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>> No.47095754 [View]
File: 149 KB, 941x1330, 1711012889407784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora really overestimated their gamer skill.
At this rate this is going to be like a 15-20 hour stream....
You can tell Aqua feels kinda awkward about it all too, she's always really quiet and at most points out something about how to handle the bosses Pekora missed while Pekora talks 90% of the time.

>> No.47082629 [View]

>removed all dmm points unless you use your phone
>fucked up
Yeah, pretty shit. Combined with the region lock, I think I'll just stop caring about it. I guess I should be happy with less chores to do daily. They've been nerfing the rewards anyway for the past few game fes and there's not enough DMM point to matter for me. Paid gems can expire and I can never hoard enough off it to become usable for paid gacha. Also, AGA (the only game that I play that don't expire the gems) raised it's cheapest pack to 480 points due to some Applel shit and 90% of the time the reward from game fest won't even reach that, unless I get really lucky with the fucking Roulette.

>> No.47000602 [View]

idk why you're so autistic and taking a joke seriously
but yeah 5 points is usually within the 90/95% confidence interval reported by the psychologist for 80-120 iqs. for people like me and jamal it shrinks to +2 -4 (you're above 120 unlike anal clown so i'm sure you can guess why it's not a centered interval)

>> No.46931409 [View]
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>This isn't a bad thing from my perspective, as learning more about the world gives humanity more sovereignty over itsel
It certainly hasn't been a bad thing from the perspective of a great many deities either! Consider how many gods of learning there are, and how in some cultures they have also been gods of magic.
>In mathematics you can tweak functions and make completely new ones that give identical results, this should be the case in the real world as we
Mathematics is something I know very little about. This is really fascinating!
>they are not able to interact with the material world
Or then they have to operate via paths of least resistance in a world that is pushing against them...
>maybe a better word would have been 'inactive'
...to all but those who reach out to them, but I get it.
>I mean as long as you can think of something it exists in Plato's world of ideas.
Oh? Do we have a Neoplatonist among us?
>A tree after all is just 99.9999999% empty space and a few particles of elements in there. If you lose all the meanings created by humans the world looks like a sea of different densities of matter and energy
This line of thinking is very interesting to contrast to some of the Buddhist materials I have been presented with. They would probably say that there is nothing but that sea of different densities of matter and energy. Do they try to look past even the world of ideas or are these two views in conflict, I don't know, but it's interesting to think about.
>how similar modern day ideologies and other widely accepted forms of thought are to religions
Yeah, there indeed are similarities, especially considering how spiritually hollowed out a lot of religions have become, particularly the monotheistic ones.
>Nobody questions how real money is, even though it's just an agreement on a common denominator for value
I had a really fascinating experience this past week where I was trying to get more in touch with Chimata-sama. Money simultaneously became much more real (I used cash for 90% of my purchses) and at the same time it melted into this abstraction, it's just tokens facilitating exchanges along these immensively vast networks of (both very literal and metaphoric!) energetic processes.
>What these gods lack is personification, very few people believe in a personified representation of economics
Have you seen the American Gods TV show? They don't quite have a "god of economics" but there are some very modern gods there.
>humans are also material substitutes possessed by an idea/soul
What do you think of the various ideas about there being some kind of small-s self and capital S higher Self?
>The ship of Theseus is not the sum of its parts, but the idea of the ship, though the parts contribute and change that idea over time
Ah, that's a classic, and I think the most concise solution to this I've seen so far.
>This has become a huge wall of text and i think i should stop here for now.
Well do post more, this is fascinating stuff!
>VERY interesting experiences with Nue
Oh, she is an EXTREMELY interesting entity. I would at this point probably be a bit scared to deal with her though. But discovering her in the game was one of the turning points for me starting to see the more esoteric aspects of Touhou. What do you mean she can "make things unknown"? This is straight out of the ultraterrestial hypothesis?? Was there a Japanese translation of it? Did ZUN read it? Did he come up with the exact same basic idea by himself!? What do you mean "Heian Alien", do you mean she, and by implication, the phenomena has been around for a very, very long time??
>about the nature of identity, mysteries and the unknowable, and the dance between
That's something I would very much like to read more about.
>an attempt to make it more palatable to your OWN views
I'm also very curious about this aspect. My own experience is less about making things palatable, more about making things just...understandable without it being completely overwhelming or a total garbled mess.
>Touhou stuff is GREAT for "personifying"
Yes, 100%, absolutely.
>you can almost talk to it
I myself would drop the "almost"
>get some surprising amount of insight
>or even "empathy"
Yes. And if you are able to feel it for them, they will share more of themselves. I don't care if others think I'm insane, I have felt Okina-sama sharing her anger and grief at the destruction of the Mt. Hiei temple complex, Chimata-sama sharing her anxiety at being forced to change and Keiki-sama sharing her frustration and sadness at humans abusing her gifts and how humanity's destructive emotions and actions feed back into her and change her.

