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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

Search: crossboard

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>> No.363359 [View]

This is what Anonymous really wants.


Crossboard linking to avoid ban from non-worksafe image of Rumia

>> No.410881 [View]

forgot to mention, follow crossboard link to gaze upon the art of Anonymous of Mexico for maid route.
I still have trouble to believe that's out of something I wrote...

>> No.895282 [View]

Crossboard-posting should be instant ban.

>> No.898959 [View]

Yeah, we had like 2 other crossboard portal threads the other day started by some faggot who thought we cared about what /a/.

>> No.1678058 [View]
File: 94 KB, 800x450, 1227845391908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/g/ neckbeards will put down their RAGE shields and offer technical support for the 4chan end user the duration of the thread. I encourage all applicable /g/angsters to join in and consolidate computers and lolicon into one thread.

>> No.1737760 [View]

ugh crossboard faggotry

>> No.1749857 [View]

Reported for shitposting. /jp/ doesn't play your shitty crossboard butthurt gaems.

gb2/a/ niggers, /jp/ doesn't care what /a/ says or does

>> No.1839571 [View]


You can cross-link to /jp/ now? I guess moot was trying to make the trial boards crossboard linkable and fucked up.

>> No.1848809 [View]

Hey this crossboard flaming is fun. lets invite /v/ since it is game related?

>> No.2002363 [View]

Dude, you failed your crossboard troll.

>> No.2238990 [View]

cool crossboard-posting script bro

>> No.2562639 [View]

Reported for starting crossboard rivalry.

>> No.2572948 [View]

Reported for crossboard faggotry.
Keep your /a/ shit in /a/.
We dont give a damm.

>> No.2592747 [View]

Reported for meta and crossboard faggotry.
Go back to //a/ and take athens with you.

>> No.2645184 [View]

Reported for crossboard faggotry and spam.
Enjoy your ban bro.

>> No.2770358 [View]

>Most of the time when there's a thread on 2chan about 4chan, its a troll from 4chan with a Japanese proxy who wants to make a thread about it on 4chan.

but not always. There was an awesome crossboard thread about Saki in 4chan/a/ and futaba/may two weeks ago. Both threads hit the 250+ reply mark, and both Toshiaki and Anonymous greatly enjoyed the stupid discussion.

>> No.2982130 [View]

sage and reported for crossboard trolling.

>> No.2985804 [View]
File: 89 KB, 641x481, eventhebulletsareshootingbullets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, /jp/. Crossboard /k/ommando here.
Some time ago, I asked you about Touhou and you've recommended me to start with PCB.
I finally got the time to try it. (I'll skip the part where I tried to figure out how to shoot, it's kind of embarassing.)

1. When I played for the first time (first time after discovering the Z button), I got my ass handed to me by Letty. Twice. I was ashamed, but clicked on "continue". Then Chen appeared and kicked the shit out of my remaining 3 continues even before using a spellcard. I felt horrible.

2. A hour and half later, I thought was getting into it, but Youmu... vaporized me. I suppose the way to play this is in a ... strange eyeview, where you are aware of the speed and move pattern of nearest threats. A few times I managed to achieve this for a moment and succesfully evade patterns that would kill me otherwise, but ... my head hurts. Will practice help or I'm doomed to failure?

3. I know this is a stupid question, but are they other control buttons than Z, X and Shift? Also, is moving focused most of the time better or should I refrain from getting used to it? And is there any way to practice later levels after lvl. 4 without starting a new game? I mean, the practice mode lets me play lvl. 1-3 (I think), but now I need to practice evading Youmu's patterns.

4. It's mindfucking. I thought it would be, but the fact that sometimes about 70% of screen is filled with big and little shiny things whose only purpose is to either kill me or block my way and get me killed by something else is driving me paranoid.

Also, is there only one bomb "type" (homing / rapidfire) for each character, or am I missing something?

Thanks for answering another bunch of stupid questions.

>> No.2990507 [View]


Reported for crossboard rivalry faggotry.
OP just stay in /a/ for good.

>> No.3097302 [View]
File: 138 KB, 599x480, 1242708806616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reported for starting crossboard rivalry.
Enjoy your ban.

>> No.3411794 [View]

This proves only retarded people follow crossboard links.

>> No.3412251 [View]
File: 184 KB, 525x514, 8974ba32d8c617a9a4ccf4021260b96a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossboard attack... as annoying as it is, at least it's being kept to one thread.

>> No.3412305 [View]

Crossboard thread 2?

>> No.3415447 [View]

Thanks for pointing that out, faggot. Enjoy your ban for crossboard invasion.

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