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>> No.13854397 [View]

He said that yuri exists in his setting, it's just not what he chooses to focus on because it's not to his taste. He prefers to focus on bisexual because that's his preference. But he has said that yuri exists in the setting all the same, and alludes to it rarely.

He's not like you who insists that because you don't like it, it doesn't exist.

If you don't like it, fine. If you want it kept out of these threads, fine. But quit with the "It shouldn't be allowed because KC said so!", because it's not true, and even if it was, it'd be a beyond bullshit reason.

>> No.13791816 [View]

>"Can't self insert as dude that gets to fuck those girls so I quit"
That's a dumb reasoning IMO, but otaku gonna be otaku.
>"I don't understand the combat and can't be arsed to make an effort
It's not that complicated, but battle was just a bit buggy back then. But not complicated by any means, really.

I think my count was off for KC because I was thinking of ship ID number in that game, rather than the actual number of unit in there.

>> No.13718827 [View]

Still wrong. A caterpillar is terrible because it specifies a singular path with one outcome. A disease is perfect because it has many stages and can be stopped in the middle of any of them. The progressive transformation caused by DE in any creature really parallels diseases more than anything.

And stages have always been slang for different parts of the alping process, parts that KC specified. You thinking that it was considered official wording and trying to argue it from that point of view is why you get laughed at.

If you really looked at what KC wrote, you'd see that what people call Stage 2 is a parallel to the lesser succubus and the Stage 3 is a regular succubus. So if you were less autistic, you would quit going "Actually there's no such things as paladins in MGE. Show me the line where the word paladin is used." every time the subject came up and try to push that threadcanon angle instead, lesser alps and alps.

>> No.13547420 [View]

I would rather play without any data guide whatsoever than use fucking KCV
Actually, I would rather quit KC than use KCV

>> No.12961040,75 [INTERNAL]  [View]

I fucking told you he was some slovak, but nooo.

(17:45:54)  » Join: Volphied370 ‹~swordbrea@FBC4C6BD.DE59D118.8675FD90.IP›
(17:45:54)  » ChanServ ‹+v› Volphied370
(17:46:37) ‹+nikka› sup slovakia
(17:46:40) ‹+fsdfdsf› I don't have it
(17:47:13) ‹groteskgrigor› slovakia? you think im from slovakia?
(17:47:42) ‹+nikka› not you

(12:08:29) ‹+Volphied370› Your thinking is no different from those ´savages´
(12:08:40) ‹+nikka› dont you have somme gypsies to remove slovakia?

(14:29:42) ‹+Volphied370› IT'S OVER, 4CHAN IS DEAD https://boards.4chan.org/q/res/230316
(14:31:40) ‹+Kazisho› Lol, I noticed it the other day.
(14:33:22)  » Quit: Seem ‹~kc@Rizon-E558F731.static.internode.on.net› ‹Ping timeout: 240 seconds›
(14:34:59) ‹+nikka› 504 Gateway Time-out
(14:34:59) ‹+nikka› cloudflare-nginx
(14:35:05) ‹+nikka› oh u slovakia

(15:04:42) » Join: Volphied370 (~swordbrea@7CAFC54D.1B80A139.5A0B3BE5.IP)
(15:04:42) » ChanServ (+v) Volphied370
(15:04:47) +nikka: slovakija
(15:04:58) +nikka: sup
(15:04:59) +nikka: \

(12:22:18) +McNuggets: New Orleans is nothing but ringing bells and the occasional crowd cheer right now. Can't wait for them to announce the name and make the official presentation.
(12:22:40) +Volphied370: so is here in Slovakia
(12:24:07) +Volphied370: bells going crazy

Feb 20 11:57:32 <Volphied370> I switch between this liveblog and the one on sme.sk (which is in slovak)

(08:15:54) ‹+Volphied370› Gamefreak is always /vp/ related.
(08:22:09) ‹+nikka› sup slovakia
(08:23:48) ‹+Volphied370› hi

(14:31:25)  » Quit: +Volphied370 ‹~swordbrea@Rizon-2A9957C5.chello.sk› ‹Quit: Volphied370›
(14:31:46) ‹+nikka› gb slovakia
(14:31:48) ‹+nikka› gn

>> No.12869407 [View]

I think I'd just quit and go work somewhere less shit
I have no reason to believe amazon's femdom is limited to being on top. Again, both KC and actual history point to domestic abuse being both common and ENCOURAGED.

>> No.12714511 [View]

It sounds like you're claiming you have a superior enough willpower to kill yourself, yet simultaneously are too weak-willed to be imprisoned (if you could even call it that) and fight for freedom, or battle wills with the Amazoness to change her mind, etc. If potentially losing a few freedoms is enough to make you give up and quit life, your willpower is far too weak to let you kill yourself.

The only exception is if you're being tortured to the point that death is the "easier" way out... but just being used for sex and having to do kitchen work is something millions of women have put up with for millennial without killing yourself, so I don't see it as something to drive humans to suicide.

Well, we are talking about the Amazoness specifically. I don't recall any other major sources that use a tribal succubus of great stature as a canon MG. And if you're proposing we ignore him and instead use our own headcanon, you paradoxically defeat your own argument: headcanon rather than KC canon means an Amazoness can be super submissive and meek if we want it to be so in our head. It's effectively impossible to be imprisoned in your headcanon unless you really want to be.

>> No.12413933 [View]

>Then people need to quit posting about when he makes those asinine remarks too.
What, we don't like it so we need to bury our heads in the sand now? We've cried the river, now lets build a bridge and get over it. As I mentioned earlier, we waifufy even the darker profiles, so KC's Q&A nerfs serve to provide some consistency in that regard. They aren't even entirely bad, though all of us aren't on the same page.

You're probably right that we'd complain less with more to talk about, but there have been periods where pages were added almost frequently. You can't expect the guy to keep the steam up all the time, this can't even be his main job. There's a flip side to those updates, too: just look at Kejurou or however you spell that. That page is so bland anything KC does would probably be an improvement.

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