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>> No.46623781 [View]
File: 468 KB, 1100x1536, Best psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw fuck, nice. I myself fell in love with LNs due to Regios (and Felli), so it felt nice whenever someone is reading it, even if I were to objectively rate it 7/10 at most (you know why), I'll always think of it as 10/10.
>Favourite chuuni LNs
Current? Dendro, that I won't budge, at least for the next 10 years.
Pre-2014? Anything Kamachi (particularly Heavy Object) since I was raised by BT and Js06 (though not Kawakami since his works are more autistic than chuu2), Mondai, Campione!, DxD (despite everything, this is an action series first, and battle harem second), Danmachi (technically not chuuni, but the Mino scene bleeds out to my dream, and that's the first time I've ever felt anything like that, speaking as someone who frequently encountered unusual experiences), and perhaps Shana.
>actually know Japanese
To an extent yeah, I took it as my optional class back in HS, all of us got into N4 (Our teacher used the JLPT test as final exam, we also had a native 24/7) with another one getting N3 since she started earlier. Right now I'm at that strange point of can converse and understand Nipponese but can't decently write and read it due to me not wanting to bother memorizing kanji out of sheer laziness. It's like being an illiterate fuck I suppose.

>> No.43639433 [View]

I'm tired, and it's pretty damn limited right now. Go on a reporting spree if you want, or if it escalates to actual spam, but it seems more like one butthurt post bt the Mick and one cheeky anon toeing the line. Imma go relax. It's Friday.

Besides, men love goats, right?

>> No.42713311 [View]
File: 105 KB, 595x870, Loving Housewielf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time is nigh Dendrofags, we should be getting cover leaks soon. Also, we got a valentine ss involving IF on Kaidou's page, in case you guys missed that.
Yeah, honestly the best volume (and Henderson too) for me so far, they're packed with quite a lot of emotions and feelings. For the Henderson chapter itself, I love how Erich is portrayed as a man with his own vices, especially with him doing what he thought as the worst thing that could occur in a relationship in a fit of a "petty" vengeance, just for the whole matter to be handwaved by the criminelf while he himself got berated by Margit later on for attempting to bring their daughter into his onesided squabble.
>fast paced
I don't think so. You probably felt that way because most of the groundwork had been completed during Canto I and II, allowing the story to progress faster. In fact, I'm pretty sure this volume is longer than usual, longer than vol 1-2 at least. But I must say, Schuld has definitely improved as a writer, the cuts are significantly better compared to prior volumes while the story itself surprises me with how seamlessly it connects to later arcs, which is quite something considering both vol 5 and 6 are LN originals.
Just read whatever you want anon, probably everything will seem quite novel (heh) when you first start reading. If you ever start to feel that something is too monotonous, try reading those short (read: axed) LN series on BT (I personally recommend Takedzuki Jou's or Kamachi's oneshots since they're quite easy to digest) to get your interest piqued again. You'll stop caring about volume length (and more of how a series ends) once you've read enough LNs anyway, since most originals with ~20 volumes tends to have a satisfying end.

>> No.42656147 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 361 KB, 2160x2384, 1651879792393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why i never see you post shitoko if you love her so much for now i see you post rika and you love rika :) and jk shitoko posts in here doesn't count because it wasn't posted bt you ;)))

>> No.41815372 [View]

i want to be that annoying little shit that Ms. Haku cant help bt love due to how naive i am in spite of it all
but can angel go retro colors like a fox may come out?

>> No.40790185 [View]

Blue truth time:
Is Ryukishi implying he knows the pain of a partner wanting children when he can't have them?
The BT lore DEEPENS.

Ryukishi, a man, cannot have children. Yet he fell in love with BT who wanted to be a father. Depressed by the fact that he could never give his love the children he desired, he wrote Yasu and Umineko.

>> No.40683335 [View]

I saw people claiming that he once simped for Nekosakura, he even praised her voice despite her "questionable talent as singer"

Or he was actually in love with BT and BaTtler and BeaTrice's relationship was an allegory.

>> No.40506947 [View]

I think Nasu would definitely be the better one out of the two. Nasu has multiple works that I enjoy a lot and that I look fondly back on and the only things I remember disliking was extra and all the gacha shit but those things are at least fairly separated from the main series and I can ignore them.

I used to respect Ryukishi a lot and I still love Umineko but his recent work has been utterly fucking awful and retroactively ruined Higurashi for me, I fully believe BT was the only thing that kept him on the right path.

>> No.40342026 [View]

I've cracked the code. Beatrice is a self-insert and BT was a Japanese-Italian woman all along. Just like how Ryukishi is actually Ikuko and the awkward man we all love to hate is just a front.

