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Search: korone twitter

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>> No.47036577 [View]

what the fuck is Korone liking on twitter again

>> No.46887170 [View]
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>the fireworks in minecraft with korone and sora I forget the others

A true classic in mikkorone history.


>> No.46766332 [View]
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Suistream today at 21jst!!!
A Mario Party (the retro one) collab with Fubuki, Miko, and Korone!!!
In the meantime she will take a quick nap.... Surely she won't oversleep....

>> No.46736416 [View]

>korone is not following Ado on twitter
>covers her song

>> No.46706844 [View]
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which holos can I support without being a cuck?
yes I read the archives but there seems to be a fuckton of anti trolling and I'm autistic

here's my meta-analysis if anyone is interested:
>aqua: 70-30 leaning towards pure, some say she's a pure autist and others say she definitely has/had a boyfriend
>watame: roommate supposedly filmed a few vids with some dancer guy named mukuro and flirted with him on twitter since like 2013. idk the extent because I am too lazy to sift through her twitter history and also cant read moon runes. the name "mukkun" was also a registered user on her switch, she apparently brushed it off as her brother
>towa: there was a well-publicized incident during which male voice(s) were heard in the bg of one of her streams. she panicked and said they were hololive staff (which was refuted by cover), which some construe to be sus. the official word is apparently that he/they were friends of hers from pre-vtuber life (possibly bandmates?) other than this no idea
>marine: general consensus is that she does not have a boyfriend atm due to her age and horniness, but may have dated in the past
>haachama: young, lives in australia w/o fluent english, and has indicated that she is not interested in relationships since she is serious about what she is doing, so probably no boyfriend
>korone: probably no boyfriend atm, may have dated in the past since she is older. in the past her roommate said she had married but later admitted this was a lie.
>suisei: leaning toward no boyfriend since she is serious about the idol thing, but a few say she definitely has/had a boyfriend
>miko: nearly everyone agrees she is pure
>okayu: 50-50
>choco: probably no boyfriend atm but has apparently said she is looking
>mio: probably has dated, may even be married/have children
>ayame: there is some boyfriend meme heavily associated with her, I have no idea if it's anything grounded in reality
>coco: probably no boyfriend atm since she is very active but I heard her roommate has dated in the past
>luna: 50-50, she is supposedly older irl and some people say she has/had sugar daddies, no idea if any evidence supports this apart from "she has expensive stuff"
>noel: probably no boyfriend but her roommate did lewd asmr streams
>pekora: no clue, personally I'd lean towards pure just going off her somewhat introverted personality and roommate
>shion: no clue
>sora: generally perceived as pure
>rushia: 50-50, some say she's socially promiscuous, others say she's way too dedicated to fandeads/delivering the girlfriend experience and is probably a virgin
>subaru: 60-40 leaning towards pure
>polka: little clue, from what I've seen I'd go with pure
>kanata: little clue, I'll say 60-40 leaning towards impure
>fubuki: older, probably has dated, possibly even married

>> No.46651460 [View]

I wish I could enjoy new Star Wars like Korone.

>> No.46621672 [View]

When was the last time Korone had a members wallpaper? Must have been a while.

