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Search: playing undertale

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>> No.47000144 [View]

anyone has aqua playing undertale but instead of nigasu she says niga?

>> No.46978943 [View]

Wait Akwa is playing undertale? She really is the trans representation vtuber

>> No.46960618 [View]

basically what you said, i binged the whole thing in around a week

yeah it's bog standard RPGmaker stuff, but i played undertale when it came out and earthbound a bit before that, so it kinda revived the feeling i got playing both of them. i haven't played any other touhou fangames besides udongein x and the mystia one though, point is it scratched an itch when i was just starting to get back into touhou and i probably would've hated it otherwise, but desu i came out really liking it by the end. it's just a cool premise, and i think one of the more memorable touhou crossovers i can think of

i play RPGs for the story/feel first and gameplay second - even if it's supremely frustrating - unless a gameplay loop is particularly fun on one it isn't why i keep playing. muenzuka is one of the most utterly rage-inducing sections in an RPG i've ever touched but it was a pretty tiny part of the whole and i found the rest of it to be fine. it isn't some xenogears-tier masterpiece, sure, but i had the most fun it i'd had in awhile and it worked

tl;dr it hit all the right buttons for me at the right time

>> No.46755438 [View]
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Its a very long story and I dont like talking about myself when I come here, but to summarize.
>No objective
I hate sandboxes, not having a clear goal grinds my gears like you have no idea, I like having clear north and an objective to die for.
>Boring gameplay
If I wanted to fight mobs I would play Mega Man Zero, if I wanted to do shit with blocks I would unpack my legos, playing MC feels like a waste of time and a watered down version of other things I actually like.
>Engineered to be a relaxing experience
It has the opposite effect on me, things that are made to relax you stress me out, same reason I hate that every game ever has a fucking fishing minigame, unless it is for drawing or writing I do not have patience, if I wanted to relax I would play Mega Man X or Kirby.
>Non music
The music is not made to be memorable, its made to be ambience noise to complement whatever youre doing, and as someone that has making music as a hobby, I hate that with burning passion, its the same reason I feel a strong animosity towards BOTW, because in addition to having some of the issues listed above, the overworld music is null and void compared to literally every other Zelda game.
>Over exposition
Self explanatory, seeing MC everywhere made me sick and I still dont like being shown that game everywhere I go, the same thing happened with Undertale, doesnt help that every time I even remotely imply that MC is not my thing everyone jumps at me with that "youre losing something so amazingly amazing bro!" attitude.
There are other factors, but that its the nick of it. Is MC a bad game? Probably not, that doesnt prevent me from hating it, and I say that liking my fair share of equally overrated games.

>> No.46306521 [View]

Sora is playing catchup with all of the games she's missed over the years. I wanted more undertale...

>> No.46248132 [View]

Sora is playing undertale and no one is talking about it?

>> No.45281996 [View]
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I love my nature dragon mommy.

Currently playing Undertale.

>> No.44729555 [View]

can I blame Ririka for Sakamatard playing undertale? also, I better not see friend RTA undertale again

>> No.44727971 [View]

Why is sakamatard playing Undertale again

>> No.44727891 [View]

I think it's a hidden sponsorship. She's also playing Undertale and now suddenly Koyori and Chloe are doing the G route.

>> No.44339718 [View]
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Okayu Catsudan 1/3

>Sleepy cat
Okayu’s been sleepy all night, is anybody else feeling that way too? Maybe it had something to do with the typhoon. She’s not lacking sleep or anything, but she’s still crazy tired.

>Long time no see
It’s been a bit since Okayu’s been able to have a solo stream. It’s not the first time something like this has happened, but rather than being because of work, this time it was because she had plans to hang out with the other girls and to go see the Live A Live symphony.

>Live A Live
Where to start? It was amazing. Okayu likes to go and see orchestral performances for video game music whenever one lines-up with her schedule, she’s seen ones like Undertale and Dragon Quest, but this one was really amazing. Who’d she go with this time? Mane-chan. She secretly wanted to go with Subaru, but Subaru was busy, her weekends are usually booked with the long RPG streams. She bought a bunch of souvenirs though, and handed them over when she hung out with Subaru and Roboco yesterday.

More than the usual orchestra, this show had more of a band-performance feeling to it. There was even a Live A Live penlight that she got to wave as part of the crowd. To think that this was for the same game that she bought for the Super Famicom back when she was in high school… It was so much fun. She really loves each and every song from that game, so she had goosebumps the entire time. There was a part where they asked for all the people who were introduced to the game by the remake to raise their hands, and about 1/3rd of the people there did. It made her happy to see new fans, even all this time later. Which song was her favorite? She has a hard time deciding normally, but hearing it live, she thought the Prehistoric Chapter’s Battle Theme was her favorite. The Feudal Japan one was really good too, they even got Japanese flutes for that part alone. It’s amazing to listen to, especially if you’re somebody who can’t whistle, like Okayu.

