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Search: "beginner VN"

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>> No.46941989 [View]

>hanahira is unironically great for a beginner VN
it killed the rolling guy (pretty sure he's not the first), and it takes YEARS for people to read it

>very fun moege with slight yuri elements
so it's fucking dogshit, glad we agree

>> No.46941984 [View]

hanahira is unironically great for a beginner VN, very fun moege with slight yuri elements
there are spots that are a bit difficult for a beginner but generally you can read it fresh off core 2k
nekopara is boring as shit though, definitely avoid it and just read the sonohana series instead

>> No.46628179 [View]

lol it took you 3 years to get to n3
also a decent beginner vn will have 1k+ unique kanji, while n5+n4 is only 250, so you have zero idea what you're talking about. you're literally crippling other people because you can't admit you've made a mistake

>> No.46036213 [View]

are there any "beginner" vn's that need a japanese pc emulator?

>> No.46036159 [View]

so... this is the ultimate beginner vn...

>> No.46033708 [View]

dies irae is a good beginner vn.

if u disagree youve never played it

>> No.45991807 [View]

I've read through tae kim once and constantly go back for refreshers and grammar look up and I know less than 1k words. I'm reading beginner VN just fine and it's helped me a lot with getting use to grammar.

>> No.45257137 [View]

The art and music is very good. It's also short and to the point, which is good for beginner VN readers. Most people, especially EOPs, won't ever finish the better stuff like Muramasa or Dies Irae

>> No.44794059 [View]

I'm beginning to think going from a beginner VN to a moderate VN wasn't such a good idea...

>> No.44339934 [View]

Bros i'm finishing my core deck tomorrow and my understanding of grammar is rudimentary at best. Can i jump straight into reading a beginner VN or should i spend a month immersing in anime? So i don't get fucked in the too much.

>> No.43896340 [View]

is azanaeru a good beginner vn?

>> No.43728512 [View]

any advice for a beginner vn when you've just finished a core 2k deck. something easy but a little challenging

>> No.43682593 [View]

The more I think about it, the more I understand a simple fact: being a yurichad is the best thing you can possibly do to learn Japanese. Consider arch-JOP Moogy: yup, he's a yurichad. Me? I'm a yurichad. My friend who's a yurichad is making great progress too, and he's in his first year still. But why is being a yurichad so good, you ask? Consider Hanahira: possibly the easiest visual novel to read ever. The perfect starter VN, in fact. But look then at what the failures, the morons, the ones who liketh not yuri say: "boring", "how can anyone read it"... you get the picture, do you not? But for a real YURICHAD, Hanahira is a fucking masterpiece of cute, fluffy yuri. From Hanahira we can draw a straight line to the based as fuck yuri nukige series Sono Hanabira ni Kuchidzuke wo. This too is a great beginner VN series, and the difficulty is a perfect little step up after breaking your teeth on the gentle shores of Hanahira. But what then, you ask? Well guess what — there is So Much Yuri out there, you cannot fucking believe it, and very little of it is translated, least of all translated well enough for anyone with a hint of prose standards to read. Thus the YURICHAD is compelled to read all his yuri content in Japanese, just as God intended when he made girls gay for each other. Some of my earliest VNs read were yuri doujin VNs, like 80% of the light novels I've read have been yuri, yuri got me to branch out into manga... I'm reading Soukou Akki Muramasa right now, and you know who I thank for that? Fucking Mai and Reo, Sara and Kaede, Adachi and Shimamura, Sorawo and Toriko, Touko and Yuu. If you could only become a YURICHAD, you would see the light. You would learn Japanese. 以上

>> No.43408390 [View]

Is there a recommended chart with untranslated beginner vn ?

>> No.42788771 [View]

recommend a good beginner vn after finishing a core deck

>> No.41059850 [View]

The more I think about it, the more I understand a simple fact: being a yurichad is the best thing you can possibly do to learn Japanese. Consider arch-JOP Moogy: yup, he's a yurichad. Me? I'm a yurichad. My friend who's a yurichad is making great progress too, and he's in his first year still. But why is being a yurichad so good, you ask? Consider Hanahira: possibly the easiest visual novel to read ever. The perfect starter VN, in fact. But look then at what the failures, the morons, the ones who liketh not yuri say: "boring", "how can anyone read it"... you get the picture, do you not? But for a real YURICHAD, Hanahira is a fucking masterpiece of cute, fluffy yuri. From Hanahira we can draw a straight line to the based as fuck yuri nukige series Sono Hanabira ni Kuchidzuke wo. This too is a great beginner VN series, and the difficulty is a perfect little step up after breaking your teeth on the gentle shores of Hanahira. But what then, you ask? Well guess what — there is So Much Yuri out there, you cannot fucking believe it, and very little of it is translated, least of all translated well enough for anyone with a hint of prose standards to read. Thus the YURICHAD is compelled to read all his yuri content in Japanese, just as God intended when he made girls gay for each other. Some of my earliest VNs read were yuri doujin VNs, like 80% of the light novels I've read have been yuri, yuri got me to branch out into manga... I'm reading Soukou Akki Muramasa right now, and you know who I thank for that? Fucking Mai and Reo, Sara and Kaede, Adachi and Shimamura, Sorawo and Toriko, Touko and Yuu. If you could only become a YURICHAD, you would see the light. You would learn Japanese. 以上

>> No.38661900 [View]

gonna go play a beginner vn (with ejaculation button to practice output)

>> No.38661889 [View]

gonna go play a beginner vn (manga on my phone)

>> No.38661879 [View]

gonna go play a beginner vn (anime with japanese subs on auto-pause) smell ya later

>> No.38428927 [View]

been going for a month, decided it's time to start reading. is this bait? is summer pockets a good beginner vn? I know it'll take hundreds of hours from where I'm at but is the level reasonable?

