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Search: brown miko

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>> No.46990491 [View]
File: 101 KB, 850x1189, __toyosatomimi_no_miko_touhou_drawn_by_garasuno__sample-79fc16f1fff9866aff4eb26713b6fbf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byakuren rolled her eyes at the two, before turning to Cirno, her face full of carefully measured worry. “Cirno dear, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just a little confused.” The fairy said, scratching the back of her head. “But don’t worry, I-” Cirno stopped herself, briefly glancing at Okina. Before smiling brightly and fake-ly and “I’m fine.” Cirno stood proudly, putting her hands on her hips.
Before popping off again. “But I have to go now bye.” Saying her goodbye, before flying away.

Shou waved goodbye to the fairy, then sighed when she was out out sight and earshot, vanishing among the rubble in the village.

Okina smiled. “That girl, she isn’t very good at lying is she?”

Byakuren returned Okina’s smile with one of her own. “If there’s one hair displaced from her head I won’t stop till you're dead.” Not caring to hide to her wroth.

Okina’s smile didn’t falter, “I trust that you will Byakuren, but for now It looks like the sealing squad has finally returned from their little errand.” Okina said, gesturing to the sky as Reimu, Ibaraki, and Mima all descended, a tense air in between them.
Okina relaxed in her stone chair as Byakuren, flanked by Shou and Miko standing alone, received the three guests.

Mima was the first to speak. “We’ve finished the with the preparatory measures and the first steps of it’s proper sealing, but it’ll only hold for a few hours” Mima adjusted a pair of glasses which weren’t there anymore. Her tone was all business, and it reminded Okina of better days, It was nice to finally see the would-be-witch again anyhow.

Okina nodded, the familiarity was welcomed. “I see, I hope the attendants and Aya were of some help, oh and Hana, how’s the sweet girl doing?” While not as skilled as the others, and on the other side of the barrier, more hands to order around and keep things together was always good in a situation like this.

Ibaraki scoffed. “Those ones didn’t know the first thing about proper barrier construction and maintenance.” The Oni crossed her arms, giving Okina a harsh glare.

“Hana’s fine, she’s dealing with.” Reimu pointed up to the chain black ball in the sky. “That right now with those goddesses, but you know that we’re not here to make small talk, Okina.” Reimu said, before turning her head to the side and ordering “Sekai.”

With a flash of lightning, and a small crater a brown haired girl with a pot-handle hat appeared, pressing her fingers together nervously. “H-hi”

Byakuren and Miko raised, their eyebrows, measured expressions of interests and confusion.

“She is the Genius Loci of that establishment, its making were quite experimental, in fact since the creation of the Great Hakurei Barrier, there hasn’t been such an invention until now.” Okina gave a pointed look to Mima.

“Yes, it’s rather… I wouldn’t say genius, but it was clearly made by a learned prodigy who’s poorly socialized and for an overly specific use case. It has a strange focus on security, while also ignoring common safety measures and practices for something new, seemingly for its own sake.” Mima's eyes were distant as she talked, lost in thought about the construction of the HSE and reminiscing on old memories.

“So what? Yukari fucked up and made them?” Ibraraki questioned, an annoyed tone in her voice as she held a hand on her hip.

“Hey, don't be mean.” Sekai scolded, waving a finger at Ibaraki.

“You did destroy the human village.” Miko gave the girl a pointed look.

“That was an accident!” “Besides I'm trying the best I can but I'm just too big.” Sekai gestured to her real body, the giant tree behind them. “How was I supposed to keep that contained.”

“Well, Miko has a point, as long as your real body is here, rebuilding the human village is impossible.”

