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Search: she's so cute so cute it hurts

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>> No.46746102 [View]

She's so cute... I wish I could stop thinking about her, it hurts

>> No.46723621 [View]
File: 863 KB, 4096x2822, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_devilkillerx__62c8583d540f5fa9f22c998241fa0af0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's been a while since I've heard of Miko; the last time was during that visit to that weird Mausoleum on Youkai Mountain, but I remember she's trying to attain immortality too. What does she even want from us…?

Keine reads that on my face and kneels—the black cloak makes her look the size of a child. Cute~—, those eyes on the Hieda State still. “I don't quite grasp it, not with just a short meeting, but she wants to see the revolution end well and so get a foothold in the village… She said some things, too.” Her face twists to thoughtful pondering, the sight burning ten desires to punch that saint in the mouth. “Heh, don't misunderstand it, Mokou; she didn't say anything hurtful, only truths that escaped me… Ah, it doesn't matter for now, but know she's a constant and is not to be harmed or trifled with.” As if more than a handful could do so to that hermit. The way she spoke tells me our allies already know it which should boost morale to even greater heights; though not as well-known, that’s still a religious icon siding with us… Not that it matters much in a place like Gensokyo. “… All help feels like good help these days, even from people with ulterior motives I don't fully grasp…” Her lips purse as her eyes narrow and lock on Sanae Kochiya—mild expressions I would only notice during restless nights when the weight of life and expectations felt like too much.

Just like those nights, I let my hand fall to her hair and gently brushed it. Keine smiles ever so slightly more. “Hey, Suzu vowed for Sanae. She's not fucking with us, that's it—trust Suzu like she trust us… She's the one with a giant heart, after all~”

A moment of silence holds…

Then she huffs, amused, a smile shadowed on her pale face.

It persisted even as we shifted our focus back to the Hieda State and Keine studied every mounted weapon, every soldier gripping at their rifles, and every razor-sharp katana, her blood-red eyes teeming with determination as cold as stone. “There won't be turning back.” She muses to herself. “We're either giving Aki and Mochi a good life on Gensokyo, or… whatever awaits us in the Outside World.” I keep brushing her hair; maybe that is all that keeps her facade intact.

“Shut up, you big liar…” I say, towering over her as I rise from my crouched position, our eyes locking, a huge smile spreading across my face. “… From the moment you picked them up, there was already no turning back~”

A child caught with their hand stuck in the cooking jar—that's how I'd define the smile that takes over her as she rises to my side, wind deciding this is the perfect moment to dramatically blow her velvety ivory hair against the surface of the pitch-black cloak as, firmly, she steps forward, the imagery nigh hypnotic.

A challenge to Mr. Hieda: the demonic mask and kabuto adorned by horns, possibly harvested from a true oni, stare directly at her eyes, a hand threateningly over the handle of the sheathed katana.

Below, the Prismrivers finish their encore.

“… Indeed, there was not.”

The smile hurts, my heart is a furious mess, and I stand tall behind her, unmistakable wings of sheer, cascading fire sprawling from deep within, fiercely hot as the small ember that resides inside her and our friends' hearts—a blessing from me to keep them safeguarded from the threats of today.

Bathed in the reassurance from future Keine that, today, my children won’t be a parent short, I lift a hand to the skies. “Good.”

And, for the second time today, fireworks consume the skies, the culmination of about ~5 hours of a spontaneous festival bustling with exotic sights, foods and entertainment; of memories that'll never fade and connections that, as of one year ago, were thought impossible; of a Gensokyo that’s about to change.

Yesterday is past; tomorrow is a series of heart-throbbing results that just thinking about makes me want to faint… And today…

Today, we write history.

Against the cloud of fireworks, Keine floats towards the Hieda State, the Prismriver’s concert ending with the breathtaking sight of thousands of fireworks making the gleam in the people's eyes down below that much more tasteful. Hopes for the future; skepticism thoroughly challenged by these last five hours; and curiosity that reaches the stars. They cheer, whistle, boo, give words of encouragement or just 'EAT HIS FUCKING LIVER!!'—the Kurodanis can be especially feisty sometimes, especially the red-headed ones… weird genetics—and some Youkai even shot multicolored Danmaku to the skies, Hieda's soldiers huddling closer to their weapons as if their lives hinged on them.

Mr. Hieda doesn't even flinch…

… Not even when I and Keine landed on the fence, Keine stepping down to stand in front of him as I stood on the handrail, Sanae was to the old man’s side, arms crossed and tense. Immediately, a bunch of weapons are pointed at us.

Keine doesn't even flinch.


“Keine Kamishirasawa.”

… Without the need for words, they bowed down to one another.

>> No.46317290 [View]

I wasn't sure if I could post this. God, she's cute. I want this stupid fox so much it hurts.

>> No.46078996 [View]
File: 1.24 MB, 2291x1741, chen missing poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Six weeks, ugh… Mother Nature truly doesn't understand civilization, does she?

