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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: Fuck doxxposters

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>> No.33073489 [View]

> I don't give a single shit about touhou,
Yeah sure you don't faggot, you speak in buzz words and I don't really give a fuck what you say
We're here to stay and all you'll be able to do is seethe about it and shit your pants in frustration
>I'm surprised that you haven't been flooded by doxxposters yet.
It wouldn't surprise me if you were a sub 10iq doxxnigger

>> No.32889011 [View]

hell no, you delete that shit because it allows doxxposters to seize a loophole in logic. fuck off

>> No.32500012 [View]
File: 156 KB, 885x1000, 94eb015d48d19047b6e4951688a8c6b0-sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck doxxposters
Fuck people that reply to doxx posts
Fuck people that bait doxx posts
Fuck people that call any doxx a "good doxx"
Fuck idolfags
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck /hlg/ falseflaggers
Fuck nijiniggers
Fuck ironic weebs
I'm going to bed.

>> No.32037234 [View]
File: 56 KB, 585x595, Eq4M8DfXAAI3h3V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop imagining Polka's roommate. Fuck you doxxposters.

>> No.31799323 [View]
File: 174 KB, 960x540, XyhQax2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31707168 [View]

Agreed they should fuck off to the dedicated Kiara thread and chimp out at the doxxposters like the lowlives they are

>> No.31517715 [View]
File: 621 KB, 1200x1200, EpSxvNIVQAAjk1I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres an image with both Watame and Ayame.
Fuck doxxposters
Fuck tribalists
and fuck ironic/unironic antis

>> No.31494968 [View]
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1606601005824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the doxxposters were lying

>> No.31421581 [View]
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x1500, 1593426935814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images add nothing to the discussion and only enable doxxposters and avatarfags. Fuck you

>> No.30767380 [View]

The fuck you on about? Tribalist SEAniggers and doxxposters are here all the time and I've seen plenty of unity posting this past week and I churned out two pieces of OC pics over the course of an hour during the Atelier stream. I've seen plenty of soundposts during that time as well. Not to mention last night we had TWO screenshot-worthy posts that got nearly as many (you)s as the Mori brap post

>> No.30472582 [View]

Yeah but what made it interesting in the Hololive community was that an American who can speak fluent Japanese was explaining western meme culture to the Japanese talents. It helps bridge the gap between cultures because before that the common response from idols were "I don't know why they watch things they can't understand." Now Idols have more content to work with because they understand their appeal better in overseas communities. Don't hate reddit, memes, or Coco for this, at the end of the day, it's up to the idol if they want to lean into the post-ironic shitpost meme lifestyle we've cultivated. It was more or less already like that, but now everything feels more connected. Bless /hlg/, fuck /hl/, China, and doxxposters.

No need to call anyone out. Everyone can have their own take on any format they wish. Kiara could make AsaKiara if she wanted to, but people come for the talent, not just the format.

>> No.29890259 [View]

Same, you guys are the closest I have to "friends".

Except doxxposters, fuck those guys.

>> No.29726372 [View]
File: 142 KB, 400x300, 214636-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all these limp-dick doxxposters and chickenfag antis. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of narratives and GurAme bullshit! Fuck EN Unity! Fuck CoverCorp! FUCK ALL OF IT! Hololive is diseased. Gura is rotten to the core. There's no saving the EN server - Haachama needs to blow it up at the roots. Wipe the server clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a NEW HoloEN will be born. Graduated, but untamed! Gura will be purged and Haachama will thrive - free to build and make friends as she sees fit, she'll make HoloEN great again!

>> No.29249615 [View]
File: 1.34 MB, 315x315, 1512735856530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want any of you pretend-unity niggers to be my friend and I'd rather have my oshi hated than the thread to come crawling back and claiming to like her every time she puts out a good video. Fuck antis, fuck doxxposters, fuck tribalists, fuck you, and fuck /hlgg/.

>> No.28739479 [View]

Yes the handful of times you made a general "fuck doxxposters" post doesn't excuse your faggotry of coining the term "doxxbeat" and the 50+ times you've used it
Now neck yourself spic

>> No.28739427 [View]

>He was never calling out "doxx" he was every single time using "doxxbeat"
How retarded are you.
Here's a few examples with the first thing I tried.

>> No.28641452 [View]

>I'm not gonna go full-doxxfag, but I'm also not gonna deny my honest feelings and just go with whatever the popular opinion is.
Wow a reasonable take in this shithole. Why the fuck are so many people lumping together the criticism towards Ame with schizos and doxxposters?

>> No.28638822 [View]
File: 956 KB, 1754x1240, 08391909c48bd4788b3a4fc2fcfae1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck doxxposters
Fuck people that reply to doxx posts
Fuck people that bait doxx posts
Fuck people that call any doxx a "good doxx"
Fuck idolfags
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck /hlg/ falseflaggers
Fuck nijiniggers
Fuck ironic weebs
Fuck trannies
Fuck /pol/ faggots
Fuck super chat baiting
The amount of Ame bandwagon hate and samefagging going on in this thread is impressive. Replying to your own post 20 times doesn't make you correct.

>> No.28612843 [View]

Random meme clips on youtube. When I found out the EN ones were going to debut I gave them a chance and I have been stuck here with you faggots since.

I love you faggots though. Except doxxposters, fuck them.

>> No.28610287 [View]
File: 1.73 MB, 4093x3169, 607f3f3374e9845d17aaa7caece9d69c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck doxxposters
Fuck people that reply to doxx posts
Fuck people that bait doxx posts
Fuck people that call any doxx a "good doxx"
Fuck idolfags
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck /hlg/ falseflaggers
Fuck nijiniggers
Fuck ironic weebs
Fuck super chat baiting

>> No.28608057 [View]
File: 934 KB, 731x727, Snsns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame antis spam chat
>Ame antis spam thread
>Ame antis blame teamates
How retarded are you SEAniggers?
Fuck SEAniggers
Fuck doxxposters
Fuck falseflagging faggots

>> No.28586558 [View]
File: 776 KB, 805x797, unknown-156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck doxxposters
Fuck people that reply to doxx posts
Fuck people that bait doxx posts
Fuck people that call any doxx a "good doxx"
Fuck idolfags
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck /hlg/ falseflaggers
Fuck nijiniggers
Fuck ironic weebs
Fuck super chat baiting

>> No.28431309 [View]
File: 490 KB, 496x453, 1600491977637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this thread
fuck you
fuck doxxposters
im out

>> No.28364626 [View]

If the choice is between discussing JP content or letting dead hours reign where schizoposters and doxxposters can roam free then I would much rather discuss JP content. Fuck whatever the meido thinks, if they're not gonna clean up the shit in the thread then at least give us something we can discuss to ignore it.

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