>> No.46979296 [View]

miko loves brown boys

>> No.46965285 [View]

Juicy explanation of Futo's and Miko's abilities AND it makes brown shonentards mad
Great chapter, can't wait for the next

>> No.46964482 [View]

miko loves brown men

>> No.46938684 [View]

ayo miko is brown

>> No.46906489 [View]

not my brown ass trying to multiply 27 with 3... I'm dumber than miko

>> No.46860368 [View]

Miko is too cute for filthy brown eyes

>> No.46848478 [View]

Why would they seethe at Miko, she is literally with those brown people right now

>> No.46798533 [View]
File: 521 KB, 1534x370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora mentioned playing fallout before Miko, not to mention she played Fallout years ago already
Take your medication brown

>> No.46751309 [View]

just like miko's brown vagina

>> No.46723611 [View]
File: 140 KB, 850x1200, __fujiwara_no_mokou_touhou_drawn_by_deetamu__3c5470c80aca0fbe4130f60015f19b38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, this is messed up…

Everyone below is having some nice moments, enjoying the great music—if I'm not misremembering, the Prismrivers perform at weddings, right? Hm—and the food, and here I am stuck on a roof staring at a geezer flaunt his army of squishy toy soldiers, trying my hardest not to scratch my nose as that'd destroy the scary feel Keine said I exude… Eh, at least it's not all boring. Creating multicolored fire is a kinda useless technique I've developed a thousand years ago, but it's cool that it finally has a use. Watching the people do stuff is also 'interesting'. Yams left sometime ago in a hurry; Mystia's Izakaya is one of the main hotspots of the festival with its proximity to the stage of the Prsmrivers and it's kind of heartwarming seeing her go all out and give that pushy guy a run for his money—he was smiling, though, so not all that bad?—; Suzu, who apparently tamed the green pest who now wanders the festival towards the Hieda State with a pensive expression, not looking all pissy anymore. I wonder what they talked about…

There was also Keine and that weird girl who seemed very carefree about getting very close to others' wives… Bleh, Kags would be laughing her ass off if she were here—

—Oh, there it is.

I seize it with an iron grip before it can stick itself to my face, the ‘living paper’ wriggling. “Not today, asshole.” I mutter and wait for the squirming to stop, opening it then. Terrible idea and way beyond my ability to understand how it works, but good for these types of situations—though Keine said she needed to thank that Bozo guy and apologize for borrowing his idea without asking permission first.

I say, screw it; that is history, especially for her, who uses the imagery of the Yata Mirror, Kusanagi, and Yasakani no Magatama without repercussion~

… She gave me the cold shoulder after that conversation…

Sighing, I read, “Sanae-san and I talked a bit, but couldn't do much to convince her to switch sides—I got emotionally invested in a problem she was facing…” What the fuck? “But I'm quite sure she won't fight us. Sanae-san is a good person and wasn't aware of all that is at stake, but she's now; so if you, Keine and her talk together, there's no way she's not siding with us.” Hm… Sanae looked so pissed off; I suppose that was the best we could have hoped for. It makes chances to convince her to turn to our side—or, at least, lowering her guard enough for me to knock her out in one fell swoop—much larger.

My eyes narrowed, however, when the letter continued:

“PS: Don't call me Mii-dera Bonshuzu again. It helped in this letter, but made me very annoyed when I realized it was a joke about my breast-size after spending hours trying to understand it…”

… It was impossible to hide it, so I just let my laughter free, eyes falling to the mini-Suzunaan—

—From an open window in the back of the stall, I saw Suzu staring at me. She was pouting and looked very embarrassed.

I laughed even more… After all, laughing hides the pain well. Keine's are big, Suzu's are massive and Mystia's doesn't count as breastfeeding three is—in her own words—a living nightmare, leaving only me, the goddamned anvil.

Eh, no point worrying about that millennium-old anxiety.

… I ponder pulling the cig pack from my pocket, but decide against it—now that's something that'd make Kags laugh. Immortal, so never to face the consequences, yet refraining from such a small pleasure anyway…

Letting my laughter die, I get up and, stuffing the letter into a pocket, turn my hand to the sky and shoot three continuous bursts of fireworks that paint the sky brown in the beginning, then red-white, then blue-black. It turns out it was also well-timed with the music the Prismrivers were playing—a round of applause and cheers echoing through the festival.