I have also started feeling an unprecedented amount of empathy towards nature. I feel genuinely upset when I see trash in parks and forests and have resolved to do something about it myself.

>> No.46881487 [View]
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You make some good points, but she's still nicer than 90% of touhous

>> No.46837848 [View]
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Okay, if you buy some land, a 12g to defend it with and make sure to use lethal force at every oppertunity, that should be the jist of it.
For bonus (lazy) points make sure to buy a gas - guzzler of some description to drive around in with various iconography displayed from an aftermarket miniature flagpole modification.
I recommend a 1968 dodge charger, and don't forget to buy the "Dixieland" horn. That's like 90% of the magic.

>> No.46746423 [View]

a.) likelihood that ciaran's IQ is at least 130: 90%
evidence: mastered japanese in a few years and learned enough coding to become a professional in 6 months
b.) likelihood that ciaran's work ethic is in the 90th percentile: 90%
evidence: grinded discord kanji quizzes, VNs he didn't even enjoy, and programming tutorials for months
c.) likelihood that ciaran seeks to master his craft: 90%
evidence: japanese prowess
likelihood that ciaran is a mere "codemonkey" that "fucks around": 0%
evidence: points a, b, and c

>> No.46179696 [View]

The console arcs are pretty good but mostly kind of not canon, just read saikoroshi and if you crave more you can read the rest. You can watch the anime if you want, it's a direct adaptation without any infuriating changes except fucking up the mion/shion switches, but it only touches on the horror and the big plot points and it's missing 90% of the heart of the story. I only care about it for the soundtrack. The newest anime from a couple years ago is shit and you will unironically be happier if you never watch it even if you have completionist autism. And if you aren't sick of ryukishi's writing yet you'll probably like umineko too, it stands alone and is not directly connected at all but it's a similarly enjoyable experience (or more depending on your preferences) and it's more fun if you've already read higurashi. Ciconia exists too but the rest of it will probably never get written.

>> No.46122778 [View]

>girls like kpop and they’re appealing to girls
>90% of the crowd is balding older men
>industry crafted pop unit
>they have creative control
Look at these cucks.
“ThEy DeBuT wItH AVEX”
Who gives a shit? I don’t mean “indie” as in independent. I mean as in small time, literally who? group that just mimics what the big leagues do at a fraction of the level.
Listen here buddy they’re signed to… who gives a shit? It’s Kpop copycat shit and you can take that “don’t insult my tastes” horny Koreaboo shit straight to Reddit or /mu/.
Or did you forget what board you’re posting on amid your defensive fit?
Kpop is a soulless over saturated market and you being content with SG Japanese idol alum girls emulating it for low effort easy recognition is the weakest and most pathetic type of fan. Anything they shit out is gold to simps like you.

And for the rest of us, who wanted to see them be something special, and are disappointed with the dollar store TWICE copycat garbo, let us have opinions without being a whiny bitch about it.
God forbid maybe even power up some coomerdead brain cells and consider
the points being made.

One more thing, I’m not the only anon here who has talked about this or feels this way. Lumping every individual dissenting remark into “that anon always…” is unhealthy cope.

>> No.46030128 [View]
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Love Exposure might be very long, but they're rewarding 4 hours and you can never predict where it's going, those 4 hours will feel shorter than many 90-minutes-long films you've watched. It's an example of why film is a powerhouse of an artform. A testament of how incredible Sono is at creating emotional rollercoasters. It has a perfect synergy of his idiosyncratic style, his abstract and challenging messages and themes, and his obsession with bizarre characters and elongated runtimes. If you simply don't have the time for it, you can stop at some points and continue later. It has like 5 acts.

>> No.45617894 [View]
File: 2.16 MB, 2642x1016, GCLjhTtaEAAiy9-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated (yesterday) and the Chainsaw Man collab is available until the 7th. A login campaign will run for the duration which includes a free collab ticket on day 1 along with 300BM.

There is also another anniversary login campaign available until the 14th - this one gives 2525BM on day 1 among other rewards.