>> No.38401040 [View]

And so, with my mining setup sorted, I started reading my first LN and VN. It definitely wasn't easy at first - despite having a decent understanding of basic grammar from the first 2.5 months of immersing there were still a lot of new grammar points I was having to look up while reading (note: back to the topic in the last section on acquiring grammar, this is how I acquired pretty much all my grammar knowledge from this point onwards - by looking up all grammar points I didn't understand while reading, using either yomichan or an online grammar reference such as DoJG and just being exposed to them a lot in my immersion). Furthermore, I encountered a ton of new vocab that I had not seen before. As a result, I was reading at a very slow pace initially (around 3,000-4,000 characters/hour) because there was a lot of vocab and grammar to look up, plus it often took me a little while to think about a line before fully understanding it and moving on. However, personally I highly recommend this approach to reading of looking up everything you don't know and trying to understand as much as you can before moving on, since, while it may not be the most enjoyable at first, in the process you engage a lot more with the vocab you come across and also gain a better appreciation of the role different grammar patterns you encounter are playing in a sentence. I can attest to the fact that putting in the effort early on and not cutting corners really does pay off. For me, just the fact that I was learning so much new vocab I hadn't seen in my first 2.5 months of learning was enjoyable in and of itself.

Seeing more experienced people than me in the server who were able to read a lot more per day really motivated me (I also came across Doth's reddit post which was another great source of motivation). A few days later I managed to pass the Kotoba N4 quiz on the server, my vocab was pretty much there from the first 2.5 months of immersing but just a few days of reading was enough to solidify it. Halfway through the month I ended up finishing my first LN, and a few days later I also finished my first VN. My reading speed at that point had grown to about 6,000 characters/hour for the LN and 7,000 characters/hour for the VN due to the increased familiarity with reading and a growth in vocab. Continuing on, I then started reading my 2nd LN (just the sequel to the first one I read) as well as beginning my 2nd VN, one called Summer Pockets Reflection Blue. Usually when people ask for recommendations on a beginner VN this is the one I give - it's fairly long (around ~1.1 million characters) but that's good for a beginner as it gives you substantial time to get used to the reading style, the sentences are simple and more than anything it's a brilliant VN (my bias coming in to play there of course but I had a blast with it ).

A great site for getting a rough ballpark figure of how difficult you can expect a certain novel or VN to be is jpdb.io, roughly speaking most VNs rated 4/10 and below for difficulty are beginner-friendly (although there are some exceptions so it can be a good idea to ask in a VN club/experienced people about their thoughts). I began a 9-5 summer job towards the end of June but even so I was spending 5-6 hours reading every day (and slightly more on weekends), my listening immersion time took a drastic drop as a result though . The main reason being that I was just really enjoying the VN I was reading and wanted to keep going. This is what I think is the single most effective way to read more - choose content that highly interests you.

My average immersion time for June was ~7 hours a day. By the end of June, I also fully stopped using JP subs when watching anime and was only mining vocab from LNs and VNs (so I was only using anime for listening immersion). Just around ~1 month after I passed the N4 Kotoba quiz and <2 weeks into reading my second VN Summer Pockets, I managed to pass the N3 Kotoba quiz (although it did take quite a few tries ). I was hugely surprised at how quickly my vocab had managed to grow as a result of reading! By now, I had gotten used to reading Summer Pockets as well and was encountering unknown vocab/grammar a lot less frequently (and it was taking a lot less time to process what I was reading), causing my reading speed for it to grow to 10,000 characters/hour around the beginning of July. The first few weeks of July passed much the same - with me doing my Anki and an hour of listening immersion in the morning, working from 9-5, and then reading for 5-6 hours in the evening. Just before the last week of July I finished my summer job (as it was for a 1 month period) and so decided I'd challenge myself to read more that week. Additionally, I was going to be busier next month so I wanted to immerse as much as possible while I still could.

>> No.38364018 [View]
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1053, Hot_Pockets_Ensemble.original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as well as beginning my 2nd VN, one called Summer Pockets Reflection Blue. Usually when people ask for recommendations on a beginner VN this is the one I give - it's fairly long (around ~1.1 million characters) but that's good for a beginner as it gives you substantial time to get used to the reading style, the sentences are simple and more than anything it's a brilliant VN (my bias coming in to play there of course but I had a blast with it ).

>> No.38363998 [View]
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1053, Hot_Pockets_Ensemble.original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as well as beginning my 2nd VN, one called Summer Pockets Reflection Blue. Usually when people ask for recommendations on a beginner VN this is the one I give - it's fairly long (around ~1.1 million characters) but that's good for a beginner as it gives you substantial time to get used to the reading style, the sentences are simple and more than anything it's a brilliant VN (my bias coming in to play there of course but I had a blast with it ).

wait isn't that the vn anacreon used to always say was the best first vn???

>> No.37332309 [View]
File: 1.48 MB, 1200x675, 1614228637665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you only need 1 "beginner" vn. after you get through that just pick up whatever interests you the most.

and that 1 vn is summer pockets reflection blue

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