~! Let’s see how cute you are in this”! I stumbled back, wanting to get away as far as possible.

Then all hell broke lose.

A line of dolls appeared before me, knifes and other tiny weaponry bared, for all the good it would do. Something that seemed like a wound in the universe appeared over Hana’s body and her clothes exploded outward, and when the wound closed up she was standing there, teary-eyed in a outfit not unlike Yukari’s.

That was when everyone decided to attack. Yuuka lunged forward to attack, her punch only hitting empty air. Alice glowed brighter the the sun and then in her hands was a grimoire , Youma energy pouring out of it faster and heavier then I could get a track of. Marisa aimed her mini-hakkero, collateral damage far out of her mind. Even Sanae stood upright, her gohei out and a look of pure fury on her face. Before I could say any prayers, I felt a small hand on my own. Tewi looked up at me, tugging at me. I let her rush me out the door, almost not noticing a sobbing and panicking Aunn trying to twist her way out of Mamizou’s grip along side us.

“My, My~look at this, Hana-chan. It seems they don’t approve of our relationship” Yukari chuckled from behind me. The weight in my gut got worse, and it was only with the surprisingly strong grip of Tewi that I was pulled out of the door. Out we went down the path, far away enough so that the house was out of sight. I slumped down, feeling like I had run a marathon. Aunn was on the ground inconsolable as she sobbed, her face ugly with snot and tears.

Mamizou and Tewi looked at each other for a moment and started to back away “This is close enough to the village, the two of you can handle yourselves, yes? I’ve got to look into some things, so be careful.” Mamizou said, sighing to herself. But even she couldn’t hide the edge in her voice. Tewi, Sana and Sara all nodded together.

Mamizou darted off into the trees, while the rabbit trio proceeded to-go a few yards away and huddle together, whispering among themselves, sometimes throwing glances our way.

Aunn rose to a sitting position, still sniffling. “She’s been hurting Hana and I never figured it out” she sobbed “I’m the worst komaniu. I shoulda protected her more, and Anon too”

I reached out to pat her on the back, and she nuzzled towards me. “Hey, none of us knew, don’t blame yourself We’re still gonna make a plan to beat her. We just have to change a few things, that’s all” I hated myself for saying a lie. I had no idea what this meant. Yukari must be aware of all of us plotting against her, and Hana was right under her thumb. It was worse then we could have ever imagined. The real possibility that one of us might die opposing her arose in my mind again, and the pit in my stomach grew. Even if they didn’t target me, they’d target my family and that made me feel-

Angry. It was like a great hand reached into my stomach and yanked out the knot of dread and filled the opening with burning coals. My family, who I raised and loved, who had nothing to do with all of this, being held hostage by someone who did so much wrong. Then Hana, who never had a choice in having a happy upbringing, only to be perverted by the very same woman that tormented her father. Her being called mama made me sick. I was already neck deep into this, backing out is not an option.

Aunn looks over at me, head tilted questioningly. “Come on, we can’t protect her like this can we?” I say, bouncing to my feet. I paused for a moment, looking to hear any explosions or see lights raining down from the sky. Nothing. I guess that means everything is alive then. “We’re going back, you’d be better off at Hana’s side”

Aunn rubbed her face with her sleeve and stood up, putting on her best brave face. “O-of course! I need to be there!”

The rabbits, having finished their huddle hopped back to the path. We followed, ready for anything.

>> No.45674725 [View]
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My oshi is loved and protected by God so she's fine

>> No.45658009 [View]

Wurmy is a treasure who deserves to be loved and protected.
Anyone who says otherwise is wrong and a terrible person.

>> No.45640322 [View]
File: 120 KB, 850x1001, Hana Yakumo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana felt a strong mix of emotions rage through her mind, it’d been that way ever since Yukari came in through the front door. In the typical fashion of Yukari, she went all in for what she cared about and it made Hana happy to see her mama go out of her way to bring a gift and her love. Even if the gift was a bit… way too large... Either way, it made Hana joyous as she could be, this entire party had been like a dream and while mama coming by had made things a bit tense Hana couldn’t hide the soft smile she felt.

At least that was one of the emotions she felt.