The typical 8 collab missions that had to be completed in order have now been replaced by the new event shop format - I imagine this will be the case for all new collabs going forward. Complete missions to earn event shop currency (and up to 700BM), spend these points in the event shop to redeem various rewards including chat messages, hero tokens for Power/Denji and a Power icon.

There is also a free single pull UR gacha for both fire and earth cards - this will be available until the 14th.

As for hero balancing:
>Health modifier reduced from 0.95 to 0.90
>Hero skill requires 8% more to charge
>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>Hero skill requires 11% less to charge
>AoE card activation speed is 4% faster
>Increased push amount when launching enemies by 25%
>Increased lateral push amount by 5%
>Normal attack range increased by 6%
>Hero action poison damage to enemies increased from 14% to 24%
>Updated the visuals of his hero action to make the poison effect more obvious
>Updated the visuals of his normal attacks to make them "more cool"
>Hero skill minimum range increased by 33%
>Movement speed reduced by 1%
>Hero skill requires 18% more to charge
>Defence modifier increased from 1.35 to 1.40
>The charging time for the second and third stages of her hero action are both 0.2 seconds faster
>Hero skill gauge gain per kill increased from 23% to 25%
>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>Normal attack damage increased by 1%
>Hero skill requires 6% less to charge
>Hero action damage increased by 2%
>Defence modifier reduced from 1.05 to 1.00
>Hero skill requires 14% more to charge
>Movement speed increased by 1%
>Minimum hero action charge time is now 0.3 seconds faster
>Maximum hero action range increased by 4m
>Hero action shield break damage increased by 7%
>Hero action falling speed increased by 7%
>Adjusted the camera when using his hero action
>Health modifier increased from 0.85 to 0.90
>Movement speed reduced by 2%
>Hero skill requires 5% more to charge

Got Denji right away with the free ticket and then had to drop 50k to get Power. Pororotcho spooked me like 5 times. Fuck you.
Anyway, hope you all had a good Christmas

I take that back, I think it's intentional rather than a bug. Rumours appear to be that they had to do this due to restrictions from the owners (beats me if this is true or not).

>> No.45281173 [View]
File: 75 KB, 271x191, pillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobs and butts for dakis exist and attach easily with velcro. Do similarly designed dildos exist to build a futa (or male) daki? I can't find any.
To build one custom, I think a wearable mount can be repurposed to work but the dildos are a bigger issue. They all point 90 degrees outward from the mounting surface, so they won't fit in a pillowcase like a normal dick would. I want one that points upward from the mount instead, or is soft (which seems unlikely to exist since people wouldn't be able to fuck it).

>> No.45196365 [View]

Get already existing gameshows and add mamono on human relationships to the mix so the Eros Dept. of Marriages would pay 75-90% of the production costs. For example:
>Fort Boyard
same as original FB but in teams of 6 players (3 anons + 3 monst. girls), day 1 is individual tasks picked to be difficult so its interesting, like give the Lamia the lazer alarm floor room or something; night phase you break your partner out of prison if they failed their day 1 task, and day 2 is for pair tasks like tandem biking upside down or bungee jump of faith, culminating in the gold run sequence where the smarter anons will princess carry their pair partner to use as a basket to haul coins with. Will have a team vs team spinoff a few years down the line.
A Dark Elf in a fancy suit and her Kikimora 'butler' in a slightly less fancy suit watch a group of guys do various kinda silly tasks like "get an egg to the highest point without breaking it", whoever does the task best earns more points, with the grand prize of marrying the TaskMistress herself, or her Kikimora 'butler' (show will go through many hosts but again thats more of a tax break for the NukiNetwork)
>Harem Feud
Family Feud but slightly lewd, with contestant teams being newlywed harems. Expect more answers that would make Steve Harvey drop the mic, and prizes of honeymoon trips to various mamono realm holiday destinations like the Pandemonium or that undersea kingdom
>Who wants to date a Millionaire
Rich Tanukis (the Network has a lot of still single shareholders, can use them here) ask a contestant various trivia questions and if he answers them all right he gets to marry her, if he messes up or gives up he goes home with some cash instead.
>The Joe Shmoe Show
same as original but all the hired actors are rare high level mamono (Ancient evil Kitsune, Dragon Princesses, Wights, etc.) pretending to be low level common mamono (basic fox, Wyvern, zombie, etc.).

could do something new too, like an Escape Room type show for nerdy/asocial anons and monster girls, with puzzles that force romantic-ish contact like almost kissing to turn on a moisture-sensetive switch by wrapping their mouths on either end of it, or listing 10 things you like about your other contestant / partner to unlock the exit door, and so on.