>> No.46614213 [View]
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>Be Matsuri
>Fall in love with a girl that likes dick
>Constantly rejected by her
>Cry on twitcasts and make such a huge drama to a point some people start hating your love interest because your menhera attacks
>Talk to a bartender
>Send a lot of marshmallows and superchats to him
>Get drunk and tell him you want him to be your big brother and take baths with you
>Get ignored and rejected by him
>Get completely outclassed by a tomboy with a sexy onee-san voice
>Meet a qt 3.14 pro apex player
>Actually get him to coach you
>The tournament is your chance to impress him and win him over
>End up tilting and your team ends 19/20 only because the other team was memeing with controllers
>Cry and suffer the whole time
>Met another qt in the after games, a spaghetti spilling weatherman
>You actually try to be seiso instead of the degenerate everyone is used to
>Have the time of your life
>He never calls you back
>Find a princess that loves you back
>She calls you when you were depressed after the apex shitshow
>She values and depends on you a lot
>When she gets sick instead of helping her you go back to confess your love to the dick loving girl
>Fall into an endless APEX obsession
>Your viewers tell you to bring some variety and that they are tired of APEX
>Instead of improving you take a break playing more APEX
>Return from break and keep on doing APEX streams
>Fans actually start leaving you
>Start to argue with antis on twitter to later delete everything
>Meanwhile your dick loving love interest is having the best time with a retarded australian
>Despite all of this you keep on streaming APEX, and it seems everything is going fine
>Then a Shark appears
>The Shark puts a trident in your ass and starts buttfucking you
>You start bleeding viewers
>You end up loving it and ask for Gen 5, Korone and Pekora to buttfuck you the next day
>Do a collab with a gook
>Despite being hyped up and having your fox senpai to help you, you still can't make over 5k
>That collab also brings a curse to this land
>get buttfucked in the next days by a detective with brain damage and an autistic reaper
>Boys and girls from all branches are having fun and teetee
>you're alone, playing APEX
>Eventually you decide to stop being an autist and join the minecraft server
>You can't even recognise some of your kouhais
>All of the girls except EN are playing Minecraft together
>EN girls are having collabs together and interacting with each other and her senpais
>All of the boys are playing among us together
>All of them are having fun
>You're alone, lamenting your existence on twitter and crying yourself to sleep
>There's a Yathzee tournament coming
>It's your chance to make a harem with all past love interests
>Dedicate a stream to practice it, alone.
>Tournament happens, you are doing fine
>Suddenly the princess appears, and she's on a warpath
>She utterly destroys your hopes and dreams
>At some point she feels bad about you and tries to throw, but still manages to buttfuck you
>Your dreams of a harem are dead
>Later because of this and much more, you start having menhera attacks and suicide bait on your alternate twitter account
>The menhera attacks are getting stronger, you end up trying to assault a squid in front of her fans
>You find your kouhais, a CEO, another menhera and a mom
>You want the mom
>The CEO is trying to befriend you but you, as a good menhera, take this as a personal attack and ignore her
>Mommy turns you down politely
>You keep on screaming and attention whoring until you leave without saying goodbye
>Your fanbase is also full of menheras that pretend to be happy but use alternate accounts to have the menhera attacks
>You look for those accounts and reply to them, making some of them delete their accounts
>As the menhera attacks get worse, your roommate makes a stream
>Despite all the makeup and filters, your roommate can't hide her eyebags, a sign of someone who crearly cries herself to sleep
>In a bold claim, you go and say that if the fans don't like APEX they can go eat shit.
>Shortly after go into a break
>Your stalker, that for some reason you thought it was a good idea to make a mod in your channel, thinks that's because of your fanbase
>Your fanbase start to attack each other
>You have to come out and admit that a friend died so they stop fighting between each other
>Meanwhile the princess is having her birthday
>You prepared a cover that you promised months ago
>You retweet it SEVEN times
>You send an aka supacha
>She doesn't mention it
>Not a single holo acknowledges the video
>Have a menhera attack on your roommate account
>Your fans start pestering the princess because of your own stupidity
>Have to make an apology and explanation on your roommate account
>The princess finally acknowledges you
>But to this day she didn't like your video

>> No.46568554 [View]
File: 194 KB, 1138x1458, 20230427_095808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

>> No.46536207 [View]

An introduction to Amane Kanata

>1. Streams in general

Kanata doesn’t use schedules but streams very regularly, she’ll often put up place holders well in advance or tell you on Twitter what the plan is. She used to part of the ‘mystery sleep hours’ gang but seems to favour either an 8pm JST / 11am GMT / 3am PT start. If she's been busy she may start later at 11pm JST/ 2pm GMT / 6am PT or do a twitch space and they last on average between 1-4 hours.

Many of Kanata’s streams are only half gameplay so don't be put off by the length. She likes to chat whilst reading out donations and its genuinely comfy to listen to.

A fun thing that happens is she will instantly lose if she gets too smug. It’s not even a bit, it just happens naturally. Her tsukkomi (straight man) powers have increased tenfold in the last few years. However if you where to ask me what her anime power is, she's the type that comes back stronger every time she's defeated. [Here's early Kanata being bad at Kirby. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6YVT8Zz6ws

>2. Music

One of the biggest things about Kanata is the crazy amount of effort she puts in to music. She does less karaoke these days due to an ear condition which I won't speculate on here, but she recently started again and even asked for song suggestions on Reddit too. Her cover song output has been crazy. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmrA_Ti9HZRwrkSSp1zsmdkBHpXCG-rYC

She mixes, has wrote a group song and does her own backing vocals. Her flexible voice seems to be compatible with most other singers and she can really hold a note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQO9jsWMwE She has a wide range and can switch from cute to cool to a death scream in a moment. Genre-wise she branches out quite often, so there's always something (Fragile and Drain turned out be something I like).