Fear was the second one, of what? Too much to count. Hana had been trying so hard to balance her love for mama with the rest of her life and friends, so why? Why did she come in now of all times and… as happy as it made her to have mama stroke her hair without having to hide anything, wasn’t she supposed to keep it secret? She loved everyone here, and Tewi she supposed, while it was great that they weren’t rejecting her or mama outright the tension in the air and the sparks flying could only be missed by the deaf and blind. It was a bit embarrassing to be seen clinging to Yukari’s side, but she was scared of what would happen if she wasn’t there to keep mama protected from the hostile glares.

Sorrow was the third, sorrow at a good few things out of her control. How everyone glared at mama, and for what? Hana knew why, it was hard to understand mama after all and it spoke of their bond that Hana could so easily see her heart. Still, she was sad that Yuuka, Marisa, Alice, and even Sanae all treated her so coldly… speaking of which where was Aya? Didn’t matter she supposed. All of them treated Hana so tenderly just earlier, she just wishes they could see mama like she did and give mama even a fraction of that love. Mama would love it, and while Hana would never say it but she suspected mama didn’t really have any friends… And so, Hana’s sorrow bit into her mood as she watched the misunderstandings pile up, she’d just have to be there after to comfort mama.

The fourth, and most perplexing, was a quiet anger at them. Hana told herself that they simply didn’t know mama like she did, that they were just misunderstanding things, that after mama got her way all this could be resolved and… Hana shoo’d away the more inappropriate thoughts. Still, this misunderstanding could be resolved so easily, yet they refuse to give mama a chance! To what end were they so bullheaded? A simmering heat found itself in her heart, why did Yuuka make such scathing accusations?! She didn’t miss some of the other sour gazes that were thrown at mama either, each one upset in her in a way that she’d never thought she’d feel directed at the women that treated her so kindly.

Hana kept a lid on it however, a simple thing that she nevertheless took pride in; it was something her mother could never do. There was one thing she couldn’t keep a lid on truth be told, her embarrassment.

It just so happened that Hana had a weakness: being the center of attention while everyone sang at her. It was why now that she was seated at Alice’s table with a large double decker cake, as wide as Mamizou’s tale, Hana’s face couldn’t help but be flushed red as the syrupy strawberries Alice must have had preserved and tucked away for just such occasions.

The table in front of Hana was stuffed with the cake in the center, cleaned off of other foods and plates stacked up ready to serve everyone. The candles on the cake burned brightly around the decorated words of ‘Happy birthday, Hana!’ written in a jelly like frosting Hana had never seen outside sweet shops before. Around the table was everyone standing around singing that silly tune, at the very least the smiles towards her were genuine. Though she could still feel the tension as besides her stood mama not more than a foot away, she could practically feel the eyes avert their gaze from mama to focus on her.

>> No.45005162 [View]

*weaklings that need to be protected and loved and smooched by the amazoness.
Go walk into their territory. I'm sure one of them is in need of a bed warmer and ass scratcher right now anon.

>> No.44658189 [View]
File: 1.25 MB, 850x1062, sample_cc0988aa1bea794576a5848fbd814bc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm very clever." Aya said with a patient smile. "I hear that you were injured during an attempt at infiltrating Eientei. Is that right?"

Marisa swallowed. "Busted before I could get started, actually."

"Is that so? Then, why was the gate opened from the inside?" Now, Marisa's blood ran a little colder. "Really, now, you thought you were safe from prying eyes just because it was night? I saw Kaguya Houraisan's little 'fight' with you. In fact, I'd be willing to work with you on some payback if you would be willing to talk about Eientei."

Tenshi turned from where she had been pointedly ignoring Aya. "This sounds like the worst blackmail scheme I've ever heard of. You're supposed to have something worth holding over Marisa's head."