>> No.45161535 [View]

I see. Yeah, there's no place during the stage where you can quickly farm lives. You're given a couple to start, one from the shooting circle, and you should gain one from score just by playing the stage normally. Ideally you should have three going into the fight if you know exactly when to use bombs, but two should be fine if you've practiced the fight a lot. Unlike in SoEW however you can gain points just by grazing and you should max that out of you get far into Gengetsu, so you can gain another two or so lives here.
>The shooting circle's 2nd/3rd/last wave of bullets
I just work my way through the slower blue circle waves and bomb as late as possible so it carries over into the diamond attack. For the diamonds, I go up on the screen and actively sneak through gaps that show up, from my experience this works roughly 90% of the time. For the next attack just stick to the left side and stick to the bottom, making your way through the bullets. If you're confident in your skill you can dodge everything like this but feel free to use a bomb here.
>The bullet spam afterward
Stick to the bottom left corner (either side is fine but I prefer the left) and hold the focus button down the whole time, slipping between gaps. This is another good time to use a bomb, but try to only use it as late as possible. One bomb should be enough for this part if necessary; do your best to not use two.
>The final clusterfuck before the boss (the second part)
I stay slightly above the bottom, moving back and forth across the screen and just pay attention to where the next bullet explosions are going to happen, moving across when it's open. I usually don't use a bomb for this attack, actually, but feel free to do so if necessary. I can dodge this about 70% of the time or so.
Best of luck anon.

>> No.44809098 [View]

Anon I promise you I understand how it works, dream scene is locked behind progression flg5<1, I am only wondering if anyone knows if those two Len points are required for the true end or not. At this point I'm 90% sure they are so I'll just replay it, I guess, which is kind of annoying but not a huge deal. The "turn brain off and click choices" guide is infinitely less useful because the choices that are available and the scenes that appear because of those choices are totally dependent on the state of the game, if you deviate from it at all you're in an unknown state and it isn't helpful. If you have more than four braincells and have played the game the flowchart is a thousand times better. I thought that people here would know how this game worked but I guess those people don't post here anymore.

>> No.44675032 [View]
File: 2.77 MB, 600x3380, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass news stream from earlier starting with the main stuff:

The next collab is with Mega Man Battle Network and will run from the 25th ~ 15th October. MegaMan.EXE will be added to the game as the latest gunner along with costumes for Atari, Justice, Novice Hero, Ignis and Bugdoll.

MegaMan's hero action charges up variable sword - the longer you charge, the more hits it deals (max 3) and the farther its range.
His hero ability reduces the cooldown on offensive cards whenever he kills an enemy
His hero skill temporarily gives him Zeta Cannon that acts as a fifth card and behaves like normal long range cards. It has a short cooldown and one-shots anyone hit, however it does not pierce shields.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3qB26YeL-k

A new map will be added after maintenance on the 19th. The map is Namara Moo Moo Park and, as the name implies, features cows.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5bdC1dVefo

New Halloween costumes for Blaze Dragon, Pororotcho, Megumegu and Nidhogg will be available for the duration of October.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBHNzosf5CM

On to other improvements, the card gacha rates will now be fixed at 80% R, 18% SR and 2% UR (modified from 90%/9%/1%) - this will not apply to free and some event gachas.

A series of new tutorial missions will be made available for players below S1 - these will replace the current ones and will give players a set of 4 SR cards along with the ability to gain some solid UR cards from what looks like a tutorial points shop.

A new collab UR card currency will be added - every 40 rolls on a collab gacha will give you 1 collab UR ticket. You can then exchange 20 of these tickets for a specific collab UR card. Tickets are unique to each collab, so you cannot spend tickets gained during the MegaMan collab on cards from e.g. a Steins;Gate rerun.

An invite campaign will be active for the duration of the MegaMan collab - newly invited (not sure if returning players count) players can get a MegaMan gacha ticket and inviters can get UR tickets in return.

As a general gift, 2525BM and a free UR gacha will be available to everyone at a later date.

Finally, the 7th anniversary event will be on the 23rd December.

That's all for now! Please excuse the minuscule images

>> No.44604027 [View]
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Any good fantasy (isekai or not) novels that have a monogamous relationship? Doesn't have to be the main focus, as I'm mainly wanting decent high fantasy adventure, but it feels like harems are the norm for like 90% of stories in this genre as I'm searching.