>3. She happily goes along with jokes & memes

Kanata will tell you she’s not a gorilla and then instantly add a gorilla to her next thumbnail and give you a gorilla emote. She’s happy to go along with the jokes from adopting the Power Point Tenshi name and doing PowerPoint streams to this day. She’ll even play along with the cutting board jokes to the point of complete denial. She’s even the source of her own JUST KANATA meme and posts clips for people to use. As usual, Kanata is patient but please don't spam and read the room though.

>4. She’s shy but proactive

Kanata was always one of the more introverted members who could disguise it well, and if you where to go back her earlier streams, you'd barely recognise her now as she's become so expressive and talkative. She'd always defend playing cards games and chess alone. She even wrote a parody song about it to use as an outro which someone kindly translated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN35Vrd9JKc

However one of my favourite things about Kanata is that this doesn't stop her from volunteering and, as cliche as it sounds, trying her best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIeccnwDvQ
As an introvert myself, I love seeing someone improve there social skills and be happy about it. Gives me a little boost to try more myself.

She's gone on to being the team leader at the sports festival. In the last few months we've seen her become Marine and Lamy home care nurse and form some fun trios with Kanaria (Kanata/Flare/Koyori) and Chamatannanora(?) (Kanata/Luna/Haato). She's also a rare one that other shy members are more comfortable with, such as Ayame and Aqua.

>5. Her endurance streams are iconic

She also does endurance streams and has insane mental fortitude. She’s done a 12 hours DK stream with Korone, a 24 hour variety day with Suisei, 12 hour Fall Guys and 20+ hours in Getting Over It and Jump King. Let’s not forget her ridiculous fight with Sans with other members cheering her on.

Since I last made this list she's done her craziest stream getting the illusive blue axolotl which has now become a mascot after 3000 attempts. More recently she completed Super Mario World in a single sitting. She also had a series of baseball game playthroughs which aired at irregular times too which makes it easier for anyone US based to maybe catch some streams at a reasonable time on occasion.

>Bonus. She squeaks when laughs.

It’s very cute and most likely why she has hamster ears alongside her Hamtaro impressions. I would personally adopt hamster Kanata. Also here's a timestamped link to a weirdly professionally taken photo of one of her rabbits. https://youtu.be/yBmoY-m64so?t=573

>> No.46524608 [View]

Korone Blasphemous 2 tomorrow.
She dug pretty far back for that thumbnail image: https://twitter.com/hashiguma_/status/1582289328008417280

>> No.46485856 [View]

Will Korone play Granblue?

>> No.46475846 [View]

I believe Korone has a boyfriend, and it makes me sad. It's not the first time she took a weekend off recently, but with some dumb luck it's related to her anniversary.

>> No.46475137 [View]


Korone taking a some time off.

>> No.46401491 [View]

Suipremiere soon at 23jst!!
Shunkan Heartbeat cover featuring Suisei, Okayu, Korone, Mio, and Marine!
Also ABEMA TV is doing a (free) rebroadcast for Suisei's 2nd sololive, Shout in Crisis. You can also join their giveaway to get some merch idk what it is though
I think you need to use a Japanese VPN for it because that's usually the case with Abema

>> No.46400458 [View]

Korone is even promoting it

>> No.46380331 [View]
File: 641 KB, 1630x2302, GIxmimja8AAdw8h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio holofes 5 aftertalk, 17-03-2024

>Thank you as always
Mio starts by thanking everyone for their hard work. Mio thinks the event was extremely satisfying and she'll check out everyone's submissions for AsaMio after the stream.