There were tons of goods to buy as well. They had a surprising number of acrylic stands that she bought. Not just for the main cast, but for others too, like O. Dio. There was a Cube plush that Okayu bought too. The whole event was amazing.

>Pokemon Unite news
They just had an announcement the other day right? Meowscarada is coming! Not to mention Mimikyu and Blaziken! Okayu’s really looking forward to September. Chat dies for a second, and Okayu gets lonely. She feels like chat dropping in a zatsudan is far worse than in a gaming stream. Chat used to only break for an instant, but it’s feeling longer and longer lately. It does come back, and Okayu starts talking about Meowscarada again. She used one in the tournament a while back, so she’s super pumped to play as it. Mimikyu is also really cute, and she used Torchic in the past too. It feels like these 3 additions are made for her.

Okayu was only able to get back up to Ultra 2, but she wants to reach Master again when she has the time. Does she change her characters at all? Lately she’s been playing with Pikachu lately. They’re really strong, and fit with Okayu’s playstyle. She’ll still switch to Clefable when the party is all attackers, but she’ll use Pikachu otherwise. Okayu’s used to playing 1 or 2 evolution Pokemon, so having one that’s strong from the start is really fun.

>Yokohama/Baseball power
Because of things like the BayStars and the Minato Mirai Pokemon fireworks has really made Okayu feel the power of Yokohama in her lately. She tried to get Roboco into the BayStars when they hung out the other day. Roboco was interested, because she had heard about how into Baseball Okayu had been lately. Something that surprised her, when she goes to song-recordings lately, is how often people talk to her about baseball now. It feels like “Okayu is really into Baseball and the Yokohama BayStars” has become a running joke within the company. Cover has a lot of higher-ups, and even when she’s meeting them for the first time, the first thing they usually bring up is Baseball, and asking which team she likes. This happens 2-3 times a day.

>> No.44303779 [View]

>Bijou is using and abusing the Brapper for pure cringekino by playing a Mori Undertale mod

>> No.44279773 [View]

With this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-Xxo6utgNA
Then I watched a few Niji clips (notably from Gibara), eventually found Subaru clips playing Undertale and I just kept on watching since then.
The first streams I fully watched live were Pekora's MGS3 streams, I used to wake up really early in the morning just to watch her, and I ended up watching her go through the entire series.

>> No.44252766 [View]

>Chen's memes are all a decade old
so is Renamon and other shit.
You think zoomies playing undertale won't notice the connection with toriel and ran?
You think she's magically gonna become irrelevant due to the influx of new 2hus? when in reality it's those new 2hus like Yachie, Saki, Okina, etc who end up being irrelevant in comparison?
You seem pretty stupid if you think so.

>> No.44249447 [View]

He's a genuine touhou fan, he's been playing the games for more than a decade.
>Toby’s been a Touhou fan since middle school, when he downloaded the demos of PCB and EoSD.
>In high school Toby made a piano arrangement of Necrofantasia by ear and played it for his church summer camp, receiving a standing ovation. ZUN response is more or less “your church let you play something called Necrofantasia?!”

>> No.43684471 [View]

It's what happens when you are fascinated by the mercy idea of Undertale, but aren't willing to let go of hard/extreme femdom themes you love too much. Funnily enough MGE would have the reverse problem, pardon system stops making sense when you can't choose to kill or otherwise hurt the orderfags if you want them to be the bad guys.

One way it could work, is if you were playing as some brainwashed Order hero on his journey to discover the truth once you bond with enough mamono. When you choose to kill them you don't actually kill them because of Ares's or other god's involvement or some other plot shenanigans, but at least Order MC would have the will to kill/hurt.
"Genocide" route bad end would be completing your original quest and returning to the shitty regular Orderite life

>> No.43384509 [View]
File: 655 KB, 1100x1700, 1683065771871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching a cute lion playing through undertale
I'm GMI bros and it feels good

>> No.43064242 [View]

Why does Watame keep playing those undertale wannabe sobstories that always make her cry?

