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Search: demon lord's husband

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>> No.46960575 [View]

By killing all humans, no prayers, no god, no husband, no life, it's the only way to defeat the demon lord

>> No.46913087 [View]
File: 184 KB, 739x928, Gargoyle Chief Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a small line in the Sabbath Grimoire saying that mamano have been known to use divine magic sourced from the Chief God. It's got me wondering if the Chief God has been fighting off corruptive wounds from her battle with the Demon Lord and her husband and the corruption is winning enough to give her a split personality.

>> No.46912621 [View]
File: 184 KB, 739x928, Gargoyle Chief Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember a small line in the Sabbath Grimoire saying that mamano have been known to use divine magic sourced from the Chief God. It's got me wondering if the Chief God has been fighting off corruptive wounds from her battle with the Demon Lord and her husband and the corruption is winning enough to give her a split personality.

>> No.46911991 [View]
File: 184 KB, 739x928, Gargoyle Chief Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered a small line in the Sabbath Grimoire saying that mamano have been known to use divine magic sourced from the Chief God. It's got me wondering if the Chief God has been fighting off corruptive wounds from her battle with the Demon Lord and her husband and the corruption is winning enough to give her a split personality.

>> No.46852946 [View]
File: 898 KB, 1000x1412, dd94ri4-630bdeec-c181-47cd-a07b-3a1286c61789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Lord Lilith and her Husband back when they first met or during their earlier days

>> No.46682542 [View]
File: 753 KB, 900x1400, da3501bc2bd6cfc6df50fe964115d18f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chief God decided she's at a loss on how to win the war against the Demon Lord, so she's finally ready to try an underhanded tactic and gain infinite power the same way Lilith did to finally vanquish her and take the world over again. She reckons since it took the Demon Lord and her former Hero together to beat her, then if she had a husband powering herself up as well, then next time she will crush them for sure. However, the humans of her world that aren't already claimed by monsters view her as too holy because of her own religion, so none of them would be willing to help her, they'd probably believe it was a trick done by demons.

She finds a workaround by isekai'ing YOU to the MGE world and offers you the simple deal, you become her husband for eternity and fuck her every single day to increase her power to new heights and in return she lets you have whatever you want. The downside to this is that if she succeeds, the Demon Lord dies and all the Monster Girls turn back into Monsters and cull humans again. But, she argues it's okay, because at least YOU will be happy and have all your wishes fulfilled.

Do you accept her bargain?
Think about it realistically first, you get to experience MGE and only you, nobody else, but you won't be able to go back home and you'll be dooming a different world you aren't attached to. If you decline, she'll probably get mad and smite you.

>> No.46237993 [View]

>Order kills a hellhound's husband.
>Hellhound utters a quiet prayer to Hel, and to the Demon Lord.
>"Forgive me, for what I am about to do."
>Before she could land her first killing blow, a valkyrie blocks her swipe, and a phalanx of angels forms around her and her husband.
>Ye olde fashioned LIGHT BEAM appears, and Anon is resurrected from the dead.
>A valkyrie passes a gruesome scythe to the hellhound.
>"Go! Extract vengeance."
>No Order Soldier returned home from that battle.
>All fell to the Hellhound's Demon Scythe, sent to Hel for correction.
Because it's fuckin' hugbox setting and that is NOT compatible with order soldiers murdering a perfectly innocent husband.

>> No.45776526 [View]

Shut up bitch, the Demon Lord already has a husband.

>> No.45774106 [View]
File: 184 KB, 739x928, Gargoyle Chief Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hypothesis for why The Order prohibits the cowgirl sexual position. After the Chief God was defeated by the Demon Lord and her husband, she was charged with demonic corruption as a result of the battle and after she escaped, raped a beloved beau using the cowgirl position before she was able to shake the demonic corruption off.

>> No.45773789 [View]
File: 184 KB, 739x928, Gargoyle Chief Goddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hypothesis for why The Order prohibits the cowgirl sexual position. After the Chief God was defeated by the Demon Lord and her husband, she was charged with demonic corruption as a result of the battle and after she escaped, raped a beloved beau using the cowgirl position before she was able to shake the demonic corruption off.