On Friday, Day 0 of the event, they were allowed to tour and sign on a lot of things for the expo. Mio is shocked at the size of the venue this year, even mentioning again how the seating stretched beyond the horizon, and especially the fact that the whole venue was just one giant floor with no upper levels. There were troubles, of course, like the giant pillars blocking the view and being far away from the active screen, but Mio thought overall they worked it out pretty well.
Mio was amazed by the intensity and vigor of the crowd, it shook her to the core when she was on stage. During stage 2, Mio was placed on the rear end for both her solo and group songs - which made her think Miofa must be wondering when she'll perform. The moment Mio appeared on stage, Mio could feel the accumulated energy from Miofa who have been waiting for her almost tremble the earth. The penlights too, thus far they've been mixed between red and green, leading to the Miofa forest is burning and Christmas color jokes, but this year was overwhelmingly green. Mio wonders if Miofa whispered to the people next to them that Mio's color is green.

Mio loved how energetic the crowd was and how explosive the reaction was during the last "baka mitai" during Night Loop. Mio expresses how she isn't satisfied with only one solo song and wants to do a sololive. To have been given an extremely supportive and powerful reaction from the crowd, from that many people, despite having been made to wait for so long, struck Mio's heart. Mio wondered how she can repay this favor and thought she won't ever forget this feeling. She's extremely thankful to Miofa and will work even harder from now on, she wants Miofa to feel proud to have supported Mio. Even after having entered her sixth year, Mio still considers herself to have not changed much while others have been moving in leaps and bounds, becoming more skilled and more popular. Mio will keep trying her best, in hopes of one day becoming a part of this group of successful people.

>Delight and Respite
Still tearing up, Mio exclaims she had fun with the event overall. Since her appearance was quite late in the schedule, she had a lot of time to wait and send off everyone, chat around, play cards, eat snacks and meals, and spy on the attendees with the cameras. She also met ID members and gave them snacks. In the break room, she played with quite a few people. Subaru had wanted to play cards so she brought out her deck and played President with Subaru, Pekora and Nene. Mio thought Subaru and Nene were often caught in slumps where they couldn't deal while Pekora played pretty smoothly - Mio thinks Pekora does have an image of being good at games. Halfway through, Polka came in and started backseating Nene for her plays. Then Iroha and Lui came in and played as well; Iroha was in a pretty similar place with Subaru and Nene while Lui was smart in her plays. Mio also played old maid with Botan, Korone and Iroha in another break room, though Iroha didn't stay for long. Mio says to watch Korone's retrospective and ask her what happened when they played old maid.

>MC section
When they were discussing what they were going to do during the MC section, Mio had thought Polka would be the one to tsukkomi and she could freely joke around but in the end, the three played boke with no one to slap them for their jokes.

>Gamers Live Event
Mio begins by asking Miofa if they've followed the twitter account and to please do so if they haven't already, to relieve staff of their worries about the event. As scheduled, Fubuki will reveal more details on the 22nd so Mio won't say much but Mio is excited to perform at the Yoyogi National Gymnasium, it's a big venue. Mio is sure everyone was surprised by the new gamers song suddenly playing in the background when it was revealed. The event itself will be more focused on entertainment as gamers usually does, Mio hopes everyone will look forward to it. Mio is surprised by the reality that the event is barely two months away as there's still a lot to prepare for. Mio states how this year might be a busy year again for her with the live event, no more Spring-Summer break. Despite the rapidly advancing time, Mio is still excited for the event. She wants to bask in the energy that Miofa have given her during holofes again, standing in front of everyone on stage is a wonderful feeling.

Mio doesn't know what awaits her in the future but she'll always carry this memory of Miofa supporting her with her and hopes to be able to give Miofa a reason to be this impactful again, hopefully during her sololive.

>> No.46370210 [View]

https://twitter.com/rfrf_rff/status/1769230320724070758 (Fuwawa Cosplayer)
https://twitter.com/48ta_/status/1768995780319166580 (Korone Cosplayer)

>> No.46361241 [View]

Korone is a fake dog...

>> No.46305736 [View]

Korone's kid...

>> No.46244609 [View]

Korone taking so many days off is slowly turning me into a schizo, especially after valentines day that she so conveniently "forgot". Just now she had no time to stream on saturday, and skipped a lot of other days too, can't be all because of holofes.

>> No.46201459 [View]
File: 923 KB, 1028x1607, GHRHK5JaEAAL_Xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio and Korone

>> No.46169075 [View]

What the fuck, Korone follows her on Twitter.

>> No.46160146 [View]

Also Sora I get but why Korone?

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