>> No.42936588 [View]

You should play them, (don't try to do a 1cc) they will need english patches installed tho, and i recommended playing Undertale and Cuphead first

>> No.42465030 [View]

Flare Zatsudan 22 Jan 2023 2/2

>Any questions? (I will put the longer questions/answers into their own sections)
Orisong MVs? Still in production, Flare's new year resolution is to get all of them an MV (probably, hopefully, maybe).
Mother2 stream? Flare wanted to do it soon but the Minecraft server restart means she has more games she wants to play.
Have you played Undertale recently? No, but Flare has bought a talking plushie of Jevil from Deltarune recently. She also recently bought a case to store all her amiibos.
Smash Bros stream? Flare isn't good at remembering fighting game controls and action games in general so she probably won't play Smash.
What about Sekiro/DMC being action games? Flare still isn't good at them and she plays with the mentality that as long as she doesn't give up and stop playing, she'll clear them eventually.
Koyori Sekiro? Flare said Koyori recently complained to her that she's been getting stuck at the Owl. Flare's initial thought was "That's the fight you're stuck on?" since she thinks the Ape and Genichiro are much harder. Flare will continue watching over Koyori as she tries to clear the game, she's also interested to see what ending Koyori chooses.
New MV/covers? Flare does have songs she wants to cover, but she's struggling with finding video editors and producers. Another one of Flare's goals this year is to release an album.
Next member stream? Probably a watchalong, but the movie is undecided.
Have you tried learning the kalimba? No, it's still in a cardboard box. Flare is the type that won't throw away cardboard boxes because she might need them in the future, but the amount of boxes is slowly increasing...
How is your singing mic? She put it away so she doesn't know
Any interest in outside collabs? Flare is an introvert so she generally has no interest with collabing with people that she doesn't talk to often.
Any plans for a camera stream? Flare's kitchen is too small for a camera setup and she's also afraid of any possible incidents.
Any plans to move? No.
What's your internet speed? 52mbps upload
Kanaria collab? No plans yet
Do you like shota? Flare is a lolicon.
What's your favorite part of yourself? The part that never gives up, and also the part where she commits to a goal but will work towards it at her own pace.

HoloARK? HoloARK will come back if more people want to play.
Shiraken Minecraft? The server just restarted and while there are plans to play Minecraft together, this early phase where everyone is still getting setup and having a lot of impromptu collabs with each other is quite precious, so Shiraken will take a pause on Minecraft collabs for a bit. Flare has talked to Watame recently about playing Minecraft though. In Minecraft, Flare prefers more detailed builds instead of large-scale megabuilds.

When Bakatare goes out for a meal, they play a game where they guess how much the total bill is, then the person furthest away from the actual amount pays. Flare ended up losing the most recent round. Generally they buy dishes and all 3 of them share so they're not really paying for each other's meals exactly.

>Korone's wallet
Are you still using Korone's wallet? Yes, and Flare has no plans on changing it. It's a precious gift. Flare often leaves it in her bag so it doesn't really get damaged even after so long. She takes very good care of that wallet.

Korone's wallet is actually the second time she has been gifted a wallet. Flare once got her wallet stolen during her shachiku days and ended up using an envelope to hold her money for a while. One of her friends worked at a company that designed/sold wallets and gave Flare one of her sample products. Flare eventually got her original wallet back but it was empty. Ever since then, Flare has taken great care of her wallets, especially since it is a gift.

>> No.41224317 [View]

She's not playing Undertale.

>> No.40693660 [View]

Flare Zatsudan 28 July 2022 2/3

>New laptop
Flare recently went to buy a new laptop. (For context, she plans to take a break in September and wanted a laptop to play games since she plans to go home to see her parents and possibly go on a short trip.) While there, she also went to buy Undertale and Yume Nikki goods. She saw all the Sans goods in the store and wanted to buy all of them. Flare knew that there were goods that were only available in the physical store so she wanted to go there herself rather than order online. She also bought a Hollow Knight coaster.

The laptop she bought was more expensive than her actual streaming PC. Her 2-year-old laptop was a Ryzen 9 and 2080 SUPER. Flare has apparently started a business and bought a bunch of stuff since the fiscal year is ending soon, so the new laptop will be a fixed asset and depreciation will be incurred. (I have no idea what this means, I copy-pasted this from DeepL because I don't understand Japanese accounting terms.)
New laptop specs: Core i9 12900H, 15.6inch 4K 144Hz monitor, RTX3080Ti, DDR5-4800 32GB, M.2 SSD 1TB, 230W PSU (AC adapter) (According to chat, this should be about 400k-500k yen, possibly over 600k)
The first thing Flare wondered about it was if it could handle ARK. The employee ensured her that there are no better laptops than this one. Flare said that she will be playing ARK and Minecraft during her break, so the elfriends can peek at other holos' streams to see her online. The very first thing Flare downloaded on her new laptop were Elden Ring and Sekiro. Flare also bought a laptop cooler since she knew that playing these high-spec games would be bad for the laptop without it. Flare spent the rest of the day practicing mahjong, doing her merch signing and also installing Steam and Discord on her new laptop.