"Oh, but I do. You see, I did say that I witnessed what happened. That means that I also witness you, ex-celestial, carrying her away afterwards. She protected you." Tenshi's mouth snapped shut. "Now, I don't particularly want to reveal that. But, if I don't have a good story about Doctor Yagokoro's shady practices, I could always run a story about a disgraced celestial turning to a life of petty crime, if you'd prefer." Now, Tenshi looked murderous, but didn't seem to have anything to say in response. "So, you see, I'm not holding much over Marisa's head." She smiled again, and Marisa would have loved to make her look as bad as Marisa felt. "Now, I'm sure you don't wish to discuss this here, so I'd like to ask us to relocate." Aya looked out into the distance, a scowl on her face. "There's a storm approaching. That'll make things difficult. Back to the Shrine? I'd imagine that Reimu would like to be involved in this." Now realising that she didn't have much of a choice unless she wanted to let Aya shred what little reputation that Tenshi had, she sighed heavily and told Tenshi to just take them to the Shrine. "Excellent! Perhaps I'll look through my old records. I might find something that shines light on Eirin Yagokoro's sinister plot. See, we can work together if we try. "

Marisa would dearly love to work together with Tenshi to smash Aya's face in, if she could.

"So, that's why you were all at the Shrine?" Reimu asked, looking annoyed. I remembered the way she had shouted when I had woken up there, and wondered whether it was because of Shameimaru. She had seemed okay when I had spoken to her, though I did get a strange feeling in my gut not to trust her or reveal too much. It seemed that I had been right in that assessment. "And - hold on - Aya blackmailed you?" She asked Miss Tenshi, sounding incredulous.

"Yes, I suppose you could say that. Though I wouldn't claim that the thoughts of surface-dwellers about a child of the Heavens bothers me much." Miss Tenshi did look bothered. Very bothered, in fact, and I patted her arm sympathetically.

"It wasn't so bad until that birdbrain showed up with him in tow." Marisa nodded toward me. I swallowed uncomfortably, remembering the circumstances that had led to me being there. "You're the one who got all bent out of shape." She said to Reimu.

"Aya Shameimaru once insinuated that writing about rabbits would make her newspaper low-quality." Reisen added to the conversation, still sounding like she would rather be anywhere else. Perhaps because of this, she went mostly ignored.

"Did it even go anywhere?" Reimu asked Marisa.

"What? Oh, Aya helping? Not...really? Maybe a little, since she had that syringe from Mokou’s place, but she said that she would need to do a lot of researching through old newspapers, so she wasn't sure how long it would take. Either way, I'm nearly done now. Just need to explain...her." Marisa said, looking at Reisen. "Then we can start trying to put it all together."

I was a little nervous about Reisen. She scared me a little, despite being tied up and stuck on her side facing a wall. Either way, I needed to face my fears eventually.

"So, you got violent, and then told me to lie down, and I fell asleep because...well, I was still pretty exhausted." Marisa began. "I woke up a little later..."

The final part of her story had begun, and I wondered how this increasingly complex puzzle could possibly fit together.

>> No.44550038 [View]
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I was on the one of the shopping streets when we saw each other. Our eyes locked. We had the luck not to run into her by since we moved but I knew that wouldn’t last forever, and today was the day it happened. She started to make her way towards me, ignoring the onlookers. I turned around and started to quickly walk away. Running would cause too much of a stir and might set her off and who knows what she might have done, even with the crowd watching. I tried to squeeze by a child and had an instructive thought of tossing him in mother’s way to slow her down. I would pray for his soul in the afterlife and all would be forgiven. But that thought quickly died out when I realized it was awful. I couldn't be that scared of her, could I? I slide by him and had a clear way when I felt mother grab me. She was faster and more agile then she looked.

“Hana. We need to talk” She said, dragging me to an alleyway. The crowd started to move with us, but she glared at them “This is a private matter, so you all leave!” She shouted out. The crowd dispersed. When she saw we had no followers, she pulled me into the alleyway. She yanked me towards the wall and got up to me, her glare burning into me. “When are you coming back​? Do you have any idea how irresponsible it was to just leave without telling me? The damage you did, how it made me feel?”