I remain serene and austere in posture and facade while inside a fire burned akin to a massive pyre, legs begging to cross, heart begging for another thing entirely. Nothing that bothers my workflow, but it really makes things weird when a yamawaro half my size approaches and stays so goddamn close to my—

—I take a deep breath, patiently waiting while writing on a small notebook arithmetic expressions almost absentmindedly. It doesn't calm me as much as it used to…

A twitch of my ear tells me the expected people were approaching, two or three hallways away, and I didn't fight the small smile: Considering everything that's been happening and the stress of our latest reunions, it's a miracle Chen can still smile~I wonder what they're talking about. “So it’s true! Reimu-san beat you two with closed eyes! She so cool~! I thought she was joking when she told me that, but wow… I'll knit her something fancy as an apology.” Chen beamed, gesturing with her arms to an astonished Flandre, the vampire's arms behind her neck. A resigned Goro and an embarrassed Seiga followed the duo.

“It's been so long since I fought Reimu. I wonder what'd happen if we two fought blindfolded…” Flan pondered. “But with closed eyes AND without attacking back? I'd die from boredom!”

“In my opinion, it’s the best kind of duel: no one gets harmed, and you just have fun together—danmaku hurts so much sometimes, ugh… Parsee-chan didn’t react well to my ‘no’ to her marriage proposal…”

“Bleh, I feel you: creepy grandmas are the worst! 'Kina is always showing her panties and asking to see mine in return… But I like the pain danmaku causes! Makes me feel all giddy~but the head pain—” she hits a closed fist on her head as if a coconut. “—of losing a duel where the other doesn't attack and fights with closed eyes? I wouldn't like that pain.”

“You brats are very lucky you are cute; otherwise, I'd…” Seiga murmured under her breath, the man by her side concealing his laughter well. Probably moved by hormones, I decided to join the fun, stretching the Gap I was using to listen to them and walking through it.

“Otherwise you'd do what, Seiga-san?” I speak behind her, my tone high, posture tall, and expression of harsh neutrality. The reaction is immediate and the woman jumps forward from the scare, one much more prominent than what I was expecting; blaming her for being immersed in her head to escape the cute banter wouldn't be right, so I keep my mouth shut. Chen and Flandre didn't react as vocally; the first lived her whole life with the presence of the Gap, and I guess Okina has desensitized Flan at this point.



Chen and the vampire—whose cute nickname brings back fond memories~—, hug me the next moment, and I can't help but smile as I hold them. Visions of a lovely future flood my mind and I silently say, “Not now,” mentally. “Ran, Ran! Reimu wasn't lying when she bragged about fighting blind!” Chen comes first as the hug comes to an end.

“I was aware—I read on the Bunbunmaru~”

A recovered, yet redder than before, Seiga answers, “I'll kill that fu—friggin’ bird—”

“Don't be mean to Ayaya! I won't stand by that!” Unexpectedly, with red, puffy cheeks—if only I had Sakuya-san's abilities…—Chen charges over to the Amanojaku and gives her a shin kick. With that, Goro-san lost all control and laughed with Flan, while Seiga inhaled deeply and gazed at the ceiling with one eyelid quivering. A gentle head pat, similar to the ones Anon gives me, from a cursed hand calms her anger toward the bakeneko. “Be kind to those who bring us the news; she was just doing her duty as a reporter!”

“You heard it, Seiga; be nice to your reporters; even they deserve respect.” Chen nodded, missing the sarcasm. “Tribulation comes for the wicked… Mainly the financial kind.” As soon as she hears the penultimate word, Flandre covers her ears.

“Boring subject spotted! C'mon, c'mon—let's see your room already!” She demands, and though adorable, I remember that all it would take is one bad tantrum of hers to nuke the entire village…

Faking a giggle, I bow to Goro and Seija. “Sorry for the scare, Seiga-san, Goro-san—” I force Chen to bow too, much to her bewilderment. “And for Chen's way to protect those she likes.” The bakeneko pouts, arms crossed.

“No harm done.” Goro-san immediately returns the bow with a smile, though Seiga takes a moment, grunts, and THEN bows back.

That subject out of the way, I gap myself to the front to lead the group, sleeves conjoined and smile simple, though inside the struggle continues. “I'll show you your quarters now—they were handcrafted by Yukari-sama, so I hope you enjoy.”

With the rest of the group trailing closely behind, the man remarks, “Anything better than the minimalistic approach of the temple. Though, Ran-sama, if you don't mind: what did Flan-chan meant with… 'Ranryu'?”

I blush and, to the side, Flandre’s eyes light up.

>> No.45854194 [View]

>It's 10 pm when the session finally ends.
>Erik lives a block away from you, so as you're all leaving, you start to walk home.
>Miss Pyrow catches up to you, as you walk towards your house.
>"Why what?"
"Why did you lie about knowing what D&D is?"
>"I didn't. I studied all week. I even ditched classes Wednesday."
"Bullshit. You knew 4th edition. That's old stuff. Nobody plays that now."
>"You didn't tell me which edition you played, and I didn't want to let you down."
>"Or... or give you a chance to uninvite me."
"I don't belie--"
>She's already setting her backpack down.
>She opens it and starts pulling out books.
>3.5E Player's Handbook
>4E Player's Handbook
>A 5E book.
>Both editions of Pathfinder.
>And a ratty old AD&D 2nd Edition Player's handbook.
>It doesn't even register at first, but she's using her tail as a reading lamp for both of you.