I ignore it as I return old man Hieda's distant glare from behind the demonic mask. “Stare well, oni-jiji… I'd love it if my face were the last thing you’d ever see.” Of course, he doesn’t listen to my whispering, but the thought of cleaning the world of that stain makes me very happy.

Someone jumps to my side from the alley below. The wafting black cloak is immediately recognizable, as I had made sure it'd be~ “Everything went alright?” Keine asks me, watching the Hieda State, though she looked a bit off. Sanae had just returned and was talking to the oni-jiji.

“It did; our Suzu knows how to play with others' heart strings,” I offer her the letter, to which Keine reads and, by the end, sighs. “In more ways than she reckons…” I pout, arms crossing.

“Stop whining; that's the twins' role.” Neatly, she folds the letter and stores it in her dress, scowl turning a tad softer. “While in hiding, I talked to this girl wh—”

“Yeah, yeah, I saw it all. Cutesy, younger gal—”

“—And also a saint,” I stop just before rolling my eyes, pout fading as I look at her. Keine doesn't seem amused. “That was Toyosatomimi no Miko. I welcomed her into our revolution.”

… Huh.

>> No.46701176 [View]
File: 195 KB, 735x730, Hana is tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like the Sanzu itself, the crushing tide of that day flowed through her mind without a care for the obstacles. It was almost like she wasn't there in her room, Hana felt like a specter in her own dream, it was akin to watching the theater performances and noh plays from the front row. The shaking hands that gripped the vanity beyond the point of soreness finally let go, letting the ache radiate away along with a whimper from the disassociated miko.

With quick breaths and a rapid heart beat Hana tried to reassert reality, forcing herself to regulate her breathing. Still, the tail end of the memories probed the edges of Hana’s without care or comfort, it only made the sounds of her own breathing and the candle’s flickering conjure up spirits without restraint.

A shaky hand reached out to where the dress once sat folded and laundered, picking up a handkerchief that matched the deep violet of the dress. It was embroidered with another rune of the Yakumo consuming the Hakurei, and it only made Hana remember the sight of a spider finally consuming its prey after days of waiting.

Her clammy fingers grabbed the cloth, feeling the white and black stitch work of the design as she brought it up to her forehead. As she dried herself, she could smell it, perfume; it smelled like Yukari despite the wash it should’ve already went through, mother must have set the cloth aside or something…

It didn’t matter, Hana pushed the thought from her mind as she stared at the folded cloth in her hand. She breathed out, her heart still thumping and shaking hand trying it’s best to dodge her eyes. She breathed in, closing her eyes as she tried to still the dizzying storm of memories, and with the magically warmed air drifted in the scent of a predator.

Hana had been alone that night, her green-haired older(?) sister hadn’t moved in with her yet. Her dinner consisted of a bit of leftovers and unsweetened green tea, made mostly to heat the house with the stove, the autumn chill that night was worse than it usually was. The lingering scent of that simple dinner still drifted along the chilled hallways, and along with-it drifted Hana.

Tonight, she had felt lost, she hated staying in her home after dark but there was no where else to go. Her and father had invested everything they had into this place, all their belongings and the only place they could rest their heads was here. Where else would she go?

The specter of a miko fumbled for anything to do, the bathhouse was open and it was either that or a bucket of hot water and cruddy soaps, she could make some extra seals, maybe even go on a night patrol and make sure the domestic youkai didn’t get into too much trouble. However, that appealed to her even less and thrust her out into the cold to die, so instead she drifted out of kitchen she’d been pacing in.

With everything put away and ready for the next day the room looked especially dead, like exploring mayohiga it lacked the vibrance only an occupant can give it. The beaten brown of the floor and aged exposed lumber of the walls did little to entice the eyes, Hana had yet to even bother replacing the potted plants that once sat on the window sill, and had taken down the colorful calendar on the wall, no point in an outdated piece of paper.