We’re never coming back and I don’t care what it did to you, I want to say. You never cared before, so why make a big show of it now? But I find myself faltering slightly in her presence. “We’re not planning on coming back if its just going to be the same” I manage to squeeze out “We’re living just fine here and can support ourselves, so unless you have a good reason we’re staying”

“That’s exactly the issue” she snaped. “Don’t you know what I thought when you and Anon went missing? I thought you might had been killed! There’s no shortage of people out there who would have loved to use my family to get to me. When you didn’t come back I thought you might have been held hostage somewhere! But Noooooo!” She pushed me in the chest. “You had just run off here and left me to deal with everything! Oh, and then I heard all about that job of yours. Don’t you know how disgraceful that is? You’re supposed to be a shrine maiden! Maintaining the shrine and caring for the god within is your duty! But you just don’t care about that, you just decide you don’t need any of that and you want to be a ronin maiden. Don’t you know how little visitors I’d had ever since you started that scheme of yours right here? Do you want me to starve? Is that it?”

Her accusations frustrated that I sneered the first thing to come to my mind “Well maybe if everyone didn’t know you abused us, then they’d want to visit you” Mother’s eyes widened as she heard that, but then her glare returned along with a frown and her hand reached back. I felt her fist impact my nose. For a woman that was so petite, she sure could hit hard. I dropped to the ground, crying out in pain. “This again” she groaned “I’ve protected and cared for you and your father for years, but nobody gives a shit about that. They only care about the negatives. Always spreading rumors and talking bad about me.” I picked myself off the ground, trying to put some distance between me and her “Look, just come back. Together we can fix things. I’ve missed you two, don’t you know that?” she said.

I thought about what she said. Maybe she was lonely without us, and maybe I didn’t really think things through when we picked up and left to he village. But I knew that for all the times she had been loving and caring to us, she would never change. She hadn’t fixed herself in all the years she’d been married, so I was not buying it. If she really cared, she would have changed years ago. Going back to her would be giving up, to return to the life I wanted to run away from. I shook my head “Not now” I said. “Maybe when I can trust you, but not now” I wasn’t going to confront her with the truth at this point, so I opted for a half-lie. Sure, I would be willing to accept her if she changed, but we both knew that was unlikely.

She grunted and turned to leave, willing to leave it at this “I’ll accept that for now. We’ll catch up again,i have a right to see how my husband is doing, after all” I turned away, not wanting to look at her. If she got her hands on dad again, there’s no telling what might happen. I waited in that alley a bit, wanting mother to be as far away as possible before I went home.

>> No.44529283 [View]

Men should be protected and loved anon. Anything less is against the will of the demon lord. Obey your lilim overlords, they only want what is best for you.

>> No.44245831 [View]

fuwawa= proven whore who talks over moco and backseat games constantly
mococo= virginal retard who does her best and needs to be loved and protected
fuwa HATE

>> No.43760035 [View]

Having a subby partner isn't about whips and chains and shit, it's about having someone who sees (You) as the leader, who devotes herself to (You)r life goals and lives to support and nurture (You). Most Monstergirls do that in one way or a other, but a Subby girl also takes her direction and looks for her approval from (You). If I had a shy Bunyip or Umi Osho, I'd work hard to build up their self-esteem and make them feel loved and valued and protected.

>> No.42928976 [View]

Dragon profile:
>When they find a man who strikes their fancy, they can’t go against their urge as monsters. They take him back to their lair, give in to the urge and have sex. The men taken away by them are treated as their most valuable “treasure” and are not allowed to leave their sight. The men will end up being loved dearly and showered with affection, continuously receiving pleasure from having sex with them.
Dragonia Leia:
>She... Leia is a dragon who has lived alone for a very long time and therefore is familiar with people only by hearsay. It seems that she is trained as a guide, but it is worth talking to her and you will understand that she is the wildest of all the dragon knights. After all, for her, human beings are still "creatures that need to be guarded and protected".
Dragonia Dragon Orb:
>but such buyers are usually kidnapped by erotic monsters the same day, or they are protected by serious dragonesses who call themselves protectors and will stop any excesses of the male dragon...
Dragon Zombie:
>However, by becoming undead, the instinct to protect the male they obtained as their treasure is also strengthened.
>Cant quote due paypall, but are overprotective as shit

Dragons fucking love weak men. They are Hellhound tier overprotective and in fact have even more quotes than them regarding this.