>"I worked... so hard."
"I'm... sorry. I thought..."
>"You thought wrong."
>"I like you, and want to be friends."
"I thought you were making fun of me."
>She's so different in school.
"I would never!"
>She grabs your hands in hers.
>"You don't treat me like a sexy sex demon here for sex."
>"You never did."
>"I just wanted a friend, but I'm not very good at it."

>Her hands are warm, and moist.
>And her eyes are so cute lit just by a small fire.
>You don't know what's happening.
>Your heart hurts and your stomach churns.
>You step up on your tiptoes, close your eyes.
>And peck her on the cheek, low, near her chin.

>You pull back and look down.
>"Anon, I..."
>She kisses you.
>Once. On the mouth. Lips closed.
>"I guess friends can kiss."
>"To show friendship."
>"So, we're friends, then?"
"... yeah."
>She lets go of your hands and reloads her backpack.

>She looks at you guiltily.
>"I do have a confession."
>"I prefer dressing like this."
>"Do you mind if I--"
>"Oh, good. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"How would that make me feel uncomfortable?"
>She gives you the faintest of smiles, but doesn't elaborate.

>For the rest of the walk home, you and Miss Pyrow hold hands.
>Just as friends.
>And she drops you off with only the briefest of glances inside your home.

>The next day is Monday.
>Back to School.
>Miss Pyrow walks up to you, dressed in a very similar outfit to yesterday.
>"Hello, friend."
>"I had fun last night."
>"We should do that again sometime."
>And she pulls the pencil out of her bun, then shakes her hair out in what you swear is slow motion.
>She was right. You feel very, very uncomfortable.
>You walk to class with a book awkwardly placed in front of your groin.


>> No.45716148 [View]


damn it hurts, she used to be so cute

>> No.45453248 [View]
File: 637 KB, 706x691, reimu angy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45442601 (3/3—p1)

I lightly tapped his shoulder. The man turned with an 'Excuse m—', his words cut when he saw a nightmare: a tired Hakurei miko staring him at eye level. Seija on his right seemed puzzled, turning to me—an entire head shorter than us—, freezing just like him, stopping midway through biting her dessert. The rest of the villagers walking around the market kept walking, not wanting to see the massacre. "Good evening." I say, placid.

"Reimu-san, good evening." Despite the clear terror, at least the man remained composed. Seija was midway a very bad word when I looked at her.

"Not another one…" She groans, holding tight to her man's arm, ready to pull him away at any time and run. "Whaddaya want, Hakurei?"

I raise an eyebrow and stare at the man. "Are you sure you wanna play dumb?"

"Reimu-san, this is all a terrible misunderstanding—the Yama wasn't keen on letting us pass so we challenged her to a duel—but we weren't expecting our combined powers to react so aggressively to the Sanzu. It wasn't our intention to create problems." He bows and if I were 20 years younger, I'd have eaten the lie up… mainly to just call it a day and go home.

I narrow my eyes and pull out my gohei, hiding the small package I carried until now. "Is that so?"

"Tsc—knew it. Keen to rip us a new one, bitch?! Bloodthirsty bastard, talking with you is futile!" Her frown drips venom as she pulls her hands up, shining with bright light. If there were anyone still watching, they were gone—? Ugh… over a building in the distance, I could see a familiar opportunist crow.

Ah, well, I'll demand she let me pet her wings as compensation.

The man separates from Seija, looking rather tense… Hm, staring from a distance, he looks rather familiar—I leave it to another time, dodging a rain of danmaku and calmly rising flight amidst the following laser beams. Compared to Toutetsu or Junko, it's like a walk on the riverbank, and my heart barely accelerates, equanimity befalling me as the seconds pass. Interesting; I can't enter a meditative state when with Chen or the cats at Mayohiga, but can easily do so in a danmaku duel? I smile, dodging her next spellcard with my eyes closed, not once shooting back—

—Seija is trying to use her turn-over powers on me and switch my position so she can overwhelm me with bullets…

Well, dodge.

I open one eye, smile sharpening with her look of utter surprise. She keeps trying—the man behind her flabbergasted—yet I keep dodging her reversals.

Floating over things is such a weird concept… Handy, anyway.

Oh, that was her third spellcard. If I'm remembering correctly, she has nine of them, right…? At least Aya is getting a good show.

The spellcards come and go; they get more aggressive in their tries to attack—Seija in this case, the man looked like he was overthinking something that'd probably make my head hurt—, dodging everything with increasingly ease. Though I shouldn't expect every battle to go like this. Floating needs proper ease of mind to work; even a smudge of any other feeling and it crumbles… No wonder I lost against Toutetsu all those years ago.

That was her ninth spellcard. Seija fell to the ground, panting, the man immediately on her side, assessing the situation. "Done?" I asked, approaching them with soft steps.

"Fuck… you…"

"That's a yes." I'm instantly in front of them and bonking Seija's head first with my gohei—she tries to reverse it. Cute, dodged~—; then her man's, both now on the ground. "That's for getting Eiki and the Shinigamis on my hair—ugh, you don't know how bothersome they can be! It was like listening to a lecture for hours, bleh…" My tone is that of a disappointed mother. They groan in pain, and I pull two pieces of paper and chalk pencils from my right sleeve, handing them to the couple. "Now, write a heartfelt apology to Eiki on why it was VERY wrong to flip the Sanzu, getting…" I check my palm. "… 1.602 souls stranded, and evil spirits free to roam the land."