Bitterly, she remembered how short they really had to live here, how little they had to make this a true home with the touch only a family could give. She entered the night steeped hallway, only the orange and yellow lamplight from the living room cut through the gloom. With it’s warm glow of the helpful lamps she could make out those hair-raising nail marks embedded into the floorboards, the only remaining sign of the struggle along with the rusted spatter along where his nails gave out.

Her feet carried her beyond the cone of yellow light, past where the door to her room was, and alongside the desperate signs of struggles embedded into her only home. It all lead to here, the firmly sealed door of her father’s room, a simple wooden panel on a sliding rack meant for no more than concealing privacy. She simply stood there, letting the cold feeling of loss and the weight of isolation wash over her. She felt tired, all the magic lessons, learning danmaku properly, and for what? She had nothing of her wino of a mother’s talent in anything other than channeling divine power, and even then, it was nothing near what her mother achieved without any effort at all.

The road ahead felt long, even with Marisa and Sanae by her side, even if her beloved sister was doing fine, even though she knew what she needed to do. The road, like this dark hallway, was agonizing to merely walk knowing that only more hardships awaited… She gripped her sleeved forearm, a grimace forming on her face, irritation inflamed from merely seeing that damned reminder of her problems!

>> No.46690640 [SPOILER]  [View]
File: 126 KB, 714x1000, 1683431045328984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


White, green, brown—things are peaceful; Sanae has met Kosuzu.

I sigh, relieved.

Things are going as expected.

As I lean against one of the three hundred stalls of various sizes and shapes that comprise this nameless festival, a hectic guilt stirs inside. Having Suzu on the front with me was a choice made at the last second, and am not proud of it. The initial plan called for just me; Mokou would watch for a messenger or envoy from Mr. Hieda, and I would meet them in person. However, Sanae was a far more appealing middleman, so I placed Suzu to my side as a familiar face Sanae could more easily approach. Using a friend as bait…

Suzu accepted the burden like the hero she is.

My hands open and close repeatedly, the black cloak and hood concealing my identity to the passersby—funny how a thing meant to make me stand out works just as well as cover—body itching all over with the silence from Mokou's side; is Suzu well, or is she scared? Does Sanae even want to talk?

If something bad happens…

The questions are a nice way to distract me from my actions.

“It's beautiful, isn't it?”

The world stops. My eyes enlarge as I slowly turn to face the looming shadow, a million questions racing through my head. Was it a failure? Cloaking myself amidst the chaos was for—

—A simple, casual Youkai girl stands there. She has… weird, cat ears—I think?—that complement well her light-blonde hair and paint a cute picture with her baby-like face and smile—if I did not know any better, I’d assume she’s younger than me—her silhouette finished by a faded purple yukata and winter ear protection…

Strangely, she seems eerily familiar. “Beautiful?” I parrot, heartrate quickly normalizing. Mr. Hieda would never trust a Youkai as a spy.

The girl leans her back against the wooden pylon beside me and observes as Youkai and humans pass by, engaged in conversation, commerce, or just enjoying themselves. “The cyclic nature of this world. One day all is well and boundaries are kept; then a crazy sage goes, erases every boundary she worked so hard to lift and, lo and behold, nothing makes sense anymore.” The girl shrugs, though I don't pay attention to that, eyes narrowing. “… But you know, it's this type of chaos and mess that breeds a new status quo. A new cycle that'll rise from the ashes of the previous one. With a new status quo comes new leaders, new minds. Opportunities, even~”

I feel something rising inside, a thought that concretizes when I look again at her big, fluffy ears and almost—almost—slap myself.