>> No.45724642 [View]

>be order hero, live in one of the border cities
>recently a new group of nuns have been moved here from the inner cities
>all's fine for a while, they are quite modest and help reinforce everyone's faith in the chief goddess...
>but then the disappearances started happening
>commanders, heros, leaders, priests.
>now normally this would be expected since this is a border city, but the nuns have gotten a little smugger for each and every disappearance.
>ontop of that they are quick to fill in missing leadership positions.
>decide to confront them
>get inside the church, the altar that the priest normally stands at has been replaced with a chair, a kitsune is sitting in it.
>the chair's back is to you but you can tell because of the fan of tails
>"right. on. time."
>the nuns whisper appraisal among each other.
>question the kitsune about her plot, she turns the chair around
>"oh im so glad you asked"
>holy fuck she's thick, you recite the chief goddesses virtues in your head. praying for an angel to come down and help right this wrong.
>"well, we tried peace talks with your higher ups. about them submitting to the demon lord peacefully. but as expected, they denied."
>she starts walking down the steps, her assets bouncing and jiggling in a rhythmic ways. you recite the prayer in your head once more.
>"so we devised this plot. slowing taking root in your political system, eventually completely replacing the leaders of this city. at that point i, as the new leader, will engage in peace talks with the mamano realms. we'll then be authorized to flood the city with mamano mana, corrupting your human women into monsters"
>she gets down the steps and starts walking towards you
>"from there, another group will do this again with the surrounding cities, they'll try peace talks and then do the whole nun shtick. honestly im not even sure why we even bother with the nun thing, we have the blessings to be able to brute force our way through these cities."
>she's right in front of you now, you close your eyes... but she casts a spell to force them open, she puts a hand on your chin to force you to look at her face
>"and your part in this, little hero? you'll be my husband. you're the last hero in this city, the strongest one at that. our plan simply can not proceed with you still on the loose... i'll enjoy pampering that strength away."
>that last bit was said with a devilish tone and grin. you are not looking forward to your future.
>"anyways, soon the current leader with inexplicitly disappear. from there my subordinates will vote me into power, nobody will reject because im the head nun, they'll see it as a strengthening of the city's faith in the goddess."
>she puts on a human disguise and walks for the door. stops before she leaves and turns around
>"oh and this..." she manifests a golden orb in her hand "... your prayer. it never left this building, nor will it."
>she gives a hand signal to the others as she walks out the door, they move in to capture you.
>you're put in a surprisingly lavish bedroom, a note is on the nightstand
>'make yourself comfortable dear, we'll be getting to know each other a lot more once i come back.'...

>> No.45662719 [View]

I am the rogue and lawless dark knight who rejects both the holy and the demonic. I reject both the Order and the Mamono in favor of my own personal gain! All I care about is power and gain, I have spent a lifetime cultivating my strength to become stronger than anyone else and I take what I want, when I want, and crush those who stand in my way. I will oppose the weak and make them fear me. I will destroy the paladins and angels of the Order and the demonic servants and Monsters of the Demon Lord equally if they stand in my path. I will be ruled by no one and obey nobody! I will live only for myself and gain ultimate power on my own! I will never be pacified by some monster or angel and claimed by them and made into a mere husband! I will never be forced to "mellow out" by anyone and abandon my violent ways! I do not need something pathetic like "love" in my life! It is just weakness!

>> No.45133067 [View]

When you get the writefag bug, you really get it.

>stinky NEET Lilim getting cured of being a stinky NEET by a former stinky NEET who is kidnapped by the Demon Lord and her husband a few months before portal day
I've already started this.

>a year after the portals, a high school teacher is targeted by three of his new monster girl students as he struggles with our world's morality and their world's

>park ranger who has to train some new monster girl rangers a few months after the portals
I dropped this >>45131091 earlier but the girls are probably going to change now that I'm actually expanding my shitty greentext.

>a monster girl helps a former aid worker overcome the horrors he witnessed while working in a warzone and come to terms with all the lives he "failed" to save

Are there any girls that would fit well with ideas two, three and four? I know I'm putting a Pyrow into the second idea. These are long term projects and I'm probably going to share them all at once rather than trickle them out as I complete them. I've never had the urge to writefag for MGE before. This is new to me. I've only ever done stuff like this for other IPs.