"W-What the?!" Seija looked at her plain paper and pencil as if they offended her. The man sighed, using his thigh as support for the paper. "Goro!" Oh, that's his name.

"Just get this over with, Seija—and no, calling Eiki a bitch for thirty lines won't solve things." I chuckle, sitting down on the ground to watch. The amanojaku groaned, looked between us, and, as if she had gulped down a lemon, began writing, using his back as paper support.

"Wouldn't that all be compliments coming from an amanojaku?" I say out loud; Goro hums, massaging his head once or twice, and Seija shows me tongue. It took ten minutes for Goro to finish his and, as I checked it—what are these words…? Ugh, my brain hurts—he went to help Seija finish hers. I smiled at how cute it was. Though, Seija's letter was… Hum. "This better not be passive-aggressive, or you're writing another one." I made sure to break the air barrier with my gohei before storing it again. It passed the message.

Now, to the second part of this…

>> No.45431845 [View]
File: 442 KB, 1600x1500, orin asks you to kill yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"No, dear me." Satori said, snapping her fingers in front of Okuu's face and pointing a finger at the ground. "Down, Okuu." The hell raven slowly - mirroring the way Yamame and I had been moving when we'd woken up - crouched down, and then I could see Orin, somehow nestled between her wings. "You were not sleeping, dear." She stroked Orin's hair, and the kasha looked pleased, even if she was also hungover. "You were watching in glee, thinking that you'd finally get the catch you've been waiting years for." The pleased look on Orin's face immediately disappeared. "Perhaps your hangover has made you forget your duties. Or perhaps you've forgotten the ultimate abilities I possess? Is a training session in order, my cute little kasha?"

"N-No, no, Lady Satori!" Orin frantically shook her head, then whined and clutched it with both hands. "I'm sorry..." She mumbled with a lot of pain in her voice.

"Um, Lady Satori...?" Okuu mumbled. "Can I get up now? My head hurts..."

"I know it does, dear." Satori told her, petting Okuu's head this time. "Get up. We'll be home soon." Okuu gratefully clambered to her feet.

"What, er..." Yamame whispered to me. "What's going on here...?" I shrugged and said that the Hot Springs Town must have been playing host to comedy acts recently.

"No, I am not a comedy act." Satori told me frostily. "Perhaps you and your spider - Yes, he calls you that - will understand one day in the future." I opened my mouth to reprimand her for revealing- "You will not be doing any reprimanding. And stop thinking about what I mean by what I say. You'll not understand, and it creates a rather distracting amount of background noise. Rather, you should practice not thinking. It would save me a great deal of trouble." Like Koishi, I thought, then felt rather surprised that I'd been allowed to finish the thought. "Koi-" I frowned. Satori had frozen. "Koishi?" She asked me slowly.

"Stupid human has upset Lady Satori." I heard Orin mutter, and when she spotted me glancing at her, she stuck her tongue out and pulled her eyelid down. "Stupid human deserves any punishment he receives." It seemed that her hangover was taking a toll on the way she spoke.

"Koishi Komeiji?" Satori asked me again, and I nodded slowly. "You've met her? You could see her!?" I slowly nodded again, but it had been a very weird meeting, so- "She was selling T-shirts in the human village? And she wants - Wants us to be...friends?" And there was the kicker. "I...See. And she's decided that you and she are friends now?" I- "Oh, I see. Well, then. I suppose I will simply have to extend the hand of friendship to you too, even if you don't believe it." Satori extended her arm, and I stared at it suspiciously. "You wouldn't want to upset my dear little sister, would you?" She asked me, and I realised that I really didn't have much of a choice, so I reached out and shook her hand. "There. That wasn't so difficult, was it?" It had- "It had been fairly difficult, hmm? Baby steps, then. Orin?"

"Lady Satori asks me the impossible." Orin grumbled, peeking over Okuu’s ribbon. "Her dear kasha cannot perform the impossible with a pounding head."

Okuu frowned, trying to look at Orin, which wasn't entirely possible since the kasha was clinging to Okuu's back. "Wait, so you can perform the impossible if-"

>> No.45414498 [View]
File: 452 KB, 1583x2036, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_satellitedragon__8c103d3733a0836f5157d69c2d13bdf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45387880 (20/-)

Suzu has been an angel in my life, one I don't deserve—she has her life to take care of; piling my responsibilities on her shoulders is cruel—but one I won't turn away from. Feels nice too to be on the other side of a lecture, and trial and error with these two bundles of joy has been… something. Who'd have thought making clothes for winged babies was so hard? At least Suzu seemed to enjoy it. Though I can't keep taking so much—her time, presence, knowledge, charity—and not giving back.

Breathing in and out, I scan if I'm far away enough from the village… Yeah, seems safe. Gently I descend, landing by the shore of a river that crosses the Forest of Magic, humming a cute lullaby as I place down my backpack and pull out the 'lid', giggling when I'm welcomed with a yawn. "Sorry, Kuramochi—should've expected night sparrows like you and your sister would enjoy a peaceful flight…" I poke his nose, the mumbling making his sister roll over, trying to use her small wings to cover herself from the sunlight. "… And sorry to you too, Aki. Didn't mean to disturb~"

As I talk to them, I carry the backpack to a nearby tree, cleaning the area before leaning it on the bark. Pulling my scroll, I raise a magic circle of protection around them—would've been useful during that night, but the ten-second cast is not ideal…—making sure they're warm and comfortable.

