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Search: Failed n1

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>> No.46894794 [View]

We are pretty much in the same boat. You just learn to make do with what free time you get. For example one thing that worked for me while I was learning the N1 kanji was keeping a running list of the ones I've already learned, just write the kanji on a piece f paper and nothing else. By the end I had two pages of nothing but row after row of kanji, so every day when I commute or have some downtime during work I take it out, pick a row, and start reciting them one by one. It's brain dead drilling, but hey, it works, and leaves me with more time to read when I'm home.
>I figured I could also take N1 by the end of the year to get those credentials but it's hard to feel 100% confident
No, don't worry about that, whether you pass or not is irrelevant if you don't need the paper. I failed the JLPT before, it doesn't matter. It's just that following the JLPT curve is actually effective since it gives you tangible goals to work toward, and setting a faux-deadline helps to not lose focus.

>It's thanks to the 感想 from you and the other anons here that I got into the BL genre again after so many years, really
It's nice that someone other than us enjoyed it too, because it was super fun for me.
It's my eternal shame that I brought that discussion to an abrupt halt because even after repeated attempts I couldn't fucking make my mind up about how I interpreted two of the more ambiguous endings. Fucking Cage and its 理解不能 endings god fucking damn it to hell they drive me insane.

>> No.46601843 [View]

notice how theres other people that post vocaroos of them speaking japanese and no one is particularly mean to them
you are going to get criticized because your shtick for years has been to tell us how great you are at japanese when at the end of the day you don't know or speak it. no one cares about your N1. it's a decoration and serves only as a reminder about how you utterly failed to learn japanese.

>> No.46204624 [View]

that never happened, its just something you made up
someone posted kk1 and someone posted that they failed n1 but theres no proof linking the two together to the same person

>> No.46151337 [View]

I have N1 with kanji/vocab being my highest score category.
And I fucking failed the N2 word quiz on tmw.
I'm gonna blame this one on the font.

>> No.46105885 [View]

what? who told you that? maybe the old quiz where you only had to get 10 right
when matt tried the new one he even failed the n1 at least a few times, he might have passed it at some point but he never did taikou

>> No.46105305 [View]

analcock is too scared to put his trip on cuz he failed n1

>> No.45919241 [View]

the guy who failed n1? yeah....

>> No.45747352 [View]

isn't unko the guy who failed the n1 harder than pissler

>> No.45421461 [View]

you all just failed the n1 test lmao

>> No.45384405 [View]

lil j dont know the kanken guy he hyped up failed the n1 multiple times despite his best attempts and STILL hasnt been able to pass it lol

>> No.45383687 [View]

bro i laughed at kanken guy when he failed the n1 i can laugh at whoever i want

>> No.45222353 [View]

i failed the n1 exam because I got really bored by how easy everything is
being an overachiever has its downsides, after all

>> No.45222273 [View]

you failed the n1 quiz lol

>> No.45108337 [View]

>that's because anki specifically aims to give you words you're about to forget,
in other words it will never ever get easier no matter how good you get at japanese as long as you add new cards

a lot of people don't know this but anki is the #3 cause of suicide among japanese learners after denied work visa applications and failed N1 exams

>> No.44652436 [View]

if i failed the n1 quiz 50 times after 40k cards i wouldnt come back to djt

>> No.44428490 [View]

remember when kanken guy failed the n1 lol

>> No.44136162 [View]
File: 1.27 MB, 1191x1684, 1690410074173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i be sure if i passed or failed n1 before the results arrive?

>> No.43868593 [View]
File: 13 KB, 531x287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been learning for a couple months now, but I still struggle with reading anything. Hopefully someone can help me figure out what I'm missing.
Here's a sample N1 question. Now, I know what a lot of the kanji here mean - that first one is "he", the second one is "this", then "new", "drug", "research", and so on. But I have trouble 'connecting' them, because I'm reading it just like that; the sentence to me is "he ha this, new drug no research open (don't know this one) ni (don't know) n de i ru". Which is obviously complete gibberish. So what have I failed to learn that is leaving my comprehension like this?

>> No.43860220 [View]

bros, why does anyone even listen to these retarded ecelebs? none of them have ever reproduced their method and autism isn't something you can get from a guide or patreon
autism and failed mandarin
autism and failed german
can't pass n1

>> No.43726557 [View]

cwazy that kanken 1 guy failed n1

>> No.43671693 [View]

there's a guy that got the 2nd highest rank "taikou" but failed the real jlpt n1 test afterwards

>> No.43218540 [View]


obviously the last query one would use when looking for kanken failing n1

>> No.43218435 [View]

nah bunko was the one that failed irl n1

>> No.43218231 [View]

t. failed his n1 quiz 50 times last year

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