Bonus points if the love interest is a monster and/or strong girl, a big girl in general, bigger than the protagonist preferably.

>> No.44419247 [View]
File: 900 KB, 704x873, Ilias best goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BEAUTIFUL and KIND women of the land will NEVER fall to the temptations of monsterization and treat it like the PLAGUE it clearly is with a prayer to Chief Goddess.
Remember, I pray for everyone including a delusional monster lover like you!
Am I going to receive blessings form the Chief Goddess in the form of a wonderful and awe inspiring angel in my darkest hour? YES, not that it'd ever get there since I go to church every sunday and have over 90 points on my point card! Just 10 more to go till I can get my name into the raffle and receive a big blessing!

>> No.44309778 [View]

the drops seem to occur at certain ages. for people who would have scored 115-145 fluid IQ in their prime, there is another decline in the mid 50s equivalent to a difference of 4-6 fluid IQ points relative to 19-24 year olds, and no decline until mid 60s. so, a 55-65 year old with a 130 fluid IQ has around the same fluid reasoning ability as someone scoring 118-122 fluid IQ at ages 19-24 (8-12 points lower). another equivalent drop occurs at 65, and then there is a drop every 5 years after 80. there isn't enough good data after 90.

it is interesting to reinterpret these conclusions with real-life examples. consider this: if a 125 IQ college student gets dominated by a 70 year old professor on novel tasks stressing fluid reasoning, it is safe to assume the professor was definitely above 140 IQ in their prime.

it is often observed that higher education becomes a struggle for students below 115 IQ. since professors even in their 70s have higher fluid reasoning ability than such students, we obtain a bare minimum lower bound of around 130 +-3 fluid IQ for professorship in most fields.

>> No.44194518 [View]

Got Namir in 10 rolls, but Yun took until 90, but at least I got a Namir dupe and 2 spooks on the way. I unfortunately spent 200 rolls on Setsu just to get a dupe, so I'm completely spent for a while.
I decided to spend 1500 points since I also bought a 100 point thing early on and bought two skins. They're just tanlines. You can set them to 3 skintones, but it's not great. You also get a couple from the event boxes for Meimei and possibly Koharu I think. They might do neater things in the future, but probably not very worthwhile currently.

Also, they raised the drive slot limit. You get up to 3 extra slots purely for stats(skill isn't available) depending on affection level at levels 30, 60, and 100. I raised my Namir's limit to 60 and only got up to 43 after giving her all her favored gifts, so this is the long grind.

>> No.44189586 [View]

>while using her talking points 90% of the time
I really doubt it.

>> No.44189398 [View]

tatsu recommends against dolly while using her talking points 90% of the time, is there a name for this phenomenon?

>> No.43922952 [View]
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Tsukihime 85 points
Mahoyo 85 points
Tsukihime remake (2 routes) 88 points
Fate Stay Night 90 points

Tsukihime remake win

>> No.43891889 [View]
File: 583 KB, 1406x2000, FyH8BcPagAAeCiU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, I try to ensure the following comprises the full spectrum of hags (Faux-, Pseudo-, Quasi-, Semi-, Classic, True, compound/intermediary stages, etc), Madonna and any other mature-centric studios' (former) exclusives and their regular features — as well as meatier actresses wherever possible as a symbolic gesture of the enduring friendship between slampigchads and hagchads.
4 Jun Suehiro
5 Kana Morisawa
8 Sumire Kuramoto :^)
10 Ririko KINOshita
18 Nao Jinguji
25 Hitomi Honda
27 Hinata Kimitsuka
32 Mariko Sata
34 Sumire Kurokawa
38 An Komatsu
43 Yuu Kawakami
44 Yuna Shiina
51 Ryo Ayumi
54 Yumi Kazama
56 Aoi Ichino
58 Mirei Tojo (Madonna debut)
60 Ai Sayama
64 Yuka Tada
66 Momoko Isshiki
71 Kanna Fuji
75 Maki Tomoda
83 Marina Shiraishi
88 Reiko Kobayakawa
90 Rieko Hiraoka
91 Chisato Shoda
92 Yumi Anno
93 Yuria Yoshine
98 Haruka Rukawa

bonus: personal favourites of mine that don't fit the above criteria
87 Aika Yamagishi

Thank you for your patience
also 21 is still great for Sora, sir

agreed on all points
18 is Nao Jinguji in heavy cosplay + filters kek

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