>> No.42686734 [View]
File: 87 KB, 720x1227, 445e323e7441e0f0482b5372801f3313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Paru must be loved and protected, thank you

>> No.42246868 [View]
File: 33 KB, 564x423, Sakurazaka46 [1381].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protected and loved

>> No.42139084 [View]
File: 279 KB, 2248x2501, {天}342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ten-chan being loved, protected, desired, complemented and accepted as a top-tier idol
I never doubted you /sakag/...not even once.

>> No.41198825 [View]
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Context: 10yo chinese boy Huang Guiying found out her grandma used to harrass Coco and Fubuki on his youtube channel. He liked Coco, but his oshi was Fubuki. Enraged by the discovery Huang confronted her evil grandmother. He tried to reason with her how she is being cringe and sending death threats over recognizing Taiwan as a legimate country is not their fault, but Youtube's. Huang's grandma did not care. She attacked him, accusing him of treason. Huang was a proud nationalist and this is where he snapped. He fought back his Grandma, overpowering her despite the difference in fighting experience. Huang got his grandma in a choke hold and hanged on for his life. Huang's father, Zhuang Guiying, sat there and watched in horror as his son, was assaulted by his crazy mother-in-law, but as chinese tradition, you cannot intervene in other people's confliction. Thankfully Huang defeated his evil crazy grandmother and choked her to death. He did it. He avenged Coco and his oshi, Fubuki. But it is not over, his mother, Zheng Zheng discovered the battle and challenged Huang on a 1 on 1 battle. The winner will decide the fate of the loser. Unfortunately Zhang Zhang was one of the many kids who were trained to be an olympic gold metalist in fencing. Huang had no chance of winning. Zhang Zhang wanted to execute her son herself, but it is still her son afterall. She decided to call the police. Police after arriving arrested Huang Huang for treason and 1st degree murder. Huang Guiying was executed on 2022. August 28. 10:46 AM EST.

He died a martyr death for his oshi and her friend. He died because he protected what he loved the most. He was not a little boy, but a man. Rest in power king.

>> No.40907200 [View]

You will be loved and protected.

>> No.39317250 [View]
File: 114 KB, 735x1040, e70dbfcea029fc2d2ccb8913dcd82d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirako will always be loved and protected no matter what.

>> No.39082696 [View]


"Y-y-you're just imagining things, R-r-rinfag"

Go ahead wormfag -- tell me ALL about how Rin wanted Shirou to give up on his ideals and totally didn't fall in love with him because of his persistance (yet Sakura loved him for his ideal and he did give it up which goes to show how much more he loves Sakura HAHAHAHAHAHA woah bro Rinfags btfo), how Shirou having a flashing thought about killing Rin proves how much more he loves Sakura (because bro bro bro he loves Sakura at the start as much as he does Taiga bro trust me bro lelmao), how disgusted Shirou is when he finds out Rin's true personality (which proves just how shit their romance is wowowowow Sakura is so retarded for being jealous of how "close" she is to Shirou), how Rin is totally irrelevant in UBW and shiet (but wait, why do Sakurafags seethe about Illya and Kirei 100x as much Rinfags do about Archer?), how the romance (along with Saber's) are unrealistic they occur in the span of two weeks and also because Shirou is already in love with Sakura at the start of the common route (canon status == protected), etc. You're a living fucking bingo repeating these factually incorrect statements to prove your used goods is le best one because you're extremely insecure for fucking years. You're extremely fucking predictable. I'm sorry Rin and Shirou are having sex while Sakura gets raped by worms but you need to fucking deal with it.

>> No.38986392 [View]

Remember yukkuris are mostly paste. Plus a koyukkuri can probably take a lot less than a yukkuri. Marichas need to be loved and protected from themselves.

>> No.38854590 [View]
File: 460 KB, 752x1062, 9c090cae942b431068a6f3a064f45308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect Hold me tight too, anon. If you kiss me like this I might even moan into your mouth, I need you to keep us close and warm, make me feel loved and protected with every kiss, treat this Junko like your girlfriend

>> No.38738065 [View]

I really like girls like the Oomukade or the Atlach-Nacha that need to be protected and loved because they have some issue that only you can heal. I prefer to be the protector. It's one of the reasons the Night Gaunt (anxiety) and Atlach-Nacha (their venom) attracted me so much.

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