Those aren't fucking cat ears…

She snickers. “I wonder if a village administrator is needed…” The saint glances again towards the festival, and a younger Kurodani runs past us holding a giggling man's hand. They're both flushed, drunk already. “… It seems so, I’d say~” She giggles after whispering the last part, delighting herself in an inside joke.

I stare at the hermit, tense and uncomfortable, my heart rate indecisive, and blurt out, “How did you find me…?” A question that serves merely to buy time for me to think.

“I just followed the breadcrumbs of conversation, of course. That order of 'do not harm Sanae-san' came from somewhere~” Nodding, I try to speak, but she cuts me. “Don't feel threatened. I've only come to say hi and, well, talk a little, I guess.” She shrugs before pulling something from her yukata…

A bag of pocky.

“Wanna one?” Just as I am about to refute it, she interrupts once more. “That was rhetorical. In a political discussion, never refuse food. Say thank you.” Ignoring my confusion, she gives me one and puts one in her mouth. “Teaching and ruling are very distinct positions: While one may hold the strings of a revolution—your role during it is to elucidate the ignorant masses, after all—when push comes to shove and you need to consolidate power, you're not going to do so with some heartfelt speech, y'know? Guess what happened to the idiots who tried~” She slits a finger across her neck grimly.

I can only watch.

'Hermit trying to attain immortality', yeah…

… I look down at the pocky, then back at the saint.

“Thank you.” I eat the pocky. Tasty.

I wish my kids may eat their fill of this someday…

“That's what you want from my revolution—more power?” I ask, heart calmer as I chew down the pocky.

“Don't we all want more of something? Power is just the aftermath of a very careful set of actions and reactions—to what rhythm you build this song, that's what matters; it determines if your song will burn and fade away…” She gives me a side glance. “… Or if it'll live forever.” Finishing her pocky, she picks another one. “As it stands, you—” she points forward, to nothing in particular. I see it as she pointing at the entirety of my revolution. “—are going to fade away; a footnote of story that holds as much significance as that pocky I just ate… But with some help from me, Keine Kamishirasawa,” she then gazes deeply into my eyes. “You can live forever.” Toyosatomimi no Miko smiles kindly.

>> No.46539266 [DELETED]  [View]

Miko's BROWN pussy

>> No.46538183 [View]
File: 79 KB, 480x360, 1679793249277764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko = pure white
pookwhora = brown whore

>> No.46490544 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 79 KB, 480x360, 1679793249277764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko = white = pure = saint
pekwhora = brown = whore = filthy

>> No.46388454 [View]

Miko? Pink, obviously. Who would draw brown nipples on an anime girl.
Her roommate? Brown, almost black.

>> No.46357287 [View]

cutest brown woman in holo right after sakura miko imo

>> No.46286407 [View]

You can see the usual schizos here
>ojou poster that only turns up when we're getting raided
>same nousagi bait posts
>brown miko posts
Same retards every single time

>> No.46272887 [View]

Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint unlike pekwhora the brown turbowhore

>> No.46242037 [View]

So many brown men filled Miko and Suisei full of cum
Japanese women travel to fuck men

>> No.46098533 [View]

Watching the boyfriend schizos perform mental gymnastics all day will never not be funny. Everything has been debunked. Suisei destroyed you. Miko stomped you. Shion laffed at your puny schizo dick and Aqua drilled a crater in into your brown ass. All of them are pure and you have nothing to show for your delusions but your leaking asshole and your twink collection.

>> No.46050867 [View]

If Pekora is so ugly then how does she get with jun, hikakin, and hypono oji? They can have any girl they want.
Meanwhile Miko has to settle for a pink haired brown queer like Usan.

>> No.46050834 [View]

Miko is naturally cute, she is like a doll and a literal anime girl in real life, a Yamato Nadeshiko, a true Japanese beauty. Unlike pekwhora the turbowhore, who is brown like a turd in real life plus she has slit-eyes and no one has ever seen her without a mask because pekwhora the turbowhore is so fucking butt ugly.

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