>> No.45112761 [View]

It's poor quality owing to my having been awake for 28 hours at the time and being drunk on Angel's Envy. Basic gist is a former NEET turned normal dude gets kidnapped by Demon Lord and her husband so he can help cure their stinky NEET daughter of her NEETdom so that Hubs can turn the guest house she lives in into a giant model train set once she moves out.

>> No.45099429 [View]

id imagine its more of a spell that every monster knows
>be married fox
>portals opened a week ago.
>think its sweet that all those unmarried monsters get someone now. and maybe the demon lord will have enough mana to fix the male birth problem.
>some nervous male comes up to you, can barely stammer out a sentence
>know exactly whats going on, its what you did when you first met your husband.
>gently let him down and say you're already married
>he looks completely broken
>cheer him up and say that there are plenty unmarried foxes, many exactly like you
>you're actually casting a mana marker on him, loosely defines most of your physical and personality traits so he'll get someone like you soon.
>his face is a little brighter now and he walks away with a little more confidence in his step
>hear him get dive tackled by another fox 10 seconds later

>> No.45076969 [View]
File: 80 KB, 1097x757, 1671688146849447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never underestimate the gift of ares, her gift makes it so that nobody can truly die or get hurt from combat.
>grimdarkfag enters MGE when the portals open
>thinks he'll be slaying monsters to prove human superiority and repell demons from earth
>first encounter is a level 1 catgirl
>just a regular old store clerk who's too busy to cross the portals
>first bullet - bounces right off of her
>"oh joyous day!"
>he tries shooting more
>"the demon lord has rewarded my hard work with a male right from the earth realm."
>he tries a sword
>"but he is a little violent... this must be a test to see if im truly worthy to have a husband. yes, thats it."
>he tries grappling her
>she returns it with a hug

>> No.45030319 [View]

>Be demon lord and her husband, the hero
>Supposedly the champions for the cause of love, relationships between man and monster, and sexo
>None of your daughters can get laid

>> No.44968902 [View]


Lilith probably has ZERO TOLERANCE for Speedrun Heroes because of how they glitch out and potentially ruin her plans and everything. Yes Speedrun Heroes do fall but they're punished by Lilith herself by stripping them of all their agility and speed points to zero or or Minus-Red digits. But Her Husband probably insist she goes a bit easy on them. Because The Demon Lord's Husband was a Speedrunner before or attempted but failed at Speedruns before he met Lilith.

>> No.44958275 [View]

What if the demon lord’s husband is one of us from our world?

>> No.44957616 [View]

Lilith probably has ZERO TOLERANCE for Speedrun Heroes because of how they glitch out and potentially ruin her plans and everything. Yes Speedrun Heroes do fall but they're punished by Lilith herself by stripping them of all their agility and speed points to zero or or Minus-Red digits. But Her Husband probably insist she goes a bit easy on them. Because The Demon Lord's Husband was a Speedrunner before or attempted but failed at Speedruns before he met Lilith.

>> No.44670002 [View]

>bad mamonowho will seek to hurt him
Baseless propaganda designed to appeal to those with a lack of decorum and taste. The superior mamono understands how to seduce and enthrall her husband and treat him the way the demon lord intended.
Do you see a hellhound on the throne? Checkmate.

>> No.44537064 [View]
File: 110 KB, 1105x1200, Beelzebub10b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait, wait, wait you motherfucker! I challenge you to a Rock Off! Give me one chance to rock your socks off!
>If I win, you must take your sorry fly ass on back to the Demon Lord! And you also have to pay my reeent!
>Then you can take me on back to the Mamano Realm, to be your little husband!
>When you're locked in a rock off with a Beelzebub and she's getting more turned on the more you sweat
>Thunderbirds gathering all over the place

>> No.44515804 [View]

Hold your ground! Hold your ground!
Daughters of the demon lord, my sisters.
I see in your eyes the same lust that would take the heart of me.
A day may come when the allure of tits fails,
when we forsake our nature as succubi,
and break off all attempts at forming relationships,
but it is not this day.
An hour of virginity, and unshattered pelvis
but it is not htis day!
This day we rape!
By all that you hold attractive in your future husband, I bid you undress, monsters of the makai!

>> No.44454941 [View]

I'll stick with sweaty, flushed, and breathing heavily. Preferably resting on top of her husband, or spooning him from the front as the demon lord intended.

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