"Sorry again—last time, I swear—for not getting Aunt Suzu to take care of you; we don't want to be a burden on her, right…?" My hand caresses their faces, my slight smile dying a bit as Aki's soft and tiny fingers envelop my index. "Was I egotistical…?" I ask no one in particular, shoulders down. Saving them was a thing, but then adopting them? Without a job, funds rapidly drying—I frantically swing my head, giving small slaps on each side of my face.

It's not time for that!

… It's time to make money.

Mother Nature gives and takes: farming is impossible so late in autumn; foraging is possible but too risky—I can't even fathom what would be of me if I'd to sell something poisonous…—; I'm a terrible hunter, too: one day to catch a malnourished rabbit is bad. Really bad.Winged-game has already migrated also and is nigh impossible to find reliably.

Which leaves me with one good option: fishing.

Of course, many think like me and a lot are great fishers; hogging all the best spots, equipment is also far too pricey, just as I don't have any skill in fishing. One entire day of normal fishing got me less than hunting, and exploding the water with Danmaku burned the fish to a crisp—bad price, but food for us, at least…

… So, I strip my heavy clothes.

The frostbite chills my skin and my body jolts, but I go on anyway. I won't turn to crime, I won't use my powers irresponsibly—I won't taint these babies lives with such marks of shame—, I won't be a burden to one of my best friends and I won't let this world destroy my life. I'll retake all of it, change things… And I'll do it right.

My heart pounds as I place the heavy clothes around the babies, creating another layer of warmth. The circle will resist and keep them warm and safe—and if something threatens them, I'll have enough time to return and defend them.

I look at them again, my smile tender, and brush my fingers against their cheeks…

… Hope to never give up. Responsibility to keep moving forward.

Breathing in and out deeply, I get up and—trembling—move towards the raging shore of the river, a basket in my left hand. Gravel hurts the sole of my feet; hair in a massive ponytail; breasts bandaged and shorts to keep my decency. The cold and wind are harsh against my skin, even after I create a pellet of danmaku inside my stomach to warm the inside of my body.

… I glanced at the babies one last time, held my breath… and jumped into the raging, freezing river without hesitation.

It's like hell.

My body temperature goes crashing down, and I'm certain I'd be dead in seconds if not for the ball of danmaku inside me, even so humane panic installs and my brain tries to trick me into going back to the surface, scrapping my leg on a sharp rock amidst the confusion, blood tainting the water… Yet, as a melodic crying echoes in my head, hands clench, and I struggle to ignore every wordily pain, gulping buckets of desperation, heart on fire with a strong desire, finally recomposing myself enough as to swiftly swim to the bottom of the freezing river, magical senses stretched thin and—there! Fast and at my absolute limit, I swim towards the shoals and catch what I can with my basket before they desperately swim away.

Mother Nature gives and takes…

I stay two minutes there before resurfacing, gasping for air, body chilled all over, eyes wide with tears welled there. Having a hard time controlling my limbs, I look inside the basket, feeling terrible: thirty plus fat, glimmering fish, looking healthy as horses and, certainly, with a nice price tag to them. I grin through the suffering

… Time to fucking take.

>> No.45325964 [View]

She is so cute it hurts

>> No.45075451 [View]
File: 1.11 MB, 3401x2436, __kochiya_sanae_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_shinapuu__5ed86d4833912b2885ca2be9c47f960a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a quiet, stress-free flight up to the shrine. The ropeway seemed active today, meaning there would probably be more than a few human visitors present. She considered disguising herself, but threw caution to the wind. These human were on Youkai Mountain, after all. Maybe seeing a tengu would put enough fear in them to squeeze out a little extra faith for her allies.

Landing on the pathway leading up to the shrine, Aya joined the procession of humans seeking their own personal miracles. Most of them were unaware that the cute girl next to them could fly faster than the wind. Some actually noticed her wings and made space, afraid that the scary tengu would kidnap them, never to be seen again. One little boy ran up to her and asked if she could fly. Before she could answer, his mother rushed behind him and pulled him away, offering praises to the great tengu for allowing these lowly humans to set foot in her territory. It was extremely tempting to keep playing with them, but she had more pressing matters. With a smile, she spread her wings and took flight. She’d get the attention she wanted behind the shrine anyways.

Landing in a nice, open area that overlooked the lake those Moriyans brought with them. Letting the wind blow through her hair, she waited until a familiar green-haired shrine maiden came to meet her. The commotion she caused must have captured her attention. However, she wasn’t she her normal self. Neither the chipper nature of a curious outsider nor the mien of a shrine maiden trained by goddesses to lead her masses was present. Instead, she was tired. Recognizing Aya’s face seemed to liven her up a little, “Oh, Aya. What brings you to the shrine this morning?” Confident that her ally would tell her the truth of the matter, the tengu whipped out a pen and notebook, ready to conduct her interview. With a big grin, Aya asked the damning question: “Kochiya-sama, Miko and Goddess of the Moriya Shrine, can you verify rumors that the goddess Kanako has been visiting the HSE? A simple yes or no will suffice!”