>> No.40091630 [View]

Episode 5 was still written with BT alive. Although the love trial which confirms Shkannon was in ep6, it's clear everything was set up for that already. If BT's death affected anything, it was more about the Meta narrative. Maybe R07 would have continued playing the whole Erika is Bern's double angle which gets completely ignored after ep5, since the evil Rikas were there due to BT's favorite character being Rika. BT dying might be tied to that element being pretty much ignored afterwards.

>> No.40091328 [View]

I used to like her because I was under the impression that she simply just wanted a happy life with George. I also really liked her standing up to Beatrice that one time. I think Episode 2? It was nice to see the typical gentle, clumsy maid actually stand up for herself, but doing so in a way that is still polite and gentle. Maybe it's basic, but I can support a love like question arc Shannon and George. "We literally just want to be happy with each other and have a happy family"
Based, sweet, cute and pure.
If anyone knows any relationships like that in other VNs or manga or whatever please recommend them to me.

But, of course, it was a lie. Shannon doesn't really exist, so everything I liked about Shannon also doesn't exist. I feel the same with Beatrice and Kanon. Everything I thought I liked about them got ruined, because who they really are feels like fanfic written by a 14 year old girl.
I wish I knew exactly how BT dying affected the story. If he didn't die, how would Umineko have turned out?
I want to see that fragment.
Even Shannontrice would still suck to me, because I think the whole heartache over Battler is so juvenile and stupid. I can understand it to an extent, but it's not interesting enough to be the backstory for Beatrice to me. Just too menhera for me and not even in a based way.
Kuwadorian Beatrice best Beatrice anyway.
Jessica deserves a cute boy who isn't actually a...
I'll stop here, or I'll sperg the whole thread.
But yeah.

>> No.37066624 [View]

>shit on the homos bt streaming over their announcement
>make ID and EN stay in their own containment teams
>stream starts at 1pm JST
holy based Miko, I love her even more now

>> No.36638497 [View]

>Do you believe the rumours that the question arcs were written mainly by BT?
No and this is total cope from brainlets who thought that Umineko was meant to be about epic logic puzzles and witch cackling for the entire thing but when BT died Ryukishi got sad and changed it, despite "Without Love It Can't Be Seen" stuff being hammered over your head for the entirety of the question arcs

>What would you change about the story in Umineko to make it of better literary quality?
Aside from clearing up a few minor plot holes like Ange not appearing in the message bottles despite Yasu thinking she was coming I'd leave it as it is. Maybe incorporate more moments from the manga about characterisation of Yasu without going overboard and explaining the entire thing like the manga does.

>> No.36626985 [View]
File: 474 KB, 1423x951, __beatrice_ushiromiya_ange_frederica_bernkastel_lambdadelta_eva_beatrice_and_1_more_umineko_no_naku_koro_ni_drawn_by_hanokage_and_suzushiro_kurumi__e18085b4b59003b6c89b62f9f48f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read Umineko as it came out but its reception history is interesting.
>Did the ep7 and 8 got the same opinions that are dominant nowadays or they experienced an evolution?
The Japanese otaku audience hated the ending and still do because they felt it didn't give them 'answers' and took the goats in EP8 as personally insulting. If you can read any JP then check out the erogamescape page for Twilight and you'll see a lot of angry reviews (have to admit I laughed at the ones that just said 'Without love for the author, it cannot be seen') Some people here disliked it as well if you look on warosu, but it's either been superseded by more enthusiastic fans or it was always a vocal minority. Either way you won't find too many people complaining about the ending anymore among Western WTC fans, whereas it's the reverse for Japan. The difference between Umineko's Western and Japanese reception is one of the most stark I've ever seen.
>What was your experience while reading Umineko?
Exceptionally good. It's my favourite visual novel.
>How do you think was the process of Ryukishi of writing the VN?
From what I gather reading interviews, he writes in a fairly off-the-cuff fashion with the main ideas worked out but not where he's going to take them.
>Do you believe the rumours that the question arcs were written mainly by BT?
No. It's mostly repeated by people who dislike the ending and are looking for something to blame. Ever since then, it comes up whenever 07th have released something new for the same reason.
>What would you change about the story in Umineko to make it of better literary quality?
Nothing. There are probably a few minor consistency errors that inevitably occur in serialising a novel, although I can't think of any of the top of my head. But on the whole I think Umineko is an extraordinary and dimensional story with a powerful sense for character psychology and well-argued themes which I found deeply sympathetic. I also don't think it could be told in a better way than the VN.

>> No.36364455 [View]

I can't believe Ryukishi turned BT into a bisexual eunuch love interest for the main character.

>> No.35178018 [View]

Was Ryukishi in love with BT?

>> No.34368196 [View]


>> No.33221825 [View]
File: 525 KB, 3508x2480, 1589150004081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33171467 [View]


>> No.33171466 [View]


>> No.33171062 [View]


>> No.33171052 [View]


>> No.33130938 [View]

I love how BT sounds in JP

>> No.33130910 [View]


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