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Search: "enslaved anon"

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>> No.46975690 [View]

Rule of thumb: nobody sane complains about porn in monster girl content. Enslaved anon or bunkertards, it's true for all sides of the spectrum.

>> No.44805483 [View]

>MGE is actually grimdark with frequent murder
Enslaved anon was right all along...

>> No.44664660 [View]

It's like enslaved anon, but also a shitty self-centered personality aside from the anti-KC obsessions

>> No.44554497 [View]

Damn I just thought of the worst nightmare of all for this thread. That enslaved anon, wightfag and mick were all in the same time era together and that we had to deal with all three of their nonsense.

>> No.44525070 [View]
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1635310670600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like fucking enslaved anon all over again, how did people not learn anything since then.

>> No.44401476 [View]

He's literally enslaved anon 2.0 and he gets off to verbal abuse, you're only giving him a reason to keep shitposting. Just leave him to his delusions, he's already at NTR/blacked stage so he'll most likely rope by the end of this year

>> No.44154096 [View]

He posted various furshit and cried about gatekeeping, more or less same as here minus the schizo grudge against KC. That's also where his obsession with shitposting cait sith started, after janny deleted his post with her once.
He is generally a rape child of that place's downfall but that's another story. Just treat him like /vg/'s counterpart of enslaved anon and don't try to reason with him, he's too far gone.

>> No.44146767 [View]

It's one concern trolling faggot using his own misinterpretation to shit on MGE and KC. Basically Enslaved Anon.
Actually reading MGE canon will save you a huge headache when people go bananas over grimdark accusations.

>> No.43952049 [View]

What was up with enslaved anon? Don't remember him at all

>> No.43952014 [View]

Enslaved anon would get corrected by abyssals when the portals open up possibly a Nacha for being into bugs I just get that feeling.

>> No.43951845 [View]

Cheap ego boost.
They think they are above us "coomers" by pointing out MGE "fallacies" when compared to standard fantasy setting, which in some cases turn into an unhealthy obsession remember enslaved anon?

>> No.43776775 [View]

>changing the subject out of nowhere to steer the conversation towards your obsession
Literal goddamn carbon copy of enslaved anon

>> No.43696210 [View]

More or less it has to do with enslaved anon though I really only enjoy it if it’s some on and off transformation thing.

>> No.43578359 [View]
File: 409 KB, 600x604, 1627498461182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your fucking meds you irish retard
Literally second enslaved anon with all that random topic switching, fucking hell.

>> No.43573210 [View]

>KC and his fans are faggots
>therefore I will spend most of my time in their thread and keep humiliating myself with schizoid ranting about KC
at least enslaved anon acknowledged his brain damage

>> No.43516845 [View]

>enslaved anon tier scribbles and some shitty unbaked 3D model
holy fuck, this is absolutely embarrassing for someone so obsessed with concern trolling over
>muh OC

>> No.43437747 [View]
File: 933 KB, 3000x3200, 1458021781127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more leaning towards my own schizo theory that he's another persona of bugboi/enslaved anon
>same irrational hatred for KC
>same tendency to lash out at mere mentions of his enemies, just swap Druella and extremists for baph waifufags
>completely unhinged but occasionally relapses into apologetic episodes and seeks validation from the thread, only to get absolutely shat on
>draws trash-tier art nobody likes
It's probably not true, but goddamn, it's uncanny how similar they are.

>> No.43383634 [View]
File: 1.07 MB, 3000x3364, 1680835249351594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now groveling for even one bit of validation after being told to fuck off
Literally enslaved anon 2.0, holy shit. Pic related was never as relevant as it is now.

>> No.43365656 [View]

You are unironically mentally ill if you think anyone cares to read that or feel pity for you, especially after you made practically every monster girl circle around hate you.
You are not as bad as enslaved anon, you are even more deranged and delusional.

>> No.43345184 [View]

There's a reason for almost every taboo that exists here, I remember how enslaved anon tried to force monster boys when he used to infest these threads.

>> No.43334762 [View]

That's some genuine mental illness on par with enslaved anon to obsessively shit up a thread with nonsense like that

>> No.42794130 [View]

so im a relative newfag but who's enslaved anon? can i just have a qrd.

>> No.42793847 [View]

Yelp I think I stayed long enough in that /v/ thread because it looks like enslaved anon is back fucking around again.

>> No.42767351 [View]
File: 87 KB, 940x720, D62A6F2C-69A6-4E48-94FF-85385E396E65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I’ve already heard about enslaved anon and I get the vibe that enslaved anon might have been a teenager that didn’t belong on 4chan but that’s just me.

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