>Date with Fubuki
Flare and Fubuki went to a stamp rally collaboration with MonHun at Yokosuka. They decided to meet at 10am to go but needed 3-4 hours to arrive. They wanted to eat Yokosuka curry but the store was closed. Since Flare woke up earlier to go to Fubuki's place to meet up, she knew that Fubuki would definitely be sleeping since she didn't respond to her texts. While doing the stamp rally, Flare kept pushing Fubuki to read "Harigane Service" as usual. When going home, Flare took a taxi and the taxi driver was very talkative. He kept bragging about his daughter the entire time but Flare's komyushou limited her to basic responses. Fubuki then wrote in chat that she was sleeping the entire way home in her taxi.

They actually wanted to go to an onsen but they didn't have a spare set of clothes, and they had been walking around the whole day and were sweaty, so they didn't want to bathe then put on their sweaty clothes again. They agreed to go to the onsen another day.

It has been a long time since Flare and Fubuki first met and she felt very close to Fubuki. She felt that Fubuki doesn't really talk about herself often and was glad that she could open up to Flare. Since Fubuki loves all the holos but doesn't really put as much care into herself, Flare is happy that Fubuki can talk about herself to her. The next step would be for Flare to call her "Fubuki" instead of "Fubu-chan" which Fubuki is perfectly fine with. Flare said she might one day just drop it randomly like "Hey, Fubuki, about this..." Fubuki also talked a lot about Rust and gambling and Flare thought that a satisfied Shirakami was a good sight.

But Flare was walking around the whole day, so her feet got sore at the end. Flare thinks her shoe size might be wrong since she always gets sore while wearing her loafers or sneakers for the whole day. She thought about making a custom-made pair of shoes instead.

>> No.40479026 [View]

Would playing the Japanese version of Undertale be a good way to practice? iirc it's written entirely in kana.

>> No.39981467 [View]

Flare Zatsudan 25 May 2022 3/3
Flare's voice is returning back to normal after getting enough rest. She hopes everyone won't worry too much about her. She has a lot of recordings in the near future so she will evaluate the condition of her voice and might take more breaks over the next few weeks if she feels like she's pushing herself too far. When she went to the ENT, she got a bunch of medicines to drink if she feels pain but there isn't anything wrong with her throat so far. She can't do any utawakus though since there are a lot of important recordings over the next month so she will resume them once things settle down and she hopes everyone will enjoy her game and talking streams until then.

>Questions corner from chat
Sora Minecraft collab? Flare knows that Sora has a lot of things she wants to do in Minecraft so she might help but hasn't reached out.

Is it true that you slept together with Polka? They did not sleep side-by-side. But Polka disappeared in the morning because she didn't want to wake Flare. The hurdle for Polka to sleepover is extremely high so Flare was very happy that she was willing to do so.

Did you watch the 2nd Fantastic Beasts movie? Flare didn't watch it, she thought she was supposed to watch it with the elfriends. But Flare met with Fubuki who watched the 3rd movie so they talked about it and some minor stuff was spoiled.

Birthday live? Only a bit more until it can be done.

Did you buy the PS5 yet? No >:(

Any game plans? Finish Elden Ring and Ghostwire. Chat suggested another From game but Flare can't play Bloodborne since she doesn't have a PS, although another chatter mentioned Armored Core. Flare might do Dark Souls some day. She is also interested in ib:remake.

Any Shiraken plans? Suisei is on break so nothing, but they do talk a lot about their trip.

FlarePol Uma Musume? No plans yet since there aren't new characters.

"I've been enjoying Undertale after watching you." Flare is really happy that people are watching her Undertale and enjoying the game after picking it up themselves. Flare even has a friend who mentioned that they know someone who picked up Undertale from watching Flare's stream.

Watame collab? They've been talking about it. Flare is really impressed that Watame 100% cleared Kirby.

Any more taiko? The delay makes it hard to do, especially when playing through the Switch (I don't really understand this part since I don't have a Switch myself)

Can't you use a capture card for that? Flare only has one monitor (27-inch) so she can't do it, although she never really thought about it.
Kanaria (Flare/Kanata/Koyori) collab? There are no plans but they did talk about going to eat yakiniku.

Haachama confession? Flare said it was pretty obvious that it was a joke but was worried about the chance that it was real. Flare is the type to really think deeply about these personal topics so she was thankful that it was Haachama because she knew 100% it was a joke.

RPGs? Flare doesn't really like games where you're forced to grind and level and she's not really good at them. This is also why Sekiro is her favourite From game because she can just keep going through story without being forced to grind and pay attention to leveling like Elden Ring. She does have a lot of games that she wants to play eventually, one of which is Mother. But overall she has started liking action games despite self-proclaiming that she's bad at them.

Sweets recommendation? Flare hasn't been eating sweets recently, her current thing is actually salad.

Game recommendation? Play Undertale Play Undertale Play Undertale Play Undertale

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