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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: moeshit

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>> No.1127909 [View]

enjoy the japanese bubble burst, when moeshit stanks.

>> No.1262794 [View]

sorry bro tsundere, loli, hologram moe, and normal fag. its all the same shit they just dont exploit it as much as other games. If you absolutely hate moeshit umineko would be good

>> No.1823906 [View]

Bow but try not to look like a pushover while doing it, different degrees for different people. Don't try and stand out too much (supress your power level) Japan is a "hammer the nail that sticks out" kind of culture.

Feminine guys are the alpha males in Japan (oddly enough), so go for long hair and maybe some dyes, prepare to waste a FUCKTONNE of money buying clothes if you want to impress the ladies. Japan is cool with people that read manga in public, just avoid reading doujin in public or moeshit.

Most importantly get a Japanese cellphone, its practically the main means of communication. Live secretly with the shame and engage in your hobbies during your free time.

>> No.1887992 [View]

Fuck dat moeshit bro, play some epic GAR visual novel like FSN. Now that's what I call awesome.

>> No.2199408 [View]

Nobody in /jp/ appreciates the kind of Japanese culture that can't be described with the word 'moeshit'.

I watched Dersu Uzala and it was awesome though.

>> No.2218605 [View]

I tried playing everything around, but it's moeshit and pretentious crap.

Type-Moon is the only one that can portray badassery and awesome without sounding some kids cartoon, I've never seen GAR levels so high before. Best thing that ever came out from Japan, hands down.

>> No.2268998 [View]

Dark Saber is much more likable then regular moeshit Saber

>> No.2333118 [View]
File: 294 KB, 840x1200, naruupkids3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys, I have an idea

>I'm pretty sure the logic I was referring to was that /a/ likes anime and loli and Shugo Chara is an anime about a loli, why in the world would they not like it?
Because it's shojo? I thought they were all about GAR and moeshit

>but the moderator cleaned everything up nicely. Fairly grateful for that.
Janitorsan is awesome

>Mika asked. I answered. Simple really.
Stop replying to these things, he's just mad he's getting less attention than you. Even his dedicated hater is paying more attention to you these days too lol

>Maiha is unimportant anyway
>I think the same about Megumi
You just gave yourself in bro

>> No.2456394 [DELETED]  [View]
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>For some reason it reminds me of the casino stage in Sonic 2.
It actually does...

Some new moeshit and pretty decent songs in Are You IOSYS.

>> No.2502130 [View]


they're good adaptations but that doesn't make them any less shitty in terms of the fact they had to go off such terrible source material.

fuck key, fuck melodrama, fuck high school love stories.


fumoffu is by far their best work because it's actually funny. some of their other shows have like, maybe 1 or two funny characters, or moments and stuff but they're buried under piles of shit that it's not worth getting to them

kyo-ani are (sadly) easily the funniest studio in the industry as it stands but they waste their time and effort making moeshit instead.

>> No.2502142 [View]
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You don't belong here.

>> No.2502157 [View]


no, fuck you

90% (probably more) of anime is garbage, even more of you have ridiculously low standards to put up with it, and moeshit garbage (not saying that there aren't other culprits, just this is a good example to pick on) is easily one of the biggest factors towards this as of late. can't stand that crap, slice of life in general is so amazingly boring that it boggles my mind how you can stomach sitting through that shit.

>> No.2508856 [View]
File: 347 KB, 600x853, 4037111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad /jp/ appreciates K-On. All of the threads on /a/ devolve into retarded trolling involving the use of reaction images and the word "moeshit".

>> No.2528228 [View]
File: 1.15 MB, 802x602, 1241166326884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2538432,255 [INTERNAL]  [View]

>just before K-ON aired, I saw a front page full of K-ON threads, and only one of them was actually in support of it. The rest were "THIS SHIT IS OVERHYPED AND /a/ ALREADY LOVES IT!"

Then you see half a dozen "OMG FUCKING KON MOESHIT FLOODING THE BOARD!! WORSE THEN CODE GEASS!!!", and then trolls capitalizing on that and making twice as many of those same threads, and then making even more threads complaining about THOSE threads being "K-ON flooding", and...well, it gets kind of confusing from there. Reminds me too much of Toradora.

And it'll only get worse, because they know how easily /a/ can be manipulated into trolling something into oblivion, or raising it up on a throne, both series completely not deserving it's treatment

>> No.2541790 [View]


Generic MoeShit. Would be an average, forgettable yet mildly enjoyable show if it wasnt for the cancer on /a/ spamming it everywhere and being determined to have 100+ image dumps of it with the 3 minute image post limit.

Same thing with Toradora, some faggots feel the need to have a show to obsess over...

>> No.2541812 [View]

>generic moeshit
Well, I can't argue with two thirds of that statement, but...

>/a/ spamming

... there's your problem right there. Who goes to /a/ anymore?

>> No.2777216 [View]
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1242813474387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Touhou can be anything more than moeshit with decent games

>> No.2824330 [View]

People who like moeshit should just get their balls ripped off.

>> No.2828160 [View]

>Do you guys even watch anime anymore?

A few years ago, I never understood those people who didn't really watch any anime, but read lots of manga. Now... I have become one of them.

But unlike you, OP, I hate moeshit.

>> No.2828429 [View]

What's the next season's moeshit?

>> No.2828501 [View]



...The hell?

>> No.2871737 [View]

>moeshit thread


>> No.2915950 [View]

>better then Chaos;head

no, seriously.

C;H had its epic GAR moments, so it's worth the time. Kira Kira is pure generic moeshit.

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