Sanae’s face went dark. “You too. All of you dirty tengu… slandering Kanako-sama!” Sanae pulled out and swung her gohei in one motion. Aya dodged back, surprised at the attack, but even more surprised at the lack of bullets. Her confusion turned to pain as Sanae flew at her, swinging the gohei down hard on Aya’s shoulder and knocking her back a few feet. As the miko summoned a barrage of glowing ofuda to chase her down directly, Aya pulled out her maple fan and blew them away with a gust of wind. “Get away from my home you dirty crow!” With those words, Sanae charged forwards once more.

It had been far too long since Aya got into a genuine brawl, but her adrenaline started pumping hard enough to bring her back into the swing of it. Holding her fan a little lower than usual to deflect attacks to her abdomen first, the tengu took a fighting stance. Sanea struck low at her feet, tripping her. So she wants to play dirty, huh? Before hitting the ground, Aya summoned the winds beneath her to lift her into the skies. Sanae rode the zephyr, intent on keeping this fight close-quarters and inflicting as much pain as physically possible.

In a fair fight, Aya wasn’t worried about her odds against the human god. She told herself that being pregnant made it okay to invoke the backdoor on her to ensure this berserk woman wouldn’t cause any accidents she wasn’t aware of. Feeling the energy flow through her, Aya’s fan clashed against Sanae’s gohei midair, both of them sending forward heavy waves of pressure. Feeling a little greedy, Aya pulled out a spellcard, flashing a smile of superiority. “Thrust Sign: Tengu’s Macroburst!” Empowered by her backdoor, Aya’s gales overcame the human and sent her back crashing towards the ground.

Free in the skies, Aya watched as her tornadoes trapped Sanae in the dirt while she gracefully danced in the sky. She didn’t hold anything against her, but Aya wasn’t going to run from another indignant miko. Holding her maple leaf firm and true, Aya stared her enemy down as she charged one last spell. The Crow Sign should end this quite stylishly! Musing about the best angle to make a record of her latest victory, the tengu failed to notice a bright star shining down on her from above until it was too late.”


Aya’s body was bathed in light, sending her careening back down to land. So this is the hubris of a god. It hurts.

(Part 38)

>> No.44973752 [View]
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It's amazing how quickly time can pass when you're dreading something. Even when she made sure to set down far away from the village and walk to avoid causing a stir, it seemed she made record time to the HSE. So much having time to think things over. At least it was early enough where she wouldn't have to run into any of the clients. Reisen pushed open the doors and stepped into the lobby. Ran was there, did she always look so tired? "He's awake and in the bedroom. See if there's any issue and report any to me" she sighed out, which made Reisen wonder how bad things were.

Reisen entered the false shrine grounds to find it a hive of activity. Workers bustled everywhere, getting things ready for the day. A kappa was mowing the lawn while others were crouched over boxes of supplies, hustling it inside the shrine. A few of them were scrubbing down the shrine while a tengu balanced herself on the roof it keep it clean. It surprised Reisen somewhat as she assumed Anon did most of this, but it did seem silly in hindsight, considering what he spent most of his day doing. Squeezing herself by a wolf tengu carrying a bag of rice, she scanned for the bedroom door and excused herself by a worker mopping the floor.

Stepping into the bedroom, Reisen expected the worst, but the most offensive thing was the lingering smell of bleach. Reisen wrinkles her nose and looked around for Anon. He wasn't lying in bed, moaning but sitting up as a small cat youkai rested in his lap. A flicker of recognition clicked in Reisen brain. That must be one of Yukari's Shikigama that worked here. A green haired woman that Reisen didn't recognize who was leaning against the wall stepped forward and extended a hand "Takane Yamashiro. I'm the manager of this place"

Reisen took the hand. "Reisen Udongein Inaba"

The expected pleasantries out of the way, Takane spoke up "One of the guests got too rough last night. After we escorted her out, we managed to patch him up the best we could, but he said that his left arm hurt him. He's still saying it hurts now, so we want to see how serious it is"

"Understood. I'll take a look" Reisen sat down on the futon and started to unpack some things from her bag.

The cat looked at her with a bit of concern and annoyance over being interrupted. Anon gave her a small pat on the back "It won't take long, I'll be out to see you shortly, just let give her time to work.

Chen crawled out of his lap. "You'd better, you said you'd watch me swing me the tree after I practiced to do it right" Chen scampered off to find something to entertain her for a while. Anon watched her go, before turning to Reisen. "Oh one second let me show you" Anon shuffled off the top half of his jinbei, leaving his upper body exposed.

Now that she was close and he was facing her, she could see how bad 'Too rough' was. Someone had clawed at his chest, leaving thin red lines like marking on a map. His lip was swelled slightly. But most noticable was the bandages around the midsection of his arm. "Everything else is fine, everything else heals quickly with everything with stuff Eientei sends over. But this arm has been really hurting me, not even Chen's kisses helped me" A small weary smile appeared on his lips.

Reisen felt her lips raise slightly despite the situation. "How cute" she said, trying to grasp at whatever levity she could.

"She's adorable. Always makes me feel better just to see her" Anons smile widened.

Reisen gave him a few seconds before she went into her job. "Alright. I'll remove the bandages and examine the area. Just tell me if it hurts" Reisen unfurled the bandages to reveal the bruised skin underneath. This was a bit more then some roughhousing. She reached up and prodded the area. He winced slightly. "Can you move it?" She asked.

"A bit but If I move it too much it hurts. I can't carry with with it" To his his point he tried to raise it above his head only to grunt in pain and let it fall slack.

"Seems like it should just be a sprain. I have medicine that should help with the recovery and pain. Shouldn't you be going to Eientei?" Reisen shuffled around in her bag for the medicine.

Takane shuffled on her feet "Well, official policy is to treat him on-site unless it's necessary to move him" She met Reisen's gaze. "His wife you know. If she found out he was out and could get to him.." She added awkwardly.

"Well he shouldn't be working like this until it heals. Two days or so." Reisen said.

"We already got bookings" Takane groaned. "Wait, we put him in a sling, have discounts for a 'Injured Husband' scenario. He can get light work and some clients eat that up. Is that okay with you, Anon?"

"Works for me. Thanks for the help Reisen" Anon said as he took the first doses of medicine.

Reisen muttered out a goodbye and gathered her things up. The workers were returning to their areas, the workday was almost here.

As Reisen left, she knew one thing. This place was wrong.

>> No.44889810 [View]
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She's so freaking cute it hurts

>> No.44669830 [View]
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She's so cute it hurts.

>> No.44181051 [View]
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She's so fucking cute it hurts

>> No.43980349 [View]
File: 1.57 MB, 1100x1556, 1677706841613653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up with Mai in bed!
Her kicking you in the butt, telling you to get out and make her breakfast already!
Bringing it to her on a silver platter!
She sips on the tea quietly, before quickly swinging the pot up and in your face!
She claims you got her the wrong flavor! She tells you to do it again, and really hammers in how much of a failure you are!
That combined hint of frustration, anger, and sadness in your face is the stuff of dreams for Mai! She may even be enjoying hersel under that blanke, but you wouldnt know, because your torment is the key to her lust, and if she sees even as much as a smidge of joy at the prospect of seeing your "girlfriend" enjoy herself and the happiness and eros that comes with it, she'll go right back to her annoyed, bullied look!
Later that day, you have a lunch at the Makai mansion's living room! Louise and Shinki are here!
Oh! Shinki looks beyond happy that one of her daughters is getting along so well with a boy, and what a shift this has been for her little Mai! She's so lovey dovey with her sweet little Anon! She's kissing his forehead, sneaking in little hugs as the meal goes on! It's so adorable!
That smile of Mai as she's doing all of this... It hurts your soul so much. You want to tell Shinki the truth so bad, but you just can't... You know that Shinki's blind love will prevail, and Mai can quickly turn a switch and act like a precious little diva who's being assaulted by the awful, awful Anon! So you say nothing, you suffer in silence, and only the most through of looks on you and Mai's faces can tell your true emotions right this instant... Mai's intense, lecherous look, and your look of pure, unfiltered misery.
After that torturous experience where you couldn't even take in to the great food Shinki had made, you had a bit of free time away from your little demon of a concubine, only to find Yuki. She was looking sort of worried and sad. After asking her what's wrong, you quickly found out she's looking for Shinki, who had now gone away to run some errands. Yuki says she was supposed to be reading her a story. The book she was holding... it looked like a children's book. In any other scenario, you would mocked Yuki's childish antics, but you had been through so much with Mai and knew Yuki lived her whole life dealing with that kind of experience daily, you couldn't help but feel a lot more empathy & fondness towards her. She was looking pretty cute too... You felt like you were walking on egg shells with Mai, not so much because of her prudish nature, but rather, the idea of seeing you happy in any meaningful way didn't please Mai. Even something as innocent as Yuki's stockings and garter made you feel... something, and it's not like Yuki could really tell anything. Knowing that made you feel a little dirty, but you needed some kind of relief, and it's not like you assaulted her.
Oh, why couldn't you have been claimed by her instead of Mai when the two of them found you collapsed in the middle of Makai? If only she was more assertive when Mai's around! You feel like you could kill for a chance at sharing Yuki's little world,silly and juvenile as it'd be, being on the opposite of that spectrum is so, so much worse...

>> No.43605389 [View]

She's so cute it hurts

>> No.43419336 [View]

She's still insecure about it
It's so cute it hurts

>> No.43346570 [View]

She's so cute it hurts my heart

>> No.43259956 [View]

She is so cute it hurts

>> No.43192605 [View]

Very funny and entertaining. Has good manga taste. Nice singing voice and moves well in 3D
An incredibly sweet woman who can be hilarious with the right person to banter with. I personally like her voice a lot. My only complaint is that she panders to the ENs to much
A hard worker but I can't watch her as her vocal pitch really hurts my ears.
Is cute from what I've seen but she is my least watched HoloX so I cant say much more than that
A genuinely endearing and wholesome girl. Love it when her bratty side comes out. Is probably one of the best 3D movers in the company and has energy for days

Overall: Probably my favourite gen as a whole. Their Jouya Repaint at the Fes was probably my main highlight

>> No.42913431 [View]

which is funny cause when i said "my tastes" im looking for more goth, punk, metal, rock, styles.

this is not a sorted list and i havent fully looked at these in depth but groups like Necromidol
Melancholic Cinderella Story
Tokyo Psychopath
X!DENT (Korean)
Hikari Shiina
Yajima Mai
Shiina Hikari

i just cut about 20 or so similar groups off my list because they showed something goth/punk/metal/rock/weird/etc and then ended up being just totally generic. cute girls but bad singing. some nail the aesthetic/style more than others.

but we are talkin alt aka less succesful idols. clearly a bunch of girls (and male managers) want to give the idol thing a shot and they just dont get any traction. many obvious put in enough money and effort to make very good outfits and videos, as i mentioned. but blending in with other groups and not having capable singing hurts.

no one will believe me despite this being completely believable, but a couple years ago i dated a girl who was in one of these idol groups after they disbanded. she had never quit her day job and didnt really make any money from it, which is obvious for many of these groups.

i think a lot of these girls would do better to improve their singing and just be solo singers or learn an instrument. trying to be a succesful idol is like trying to be a successful youtuber now; so are 10 billion other people.

>> No.42808383 [View]
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, Hana Kano in GTJ-060 drooling in bondage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this JAV. Hana Kano stars as an office lady. It opens with Hana and her coworker Bokki getting off work. She hurries to the train, trying to get away from Bokki but he catches up to her and gropes her. She narrates an internal monologue that every night, Bokki gropes her on the train and she's reaching her breaking point because her husband has not been able to sexually satisfy her in years. When she gets home, we see that she has a teenage son (Frankfurt) and an altar for her dead husband (Tabuchi). However, then she goes to the bedroom and it's revealed that his body is taxidermied with a permanent erection. She talks to him as if he's alive, strips him naked and fucks him. But, as already said, she can't gain true satisfaction from his dead corpse and cries herself to sleep. Frankfurt is shown to have spied on his mother the whole time, cumming on a pair of her panties.

In the morning, Frankfurt sits on a baby chair with his mouth open, waiting to be fed. Hana comes out of the shower wearing only a wet tower and makes a warm motherly smile as she spoonfeeds him, talking about what a cute boy he is and how he's going to be good for the day while she's at work. He's making happy baby noises and suddenly with one hand starts groping his crotch and with the other hand pulls his mother's towel off, to her shock because she thought of him as a completely sexless child. After a few hesitant glances, Hana gives in to incestuous lust and takes off Frankfurt's pants and gasps at the size of his chinpo. She bites her fingers and looks around again, concerned about what they're going to do, but doesn't care and starts handjobbing her son. Soon she's already dirty talking, calling him a gross little boy and pervert and such, and he's hip thrusting and making extremely lewd noises. He shoots a big load on his mother's face and she licks it, laps all of it into her mouth with her fingers, and swallows with a very slutty expression. Frankfurt gets up and goes to play on his Playstation as Hana leaves to work.

Late at the office when it's just the two of them left, Bokki ambushes Hana when she's getting coffee and starts talking about how every night he conceptualises the aroma of her manko and ass, and it's driving him to insanity because he needs to know if his assessment is accurate. So, he aggressively tears her pantyhose and fingers her over her panties. She doesn't resist because for the first time since her husband's death, she has had a sexual experience with another person. Even if it was with her son, now she is free to fkn enjoy even this coworker whose advances she always hated. She starts licking his face and his eyes spark, soon they're licking each other's faces like wild animals while rubbing each other's genitals. Eventually Bokki pulls Hana's panties off and buries his face in her manko, sniffing deep and relishing in the scent. "It's just like I imagined!!" he exclaims and starts cunnilingus. Hana holds his face in her crotch and after having an orgasm, begs him to fuck her and says that even a creampie is OK. Her pervert coworker is in heaven, fulfilling his fantasy of many years. They fuck on top of a table, then against a wall, and on the floor. In the end Bokki creampies Hana in missionary position, and both stay lying on top of each other completely drenched in sweat.

Cut to Frankfurt in his room with the door open fapping to GTJ-004, the scene when Hana has hot wax dripped on her while bound with her fist in her manko. His mother walks in and gasps, "She looks just like me!" and starts dirty talking about what a naughty boy he is, jerking to his own mother's JAV actress lookalike in such a perverse scenario. He's a little embarrassed but his remaining boner speaks louder than words, so Hana asks if he like that kind of thing. She spots a rope somewhere in the room and grabs it, seductively pulls it between her hands and licks her lips looking at her son. He's humping the air and chanting "EROTIC!! EROTIC!!!!" as his mother strips naked playing with the rope, rubbing it on various parts of her body, until she's naked and ties herself to a chair. She tells him to finish tying her however he wants, and he goes to town. It's not at all safe (of course really it is, but it's made to look unsafe) in such a way that circulation from her hands and feet is cut off (the effect is achieved with increasing make-up between cuts to gradually turn them very purple) while he fucks her in the ass with no lube. She's screaming and begging him to stop, saying it really hurts and she can't feel her hands and feet but, in this state of incestuous passion, Frankfurt can't even hear her words. He pounds and slams until a creampie deep deep inside his mother's ass. She's crying and begging him to untie her, but he leaves her like that and goes to play on his Playstation.


>> No.42654710 [View]

She's so cute it hurts...

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